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Everything posted by BrockleyJohn

  1. I guess you have been installing and uninstalling. You have somehow added the new settings to config group 18 instead of 19. Simply edit the config group for the second and last rows to 19.
  2. Try again - I can see one of that setting in your screenshot! Failing that, what do you get for select configuration_id, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_group_id from configuration where configuration_key like 'ORDER_EDITOR%'
  3. @TomB01 One possible explanation is that you have two lots of order editor config settings and it has added the new definitions to the other config group. Try the query select configuration_group_id from configuration where configuration_key = "ORDER_EDITOR_USE_AJAX" how many rows do you get back?
  4. The instructions predate some of the hooks changes in admin so it's possible this one is no longer needed as all orders hooked may now load automatically. The setting is highlighted here:
  5. If I remember right there's a setting that controls whether it goes direct to the editor or to the original orders page
  6. @Fredi you don't need to fix the order_total errors directly, you need to comment out the requires in edit_orders.php and edit_orders_ajax.php: edit_orders line 595, edit_orders_ajax 298 //this is where we call the order total modules // require( 'order_editor/order_total.php'); $order_total_modules = new order_total(); and to show what is happening you can delete the file admin/order_editor/order_total.php - you are actually using the class file for order_total from the catalog side of your shop (new Phoenix class autoloader)
  7. @Fredi as you have been testing on please post any actual errors - either messages that start Error, or things that don't seem to work properly. You are going to be getting notices about constants not being defined because of the customer data work in which has removed some of the old style language definitions, but apart from that it seems to me to be doing what it's supposed to do. You can temporarily fix these notices by adding the defines to the order editor language file for the language you are supporting: ENTRY_COMPANY ENTRY_SUBURB ENTRY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER - I guess you already know how to do this. I have yet to get into the customer data work so I don't know why only some defines have been removed but I guess the rest of them will be going soon too; maybe there are core admin pages still using the old defs.
  8. Editing an order is an addon. The actual editor is a stand-alone file and hardly affected by changes to Phoenix. I am not going to undertake to keep testing addons against every intermediate release and updating them. I would never do anything else And by the way NOTICES ARE NOT ERRORS you can usually ignore them without ill effect and if you don't want to see them, don't display them. Most of them are nothing to do with which release of Phoenix you are running, it's all about the php version and your error display settings.
  9. @artfulweb this isn't particularly a phoenix problem, it's historically crap code. If you put at the top of file - before or after including application_top $current_category_id = 0; it should behave in exactly the same way as now but without the notices. Confession - I have not tested this!
  10. You might be right about it being supported - if the existing AIM module has a 'rebill' option then maybe that's what's being withdrawn. There's a set of APIs covering Payment Transactions, Customer Profiles, Rebilling and eChecks. Whether these are different APIs or different aspects of the same one remains to be seen. First impression is there's a lot of groundwork to do.
  11. The way I read it the recurring billing function is withdrawn - replacing your api won't help. You have to do it in their customer manager: unless you know differently of course
  12. @phi148 which of the 3 existing modules are you using currently? Why is it urgent to have it updated?
  13. @puggybelle I don't think it's hitting US sites yet, just Europe, but no doubt it will sooner or later. It's older BS and classic sites not Phoenix - the required Paypal cert file was in the Frozen release.
  14. @ecartz it already is - that is the one from core; I have checked since. The failing sites are using an older cert that doesn't have the root and intermediate certs in.
  15. Thanks Martin, that fixed it for my customer's site. @saxcbr @Cary @cdetdi @Mac Fly please try copying the above file into your shops. You can then try resending an IPN from your Paypal account (finding it is tortuous): log in to PP, hit cog > Account settings scroll down to website payments on left menu choose Update next to Instant Payment Notifications in the middle of the first line of text, hit the link IPN History page This shows you a list of IPNs, defaulting to the last 24 hours - change the period if necessary and select one to resend [fingers crossed]
  16. @mhsuffolk please post your paypal certificate ext/modules/payment/paypal/paypal.com.crt The UK site I found is getting the error:
  17. I've been doing some polling and have found a UK customer with a failure like this yesterday and a US customer with a successful one yesterday. Paypal seem to have gone to bed.
  18. You get that failure because paypal's ssltest subdomain no longer exists - everyone gets it whether their integration works or not. It could however be related to cypher suites. The getting details on an order that worked before - that will help narrow down the issue. I reckon a failure there is strongly indicative of a communication problem, so perhaps it's something else
  19. Gut feel is this is going to be something to do with security protocols. There are still some insecure cyphers on TLS1.2 and it might be that Paypal are now blocking them and some sites may need to make sure they have the secure ones available. This is a topic at the moment as chrome is going to start penalising the insecure cyphers being supported on inbound connections. I haven't seen any PP announcements to this effect but it's going to have less impact than the TLS1.2 change
  20. You won't be able to do this on one that is still sitting at preparing, but on one from before that worked, try going to the edit order page and hit the Details button on the paypal tab. Does it record another order history record and get a successful log, or does it fail too?
  21. Does the balance display in admin work ok? Do the logs of the IPN requests show the full request details? if so, what is the recorded response?
  22. @dculley I came back to look at this but you've not replied. Did you try if it works (after initial setup) by typing it in? Where did you want to run it from?
  23. When you first run the order editor it auto-installs the configuration settings and redirects you to the new group to review and change them (hence the green message at the top). When you run it in future, it will behave normally unless you have just done an upgrade which added some new configs, when the same thing would happen. The upgrade I did to this addon was sponsored by a shopowner, who presumably doesn't create them from scratch! I agree we need to add menu item / button in convenient places - and you get to specify where. Please try actually adding an order by typing the page name in again and then we'll know if any other changes are needed as I haven't tested that path through the code.
  24. if you type it into the browser bar, does it do that? - filename is edit_orders.php if so we just need to add a create order button / menu entry somewhere suitable
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