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  1. Hi, Please open admin/cross_sell.php Search for function display_cross_sells($products_id, $products_model) There must be SQL statement: $cross_sell_sql = 'SELECT px.products_id, px.cross_sell_id, p.products_model, p.products_status, pd.products_name FROM ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_CROSS_SELL . ' as px, ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS . ' as p, ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . ' as pd WHERE px.products_id = "' . $products_id . '" AND px.cross_sell_id = p.products_id AND p.products_id = pd.products_id'; Please add one condition into WHERE clause: ... AND pd.language_id = ' . $language . ' Or download the latest contribution I will post shortly
  2. Hello I have not worked with this particular contribution but this is general problem when they forget to insert a record into admin/includes/database_tables.php and /includes/database_tables.php If the record below does not exist there please add it to both files: // added for support ticket define('TABLE_TICKET_STATUS', 'ticket_status'); // end of support ticket
  3. Hello I installed Support Ticket by David Howarth http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,936 The main problem is when a visitor submits new ticket he/she is being redirected to login page, so that he is logged out. Please suggest any solution (Hidden input with session ID exist, but this does not help) I have found a lot of other bugs in includes/modules/support_track.php file where links were built without using session IDs. I replaced them using tep_href_link() function and now the links work. Thanks a lot
  4. Just installed pm2checkout 2.1a 1) Everything is fine, but I noticed that orders are being recorded with no prices. Nor prices per item neither total price (????) 2) catalog/pm2checkout_process.php is intended to pass the parameters to checkout_process.php ; correct? I just can't realise how it is done using $_GET, since the parameters are POSTed from 2CO confirmation page
  5. Hello, I have copied osCommerce from old web site to hte new one. Now when I upload a file via easy populate it prins the header as usually: File uploaded. Temporary filename: /home/u18658/www/tmp/phpgcRQRl User filename: EP2004Dec16-1604.txt Size: 451552 but does not upload anything and does not print items (under the header) as it does normally. My PHP is: PHP Version 4.3.10 System FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE-p4 i386 at be11.masterhost.ru Server API Apache Virtual Directory Support disabled Configuration File (php.ini) Path /usr/local/apache-php4/php/php.ini PHP API 20020918 PHP Extension 20020429 Zend Extension 20021010 Debug Build no Thread Safety disabled Registered PHP Streams php, http, ftp, compress.zlib This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine: Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright © 1998-2004 Zend Technologies Any suggestion?
  6. case510

    Chronopay Install

    The same happens to me. Everything works except for registering of orders in osCommerce shop. Please somebody help!!!
  7. I tried this on both local computer (w2k, MySQL 4.0) and web site (Linux, MySQL 3.23). Both have MS2. I spent all day today trying to optimize this query, no result
  8. Nice site. It loads very quick. Is there a trick? When I execute this query in MySQL command line it takes 3 to 4 minutes to select a random product
  9. Hi, has anybody tried this module on a shop with more that 1500 products in database. (Plus x-sell, specials, featured). It takes approx 4 minutes to open product info page. I noticed that the query ($btpq) generated by buy_two_module.php takes too long to select a random product. Any suggestion will be appreciated The query is here: select p.products_id, p.products_image, p.products_tax_class_id, s.status as specstat, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price, p.manufacturers_id from products p left join specials s on p.products_id = s.products_id , products_attributes pa where p.products_id != pa.products_id and p.products_status = '1' and p.products_id!='1474' and p.products_tax_class_id='0' order by rand(23469) DESC limit 1
  10. I noticed that it happens with categories, which names contain single quotes (') or other non alpha-numeric charachters, but it does not depend on name length. Do you know how to properly escape those characters?
  11. I download datafile using Easy Populate, modify it and upload it back. Sometimes a duplicate category appears, so that there will be two identical categories with the same name but different cPath. It does not happen every time I upload a file. I can not understand what it depends on, and most important I do not know how to avoid it Any suggestion will be appreciated Thanks
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