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  1. I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to tell me how I do the part highligted. I dont understand what the heck Im suppose to do. ************************************** Guest Account version 2.2 Re-packaged by Adam Camuti orig By Ole Byskov (olby) / Ian Davidson Support: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=57987 Paypal Donations: [email protected] Homepage: http://www.DMasters.net ************************************** Updated by Adam: - 2.1a had error in catalog/login.php - Replaced with v. 2.1 - 2.1a missing lines in /catalog/includes/languages/english/login.php - Merged with 2.1 - Added sql file + Updated instructions - Updated instructions because all changed code wasn't marked with // guest account tag ************************************** ************************************** osCommerce version: version 2.2 release MS2/CVS *************************************** *************************************** Guest Account version 2.0 By Ole Byskov (olby) / Ian Davidson Support: www.oscommerce.com/forums / [email protected] Paypal Donations: [email protected] Homepage: http://www.bgsys.dk/ ************************************** ************************************** History: Version 2.0: New creation based on: Guest Account v1.0 Pre-Nov OS by Ian Davidson ************************************** ************************************** Instructions for use: When installed, you can activate / deactivate the use of Guest Acocunts in Admin. This mod allows your customers to checkout, without creating an account (no password/newsletter). When allowed in admin, there will be a new box on the login-page for guests. Guests will not be asked for or see these options: Password, Newsletter Products Notifications The Create Account Success page The Account created mail My Account and Logoff (in header navigation) Desciption by Ian Davidson (still complies): a) A new flag is added to the customer database to signal that the customer is a guest and not a member. B) The login page is now split into 3 boxes - Guest, Returning Customer and New Customer. c) Guests get exactly the same 'create account' page as normal but it is automatically re-named to 'Billing Details'. d) Adding the Billing Details actually creates an account as normal but a random password is automatically inserted (and unknown to you or the customer), the welcome email is surpressed, the check for duplicate emails is retained but if found, the EXISTING EMAILS AND CUSTOMER NAMES ARE DISABLED by adding @_ in front of them and WRITING THE DETAILS BACK TO THE DATABASE. e) So Guest Accounts can be endlessly created, each new Account disables any old ones. Of course, you will eventually need to manually clean-up old accounts from your database being careful that they do not have outstanding orders attached to them. f) Guest Accounts are signalled in Admin by having -1 logins shown against them. Disabled Guest Accounts also have @_ prefixing the last name. g) Guests can create full member accounts but members cannot create Guest Accounts. h) The Guest account lasts for the duration of the session or until the Guest logs-off. After this, the Guest could use 'PASSWORD FORGOTTEN' to re-activate the account (so it allows you to offer the option of turning a guest into a member after they have created the account if you want) but they are not told this. To this is added Admin function to turn it on or off under My Shop -> Configuration The guest-account option is only shown if checkout is called from the shopping cart. NOTE: Once logged in as a guest all occurrencies of: if (tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) { <something for members> } will be true, and you have to change that to: if (!tep_session_is_registered('customer_id') && $guest_account == false) { <something for members - not guests> } if you don't want guests to see it. ************************************** ************************************** Files to add: None ************************************** ************************************** Changes to existing files: /catalog/account_edit.php /catalog/checkout_payment.php /catalog/checkout_shipping.php /catalog/checkout_success.php /catalog/create_account.php /catalog/login.php /catalog/logoff.php /catalog/includes/column_right.php /catalog/includes/form_check.js.php /catalog/includes/header.php /catalog/includes/languages/english/checkout_success.php /catalog/includes/languages/english/create_account.php /catalog/includes/languages/english/login.php They are full versions from the above stated snapshot, but I CAN NOT recommend to replace newer files with these. If you do: BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP This is the part where I get stuck. I dont see any guest file beside guestmod.sql I imported this file into phpmyadmin and in said it executed 3 files. Did I do it correctly? If so how do I complete the last two step? Search for "guest" in the files included in this contribution and copy everything between: // guest account start ....(Some Brackets May be missing so pay close attention to code) AC // guest account end to the same place in your own files. ************************************** ************************************** Changes to database: (the are the commands in the sql file) AC Add this field to table customers: # Add customers guest_flag values to each customer ALTER TABLE `customers` ADD `guest_flag` CHAR( 1 ) NULL DEFAULT '0'; Add these 2 fields to table configuration by running these lines in phpmyadmin or what ever you prefer. # Add admin-facility to Guest Accounts INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES (40, 'Guests', 'Guests settings', 40, 1); INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Guests accounts', 'GUEST_ON', 'true', 'Allow Customers to purchase without an account', 40, 1, '2003-09-09 13:07:44', '2003-09-09 12:10:51', NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'); ************************************** ************************************** If anyone can help me with this small problem I would be so thankful.
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