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  1. I would like one URL to be created e.g. www.site.com/best_product-p-39. html. The rest is unnecessary, I don't know why they are created with ...?page=2 or the "-" character is removed between the words of the url address. In htaccess I have a typical/unchanged entry: RewriteBase/ RewriteRule ^(.*)-p-(.*).html$ product_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} In categories beyond the good address https://www.site.com/products-c-23.html is also created https://www.site.com/products-c-23.html?page=1&sort=5a and various combinations thereof. Canonical works correctly, but why are these dozens of unnecessary addresses generated, visible to Google and other robots? In hta: RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-(.*).html$ index.php?cPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
  2. The correct canonical page is www.site.com/best_product-p-39.html, but the store creates unnecessary "pages" www.site.com/bestproduct-p-39.html and, for example, www.site.com/best_product-p-39. html?page=2 .and a few with the ending ?PHPSESSIONxxxx These are exactly the same pages and I don't know why they are created additionally (these additional pages are visible through Google and SEO programs). Google only indexes valid ones, so it's OK. I was wondering if there a bug in the store or is it normal ?
  3. Ok i found one mor error in my seo url when i set Enable SEO cache to save queries? to TRUE [24-Jan-2024 10:31:12 Europe/Warsaw] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Table 'kuzxxxx_xxxxxxa.information' doesn't exist in /home/kuxxxx/ftp/xxxxxx/includes/classes/seo.class.php:108 Stack trace: #0 /home/kuxxxx/ftp/xxxxxx/includes/classes/seo.class.php(108): mysqli_query(Object(mysqli), 'SELECT informat...') #1 /home/kuxxxx/ftp/xxxxxx/includes/classes/seo.class.php(2262): SEO_DataBase->Query('SELECT informat...') #2 home/kuxxxx/ftp/xxxxxx/includes/classes/seo.class.php(678): SEO_URL->generate_information_cache() #3 /home/kuxxxx/ftp/xxxxxx//includes/application_top.php(294): SEO_URL->__construct('2') #4 home/kuxxxx/ftp/xxxxxx//index.php(13): require('/home/kuxxxx...') #5 {main} thrown in home/kuxxxx/ftp/xxxxxx/includes/classes/seo.class.php on line 108 [24-Jan-2024 10:31:29 Europe/Warsaw] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Table ''kuzxxxx_xxxxxxa.information' doesn't exist in /home/kuxxxx/ftp/xxxxxx/includes/classes/seo.class.php:108
  4. I have one more problem with website addresses. Google shows me over 750 unindexed pages containing the canonical tag. How to block the creation of this type of addresses? I see that many addresses look like this (example): www.site.com/best_product-p-39.html (as it should be) but there are also: www.site.com/bestproduct-p-39.html and www.site.com/best_product-p-39.html?page=2 and www.site.com/best_product-p-39.html?products_id=39 etc. I have SEO URLS installed. My hta file: .... Options -Indexes Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> # Begin Ultimate SEO V2.2d #Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngineOn RewriteBase/ RewriteRule ^(.*)-p-(.*).html$ product_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-(.*).html$ index.php?cPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-m-(.*).html$ index.php?manufacturers_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-pi-(.*).html$ popup_image.php?pID=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-by-(.*).html$ all-products.php?fl=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-t-(.*).html$ articles.php?tPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-a-(.*).html$ article_info.php?articles_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-au-(.*).html$ articles.php?authors_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-pr-(.*).html$ product_reviews.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-pri-(.*)$ /$1-pr-$2 [R=301,L] RewriteRule ^(.*)-f-(.*).html$ faqdesk_info.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-fc-(.*).html$ faqdesk_index.php?faqPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-fri-(.*).html$ faqdesk_reviews_info.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-fra-(.*).html$ faqdesk_reviews_article.php?faqdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-i-(.*).html$ information.php?info_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-links-(.*).html$ links.php?lPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-pm-([0-9]+).html$ info_pages.php?pages_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-n-(.*).html$ newsdesk_info.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-nc-(.*).html$ newsdesk_index.php?newsPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-nri-(.*).html$ newsdesk_reviews_info.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-nra-(.*).html$ newsdesk_reviews_article.php?newsdesk_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^(.*)-po-([0-9]+).html$ pollbooth.php?pollid=$2&%{QUERY_STRING} Can you tell me how to fix the error? I have had this store for many years, constantly updated to newer versions of php.
  5. I have a problem with PHPSESSION in the bar. I have CE and ultimate SEO. After the second click on the page, the addresses are correct, but search engines see dozens of addresses with PHPsession endings (e.g.? https://www.store.com/PHPSESSID=hsaskqut0v0kf2cu51puh6llac. In addition to valid SEO addresses, SreamingFrog also sees hundreds of PHSESSION addresses. What can I improve to ensure that only correct addresses are visible to robots/search engines?
  6. Hi, i have same problem with shi2pay. Can you help mi (last version Phoenix) ? if ($_GET['action']) { switch ($_GET['action']) { switch ($_GET['action']) { if (is_object($trInfo)) { I have a lot problems with ship2pay. In Phoenix version removed class/payment.php .
  7. is obsolete and does not work with CDN, so I asked when will the V4 version be released?
  8. When will the official version be released? My oscommerce CE does not work with CDN servers and the latest PHP :(
  9. I would like csv to export the order amount when the shipping payment is higher or equal to 19$ (My cod is 19$) and show e.g. in the $cod field in exportordes.php It is needed for cash on delivery COD when importing to DHL or other courier. I've been trying to enter the rule for a few days - but I'm too weak in php to do this. Currently, order_total ($Order_Grand_Total) shows regardless of the chosen payment method or payment amount: Can I count on your help?
  10. I still have a small problem (Frozen version): When the client has a name and two-membered surname after the second space it cuts off all the words Example: Johnny Bravo Scott after export to csv I only have Johnny Bravo Truncates only when a space after the second word is used Where can I correct it so that it doesn't cut?
  11. 1. add a field in table "orders" via phpMyAdmin called "weight" immediately after "payment_method", the field is DECIMAL (5,2) NOT NULL, 2. in catalog/checkout_process.php after: $shipping_modules = new shipping($shipping); add $total_weight = $cart->show_weight(); same file - after: 'payment_method' => $order->info['payment_method'], add 'weight' => $total_weight, in catalog/admin/includes/classes/order.php in line 38 add 'weight' $order_query = tep_db_query("select customers_id, customers_name, customers_company, customers_street_address, customers_suburb, customers_city, customers_postcode, customers_state, customers_country, customers_telephone, customers_email_address, customers_address_format_id, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_suburb, delivery_city, delivery_postcode, delivery_state, delivery_country, delivery_address_format_id, billing_name, billing_company, billing_street_address, billing_suburb, billing_city, billing_postcode, billing_state, billing_country, billing_address_format_id, payment_method, weight, cc_type, cc_owner, cc_number, cc_expires, currency, currency_value, date_purchased, orders_status, last_modified from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " where orders_id = '" . (int)$order_id . "'"); same file line 56 add after: 'payment_method' => $order['payment_method'], this: 'weight' => $order['weight'], Aftert this "solution" i have in sql table weight and i can export to csv orders with weight. In exportordes.php in line 199-217 added word weight: // Patch dlan // if both fields are empty we select all orders if ($start=="" && $end=="") { $orders = tep_db_query("SELECT orders_id, date_purchased, customers_name, customers_id, cc_owner, customers_company, customers_email_address, billing_street_address, billing_city, billing_state, billing_postcode, billing_country, customers_telephone, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_city, delivery_state, delivery_postcode, delivery_country, cc_type, cc_number, cc_expires, weight FROM orders ORDER BY orders_id"); // if $start is empty we select all orders up to $end } else if($start=="" && $end!="") { $orders = tep_db_query("SELECT orders_id, date_purchased, customers_name, customers_id, cc_owner, customers_company, customers_email_address, billing_street_address, billing_city, billing_state, billing_postcode, billing_country, customers_telephone, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_city, delivery_state, delivery_postcode, delivery_country, cc_type, cc_number, cc_expires, weight FROM orders WHERE orders_id <= $end ORDER BY orders_id"); // if $end is empty we select all orders from $start } else if($start!="" && $end=="") { $orders = tep_db_query("SELECT orders_id, date_purchased, customers_name, customers_id, cc_owner, customers_company, customers_email_address, billing_street_address, billing_city, billing_state, billing_postcode, billing_country, customers_telephone, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_city, delivery_state, delivery_postcode, delivery_country, cc_type, cc_number, cc_expires, weight FROM orders WHERE orders_id >= $start ORDER BY orders_id"); // if both fields are filed in we select orders betwenn $start and $end } else { $orders = tep_db_query("SELECT orders_id, date_purchased, customers_name, customers_id, cc_owner, customers_company, customers_email_address, billing_street_address, billing_city, billing_state, billing_postcode, billing_country, customers_telephone, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_city, delivery_state, delivery_postcode, delivery_country, cc_type, cc_number, cc_expires, weight FROM orders WHERE orders_id >= $start AND orders_id <= $end ORDER BY orders_id"); } //patch in line 261: $weight = $row_orders ['weight']; in line 428: $csv_output .= $weight . "^" ; It's work for me.
  12. Hi, I need to export CSV file with total weight order but i don't know how do that. Osc 2.3.4 - my exportorders.php is: <?php /* $Id: exportorders.php,v 1.1 April 21, 2006 Harris Ahmed $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright (c) 2004 Oscommerce Use this module on your own risk. I will be updating a new one soon. This template is used to create the csv export for Ideal Computer Systems Accounting Software */ define('FILENAME_EXPORTORDERS_DPD', 'exportorders_dpd.php'); require('includes/application_top.php'); require(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . FILENAME_EXPORTORDERS); // Check if the form is submitted if (!$_GET['submitted']) { require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'template_top.php'); ?> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="100%"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="pageHeading"><?php echo "Export pliku do CSV" ?></td> <td class="pageHeading" align="left"></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <!-- first ends // --> <tr> <td><table border="0" style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:11px;" width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td> <form method="GET" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>"> <table border="0" style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:11px;" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td><?php echo "Od numeru zamówienia:"; ?></td> <td><input name="start" size="5" value="<?php echo $start; ?>"> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo "Do numeru zamówienia:" ; ?></td> <td><input name="end" size="5" value="<?php echo $end; ?>"> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo "Status Zamówienia"; ?></td> <?php $orders_statuses = array(); $orders_status_array = array(); $orders_status_query = tep_db_query("select orders_status_id, orders_status_name from " . TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS . " where language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'"); while ($orders_status = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_status_query)) { $orders_statuses[] = array('id' => $orders_status['orders_status_id'], 'text' => $orders_status['orders_status_name']); $orders_status_array[$orders_status['orders_status_id']] = $orders_status['orders_status_name']; } ?> <td><?php echo tep_draw_pull_down_menu('status', array_merge(array(array('id' => '', 'text' => 'Wszystkie zamówienia')), $orders_statuses), $status); ?> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo "Sposób Wyświetlania:"; ?></td> <td> <select name="submitted"> <option value="1">Utwórz plik CSV</option> <option value="2">Pokaż plik na ekranie</option> </select> </td></tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><input type="submit" value="<?php echo "Export pliku DPD CSV"; ?>"></td> </tr> </table></form> </td></tr></table> </td></tr></table> </td></tr> </table></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table <!-- footer //--> <?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'footer.php'); ?> <!-- footer_eof //--> </body> </html> <?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'application_bottom.php'); ?> <?php } // submitted so generate csv if the form is submitted else { generatecsv($_GET['start'], $_GET['end']); } // generates csv file from $start order to $end order, inclusive function generatecsv($start, $end) { //Placing columns names in first row $delim = '^' ; //$csv_output .= "Orders_id".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Date".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Time".$delim; //$csv_output .= "First_Name".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Last_Name".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Name_On_Card".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Company".$delim; //$csv_output .= "email".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Billing_Address_1".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Billing_Address_2".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Billing_City".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Billing_State".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Billing_Zip".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Billing_Country".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Billing_Phone".$delim; $csv_output .= "Imie Nazwisko".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Nazwisko".$delim; //$csv_output .= "ShipTo_Name".$delim; $csv_output .= "Nazwa Firmy".$delim; $csv_output .= "Address_1".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Address_2".$delim; $csv_output .= "kod pocztowy".$delim; $csv_output .= "Miejscowosc".$delim; //$csv_output .= "ShipTo_State".$delim; //$csv_output .= "ShipTo_Country".$delim; $csv_output .= "telefon".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Card_Type".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Card_Number".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Exp_Date".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Bank_Name".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Gateway".$delim; //$csv_output .= "AVS_Code".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Transaction_ID".$delim; ///$csv_output .= "Order_Special_Notes".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Comments".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Order_Subtotal".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Order_Tax".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Order_Insurance".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Tax_Exempt_Message".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Order_Shipping_Total".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Small_Order_Fee".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Discount_Rate".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Discount_Message".$delim; $csv_output .= "email".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Order_Grand_Total".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Number_of_Items".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Sposob wysylki".$delim; $csv_output .= "Numer Zamowienia".$delim; $csv_output .= "Waga wysylki".$delim; $csv_output .= "Waga wysylki2".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Coupon_Code".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Order_security_msg.".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Order_Surcharge_Amount".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Order_Surcharge_Something".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Affiliate_code".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Sentiment_message".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Checkout_form_type".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Card_CVV_value".$delim; //$csv_output .= "future1".$delim; //$csv_output .= "future2".$delim; //$csv_output .= "future3".$delim; //$csv_output .= "future4".$delim; //$csv_output .= "future5".$delim; //$csv_output .= "future6".$delim; //$csv_output .= "future7".$delim; //$csv_output .= "future8".$delim; //$csv_output .= "future9".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Remarks".$delim; //$csv_output .= "ProductId".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Product_Price".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Number".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Product".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Attribute".$delim; //$csv_output .= "Attribute_Value".$delim; $csv_output .= "\n"; //End Placing columns in first row // Patch dlan // if both fields are empty we select all orders if ($start=="" && $end=="") { $orders = tep_db_query("SELECT orders_id, date_purchased, customers_name, customers_id, cc_owner, customers_company, customers_email_address, billing_street_address, billing_city, billing_state, billing_postcode, billing_country, customers_telephone, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_city, delivery_state, delivery_postcode, delivery_country, cc_type, cc_number, cc_expires FROM orders ORDER BY orders_id"); // if $start is empty we select all orders up to $end } else if($start=="" && $end!="") { $orders = tep_db_query("SELECT orders_id, date_purchased, customers_name, customers_id, cc_owner, customers_company, customers_email_address, billing_street_address, billing_city, billing_state, billing_postcode, billing_country, customers_telephone, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_city, delivery_state, delivery_postcode, delivery_country, cc_type, cc_number, cc_expires FROM orders WHERE orders_id <= $end ORDER BY orders_id"); // if $end is empty we select all orders from $start } else if($start!="" && $end=="") { $orders = tep_db_query("SELECT orders_id, date_purchased, customers_name, customers_id, cc_owner, customers_company, customers_email_address, billing_street_address, billing_city, billing_state, billing_postcode, billing_country, customers_telephone, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_city, delivery_state, delivery_postcode, delivery_country, cc_type, cc_number, cc_expires FROM orders WHERE orders_id >= $start ORDER BY orders_id"); // if both fields are filed in we select orders betwenn $start and $end } else { $orders = tep_db_query("SELECT orders_id, date_purchased, customers_name, customers_id, cc_owner, customers_company, customers_email_address, billing_street_address, billing_city, billing_state, billing_postcode, billing_country, customers_telephone, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_city, delivery_state, delivery_postcode, delivery_country, cc_type, cc_number, cc_expires FROM orders WHERE orders_id >= $start AND orders_id <= $end ORDER BY orders_id"); } //patch //$csv_output ="\n"; while ($row_orders = mysqli_fetch_array($orders)) { //start one loop $csv_output_ordersbefore = $csv_output; $Orders_id = $row_orders["orders_id"]; $customers_id = $row_orders["customers_id"]; $Date1 = $row_orders["date_purchased"]; //list($Date, $Time) = explode (' ',$Date1); $Date = date('mdY', strtotime($Date1)); $Time= date('H:i:s', strtotime($Date1)); $Name_On_Card1 = $row_orders["customers_name"]; $Name_On_Card = filter_text($Name_On_Card1);// order changed list($First_Name,$Last_Name) = explode(' ',$Name_On_Card1); // order changed $Company = filter_text($row_orders["customers_company"]); $email = filter_text($row_orders["customers_email_address"]); $Billing_Address_1 = filter_text($row_orders["billing_street_address"]); $Billing_Address_2 = ""; $Billing_City = filter_text($row_orders["billing_city"]); $Billing_State = filter_text($row_orders["billing_state"]); $Billing_Zip = filter_text($row_orders["billing_postcode"]); $Billing_Country = str_replace("(48 Contiguous Sta", "", $row_orders["billing_country"]); $Billing_Phone = filter_text($row_orders["customers_telephone"]); $ShipTo_Name1 = $row_orders["delivery_name"]; $ShipTo_Name = filter_text($ShipTo_Name1); // order changed list($ShipTo_First_Name,$ShipTo_Last_Name) = explode(' ',$ShipTo_Name1); // order changed $ShipTo_Company = filter_text($row_orders["delivery_company"]); $ShipTo_Address_1 = filter_text($row_orders["delivery_street_address"]); $ShipTo_Address_2 = ""; $ShipTo_City = filter_text($row_orders["delivery_city"]); $ShipTo_State = filter_text($row_orders["delivery_state"]); $ShipTo_Zip = filter_text($row_orders["delivery_postcode"]); $ShipTo_Country = str_replace("(48 Contiguous Sta", "", $row_orders["delivery_country"]); $ShipTo_Phone = ""; $Card_Type = $row_orders["cc_type"]; $Card_Number = $row_orders["cc_number"]; $Exp_Date = $row_orders["cc_expires"]; $Bank_Name = ""; $Gateway = ""; $AVS_Code = ""; $Transaction_ID = ""; $Order_Special_Notes = ""; // -------------------- QUERIES 1 ------------------------------------// //Orders_status_history for comments $orders_status_history = tep_db_query("select comments from orders_status_history where orders_id = " . $Orders_id); //$row_orders_status_history = tep_db_fetch_array($comments); while($row_orders_status_history = mysqli_fetch_array($orders_status_history)) { // end // $Comments = filter_text($row_orders_status_history["comments"]); } // -------------------- QUERIES 2 ------------------------------------// //Orders_subtotal $orders_subtotal = tep_db_query("select value from orders_total where class = 'ot_subtotal' and orders_id = " . $Orders_id); //$row_orders_subtotal = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_subtotal); while($row_orders_subtotal = mysqli_fetch_array($orders_subtotal)) { // end // $Order_Subtotal = filter_text($row_orders_subtotal["value"]); } // -------------------- QUERIES 3 ------------------------------------// //Orders_tax $orders_tax = tep_db_query("select value from orders_total where class = 'ot_tax' and orders_id = " . $Orders_id); //$row_orders_tax = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_tax); while($row_orders_tax = mysqli_fetch_array($orders_tax)) { // end // $Order_Tax = filter_text($row_orders_tax["value"]); } // -------------------- QUERIES 4 ------------------------------------// //Orders_Insurance $orders_insurance = tep_db_query("select value from orders_total where class = 'ot_insurance' and orders_id = " . $Orders_id); //$row_orders_insurance = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_insurance); while($row_orders_insurance = mysqli_fetch_array($orders_insurance)) { // end // $Order_Insurance = filter_text($row_orders_insurance["value"]); } $Tax_Exempt_Message = ""; // -------------------- QUERIES 5 ------------------------------------// //Orders_Shipping $orders_shipping = tep_db_query("select title, value from orders_total where class = 'ot_shipping' and orders_id = " . $Orders_id); //$row_orders_shipping = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_shipping); while($row_orders_shipping = mysqli_fetch_array($orders_shipping)) { // end // $Order_Shipping_Total = $row_orders_shipping["value"]; $Shipping_Method = filter_text($row_orders_shipping["title"]); // Shipping method from query 5 } // -------------------- QUERIES 6 ------------------------------------// //Orders_Residential Del Fee (Giftwrap) $orders_residential_fee = tep_db_query("select value from orders_total where class = 'ot_giftwrap' and orders_id = " . $Orders_id); //$row_orders_residential_fee = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_residential_fee); while($row_orders_residential_fee = mysqli_fetch_array($orders_residential_fee)) { // end // $Small_Order_Fee = $row_orders_residential_fee["value"]; } //////////////////////////////////// $Discount_Rate = ""; $Discount_Message = ""; $CODAmount = ""; // -------------------- QUERIES 7 ------------------------------------// //Orders_Total $orders_total = tep_db_query("select value from orders_total where class = 'ot_total' and orders_id = " . $Orders_id); //$row_orders_total = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_total); while($row_orders_total = mysqli_fetch_array($orders_total)) { // end // $Order_Grand_Total = $row_orders_total["value"]; } // -------------------- QUERIES 8 ------------------------------------// //Products COunt $orders_count = tep_db_query("select count(products_quantity) as o_count from orders_products where orders_id = " . $Orders_id); //$row_orders_total = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_total); while($row_orders_count = mysqli_fetch_array($orders_count)) { // end // $Number_of_Items = $row_orders_count[0]; // used array to show the number of items ordered } // $shipping_weight = ""; //$Coupon_Code = ""; //$Order_security_msg = ""; //$Order_Surcharge_Amount = ""; //$Order_Surcharge_Something = ""; //$Affiliate_code = ""; //$Sentiment_message = ""; //$Checkout_form_type = ""; //$Card_CVV_value = $row_orders["cvvnumber"]; //$future1 = ""; //$future2 = ""; //$future3 = ""; //$future4 = ""; //$future5 = ""; //$future6 = ""; //$future7 = ""; //$future8 = ""; //$future9 = ""; // csv settings $CSV_SEPARATOR = "^"; $CSV_NEWLINE = "\r\n"; //$csv_output .= "". "^" ; $csv_output .= $ShipTo_First_Name . " " ; $csv_output .= $ShipTo_Last_Name . "^" ; $csv_output .= $ShipTo_Company . "^" ; $csv_output .= $ShipTo_Address_1 . "^" ; //$csv_output .= "PL" . "^" ; $csv_output .= $ShipTo_Zip . "^" ; $csv_output .= $ShipTo_City . "^" ; //$csv_output .= $Time . "," ; //$csv_output .= $First_Name . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Last_Name . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Name_On_Card . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Company . "," ; //$csv_output .= $email . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Billing_Address_1 . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Billing_Address_2 . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Billing_City . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Billing_State . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Billing_Zip . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Billing_Country . "," ; $csv_output .= $Billing_Phone . "^" ; $csv_output .= $email . "^" ; $csv_output .= $Orders_id . "^" ; //$csv_output .= $Date . "^" ; //$csv_output .= "2000^^N^N^N^N^N^N^N^N^N". "" ; //$csv_output .= $ShipTo_Name . "," ; //$csv_output .= $ShipTo_Company . "," ; //$csv_output .= $ShipTo_Address_1 . "," ; //$csv_output .= $ShipTo_Address_2 . "," ; //$csv_output .= $ShipTo_State . "," ; //$csv_output .= $ShipTo_Zip . "," ; //$csv_output .= $ShipTo_Country . "," ; //$csv_output .= $ShipTo_Phone . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Card_Type . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Card_Number . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Exp_Date . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Bank_Name . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Gateway . "," ; //$csv_output .= $AVS_Code . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Transaction_ID . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Order_Special_Notes . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Comments . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Order_Subtotal . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Order_Tax . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Order_Insurance . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Tax_Exempt_Message . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Order_Shipping_Total . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Small_Order_Fee . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Discount_Rate . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Discount_Message . "," ; //$csv_output .= $CODAmount . "^" ; //$csv_output .= $Order_Grand_Total . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Number_of_Items . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Shipping_Method . "," ; //$csv_output .= $total_weight . "^" ; $csv_output .= $shipping_weight . "2^" ; //$csv_output .= $Coupon_Code . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Order_security_msg . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Order_Surcharge_Amount . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Order_Surcharge_Something . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Affiliate_code . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Sentiment_message . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Checkout_form_type . "," ; //$csv_output .= $Card_CVV_value . "," ; //$csv_output .= $future1 . "," ; //$csv_output .= $future2 . "," ; //$csv_output .= $future3 . "," ; //$csv_output .= $future4 . "," ; //$csv_output .= $future5 . "," ; //$csv_output .= $future6 . "," ; //$csv_output .= $future7 . "," ; //$csv_output .= $future8 . "," ; //$csv_output .= $future9 ; // -------------------- QUERIES 9 ------------------------------------// //Get list of products ordered //$orders_products = tep_db_query("select products_model, products_price, products_quantity, products_name, orders_products_id from orders_products //where orders_id = " . $Orders_id); // While loop to list the item //$countproducts = 0; //$csv_output_item = ""; //$csv_output_order = str_replace($csv_output_ordersbefore, "", $csv_output); //while($row_orders_products = mysql_fetch_array($orders_products)) { // loop through orders // More than one product per order, new line // if ($countproducts>0){ // $csv_output .= "\n"; // $csv_output .= $csv_output_order; // $csv_output_item = ""; // } // $csv_output_item .= "," . "BEGIN_ITEM". "," ; // $csv_output_item .= ","; // $csv_output_item .= filter_text($row_orders_products[0]) . "," ; // $csv_output_item .= $row_orders_products[1] . "," ; // $csv_output_item .= $row_orders_products[2] . "," ; // $csv_output_item .= filter_text($row_orders_products[3]) . "," ; // $Products_id = $row_orders_products[4]; // // $orders_products_attributes = tep_db_query("select products_options, products_options_values from orders_products_attributes // where orders_id = " . $Orders_id . " and orders_products_id = " . $Products_id); // // while($row_orders_products_attributes = mysql_fetch_array($orders_products_attributes)) { // $csv_output_item .= filter_text($row_orders_products_attributes[0]) . "," ; // $csv_output_item .= filter_text($row_orders_products_attributes[1]) . "," ; // } // $csv_output_item .= "END_ITEM"; // $csv_output .= $csv_output_item; // $countproducts += 1; //} // end while loop for products // --------------------------------------------------------------------------// $csv_output .= "\n"; } // while loop main first //print header("Content-Type: application/force-download\n"); header("Cache-Control: cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: public"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=ordersexports_" . date("Ymd") . ".csv"); print $csv_output; exit; }//function main function filter_text($text) { $filter_array = array(",","\r","\n","\t"); return str_replace($filter_array,"",$text); } // function for the filter ?> Please help me :)
  13. You're right, but without this change there is always a broken link to the image and thrown "\ into the description. How does it differently change?
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