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Everything posted by larryjam

  1. Thanks for the reply. i don't have a page cache contribution, but I do have a "Cache" option in the admin panel. And I also have several cache options under Configuratin / Seo Urls: Enable SEO cache to save queries? true Enable product cache? true Enable categories cache? true Enable manufacturers cache? true Enable articles cache? true Enable topics cache? true Enable information cache? true Enable link directory cache? true These are all the default settings Larry
  2. Could someone please help with this problem. I have the same problem and I don't know what's wrong. When a fresh customer first arrives and the sid is present, if the first link a customer clicks on is products "details" link the resulting url is this: http://www.mysite.com/save-decal-p-220?osCsid.html instead of http://www.mysite.com/save-decal-p-220.html clicking on it results in an error 404 page not found. It doesn't happen once the sid is gone.My .htaccess file is exactly what was provided with Ultimate Seo Also I have noticed that if a customer is not logiged in and adds a product to the cart and proceeds to checkout, they are asked to login, but after they do they are redirected back to index.php instead of continuing through the check out process. Thank You Larry
  3. I would not install anything but Ultimate SEO URLs Version 2.1d - Chemo's ORIGINAL updated - by Jack_mcs - 23 Nov 2008 http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/2823 It is what most people recommend and it works
  4. I found an excellent meta tag contribution that works with my setup. I have installed the latest version of SEO Header Tags by GemRock. It is working fine. I do have conserns about my "session id". When a new user fires arrives at the site, they first link they click generates a session id in the url. Will this be indexed by Google? Is there a way to prevent google from indexing the url? Is there a way to turn off the session id, or is it a necessary evil?
  5. I have no idea why, but it is surely your session id converted incorrectly. I think it should output as /whey-gold-french-p-4292.html?osCsid and a bunch on numbers on the end.
  6. Hello, I am using osCommerce v2.2 RC2a with Ultimate SEO URLs Version 2.1d ORIGINAL updated - by Jack_mcs - 23 Nov 2008. I am looking for a simple and compatible meta tag contribution. Will this work for me? If so which version should I use. Thanks Larry
  7. I have Ultimate SEO URls v 2.1d ORIGINAL updated - by Jack_mcs - 23 Nov 2008 set up and running. Thank you for the contribution. It was a very easy install with no problems. I had spent days installing and uninstalling other version which I was unable to do successfully. This was easy, and it works. THANK YOU. I also have Google XML Sitemap Feed v 1.3 - by Chemo. This was another simple install. THANKS AGAIN. My question is could someone please advise me which meta tag contribution would be simple to install and compatible? There are so many I am confused as to which one (and which version). I am using osCommerce v2.2 RC2a Thank You Larry
  8. Thanks scott I was installing Product Attributes Sort Order v1.8 The only problem I had with the installation was Step 1 modifing In catalog/product_info.php The install instructions say to Find this: REPLACE with this: My problem is because I have Special Pricing Per Customer installed the code I need to change is not exactly the same, my code on line 219 of my product_info.php looks like this I tried to make the change keeping the extra code for SPPC on the end, it seem to work when I went into the admin control panel, until I tried to clone an attribut from one product to another, that is when the error ocurred in the admin panel, If this is too confusing, it might be easier for you if I just gave you my original product_info.php file, let me know if you want me to post it. Thanks
  9. There is also an error on my I think the problem is that I have Separate Pricing Per Customer Installed (Step 1) My product_info.php page is different at line 219 I don't know php but I did my best effort to apply the changes but something is work, could you take a look please Scott
  10. Yes same problem, not identical but very similar Can you help us Scott?
  11. Help Please! I have Estimated Shipping Cost installed on my site. It was working fine until I made some changes in admin panel, now it does not work unless the customer is logged in to their account. I am receiving the message If the customer is logged into the account if works fine. The changes I made in the admin panel were to the Admin > Configuration > Sessions > I made changes to "Recreate Session" and "Prevent Spider Sessions". I do not remember what the original settings were because I have changed them several times trying to get it working. They are now both set at true, but it doesn't seem to matter what I change them to it doesn't work unless customer is logged in. I do not have the contribution in a pop-up window, it is on the "shopping_cart.php" page You can see the site live at www dot junglefenderflares dot com
  12. Jeff, I have have nothing set in the paypal "Instant Payment Notifcation" I do not have a ipn.php file, so I have nothing there, it is disabled. However in the "Website Payment Preferences" I have Auto Return turned on and the url set to www.mysite.com/checkout_process.php I set a product price for $1.00 and tested it. The purchase was successfull and I was automatically return to my site, it clicked through checkout_process.php (to update the order from Preparing to Processing, and I landed and checkout_success.php. I received a receipt from the shop, and a receipt from Paypal. I noticed that if I go through to the PayPal page and do not make the purchase, the order remains in my admin panel with the "No Order History Available" where the status appears.
  13. I am using Paypal Website Payments standard, I am using your guide to setup my account at Paypal. Your guide says I do not have an ipn.php file What do I need to set the auto return to?
  14. I did use this option with Paypal IPN, the item details were passed with IPN but the shipping and taxes were not calculated properly. Is it possible to use "Itemized with with Paypal Website Payments Standard? I do not have the option in the admin control panel.
  15. Yes, but I have since changed back, at first glance it worked, the product details was passed to paypal but it did not display the taxes properly. I gather because the contribution is for v2.2MS2 I am using v2.2 RC2a. I decided it was easier to just have the total passed with the taxes and shipping calculated properly.
  16. Thank you Randy, I have it installed and the individual items are being passed and dislayed on the paypal page. Thank you for your help Larry
  17. That's all well and good, but I would think that the customer would like to be sure of what he is purchasing before he makes the payment. The cart should pass the product details to paypal.
  18. Thanks for the suggestion, but it did not work. It still does not display the product details. Could it be that becuause I am not using a secure connection that it does not pass the product details?
  19. Hi Randy These are my settings in Modules > Payments > Paypal Website Payments Standard
  20. Ok, I think I have done it. WOW I am so excited. All I dd was add all the code you posted above, I had no idea where to put it near the top. This is what my canpar.php looks like now It seems to be working ok. Please take a look at the code to make sure it is correct. Thank You for taking the time to help me EWW. I appreciate it.
  21. Thanks for your help eww. I tried what you suggested but the code you quoted is not in the capar.php file. I do not know the first thing about php, but I would be able to paste the code you suggested but the other code is not there. I have included the php file, if you or anyone else could help me with this I would appreciate it. Thank You
  22. I really need some help here. Is there no one who can help me fiqure this out. I do not know why the product details are not showing up on Paypal.
  23. I believe we are having the same problem. See my post for help here http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=327099 Like you I have not had any response to my post. I posted on the Paypal site for help but they said it was not the way the shopping cart was supposed to work, and that I should seek help here. I cannot believe that others have their carts set up this way. If someone could please help us to understand what we are doing wrong. If you find a solution, please post it here so myself and others can correct out sites.
  24. Is there no one else using the Canpar Shipping Module? I really could use some help here. Canpar does not provide international shipping services. I only need to to be available to customers in Canada. If it is not possible please let me know. Thank You
  25. From what I understand you must be logged into to developer central for the sandbox testing to work. You were taken to the login page only because you were not logged in.
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