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About Peper

  • Birthday 11/28/1975

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    South Africa
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  1. @JcMagpie @Patty I've found something wrong with this. For some products the Out of Stock button shows on products_info page, however my admin shows that qty is in stock, date is empty
  2. @Patty Thanks, just what i was looking for Seems there is no out of stock button or message in stock Phoenix.
  3. @Jack_mcs Thanks Jack, that was close enough for me <?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '24', '15') . '&nbsp;' . tep_draw_textarea_field($field['field_name'] . '[' . (int)$field['language_id'] . ']', 'soft', 30, 5, $field['field_value']) . '&nbsp; ' . $languages[$field['language_id']-1]['name']; ?>
  4. @Jack_mcs Old but gold, please help. in categories.php, the input box to text box - how to? tep_draw_input_field($field['field_name'], $field['field_value']); to tep_draw_textarea_field with box size specified Also not to remove html and retain new lines when saving - using table products_description and updated the new field to varchar 512
  5. Google warnings not going away Error is Mismatched [price] (page crawl) This comes in pricing showing excl Tax on site, the googlefeeder.txt is calculated including Tax Google bot is crawling site excluding Tax Google reports Mismatched [price] Web is setup to show pricing excluding tax in admin with tax rates 0% and 15% What needs to be done?
  6. There are 2 x files needed (Image.php and Image_Helper.php) under catalog/includes/modules/kiss_image_thumbnailer/classes/
  7. Anyone got this working on Phoenix? I have updated the deprecated code Fedex installed Using my old admin/order.php file into ce it works perfect no errors These 2 edits seems to be problem <!-- tracking_module form --> <?php $tracking->display_form(); ?> <!-- end tracking_module form --> and <!-- tracking_module noscript --> <?php $tracking->display_no_js(); ?> <!-- end tracking_module noscript --> Any ideas?
  8. Absolutely strange I setup a new phoenix install with the autocomplete search and is working(local pc) Compared page sources and almost a match except well for https and few little things Diffrence found : The working one have '&amp;search_in_description=1' the non working one '&search_in_description=1' In file ht-twitter-typeahead.js.php I changed '&search_in_description=1\' to read '&amp;search_in_description=1\' Now search is working correctly but even so, my working live site = &search_in_description=1 and works perfectly - same server I'm not so sure the problem was corrected this way changing & to &amp;
  9. Hello @auzStar All working perfectly with Edge version, with new phoenix version not at all so far - search bar only gives "No matches" Tried even to hook js to sitewide\jquery Any recommendations? Thx
  10. Thanks for update I have a question. in includes/modules/product_listing_ws.php you specified schema example itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Offer With Phoenix there is a header tags module breadrumb and product JSON-LD that already does this. Is the schema still needed in product_listing_ws?
  11. The missing part was tax for each product The tax is calculating correctly if (OPTIONS_ENABLED_INCLUDE_TAX == 2) { $db_query = tep_db_query("select tax_rate from " . TABLE_TAX_RATES . " where tax_rates_id = " . (int)$row->tax_id); ............ So now you have: if(OPTIONS_ENABLED_INCLUDE_TAX == 1 || OPTIONS_ENABLED_INCLUDE_TAX == 2) $output .= "\ttax"; if(OPTIONS_ENABLED_UPC == 1) $output .= "\tupc"; if(OPTIONS_ENABLED_WEIGHT == 1) $output .= "\tshipping_weight"; 1st line will show tax heading - TAX == 1 and 2 but then here: if(OPTIONS_ENABLED_INCLUDE_TAX == 1) $output .= "\t" . OPTIONS_TAX_STRING; if(OPTIONS_ENABLED_UPC == 1) $output .= "\t" . (isset($row->upc) ? $row->upc : (strlen(OPTIONS_UPC) ? OPTIONS_UPC : "Not Supported")); if(OPTIONS_ENABLED_WEIGHT == 1) $output .= "\t" . $row->prodWeight . ' ' .OPTIONS_WEIGHT_ACCEPTED_METHODS; only TAX==1 the tax heading is shown but no output for each product TAX==2 added TAX==2 if(OPTIONS_ENABLED_INCLUDE_TAX == 2) $output .= "\t" . OPTIONS_TAX_STRING;
  12. @DAVID3733 Strange, that must have been added later on, i see nothing my side to option 3 Looks like good fix rather using the db tax than i hardcoded
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