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Everything posted by thejudge99

  1. you dont have the CURL php extension - both facebook and google need it. PS. facebook.php and base_facebook.php are part of facebook API and are not coded by me
  2. log out will log you out of oscommerce - not facebook or google - ie once logged in - oscomemrce handles everything thereafter.
  3. yes that means youve no date of birth given in your google account ( birthday is a recent addition to google plus) and the script is adhering to my default oscommerce settings - ie DOB is required
  4. download link http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8509 Demo http://ocraw.conzept.de/login.php
  5. Social login with facebook / google support thread Ive written a Login module - one that doesnt first pass customer infomation on to a third party . Using Facebook 3.1.1 OAuth 2.0 Google Oauth 2.0 The scripts will automatically log existing customers ( providing email + first + lastname are the same) or automatically sign up new customers. Someone attempting to signup / login with an existing email that has different first / last names will fail. Contribution link comes soon
  6. theres code missing from the instructions but if you look in the supplied admin/categories.php you will find the missing code - cant remeber off hand where it is but its between some <tr> tags
  7. the version i downloaded ( for 2.3.1) had the above mentioned probs ( the ///////// injection) and my fix was simply to revert that part back to the default 2.3.1 way of saving + outputing the description. Dont know why your products_tabs.php is different - maybe yours is from an older package? The P tags should really be left there ( nothing to do with oscommerce - just general HTML) - another fix if you dont like the spacing would be to add some extra CSS - something like p{ padding:0px; margin:0px; } of course tweaked to be more specific to your own layout
  8. 2.3.1 tep_db_prepare_input looks like this function tep_db_prepare_input($string) { if (is_string($string)) { return trim(tep_sanitize_string(stripslashes($string))); } elseif (is_array($string)) { reset($string); while (list($key, $value) = each($string)) { $string[$key] = tep_db_prepare_input($value); } return $string; } else { return $string; } } extra sanitize with the stripslashes ps. it is a super addon - but some of the instructions in the 2.3.1 version are not fully working - including this part.
  9. ive had a look and it seems to perform tep_sanitize_string(stripslashes($string) on everything passed to it - which no doubt performs further filtering
  10. this is the default way that 2.3.1 does it - i assume that tep_db_prepare_input ( never actually had a look what it does ) provides all the needed filtering to make it safe. Jules
  11. @@borhunt in admin/categories.php change 'products_description' => addslashes( tep_db_input( $_POST['products_description'][$language_id] ) ), to 'products_description' => tep_db_prepare_input( $HTTP_POST_VARS['products_description'][$language_id] ), and in includes/modules/products_tabs.php echo stripslashes( tep_sanitize_html( html_entity_decode( stripslashes( $product_info[ 'products_description' ] ) ) ) ); to echo stripslashes( $product_info[ 'products_description' ] ); Jules
  12. id's can only be used once , and you have more than 1 element with id="tdb1". This is generally replaced with a class ie. class="tbd1" - as a single class can be used multiple times without error. This will only work of course if the said id="tbd1" isnt being referenced by something else - ie javascript- if it is you need to change its reference to work with the class. This is however more of a html problem than an oscommerce one. Jules
  13. Hi ilyadgonbad this addon is written for 2.3.1 - i pressume you're trying it for an older version , one that doesnt have this function. If that is the only error you have you could try hard coding the complette URL <!-- start Product Fields group tab --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="PATH_TO_MY_CSS/ext/jquery/ui/redmond/jquery-ui-1.8.19.custom.css"> <!-- end Product Fields group tab --> where PATH_TO_MY_CSS is probably "catalog" - having never used an older version cannot say if that is the case. If you do indeed have other errors then i would suggest upgrading your oscommerce. Jules
  14. Hi cortezwa - thnx for the feedback. Ive updated the addon with this this missing step. http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8247 Jules
  15. Hi cortezwa, nice catch - seems i missed a step from my 1.3 install instruction - namely the opening form tag I will update the addon tomorrow but for now. in admin/categories.php find $categories_count = 0; $rows = 0; if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['search'])) { insert ABOVE //start Product Fields groups 1.3 if($HTTP_GET_VARS['action'] =="pfg_change"){ echo tep_draw_form('products_fields_groups_update', FILENAME_CATEGORIES, 'cPath=' . $cPath . (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['pID']) ? '&pID=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['pID'] : '') . '&action=pfg_update', 'post', 'enctype="multipart/form-data"'); } //end Product Fields groups 1.3 pls let me know if the batch update now works Jules
  16. Hi ja1nsa im not 100% sure what u are asking - but it looks like you need some modifications to the options part - whcih my addon does not do - it simply makes use of the options as a means to create extra fields. Assuming you have the backend part working - ie you are able to create/ add extra fields to products then you can show these extra fields in a variety of ways that are included in the contribution - with a little knowlede of php / html the added code within product_info.php could be changed to fit / meet personal needs based on layout.
  17. Hi srira Look at your own source code - the reviews tab should look something like this <li><a href="/product_reviews_pfg.php?Tc=3&products_id=19" title="Reviews" >Reviews (14)</a></li> where /product_reviews_pfg.php?Tc=3&products_id=19 is being loaded by ajax - what you can then try is www.MYDOMAIN.COM/product_reviews_pfg.php?Tc=3&products_id=19 which should show nothing else but the 1st page of reviews ( Tc= the no of tabs minus reviews.) the url at the end should be what you see in your own source. If you get a 404 error then make sure you have uploaded product_reviews_pfg.php my test site looks like this http://ocraw.conzept.de/product_reviews_pfg.php?Tc=3&products_id=19 ( <- click) Jules
  18. Ive tested by simply uploading the original product_listing.php - overwriting my modified version - and it works fine - no SQL errors ( my only concern) - the modified version simply shows all groups with the same " Group" together - the original will work fine too - although i dont think my changes will be too hard to implent with other layouts. Jules
  19. Hi ja1nsa The product listing changes ( 16) are not needed , but i it could be that any SQL modifications done ( search , manufacturer listing etc) might also need to be left out - i cannot say right this second if that is the case. The additions to product_info.php (14) are pretty flexible - the tabs - the extra fields. These can be placed pretty much anywhere - the wrapping HTML can also easily be changed to fit whatever layout you use. Jules
  20. Here is a small database update that fixes a product listing bug which showed a double column effect for products not yet attached ( or unattached) to a group. BACKUP your products database before running update products set products_fields_group_id = 0 where products_fields_group_id is NULL; ALTER TABLE products CHANGE products_fields_group_id products_fields_group_id INT( 11)NULL DEFAULT'0'; it basically replaces all groups set as NULL to 0 Jules
  21. Hi Lachrize - its really easy to add more custom tabs - both using ajax or have the content already on the page embedded. in catalog/product_info.php <!---Generate the tabs--> <ul> <? while($results_tms_count_query = tep_db_fetch_array($groups_tms_count_query)){ ?> <li><a href="#tabs-<? echo $tms_count; ?>" ><? echo $results_tms_count_query['products_options_name']?></a></li> <? $tms_count++; } ?> <li><a href="/product_reviews_pfg.php?Tc=<? echo (int)$groups_tms_count?>&products_id=<? echo (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id']?>" title="<? echo IMAGE_BUTTON_REVIEWS ;?>" ><? echo IMAGE_BUTTON_REVIEWS . (($reviews['count'] > 0) ? ' (' . $reviews['count'] . ')' : '') ;?></a></li> </ul> <!--- End Generate the tabs--> and after this line of code <li><a href="/product_reviews_pfg.php?Tc=<? echo (int)$groups_tms_count?>&products_id=<? echo (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id']?>" title="<? echo IMAGE_BUTTON_REVIEWS ;?>" ><? echo IMAGE_BUTTON_REVIEWS . (($reviews['count'] > 0) ? ' (' . $reviews['count'] . ')' : '') ;?></a></li> you could insert another <li></li> containing the the link to the new content. ie <li><a href="/custom_content.php" title="my new content" >TAB_NAME</a></li> This would automatically load custom_content.php via ajax when the tab is clicked. or if you want the content already on the page embedded - so google has its contents to scan without following links. <li><a href="#my-new-content" >TAB_NAME</a></li> then after <div id="<? echo IMAGE_BUTTON_REVIEWS ;?>"></div> insert <div id="my-new-content">here is my content that i want to show in my new tab</div> Jules
  22. upgrade 1.3 is ready http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8247 as well as the reviews integration - it also allows batch group changes @ Admin (Categories / Products). Jules
  23. Im working on another update which will automatically add a "Reviews" tab to any product attached to a group with Tabs ativated. Working demo can be found here ( stil a few kinks to sort out) http://ocraw.conzept.de/theres-something-about-mary-p-19.html
  24. Hi Probegtze , this addon doesnt effect the attributes part and how they currently work - what it does is make an extra use of them to create extra fields. You could in theory use this to create unique groups for each unique combination - not sure how many you have . eg. lets say you want to group colours ( assuming for example you have the colors red + black). you could create groups called group_red - would contain length , diameter , color group_black - would contain again length , diameter , color. Attaching all products that are red to group_red Attaching all that are black to group_black. Now attach color to the Listing sort for each group. And your product listings will be grouped together by color - showing the color in the listing. Lets say instead with Length Group_length3-6 would contain again length , diameter , color. Group_length9-12 would contain again length , diameter , color. attach all products that have length 3-6 inches to Group_length3-6 attach all products that have length 9-12 inches to Group_length9-12 attach length for both these groups to the L.sort - and voila the listings are grouped by length showing length in the listing view. This can be further customized how you see fit
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