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  1. Only one thing to say: - This contribution rockszz!!!!! Thanks. I have two questions. Is there any way to only generate PDF Invoices only in admin page? I will send an ivoice pdf by e-mail only on "shipping" day. Can I put different information on header and footer of PDF? Thanks again.
  2. Hello. I’ve been trying to send and receive e-mail but nothing!  I made your tutorial and nothing  I’m trying to set up my terra mail to work My smtp server = smtp.sao.terra.com.br My e-mail = [email protected] And o course my user name [email protected] My configure.php file (in admin and catalog folder) ends this way (server requires authentication): define('SMTP_MAIL_SERVER', 'smtp.sao.terra.com.br'); define('SMTP_PORT_NUMBER', '25'); define('SMTP_SENDMAIL_FROM', '[email protected]'); define('SMTP_FROMEMAIL_NAME', 'Forte Real'); define('SMTP_USERNAME', '[email protected]'); define('SMTP_PASSWORD', '******'); ?> Aplication_top.php ============================================== // include currencies class and create an instance require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'currencies.php'); $currencies = new currencies(); // include the mail classes /* Nay -- PHPMailer require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'mime.php'); require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'email.php'); */ require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'class.phpmailer.php'); /* End Nay */ // set the language if (!tep_session_is_registered('language') || isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['language'])) { if (!tep_session_is_registered('language')) { tep_session_register('language'); tep_session_register('languages_id'); } Admin aplication_top.php ================================== // entry/item info classes require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'object_info.php'); // email classes /* Nay -- PHPMailer require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'mime.php'); require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'email.php'); */ require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'class.phpmailer.php'); /* End Nay */ // file uploading class require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'upload.php'); admin general.php ========================================= } else { $value .= '.'; for ($i=0; $i<$padding; $i++) { $value .= '0'; } } } return $value; } /* Old Function: function tep_mail($to_name, $to_email_address, $email_subject, $email_text, $from_email_name, $from_email_address) { if (SEND_EMAILS != 'true') return false; // Instantiate a new mail object $message = new email(array('X-Mailer: osCommerce')); // Build the text version $text = strip_tags($email_text); if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') { $message->add_html($email_text, $text); } else { $message->add_text($text); } // Send message $message->build_message(); $message->send($to_name, $to_email_address, $from_email_name, $from_email_address, $email_subject); } //Email using PHP Mailer //Edited by Nay */ function tep_mail($to_name, $to_email_address, $email_subject, $email_text, $from_email_name, $from_email_address) { if (SEND_EMAILS != 'true') return false; // Instantiate a new mail object $message = new PHPMailer(); if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'smtp'){ $message->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP $message->SMTPAuth = true; $message->Username = SMTP_USERNAME; $message->Password = SMTP_PASSWORD; }else{ //////(EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'sendmail') //////You need to implement here if you are using sendmail } // Config $message->Host = SMTP_MAIL_SERVER; // SMTP server if( !tep_not_null($from_email_address) ) { $from_email_address = SMTP_SENDMAIL_FROM; } $message->From = $from_email_address; if( !tep_not_null($from_email_name) ) { $from_email_name = SMTP_FROMEMAIL_NAME; } $message->FromName = $from_email_name; if( !tep_not_null($to_name) ) { $to_name = ''; } if( !tep_not_null($to_email_address) ) { return false; } $message->AddAddress($to_email_address, $to_name); $message->Subject = $email_subject; // Build the text version $text = strip_tags($email_text); if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') { $message->Body = tep_convert_linefeeds(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), '<br>', $email_text); $message->AltBody = $text; $message->IsHTML(true); } else { $message->Body = $text; $message->IsHTML(false); } // Send message if(!$message->Send()){ /*echo 'Email was not sent.'; echo 'Mailer error: ' . $message->ErrorInfo;*/ return false; } } function tep_get_tax_class_title($tax_class_id) { general.php ==================================================== // $email_subject The subject of the eMail // $email_text The text of the eMail, may contain HTML entities // $from_email_name The name of the sender, e.g. Shop Administration // $from_email_adress The eMail address of the sender, // e.g. [email protected] /* Old Function: function tep_mail($to_name, $to_email_address, $email_subject, $email_text, $from_email_name, $from_email_address) { if (SEND_EMAILS != 'true') return false; // Instantiate a new mail object $message = new email(array('X-Mailer: osCommerce')); // Build the text version $text = strip_tags($email_text); if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') { $message->add_html($email_text, $text); } else { $message->add_text($text); } // Send message $message->build_message(); $message->send($to_name, $to_email_address, $from_email_name, $from_email_address, $email_subject); } //Email using PHP Mailer //Edited by Nay */ function tep_mail($to_name, $to_email_address, $email_subject, $email_text, $from_email_name, $from_email_address) { if (SEND_EMAILS != 'true') return false; // Instantiate a new mail object $message = new PHPMailer(); if (EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'smtp'){ $message->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP $message->SMTPAuth = true; $message->Username = SMTP_USERNAME; $message->Password = SMTP_PASSWORD; }else{ //////(EMAIL_TRANSPORT == 'sendmail') //////You need to implement here if you are using sendmail } // Config $message->Host = SMTP_MAIL_SERVER; // SMTP server if( !tep_not_null($from_email_address) ) { $from_email_address = SMTP_SENDMAIL_FROM; } $message->From = $from_email_address; if( !tep_not_null($from_email_name) ) { $from_email_name = SMTP_FROMEMAIL_NAME; } $message->FromName = $from_email_name; if( !tep_not_null($to_name) ) { $to_name = ''; } if( !tep_not_null($to_email_address) ) { return false; } $message->AddAddress($to_email_address, $to_name); $message->Subject = $email_subject; // Build the text version $text = strip_tags($email_text); if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') { $message->Body = tep_convert_linefeeds(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), '<br>', $email_text); $message->AltBody = $text; $message->IsHTML(true); } else { $message->Body = $text; $message->IsHTML(false); } // Send message if(!$message->Send()){ /*echo 'Email was not sent.'; echo 'Mailer error: ' . $message->ErrorInfo;*/ return false; } } //// // Check if product has attributes function tep_has_product_attributes($products_id) { admin mail.php ====================================================== $message = tep_db_prepare_input($HTTP_POST_VARS['message']); /* Nay -- Edited -- Email Using PHP Mailer Old Code: //Let's build a message object using the email class $mimemessage = new email(array('X-Mailer: osCommerce')); // add the message to the object $mimemessage->add_text($message); $mimemessage->build_message(); while ($mail = tep_db_fetch_array($mail_query)) { $mimemessage->send($mail['customers_firstname'] . ' ' . $mail['customers_lastname'], $mail['customers_email_address'], '', $from, $subject); } */ while ($mail = tep_db_fetch_array($mail_query)) { tep_mail($mail['customers_firstname'] . ' ' . $mail['customers_lastname'], $mail['customers_email_address'], $subject, $message, STORE_OWNER, $from); } /* End Nay */ tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_MAIL, 'mail_sent_to=' . urlencode($mail_sent_to))); } I have uploaded the two files class.phpmailer and class.smtp to both classes folders My admin panel e-mail options: E-Mail Transport Method = smtp E-Mail Linefeeds = CRLF Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails = TRUE Verify E-Mail Addresses Through DNS = FALSE Send E-Mails = TRUE My store options: E-mail address [email protected] E-mail from [email protected] Send Extra Order Emails To “nothing here” What is wrong?? Any idea??? Thanks a lot!!!!
  3. Hello. After the installation I can´t access my administration tool. Any idea??? What is wrong? Ty :)
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