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Everything posted by DavidR

  1. I installed this on MS1 and it works fine except that the time doesn't show on the down page. I checked and the problem seems to be here: tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " set configuration_value = '" . tep_db_input($configuration_value) . "', last_modified = '" . NOW . "' where configuration_id = '" . tep_db_input($cID) . "'"); I know I am going to feel stupid, but can someone tell me where the value of "NOW" is coming from? I can't find a function anywhere to match it. I thought I saw a thread on this but the crazy forum search won't let me search on any variation of "NOW" :(. Thanks. David
  2. Yes, I agree. The monthly sales/tax contribution is great. Maybe the version 2 of the other was created to address you concerns. It's still very confusing in the contributions list, but that list is always confusing :shock:. David
  3. The second one I listed "Sales Report 2" does have a drop-down box to filter on the order status. I guess I should try to email the author and just ask what the differences are. Is there another sales report contribution that I missed, a better one perhaps? David
  4. I thought that too but the files seem substantially different. Maybe Charly can clarify :lol:. David
  5. There seem to be two contributions by the same person (Charly Wilhelm) with similar dates and names. One is: Sales Report http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,524 and the other is: Sales Report 2 http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,953 I installed the latter, thinking it was probably an updated version of the former, but I'm not sure. Can anyone tell me (Charly?) if these are two different animals? Is one better than the other? I know I saw references to a graph but Sales Report 2 doesn't seem to have this. I searched but came up empty. Thanks! David
  6. It's admin/includes/local/config.php I am talking about, I am running 2.2 MS1 :D. I will look at the link you gave me (how did I miss that faq?). If anyone else has a comment on this specifically, I appreciate the help! David
  7. In the readme located in admin/includes/local, I find: I thought I read something about this but only as a passing comment about an earlier version of osc. I ran into it again because the Image Resize 1.2 contrib says to add things to local/config.php. Can someone explain the concept behind this file (and folder?) and if it is still used? Should I copy my application_top.php file over to includes/local and rename it to config.php, then make changes there instead of the original application_top.php? Thanks. David
  8. Yes! Fully modified and working great. Thanks to both of you for your help :bigups:. David
  9. Thank you both. I have it running now with the new query from Ivan and the options fix from Druide. Ivan, I would like to implement the options fix you mentioned for line 413, but I can't seem to figure out just where to place it. Wherever I try I come up with various odd errors. Could you tell me exactly where it goes and/or what code it replaces? I appreciate the help very much! I like the idea of not displaying anything in the price field if there is not price change for the option. The code you mentioned is: while ($products_options_values = tep_db_fetch_array($products_options)) { $products_options_array[] = array('id' => $products_options_values['products_options_values_id'], 'text' => $products_options_values['products_options_values_name'], 'price_id' => $products_options_values['products_options_values_id'], 'text2' => $products_options_values['options_values_price']); if(SHOW_OPTIONS_PRICE) { $option_value =($products_options_values['options_values_price'] != '0' ? ' [ '.$products_options_values['price_prefix'] . $currencies->display_price($products_options_values['options_values_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($print_catalog_array['tax_class_id'])) .' ]' : '' ) ; } $w=$this->GetStringWidth($products_options_values['products_options_values_name'])+2; David
  10. Thanks Druide, it's not your change that did it :D. I just started messing with the attributes display when I saw your post so it's the fact that I have added an attribute that started the error. I was just tracking that "products_options_sort_order" field down when I read your post. My Products Attributes table doesn't have this (ends with field #6). Was this removed recently? Anyone have any ideas on how to adapt this contribution further to fit? Also, I may just be green but doesn't this 0+pov.products_options_values_name at the end of line 417 look a little odd? David
  11. Wow, I don't know what happened. With or without the fix from Druide, I get the following error when clicking on the pdf icon after adding an atttribute to the product: Any ideas? Did another field change somewhere for MS1? David
  12. I installed the excellent datasheet maker contribution and used the corrected instructions in the second posted readme, but still had trouble. From the readme I had to change the following: /catalog/product_info.php add <?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PDF_DATASHEET, 'products_id=' . $product_info_values['products_id']) .'" target="_self">' . tep_image('pdf/pdf.gif') .'</a>'; ?> to this (notice the product_info_values changes to product_info) /catalog/product_info.php add <?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PDF_DATASHEET, 'products_id=' . $product_info['products_id']) .'" target="_self">' . tep_image('pdf/pdf.gif') .'</a>'; ?> where you want the pdf icon to appear. I didn't see any mention of this anywhere when I searched. I am using MS1 after being away from OSC for a bit. I love this contribution! Is this variable part of a change just for MS1 or did it just happen sometime in the last few months? David
  13. I've barely started getting comfortable with running OSC as a test project but I want to write a current contribution for PlugNPay using CVV. I'm relatively new to the whole opensource idea so excuse me if I am asking the obvious :? . Do I just dig in and look at some other post 11/2002 payment contributions for pointers or is there a spec for the new checkout format or what? If I get in too deep I might pay or barter for the mod but either way I would like to contribute. Thanks for any pointers. David
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