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  1. Fwr-media, more than one week gone... still no help... :huh:
  2. Dear FWR Media I attached Russian and Polish translations of auctions_general.php You can download it here Sincerely, FireFix
  3. For a while have put: // BOF: User defined var $rowsPerPage = 1000000; // EOF: User Defined Awaiting for the answer. Thank you.
  4. Dear FWR Media Thank you for your help with product_info&action_show=1 but now I faced another problem because of that. When in product_info.php?products_id=44&page=[WRONG or NO NUMBER]&auction_show=1 the information about auction date, bids and so on is missing. I was searching for SQL code where you using $pagenum, but couldn't find. Please let me know how I can remove &page. I think product id is more than enough to show auction info. Thank you in advance.
  5. FWR Media, Thank you so much! :) And for great contrib as well!
  6. If someone interested I've done my second question: Now each customer must have money on his account to get involved into auction. Here is the solution: 1. Install in upgrade mode Account Balance (gift certificate redemption) contribution. 2. edit /includes/modules/auctions/auction_bids.php after: <!-- FWR START AUCTIONS CODE //--> <?php !tep_not_null($this->auctions['auctions'][$this->auctionKey]->auctions_high_cust) ? $highcust = "0" : $highcust = $this->auctions['auctions'][$this->auctionKey]->auctions_high_cust; add: //--------------balance checkout $products_customer_balance = "SELECT c.customers_id, customers_account_balance FROM " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " c, " . TABLE_AUCTIONS_BIDS . " ab," . TABLE_AUCTIONS . " ap WHERE c.customers_id = ab.customers_id"; $products_query = tep_db_query($products_customer_balance); $rows = 0; if( tep_db_num_rows($products_query) > 0 ){ while ($products = tep_db_fetch_array($products_query)) { $rows++; if (strlen($rows) < 2) { $rows = '0' . $rows; } $bala = $products['customers_account_balance']; } } // echo $bala; //--------------end of balance checkout Then after: function validate(form) { Add: //----balance chekout if(<?php echo round($bala,0); ?> < <?php echo "300"; ?>){ alert('<?php echo AUCTIONS_BALANCE_TOO_LOW; ?>'); return false; } //----end of balance checkout Define your message in /includes/modules/auctions/languages/<your language>/auctions_general.php by adding: define('AUCTIONS_BALANCE_TOO_LOW', 'Not enough money (for instance) '); But I still didn't find solution for my first problem. Any help appreciated.
  7. I want always &auction_show=1 even if you click on product from index.php Thank you.
  8. Thank you for your answer. But at least can you help me with question number 1 please?
  9. If anyone can help it would be very appreciated! 1. I want to disable product info without auction. I see on the link by clicking on product &auction_show=1. Please tell me where I can do that (in index.php i suppose) 2. I have installed Account Balance (gift certificate redemption) So I have account balance for each customer. Please explain me how to make following: I want to allow to bid customer if he got some money on account. There is new field in Customers table called customers_account_balance, so I want to allow to bid only if customers_account_balance>something otherwise he gets a message that he's balance is insufficient. Thanks in advance!
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