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Everything posted by TomB01

  1. Oops! I didn't check that, but yes - I can confirm that my domestic First Class shipping is not charging enough.
  2. No - they simply changed the name from "First Class International Package" to "First Class International Parcel." They did the same thing domestically. For some reason, that still works, but International does not. I'm running USPS_Methods_5.0.2, by the way.
  3. Looks like they changed "Package" to "Parcel" with First Class shipping, but for some reason it comes up OK and works on domestic. My international checkout won't bring up an option at all for First Class International. EDIT: Sorry for the repeated posts ...
  4. After further investigation and testing, it appears that the only thing broken is "First Class Int Package" (1st Class International) shipping. It's probably nothing but USPS changing a text string again, but I'm at a loss on my own. EDIT: Looks like they changed "Package" to "Parcel", but it seems to come up OK on my shopping carts for domestic orders, but it's broken for international.
  5. UPDATE: Upon further investigation and testing, it appears that the only thing really broken is First Class International shipping. I get no option for 1st Class shipping on an International order.
  6. Yes - bad progress. Today USPS made the change and my store's shipping is broken. Please help!
  7. I'm getting customer reports that mine is broken. I posted that USPS e-mail in another thread over a week ago, but not sure if anyone responded. It was in the general support area. As for whether the USPS e-mail involved anything other than changes to pricing, etc. - it happens everytime they make changes. All they have to do is change FIRST CLASS SHIPPING to FIRST-CLASS SHIPPING and it breaks. Some of the past changes have been very similar, seemingly innocuous, but in the end: very destructive.
  8. WARNING! Received today in my e-mail: Have any of you experts looked at this? Think it will break things? EDIT: Tried to clean up the formatting; their bullet list didn't copy-paste well ...
  9. That's great news! Thanks for still keeping interest. I haven't had any issues since you all fixed it.
  10. Fair Warning (since many of you claimed USPS gave no notice last time - they did): Received today, 2/22/2011 - I get APO customers every once in awhile, so I'm sure this will probably break things when it occurs. :(
  11. Can someone help me get my invoice editor back online (order_editor_5_0_61)? OK - just a note to you developers on the next addition of USPS Methods. I believe I figured out what was going on with my order editor (a blind squirrel, etc., etc.). Apparently, the order editor loads the "general.php" file under /catalog/admnin/includes/functions instead of the "general.php" file under /catalog/includes/functions. We edited the latter general.php under USPS Methods 5.0.3 to include the tep_round_up() function, but not the one under the admin/includes/functions path. So, I added the tep_round_up() function to the general.php file under the admin's functions folder and now my order editor works again without the fatal error.
  12. Yes, the problem is that I did that. I just verified the "general.php" file, too - the Greg Deeth function is in there in the place defined in #4 of the readme file.
  13. Thanks - will give it a shot shortly and let you know! :)
  14. OK - please note the Fatal Error in the above post is "usps.php." ;) I think the "tep_round_up" function was something we added to the new USPS Methods. Help?
  15. Looks like the new USPS Methods 5.0.3 blew up my order editor. I get this message when clicking on "Edit" for an invoice: Can someone help me get my invoice editor back online (order_editor_5_0_61)?
  16. Any way to add handling charges for International?
  17. Apparently, I have no trouble with the configuration table structure, because it appears to be working. I need to do some more testing, but good job!! I've got those double asterisks after First Class International, and wondered if you knew how to fix this on Domestic: As you can see, it's putting a "1" at the head of the transit string, with no value for the "Day". I believe Priority Mail is pretty much the same transit time as First Class for Domestic, but I can't remember for sure. Anyway ... help is appreciated. EDIT: Hmm ... didn't see that a.forever had the same error before I posted.
  18. OK - Debbie, Jetta, or whoever may be able to help, I get a bit antsy when it comes to the SQL code. AFAIK, there's no way to roll that back if doesn't work (without a full backup and restore, and those are always scary!). Plus, the new contrib is a bit unclear in the README file: Can anyone elaborate on this? It appears to be a parameter that one sets in PHPmyadmin rather than submitting a SQL statement. When I click on "Structure" for the "configuration" table, I see a line beginning with "set_function" (the last line) and the columns do correspond to "text", "latin1_swedish_ci", "Yes", and "NULL". There's also an icon I can click that stands for "Change". How easy is it to undo this if it doesn't work? In addition, is there any way I can tell whether it's set for 255 or 1020 already?
  19. I think I will do the same. I've been copying all of these interim updates - especially the "special html characters" fix in my case. However, I've been a bit intimidated at the prospect of organizing all of this and trying to keep it straight, but still maintain a clean rollback if it doesn't work (my Domestic is still doing business). Now that I read that fulluvscents is still working on a complete contrib, I will wait. Thank you, Jetta - you are a godsend!
  20. Many thanks! I will try the USPS Methods 5.0.1 again and see if that fixes it. I believe I was all the way there except for this error. Although, First Class Mail International was still not showing up, but maybe I hadn't checked the right thing in the configuration panel. Will let you know later after I've tried this. Again - thanks!
  21. Sounds great! Glad to hear you've got something workable for the time being.
  22. No, but this is the closest so far, IMHO: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,487/category,all/search,USPS+Methods USPS Methods 5.0.1 with bug fix. I've tried most of the methods in the contribs support thread with mixed success. Nothing fixes it all, yet - at least for me. I think someone is going to have to offer us a completely updated contrib before it fixes it for the rest of us.
  23. I've been running 2.9.6 and suspect that may be causing some of my problems as well. I agree that someone (please, please!) needs to construct a contrib that gathers everything (probably some mySQL code is needed, too) so that we can accomplish a completely fresh, up-to-date install.
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