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Everything posted by smiler99

  1. Steve, I am getting lots of vosits from users who have SIMBAR in their user agent, from what i have read it appears that these users have some sort of malware/adware on their system. Should i be concerned in any way, should i block any user with SIMBAR in their user agent.
  2. gbot picks up this spider - line 27 in spiders.txt (presuming you havnt changed the order of the bots from the original file). my Whos online registers User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm) as a bot Smiler
  3. hi, I have googlefeeder running perfectly and have for some time, all products list ok, and a couple are actually listed within the top 3 for my keywords, however i have noticed that the url's generated are https:// - i have ssl so the url's are valid, however i would prefer normal url's as my standard store pages and google sitemap etc dont use ssl (ssl only used for checkout etc.) Question 1. how can i rectify this Question 2. should i rectify this question 3. is there any bennefit either way ? thanks
  4. Hi, whilst waiting for a reply to the above query, i have manually entered the defines in filenames.php I think i have spotted a bug. Here is section from Headertags.php, after i had run Add missing Pages // Marble-Fireplaces-West-Yorkshire.php case (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) === FILENAME_MARBLE-FIREPLACES-WEST-YORKSHIRE): $header_tags_array = tep_header_tag_page(FILENAME_MARBLE-FIREPLACES-WEST-YORKSHIRE); break; As you can see above the filename i have used is Marble-Fireplaces-West-Yorkshire.php when headertags creates its code as above, it also uses the hyphen within its defined name, however the hyphen is being seen as a 'Minus' sign as it is coloured blue, this stops headertags matching this define with the entry in filenames.php (hope that makes sense) ? If i change the above to FILENAME_MARBLE_FIREPLACES_WEST_YORKSHIRE and also change the filename.php to FILENAME_MARBLE_FIREPLACES_WEST_YORKSHIRE everything works ok and the tags show as they should instead of the default tags which get used as headertag cannot find a match in filenames.php.
  5. hi, Add Missing Pages. When clicked, Header Tags adds the pages to Page control, which also means they are correctly recorded in Headertags.php, however the defined names used to check the page name dont appear in Filenames.php, is headertags supposed to add entries in Filenames.php or do i have to add all my pages in Filenames.php myself ?
  6. Hi, Sorry if this is a lame question, and i have read through this thread and either missed any potential similar questions or it hasnt been asked. How do i add new pages?, i have lots of my own pages i have created, which all are defined in filenames.php and are picked up in headertags contrib without issue, but seo sitemap does not pick them up and does not list them when viewing sitemap.php, they are not boxes (which incidentally do get picked up if i create new boxs)
  7. To answer my own question (and create a solution) - I have created a new allarticles.php file which is a significantly modified and merged copy of the Articles.php / article_listing_box.php files , the code below should be saved as atriclesall.php and saved to catalog\includes\boxes - then add standard STS require tags in sts_column_left.php i.e. require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'articlesall.php'); $sts->restart_capture ('allarticlesbox', 'box'); place the sts tag $allatriclesbox wherever you would like to show a complete list of the headers for all your articles. Could the experts take a look at this to ensure it is correct - and is this worthy of an addition to this contribution ? articlesall.php <?php /* $Id: articlesall.php, v1.0.0 2009/09/27 12:00:00 ra Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License */ //require('includes/application_top.php'); ?> <td><table wisth="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <?php $articles_all_array = array(); $articles_all_query_raw = "select a.articles_id, a.articles_date_added, ad.articles_name, ad.articles_head_desc_tag, au.authors_id, au.authors_name, td.topics_id, td.topics_name from " . TABLE_ARTICLES . " a left join " . TABLE_ARTICLES_TO_TOPICS . " a2t on a.articles_id = a2t.articles_id left join " . TABLE_TOPICS_DESCRIPTION . " td on a2t.topics_id = td.topics_id left join " . TABLE_AUTHORS . " au on a.authors_id = au.authors_id left join " . TABLE_ARTICLES_DESCRIPTION . " ad on a.articles_id = ad.articles_id where (a.articles_date_available IS NULL or to_days(a.articles_date_available) <= to_days(now())) and a.articles_status = '1' and ad.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' and td.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' order by a.articles_date_added desc, ad.articles_name"; $listing_sql = $articles_all_query_raw; ?> <?php $listing_split = new splitPageResults($listing_sql, MAX_ARTICLES_PER_PAGE); $articles_listing_query = tep_db_query($listing_split->sql_query); while ($articles_listing = tep_db_fetch_array($articles_listing_query)) { ?> <tr> <td valign="top" class="main" width="100%"> <?php // osc-help.net: added class=main to the link. echo '<h2><a class="main3" href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ARTICLE_INFO, 'articles_id=' . $articles_listing['articles_id']) . '">' . $articles_listing['articles_name'] . '</a></h2> '; ?> </td></tr> <?php } // End of listing loop ?> </table></td>
  8. hi, i have just installed 1.57_3 and have added the required code to place the articles 'menu' inside an STS TAG. I have switched off new articles, all articles, so i am only left with a menu that shows HEADER Topic1 Topic2 Topic3, etc, etc, etc RSS LINK I have created a topic, and have also created articles inside this topic the topic shows in the articles menu on my homepage, i have also created an article which i have placed outside any topics, this article is shown in admin in the top tier but this article does not show in the top level menu on my homepage., Here is my question. Rather than create topics, i would like to create artices that show their titles in the articles menu on my home page, i dont want to place the articles inside topics, just list them as i create them is this possible? and if so how can i achieve this.
  9. Steve, Thanks for your reply, msnbot was not being picked up, i understand that if any user agent contains any of the words in spiders.txt then it is regarded as a spider. an extract of your spider.txt has the following that contains 'nbot' which in theory should pickup msnbot, however i have had to specifically add 'msnbot' for it to be recognised in supertracker and visitors tracking (it may be those mods that are not using spiders.txt correctly) lbot mbot nbot pbot rbot sbot tbot vbot ybot zbot bot. bot/ _bot .bot /bot -bot :bot
  10. HI, Great contribution.!!! I have a heavily modified OSC and have spent the last 2 days manually inserting all changes (after making painstaking comparisons) :blink: I have installed options V2.1.1 & Atttrib Manager Addon. All works perfectly and . Many thanks :thumbsup: I have one small cosmetic problem. (IN SHORT - can i define which option value is the 'Default' selected option value ????? (and i will try to explain why i am doing what i want to do ) I have the same products listed more than once in my shop, each 'similar' product has a different option, therefore a different price. As i only have limited products i DO need to list them seperatly to give my shop some volume. What i use options for is to allow any prospective buyer to tailor the specific product they are looking at and maybe make it the same as another similar item (this saves them having to go find that specific product. (eg. product 1 is Fireplace without light, Product 2 is fireplace with light) Both products are the same except one has lights and one does not, NOW Here is my ISSUE 1. if someone is looking at the product Fireplace with light, the options they have would be to remove the light (option Light NO -£15.00) 2. if someone is looking at the product Fireplace with NO light, the options they have would be to ADD the light (option Light YES +£15.00) if someone views 1, then i need to have option Light YES shown as default and not option light NO -£15.00 if someone views 2, then i need to have option Light NO shown as default and not option light YES +£15.00 Currently the default 'Selected' option appears to depend in which order you add the option, CAN THE 'DEFAULT' option shown be Assigned anywhere?
  11. is This the latest Spiders.txt file (28/12/2008) I cannot find any other variants. Bling, msnbot-65-55-110-23.search.msn.com and AOL? cache-los-XXXX.proxy.aol.com are picking up session id's and are not being reported as BOTS in visitors tracking or super tracker
  12. Thanks for the reply Steve, I am a little confused, i AM using this module for my paypal uk payments, and also have paypal as my full credit card merchant (Hence the use of paypal manager), All my payment activities go through this module as direct payments or express checkout, so why do Paypal advise that i need to change to SDK 4.3, and they say i am using sdk 3.07 ?
  13. HI, We have recieved an email from Paypal advising that they are beefing up their security, and as a result we will need to upgrade our code using SDK 4.3. Additional informatio from my Paypal manager shows we appear to be using sdk 3.07 Additional Information Client IP Address: Client Type: J User: Client Version: 3.07 Transaction State: 8 Duration: 2.00 The mail we recieved is pasted here > Soon, we’ll be making enhancements to our Website Payments Pro service. > While we are doing everything to make these updates as seamless as > possible, you will need to make some changes to your Website Payments Pro > integration. > > Here’s what’s happening > Beginning September 2009, PayPal will be upgrading its Pay flow gateway > service to a new, more secure SSL server certificate hierarchy. > > Here’s what it means to you > To continue processing transactions after this date, you will need to > update your current integration to the latest Software Development Kit (SDK > version 4.3 or higher) or to our direct HTTPS interface. The update will > give you more security and you won’t have to worry about your payment > service being interrupted in September. > > Here’s what you need to do > For a detailed explanation of what’s changing and step-by-step instructions > on what to do, go to https://www.paypal.com/gatewayupdate. Is this going to cause me an issue, if so, is someone working on a new version to ensure we are ready before the cut off date ?
  14. hi, i would like to install this contributiuon, however before i even start i can see that the contributions have been messed up, the majority of the latter versions only contain update PHP files, none contain installation scripts or sql updates i wish everyone would ensure that full packages are included.... a question to anyone that has succesfuly installed this contrib. which file is the starting point that will then allow me to install the latest updates (3.3b) + the yahoo fixes afterwards thanks
  15. Jack, i have now upgraded to 3.1.2, all works ok, however i still have the problem where the edit category option does not populate the fields with the curent entries in the database, after checking through all install / upgrade files, and checking what i have to what exists in the latest files, i have found this difference. in my current categories.php file (around line 984) i have this code /*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/ $category_htc_title_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_input_field('categories_htc_title_tag[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', tep_get_category_htc_title($cInfo->categories_id, $languages[$i]['id'])); $category_htc_desc_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_input_field('categories_htc_desc_tag[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', tep_get_category_htc_desc($cInfo->categories_id, $languages[$i]['id'])); $category_htc_keywords_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_input_field('categories_htc_keywords_tag[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', tep_get_category_htc_keywords($cInfo->categories_id, $languages[$i]['id'])); $category_htc_description_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_textarea_field('categories_htc_description[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', 'hard', 30, 5, tep_get_category_htc_description($cInfo->categories_id, $languages[$i]['id'])); /*** End Header Tags SEO ***/ if i check the install admin.txt that came with 3.1.2 it says that it should be this /*** Begin Header Tags SEO ***/ $category_htc_title_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_input_field('categories_htc_title_tag[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']'); $category_htc_desc_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_input_field('categories_htc_desc_tag[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']'); $category_htc_keywords_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_input_field('categories_htc_keywords_tag[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']'); $category_htc_description_string .= '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' ' . tep_draw_textarea_field('categories_htc_description[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', 'hard', 30, 5, ''); /*** End Header Tags SEO ***/ why do i have this extra code which must have been there in a previous version, can it be removed, and if it should have been removed, in which version did this happen, it may help me determine if i have missed any other steps tep_get_category_htc_title($cInfo->categories_id, $languages[$i]['id'])); regards S/\/\iler
  16. hi, a few questions for the experts I installed HT SEO some time back, i know i have upgraded from 2.6.3 at some point, but have lost which version it was, Q1. is there any way of telling which version is installed, and therefore at what point to start upgrading from. i already have a store full of tags and dont want to have to start again. i currently have 2 issues which i hope the new version wil fix. Q2. when trying to use keywords from text on actual page, i never get any results , always get 'no keywords found for this page' Q3. when editing a category the fields header tags category title, header tags category description, header tags category keywords, header tags categories description never populate with current entries, the data is in the database but i would like to see the contents of those fields whilst in edit mode instead of blank boxes, is this a bug, an error on my part, or the way it should be? many thanks in advance for your time s/\/\iler
  17. hi, a few questions for the experts I installed HT SEO some time back, i know i have upgraded from 2.6.3 at some point, but have lost which version it was, Q1. is there any way of telling which version is installed, and therefore at what point to start upgrading from. i already have a store full of tags and dont want to have to start again. i currently have 2 issues which i hope the new version wil fix. Q2. when trying to use keywords from text on actual page, i never get any results , always get 'no keywords found for this page' Q3. when editing a category the fields header tags category title, header tags category description, header tags category keywords, header tags categories description never populate with current entries, the data is in the database but i would like to see the contents of those fields whilst in edit mode instead of blank boxes, is this a bug, an error on my part, or the way it should be? many thanks in advance for your time s/\/\iler please delete this topic, i have reposted in specific HT SEO topic - apologies
  18. HI, - i know nothing of SQL, however using logic and comparing other entries i have deduced that this is the problem (someone tell me if im wrong, but it worked for me B) To fix the error regarding Column 1 - I installed version 1.21 the links_setup.php file DOES contain the code that update V.1.19 to 1.20 refers to, however i believe it contains an error the errornous line as shown below only has 3 elements that it is trying to insert into the Links_exchange table (name, comment, URL), however the table requires 4 sets of data (name, comment, url, language id) therefore i have added the missing 4th element, so. find in links_setup.php array("INSERT INTO links_exchange VALUES ( 'Link Name', 'My home page sells the best products you can imagine.', 'http://www.myhomepage.com')")); Replace with array("INSERT INTO links_exchange VALUES ( 'Link Name', 'My home page sells the best products you can imagine.', 'http://www.myhomepage.com','1')")); Setup worked for me ok
  19. I am trying to tweak my site and have followed several guides in reducing my page load time, i am now looking at page sizes and have several pages that shows as 45K but have a downoad size of 541K The major offending files in that page are prototype.js - file size 126K Jquery-1.2.6.js - file size 100k are there ways of reducing the downloaded size when pages include script files ? i have searched the forums and google and am unable to find any answers except that mootools/slimbox may be a better option for lightbox
  20. Thats part of express checkout, if you use WPP it is a requirement to have this. if you dont have WPP then simply remove paypal express from your payment modules
  21. Phil, having reviewed the code, you have $convertcur = true, this runs the following in your code but as i have it set to false it doesnt run on mine, $productURL = "http://www.fireplace2u.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?currency=" . $curType . "&products_id="; Now it just so happens that your code appears to break at the following point highlighted bold, left join specials on ( specials.products_id = products.products_id AND ( ( (specials.expires_date > CURRENT_DATE) OR (specials.expires_date = 0) ) AND ( specials.status = 1 ) ) ) this is trying to load a specific currency version of your page, if you dont have a GBP currency set then this will fail, if you are only using GBP then set that option to false ($convertcur)
  22. Phillip, Differences between your code and mine you - $source_file = $OutFile; $catalogURL = 'http://www.ladiesoflove.co.uk/'; Me - $source_file = $OutFile; $catalogURL = 'http://www.fireplace2u.co.uk/catalog/'; (2 seperate lines) You - seo_flag=false; me - seo_flag=true; (i have ultimate seo installed) You - $_cleaner_array = array(">" => "> ", "®" => "", "?" => "", "™" => "", "?" => "", "t" => "", " " => ""); Me - $_cleaner_array = array(">" => "> ", "®" => "", "?" => "", "™" => "", "?"=> "", "\t" => "", " " => ""); i have also disable auto upload of feed and choose to manually upload, but your error occurs wel before that, there are a few difference above, change those and see how it goes.
  23. can you paste your googlefeeder.php code (without the obvious server / password info) - i am unable to run your feed as it is protected with a username / password - from your code above it appears there may be a missing semicolon, or a missing quote at the end of a variable declaration, i have installed 1.2 and got it working ok except that i want it to upload more than one image and that that image should be the BIGGER one and not the small one, i will fix this soon. (i have ultimate seo installed too)
  24. ricky, as per my prev post+1, above, order editor has 2 options, 1. normal mode (not using Ajax)- add the if/else stuff to admin/edit_orders.php 2. AJAx Mode - add if/else stuff to admin/edit_orders_ajax.php
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