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About Inferno32

  • Birthday 10/24/1989

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  1. Hey guys, I've recently started using easy populate to add and maintain my products. I have it so that there is a thumbnail picture as well as a larger version. The problem arises since I already have an image contribution being used, so it seems to not be correctly placing the thumbnail image in the "small image" place, and using that same image for the large, popup file. I don't remember exactly which image contribution I used, it's the one where you can add up to 6 additional images, and you can upload a "Products Image," a "Bigger Image" and a "Popup Image." and a smaller and popup version for each of the thumbnails. It is only uploading the larger image for the "products image," and there is then no popup image. So this is resulting in grainy photos in the small ones when searching through the store. Anyone who can help me make the appropriate changes to either the easy-populate or image contribution? Thanks in advance!
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