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  1. Hello, i have 250.000 products in my shop and want to use Feedmachine. But there is a limitation of 100.000 products for each file at Google Base. Is it possible to generate many files which each one contains maximum 100.000 products ? This is my code: <?php /** * Feedmachine - osCommerce MS-2.2 * * Generates feeds for any product search engine, e.g. froogle, shopping.com, * kelkoo. Simply configure the feeds and run the script to generate them from * your product database. Highly flexible system and easy to modify. * @package feedmachine * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * @version 2.20b2 * @link http://www.osc-solutions.co.uk/ osCommerce Solutions * @copyright Copyright 2005-2007, Lech Madrzyk * @author Lech Madrzyk * @filesource http://www.osc-solutions.co.uk/ */ /* This file, feedmachine.php, should be put in your admin directory */ //I put in a check for this variable into application_top that prevents a session from starting //- you can do the same (not very important...) $start_session = false; /* This program uses the catalog's application_top (as oppose to admin's) in case any alternative url generator is used. */ if( !isset($feedmachine_auto) ) { $installation_path = getcwd() . '/'; if( !file_exists('feedmachine_config_google_base_de.php') ) { exit('Please ensure that feedmachine_config_google_base_de.php is in the admin directory - this is different to older versions where it is in admin/includes/'); } require_once('feedmachine_config_google_base_de.php'); $catalog_path = defined(CATALOG_DIRECTORY) ? CATALOG_DIRECTORY : '../'; chdir($catalog_path); $catalog_path = getcwd() . '/'; require_once('includes/application_top.php'); } require_once($installation_path . 'feedmachine_loadingbay.php'); if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ) echo '<pre>'; echo 'catalog path: ' . $catalog_path . "\n\n"; //The two functions below can be modified/extended to to modify/extend functionality function field_generator($db_field_name) { global $product, $current_product_prices, $cur_feed, $currencies, $countries, $categories; switch( $db_field_name ) { case 'FEED_PRODUCTS_URL': $additional_params = array(); if( $cur_feed['currency_code'] != DEFAULT_CURRENCY ) $additional_params[] = 'currency=' . $cur_feed['currency_code']; if( $cur_feed['language_code'] != DEFAULT_LANGUAGE ) $additional_params[] = 'language=' . $cur_feed['language_code']; if( !empty($cur_feed['url_parameters']) ) $additional_params[] = $cur_feed['url_parameters']; $additional_params_string = !empty($additional_params) ? '&' . implode('&', $additional_params) : ''; $output_field_value = tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $product['products_id'] . $additional_params_string, 'NONSSL', false); break; case 'FEED_IMAGE_URL': $output_field_value = $product['products_image'] ? HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES_PRODUCTS . $product['products_image'] : ''; break; case 'FEED_CATEGORY': if( $product['categories_id'] == 0 ) { $output_field_value = ''; } elseif( $cur_feed['category_output_type'] == 2 ) { $output_field_value = implode($cur_feed['category_seperator'], $categories[ $product['categories_id'] ][ $cur_feed['language_id'] ]); } elseif( $cur_feed['category_output_type'] == 3 ) { $output_field_value = $categories[ $product['categories_id'] ][ $cur_feed['language_id'] ][0]; } else { //assume 1 $output_field_value = $product['categories_name']; } break; case 'FEED_PRICE': $output_field_value = $current_product_prices['products_price']; break; case 'FEED_FINAL_PRICE': $output_field_value = $current_product_prices['final_price']; break; case 'FEED_PRICE_WITH_TAX': $output_field_value = $current_product_prices['products_price_with_tax']; break; case 'FEED_FINAL_PRICE_WITH_TAX': $output_field_value = $current_product_prices['final_price_with_tax']; break; case 'FEED_SPECIAL_PRICE': $output_field_value = !empty($product['specials_new_products_price']) ? $current_product_prices['specials_new_products_price'] : ''; break; case 'FEED_SPECIAL_PRICE_WITH_TAX': $output_field_value = !empty($product['specials_new_products_price']) ? $current_product_prices['specials_new_products_price_with_tax'] : ''; break; case 'FEED_UNIQUE_ID': //kept for configuration backwards compatibility $output_field_value = $product['products_id']; break; case 'TITLE': $output_field_value = $product['products_name'] . ' - Herst.Art-Nr.: ' . $product['products_hersteller_id']; break; } return $output_field_value; } function process_field_value($field_value, &$field_options) { if( in_array('STRIP_XHTML', $field_options) ) { $field_value = preg_replace('#<([^\s]*+).*?>(.*?)</\1>#i', '$2', $field_value); $field_value = preg_replace('#<.*? />#i', ' ', $field_value); } elseif( in_array('STRIP_HTML', $field_options) ) { $field_value = preg_replace('#</?.*?>#i', ' ', $field_value); } if( in_array('HTML_ENTITIES', $field_options) ) { $field_value = htmlentities(html_entity_decode($field_value)); } if( in_array('STRIP_CRLF', $field_options) ) { $field_value = preg_replace('#[\040\011]*+[\n\r]+[\040\011]*#s', ' ', $field_value); } return $field_value; } function category_path($categories_id, &$language_id, &$cat_path) { $query = tep_db_query('SELECT c.parent_id, cd.categories_name FROM categories c, categories_description cd WHERE c.categories_id = cd.categories_id AND c.categories_id = \'' . (int)$categories_id . '\' AND cd.language_id = \'' . (int)$language_id . '\''); $cat_info = tep_db_fetch_array($query); $cat_path = array_merge(array($cat_info['categories_name']), $cat_path); if( $cat_info['parent_id'] ) { return category_path($cat_info['parent_id'], $language_id, $cat_path); } else { return $cat_path; } } function combinations(&$options, $options_seperator = '|', $pos = 0, $combinations = false) { $new_combinations = array(); if( $combinations ) { foreach( $options[$pos]['values'] as $key1=>$value1 ) { foreach( $combinations as $key2=>$value2 ) { $new_combinations[$key2 . $options_seperator . $key1]['comb_name'] = $value2['comb_name'] . '; ' . $options[$pos]['comb_name'] . ': ' . $value1; $new_combinations[$key2 . $options_seperator . $key1]['comb_price'] = $value2['comb_price'] + ( $options[$pos]['price_prefix'][$key1] == '+' ? 1 : (-1) ) * $options[$pos]['options_values_price'][$key1]; $new_combinations[$key2 . $options_seperator . $key1]['option_value'] = $value2['option_value']; $new_combinations[$key2 . $options_seperator . $key1]['option_value'][$options[$pos]['comb_name']] = $value1; } } } else { //This is a modification of the above for the first pass foreach( $options[$pos]['values'] as $key=>$value ) { $new_combinations[$key]['comb_name'] = $options[$pos]['comb_name'] . ': ' . $value; $new_combinations[$key]['comb_price'] = ( $options[$pos]['price_prefix'][$key] == '+' ? 1 : (-1) ) * $options[$pos]['options_values_price'][$key]; $new_combinations[$key]['option_value'][$options[$pos]['comb_name']] = $value; } } if( ++$pos < sizeof($options) ) { return combinations($options, $options_seperator, $pos, $new_combinations); } else { return $new_combinations; } } set_time_limit(2400); ini_set('memory_limit', ( defined('FM_MEMORY_LIMIT') ? 'FM_MEMORY_LIMIT' : '800M' )); $option_value_seperator = defined('OPTION_COMBS_OPTION_VALUE_SEPERATOR') ? OPTION_COMBS_OPTION_VALUE_SEPERATOR : ':'; $options_seperator = defined('OPTION_COMBS_OPTIONS_SEPERATOR') ? OPTION_COMBS_OPTIONS_SEPERATOR : '|'; $save_path = $catalog_path . SAVE_LOCATION; if( !file_exists($save_path) ) { echo 'The SAVE_LOCATION directory: ' . SAVE_LOCATION . ' does not exist in ' . $catalog_path . '. Please create this directory or change the path to an existing directory'; exit; } //Build Languages Array $languages = array(); $languages_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM languages'); while( $languages_row = tep_db_fetch_array($languages_query) ) { $languages[ $languages_row['code'] ] = $languages_row; } tep_db_free_result($languages_query); echo 'languages array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // //Which languages are needed for the feeds? //If only some are needed, this will save time in the master query $languages_used = array(); foreach( $feeds as $key=>$feed ) { if( isset($languages[ $feed['language_code'] ]['languages_id']) ) { $feeds[$key]['language_id'] = $languages[ $feed['language_code'] ]['languages_id']; } $languages_used[ $feeds[$key]['language_id'] ] = true; } $languages_list = ''; foreach( $languages_used as $key=>$value ) { $languages_list .= ', ' . $key; } $languages_list = substr($languages_list, 2); // //Build Currencies Array $currencies = array(); $currencies_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM currencies'); while( $currencies_row = tep_db_fetch_array($currencies_query) ) { $currencies[ $currencies_row['code'] ] = $currencies_row; } tep_db_free_result($currencies_query); echo 'currencies array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // //Establish feed currency's decimal and thousand points foreach( $feeds as $cur_feed_id => $cur_feed ) { $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_decimal'] = $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_decimal_override'] !== false ? $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_decimal_override'] : $currencies[ $cur_feed['currency_code'] ]['decimal_point']; $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_thousands'] = $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_thousands_override'] !== false ? $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_thousands_override'] : $currencies[ $cur_feed['currency_code'] ]['thousands_point']; } // //Get Countries All-Zones Tax Rates $taxes = array(); //FOLLOWING QUERY IS TEMPORARY - TAXES NEED TO BE HANDLED BETTER $taxes_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM countries c, zones_to_geo_zones z2gz, tax_rates tr WHERE c.countries_id = z2gz.zone_country_id AND ( z2gz.zone_id = 0 OR z2gz.zone_id IS NULL' . ( defined(STORE_ZONE) && STORE_ZONE != '' ? ' OR z2gz.zone_id = ' . STORE_ZONE : '' ) . ' ) AND z2gz.geo_zone_id = tr.tax_zone_id'); while( $taxes_row = tep_db_fetch_array($taxes_query) ) { $taxes[ $taxes_row['countries_iso_code_2'] ][ $taxes_row['tax_class_id'] ] = $taxes_row['tax_rate']; } tep_db_free_result($taxes_query); echo 'taxes array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // //Build Countries Array $countries = array(); $countries_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM countries'); while( $countries_row = tep_db_fetch_array($countries_query) ) { $countries[ $countries_row['countries_iso_code_2'] ] = $countries_row; } tep_db_free_result($countries_query); echo 'countries array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // //Build Categories $categories = array(); $categories_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM categories c, categories_description cd WHERE c.categories_id = cd.categories_id'); while( $categories_row = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_query) ) { $cat_path = array(); $categories[ $categories_row['categories_id'] ][ $categories_row['language_id'] ] = category_path($categories_row['categories_id'], $categories_row['language_id'], $cat_path); } tep_db_free_result($categories_query); echo 'categories array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // $count_run = true; $begin_output_run = true; $cycle_length = floor(1000/sizeof($languages_used))*sizeof($languages_used); $count = 0; $counter = 0; while( true ) { ++$counter; $master_query = tep_db_query('SELECT ' . ( $count_run ? 'COUNT(*) as count' : 's.*, cd.*, c.*, ptc.*, mi.*, m.*, pd.*, p.*, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price) as final_price' ) . ' FROM products p LEFT JOIN products_description pd ON p.products_id = pd.products_id LEFT JOIN manufacturers m ON p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id LEFT JOIN manufacturers_info mi ON m.manufacturers_id = mi.manufacturers_id AND pd.language_id = mi.languages_id LEFT JOIN products_to_categories ptc ON pd.products_id = ptc.products_id LEFT JOIN specials s ON ptc.products_id = s.products_id LEFT JOIN categories c ON ptc.categories_id = c.categories_id LEFT JOIN categories_description cd ON c.categories_id = cd.categories_id AND pd.language_id = cd.language_id WHERE pd.language_id IN(' . $languages_list . ') AND p.products_status = 1 ORDER BY p.products_id' . ( $count > 0 ? ' LIMIT ' . (($counter-1)*$cycle_length) . ', ' . $cycle_length : '' )); if( $count_run ) { $master_query_row = tep_db_fetch_array($master_query); $count = $master_query_row['count']; echo "\n" . 'number of products: ' . ($count/sizeof($languages_used)) . "\n" . 'number of cycles: ' . ceil($count/$cycle_length) . "\n"; ob_flush(); $count_run = false; --$counter; continue; } if( $begin_output_run ) { //Open Files and Check configurations $fps = array(); foreach( $feeds as $cur_feed_id => $cur_feed ) { $file = $save_path . $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['filename']; if( file_exists($file) ) { if( BACK_UP_OLD_FEEDS ) { $old_file_last_modified = date('Y-m-d-H.i.s', filemtime($file)); $file_info = array(); preg_match('#^(.*?)(\..*?)?$#', $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['filename'], $file_info); rename($file, $save_path . $file_info[1] . '-' . $old_file_last_modified . ( isset($file_info[2]) ? $file_info[2] : '' )); } else { unlink($file); } } $fps[$cur_feed_id]['fp'] = fopen($file, 'a'); chmod($file, 0777); $fps[$cur_feed_id]['file'] = $file; } $mysqli = defined('MYSQL_EXTENSION') && MYSQL_EXTENSION == 'mysqli'; $i=0; $fields = array(); while( $i < ( $mysqli ? mysqli_num_fields($master_query) : mysql_num_fields($master_query) ) ) { ++$i; $cur_field = ( $mysqli ? mysqli_fetch_field($master_query) : mysql_fetch_field($master_query) ); $fields[] = $cur_field->name; } foreach( $feeds as $cur_feed_id => $cur_feed ) { $output_line = ''; foreach( $cur_feed['fields'] as $output_field_name=>$db_field ) { if( $db_field['type'] == 'DB' && !in_array($db_field['name'], $fields) ) { echo 'The field ' . $db_field['name'] . ' specified in the ' . $cur_feed['filename'] . ' feed does not exist in any of the queried tables. Please ensure you have entered the correct field name and that it exists in one of the tables queried in $master_query (see code)'; exit; } elseif( $cur_feed['add_field_names'] ) { $output_line .= $cur_feed['seperator'] . $cur_feed['text_qualifier'] . $output_field_name . $cur_feed['text_qualifier']; } } $additional_header_lines = ''; if( !empty($cur_feed['additional_header_lines']) && is_array($cur_feed['additional_header_lines']) ) { $additional_header_lines = implode($cur_feed['newline'], $cur_feed['additional_header_lines']) . $cur_feed['newline']; } $output_line = substr($output_line, strlen($cur_feed['seperator'])) . ( $cur_feed['add_field_names'] ? $cur_feed['newline'] : '' ); $output = $additional_header_lines . $output_line; fwrite($fps[$cur_feed_id]['fp'], $output); } echo "\n" . 'feed configurations checked... output begun.' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // $begin_output_run = false; --$counter; continue; } echo "\n" . 'cycle: ' . $counter . "\n"; ob_flush(); //Build Products Array $products = array(); $products_id_low = 0; $products_id_high = 0; while( $master_query_row = tep_db_fetch_array($master_query) ) { if( $products_id_low == 0 ) $products_id_low = $master_query_row['products_id']; $products_id_high = $master_query_row['products_id']; $products[$master_query_row['language_id']][$master_query_row['products_id']] = $master_query_row; } // //make products defined by attributes // tep_db_free_result($master_query); echo "\n" . 'products array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // //Build Attributes Array $products_attributes = array(); $i_rows = array(); if( !defined('PERFORMANCE_SKIP_LOAD_ATTRIBUTES') || ( defined('PERFORMANCE_SKIP_LOAD_ATTRIBUTES') && !PERFORMANCE_SKIP_LOAD_ATTRIBUTES ) ) { $products_attributes_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM products_attributes pa LEFT JOIN products_options po ON pa.options_id = po.products_options_id LEFT JOIN products_options_values pov ON pa.options_values_id = pov.products_options_values_id AND po.language_id = pov.language_id WHERE pa.products_id BETWEEN ' . (int)$products_id_low . ' AND ' . (int)$products_id_high); if( tep_db_num_rows($products_attributes_query) > 0 ) { while( $products_attributes_row = tep_db_fetch_array($products_attributes_query) ) { if( isset($products[ $products_attributes_row['language_id'] ][ $products_attributes_row['products_id'] ]) ) { $products_attributes[ $products_attributes_row['language_id'] ][ $products_attributes_row['products_id'] ][ $products_attributes_row['options_id'] ][] = $products_attributes_row; } } //check if i_rows required $i_rows_required = false; foreach( $feeds as $feed ) { if( !empty($feed['attributes_handling']) && $feed['attributes_handling'] == 2 ) { $i_rows_required = true; break; } } // //"i_rows" - individual rows, for feeds where individual records are needed for each option variation if( $i_rows_required ) { foreach( $products_attributes as $language_id => $value ) { foreach( $value as $products_id => $options_values ) { $options = array(); $i = 0; ksort($options_values); foreach( $options_values as $products_options_id => $values ) { $options[$i]['comb_name'] = $values[0]['products_options_name']; ksort($values); foreach( $values as $products_options_values ) { $options[$i]['values'][ $products_options_id . $option_value_seperator . $products_options_values['products_options_values_id'] ] = $products_options_values['products_options_values_name']; $options[$i]['price_prefix'][ $products_options_id . $option_value_seperator . $products_options_values['products_options_values_id'] ] = $products_options_values['price_prefix']; $options[$i]['options_values_price'][ $products_options_id . $option_value_seperator . $products_options_values['products_options_values_id'] ] = $products_options_values['options_values_price']; } ++$i; } $combinations = combinations($options, $options_seperator); foreach( $combinations as $combination_id => $combination ) { $combination['combination_id'] = $combination_id; $i_rows[ $language_id ][ $products_id ][] = array_merge($combination, $products[ $language_id ][ $products_id ]); } } } } } echo 'products attributes array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); tep_db_free_result($products_attributes_query); } // echo 'feed generation in process...' . "\n"; ob_flush(); foreach( $feeds as $cur_feed_id => $cur_feed ) { foreach( $products[$cur_feed['language_id']] as $row ) { $rows = array(); if( isset($i_rows[ $cur_feed['language_id'] ][ $row['products_id'] ]) && $cur_feed['attributes_handling'] == 2 ) { $rows =& $i_rows[$cur_feed['language_id']][ $row['products_id'] ]; } else { $rows[] =& $row; } foreach( $rows as $product ) { if( !empty($cur_feed['include_record_function']) ) { $include_record = call_user_func_array($cur_feed['include_record_function'], array(&$product)); if( !$include_record ) continue; } //Calculate Prices in Feed Currency and Prices with Tax $tax_multiplier = isset($taxes[ $cur_feed['countries_iso_2'] ][ $product['products_tax_class_id'] ]) ? (1+$taxes[ $cur_feed['countries_iso_2'] ][ $product['products_tax_class_id'] ]/100) : 1; $current_product_prices = array(); $currency_conversion_field_list = array('products_price', 'final_price', 'specials_new_products_price', 'comb_price'); foreach( $currency_conversion_field_list as $field_name ) { $current_product_prices[$field_name] = isset($product[$field_name]) ? round(( $product[$field_name] * ( isset($cur_feed['currency_code']) ? $currencies[ $cur_feed['currency_code'] ]['value'] : 1 ) ), 4) : ''; $current_product_prices[($field_name . '_with_tax')] = isset($current_product_prices[$field_name]) ? number_format($tax_multiplier * $current_product_prices[$field_name], $currencies[ $cur_feed['currency_code'] ]['decimal_places'], $cur_feed['currency_decimal'], $cur_feed['currency_thousands']) : ''; } $output_line = ''; foreach( $cur_feed['fields'] as $output_field_name=>$db_field ) { $output_field_value = ''; switch( $db_field['type'] ) { case 'DB': $output_field_value = $product[$db_field['name']]; break; case 'KEYWORD': $output_field_value = field_generator($db_field['name']); break; case 'LOGIC': eval($db_field['name']); break; case 'FUNCTION': $params = explode('|', $db_field['name']); $function = $params[0]; unset($params[0]); $params[0] = &$product; ksort($params); $output_field_value = call_user_func_array($function, $params); break; case 'VALUE': default: $output_field_value = $db_field['name']; break; } if( isset($db_field['options']) ) $output_field_value = process_field_value($output_field_value, $db_field['options']); if( isset($db_field['filters']) && is_array($db_field['filters']) ) { $output_field_value = preg_replace($db_field['filters']['patterns'], $db_field['filters']['replacements'], $output_field_value); } $output_field_value = empty($cur_feed['text_qualifier']) ? preg_replace('#[' . $cur_feed['seperator'] . $cur_feed['newline'] . ']+#s', ' ', $output_field_value) : preg_replace('#' . $cur_feed['text_qualifier'] . '#s', $cur_feed['text_qualifier'] . $cur_feed['text_qualifier'], $output_field_value); $output_line .= $cur_feed['seperator'] . $cur_feed['text_qualifier'] . trim($output_field_value) . $cur_feed['text_qualifier']; } $output_line = substr($output_line, strlen($cur_feed['seperator'])) . $cur_feed['newline']; if( !empty($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['encoding']) && $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['encoding'] !== false ) { switch( $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['encoding'] ) { case 'utf8': $output_line = utf8_encode($output_line); break; } } fwrite($fps[$cur_feed_id]['fp'], $output_line); } } } //clean up unset($products); if( ($counter*$cycle_length) >= $count ) break; }//end while foreach( $fps as $cur_feed_id => $fp ) { fclose($fp['fp']); if( isset($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['copies']) && is_array($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['copies']) ) { foreach( $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['copies'] as $location ) { copy($fp['file'], $location); chmod($location, 0777); } } if( isset($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_compress']) && $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_compress'] ) { $compression_filename = $save_path . $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_filename']; if( empty($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_type']) ) $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_type'] = 'gzip'; switch( $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_type'] ) { case 'zip': $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip->open($compression_filename); $zip->addFile($fp['file'], $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['filename']); $zip->close(); break; default: $compression_level = isset($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_level']) && is_numeric($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_level']) && $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_level'] < 10 ? (int)$feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_level'] : 9; $compressed_data = gzencode(file_get_contents($fp['file']), $compression_level); $comp_fp = fopen($compression_filename, 'w'); fwrite($comp_fp, $compressed_data); fclose($comp_fp); chmod($compression_filename, 0777); unset($compressed_data); break; } if( isset($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_delete_original']) && $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_delete_original'] ) { unlink($fp['file']); } if( isset($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_copies']) && is_array($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_copies']) ) { foreach( $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_copies'] as $location ) { copy($compression_filename, $location); chmod($location, 0777); } } } } echo "\n" . 'done.' . "\n\n"; if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ) echo '</pre>'; if( !isset($feedmachine_auto) ) tep_exit(); ?> Please help. Regards, dunax
  2. Hello, i have 250.000 products in my shop and want to use Feedmachine. But there is a limitation of 100.000 products for each file at Google Base. Is it possible to generate many files which each one contains maximum 100.000 products ? This is my code: <?php /** * Feedmachine - osCommerce MS-2.2 * * Generates feeds for any product search engine, e.g. froogle, shopping.com, * kelkoo. Simply configure the feeds and run the script to generate them from * your product database. Highly flexible system and easy to modify. * @package feedmachine * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * @version 2.20b2 * @link http://www.osc-solutions.co.uk/ osCommerce Solutions * @copyright Copyright 2005-2007, Lech Madrzyk * @author Lech Madrzyk * @filesource http://www.osc-solutions.co.uk/ */ /* This file, feedmachine.php, should be put in your admin directory */ //I put in a check for this variable into application_top that prevents a session from starting //- you can do the same (not very important...) $start_session = false; /* This program uses the catalog's application_top (as oppose to admin's) in case any alternative url generator is used. */ if( !isset($feedmachine_auto) ) { $installation_path = getcwd() . '/'; if( !file_exists('feedmachine_config_google_base_de.php') ) { exit('Please ensure that feedmachine_config_google_base_de.php is in the admin directory - this is different to older versions where it is in admin/includes/'); } require_once('feedmachine_config_google_base_de.php'); $catalog_path = defined(CATALOG_DIRECTORY) ? CATALOG_DIRECTORY : '../'; chdir($catalog_path); $catalog_path = getcwd() . '/'; require_once('includes/application_top.php'); } require_once($installation_path . 'feedmachine_loadingbay.php'); if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ) echo '<pre>'; echo 'catalog path: ' . $catalog_path . "\n\n"; //The two functions below can be modified/extended to to modify/extend functionality function field_generator($db_field_name) { global $product, $current_product_prices, $cur_feed, $currencies, $countries, $categories; switch( $db_field_name ) { case 'FEED_PRODUCTS_URL': $additional_params = array(); if( $cur_feed['currency_code'] != DEFAULT_CURRENCY ) $additional_params[] = 'currency=' . $cur_feed['currency_code']; if( $cur_feed['language_code'] != DEFAULT_LANGUAGE ) $additional_params[] = 'language=' . $cur_feed['language_code']; if( !empty($cur_feed['url_parameters']) ) $additional_params[] = $cur_feed['url_parameters']; $additional_params_string = !empty($additional_params) ? '&' . implode('&', $additional_params) : ''; $output_field_value = tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $product['products_id'] . $additional_params_string, 'NONSSL', false); break; case 'FEED_IMAGE_URL': $output_field_value = $product['products_image'] ? HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES_PRODUCTS . $product['products_image'] : ''; break; case 'FEED_CATEGORY': if( $product['categories_id'] == 0 ) { $output_field_value = ''; } elseif( $cur_feed['category_output_type'] == 2 ) { $output_field_value = implode($cur_feed['category_seperator'], $categories[ $product['categories_id'] ][ $cur_feed['language_id'] ]); } elseif( $cur_feed['category_output_type'] == 3 ) { $output_field_value = $categories[ $product['categories_id'] ][ $cur_feed['language_id'] ][0]; } else { //assume 1 $output_field_value = $product['categories_name']; } break; case 'FEED_PRICE': $output_field_value = $current_product_prices['products_price']; break; case 'FEED_FINAL_PRICE': $output_field_value = $current_product_prices['final_price']; break; case 'FEED_PRICE_WITH_TAX': $output_field_value = $current_product_prices['products_price_with_tax']; break; case 'FEED_FINAL_PRICE_WITH_TAX': $output_field_value = $current_product_prices['final_price_with_tax']; break; case 'FEED_SPECIAL_PRICE': $output_field_value = !empty($product['specials_new_products_price']) ? $current_product_prices['specials_new_products_price'] : ''; break; case 'FEED_SPECIAL_PRICE_WITH_TAX': $output_field_value = !empty($product['specials_new_products_price']) ? $current_product_prices['specials_new_products_price_with_tax'] : ''; break; case 'FEED_UNIQUE_ID': //kept for configuration backwards compatibility $output_field_value = $product['products_id']; break; case 'TITLE': $output_field_value = $product['products_name'] . ' - Herst.Art-Nr.: ' . $product['products_hersteller_id']; break; } return $output_field_value; } function process_field_value($field_value, &$field_options) { if( in_array('STRIP_XHTML', $field_options) ) { $field_value = preg_replace('#<([^\s]*+).*?>(.*?)</\1>#i', '$2', $field_value); $field_value = preg_replace('#<.*? />#i', ' ', $field_value); } elseif( in_array('STRIP_HTML', $field_options) ) { $field_value = preg_replace('#</?.*?>#i', ' ', $field_value); } if( in_array('HTML_ENTITIES', $field_options) ) { $field_value = htmlentities(html_entity_decode($field_value)); } if( in_array('STRIP_CRLF', $field_options) ) { $field_value = preg_replace('#[\040\011]*+[\n\r]+[\040\011]*#s', ' ', $field_value); } return $field_value; } function category_path($categories_id, &$language_id, &$cat_path) { $query = tep_db_query('SELECT c.parent_id, cd.categories_name FROM categories c, categories_description cd WHERE c.categories_id = cd.categories_id AND c.categories_id = \'' . (int)$categories_id . '\' AND cd.language_id = \'' . (int)$language_id . '\''); $cat_info = tep_db_fetch_array($query); $cat_path = array_merge(array($cat_info['categories_name']), $cat_path); if( $cat_info['parent_id'] ) { return category_path($cat_info['parent_id'], $language_id, $cat_path); } else { return $cat_path; } } function combinations(&$options, $options_seperator = '|', $pos = 0, $combinations = false) { $new_combinations = array(); if( $combinations ) { foreach( $options[$pos]['values'] as $key1=>$value1 ) { foreach( $combinations as $key2=>$value2 ) { $new_combinations[$key2 . $options_seperator . $key1]['comb_name'] = $value2['comb_name'] . '; ' . $options[$pos]['comb_name'] . ': ' . $value1; $new_combinations[$key2 . $options_seperator . $key1]['comb_price'] = $value2['comb_price'] + ( $options[$pos]['price_prefix'][$key1] == '+' ? 1 : (-1) ) * $options[$pos]['options_values_price'][$key1]; $new_combinations[$key2 . $options_seperator . $key1]['option_value'] = $value2['option_value']; $new_combinations[$key2 . $options_seperator . $key1]['option_value'][$options[$pos]['comb_name']] = $value1; } } } else { //This is a modification of the above for the first pass foreach( $options[$pos]['values'] as $key=>$value ) { $new_combinations[$key]['comb_name'] = $options[$pos]['comb_name'] . ': ' . $value; $new_combinations[$key]['comb_price'] = ( $options[$pos]['price_prefix'][$key] == '+' ? 1 : (-1) ) * $options[$pos]['options_values_price'][$key]; $new_combinations[$key]['option_value'][$options[$pos]['comb_name']] = $value; } } if( ++$pos < sizeof($options) ) { return combinations($options, $options_seperator, $pos, $new_combinations); } else { return $new_combinations; } } set_time_limit(2400); ini_set('memory_limit', ( defined('FM_MEMORY_LIMIT') ? 'FM_MEMORY_LIMIT' : '800M' )); $option_value_seperator = defined('OPTION_COMBS_OPTION_VALUE_SEPERATOR') ? OPTION_COMBS_OPTION_VALUE_SEPERATOR : ':'; $options_seperator = defined('OPTION_COMBS_OPTIONS_SEPERATOR') ? OPTION_COMBS_OPTIONS_SEPERATOR : '|'; $save_path = $catalog_path . SAVE_LOCATION; if( !file_exists($save_path) ) { echo 'The SAVE_LOCATION directory: ' . SAVE_LOCATION . ' does not exist in ' . $catalog_path . '. Please create this directory or change the path to an existing directory'; exit; } //Build Languages Array $languages = array(); $languages_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM languages'); while( $languages_row = tep_db_fetch_array($languages_query) ) { $languages[ $languages_row['code'] ] = $languages_row; } tep_db_free_result($languages_query); echo 'languages array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // //Which languages are needed for the feeds? //If only some are needed, this will save time in the master query $languages_used = array(); foreach( $feeds as $key=>$feed ) { if( isset($languages[ $feed['language_code'] ]['languages_id']) ) { $feeds[$key]['language_id'] = $languages[ $feed['language_code'] ]['languages_id']; } $languages_used[ $feeds[$key]['language_id'] ] = true; } $languages_list = ''; foreach( $languages_used as $key=>$value ) { $languages_list .= ', ' . $key; } $languages_list = substr($languages_list, 2); // //Build Currencies Array $currencies = array(); $currencies_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM currencies'); while( $currencies_row = tep_db_fetch_array($currencies_query) ) { $currencies[ $currencies_row['code'] ] = $currencies_row; } tep_db_free_result($currencies_query); echo 'currencies array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // //Establish feed currency's decimal and thousand points foreach( $feeds as $cur_feed_id => $cur_feed ) { $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_decimal'] = $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_decimal_override'] !== false ? $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_decimal_override'] : $currencies[ $cur_feed['currency_code'] ]['decimal_point']; $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_thousands'] = $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_thousands_override'] !== false ? $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_thousands_override'] : $currencies[ $cur_feed['currency_code'] ]['thousands_point']; } // //Get Countries All-Zones Tax Rates $taxes = array(); //FOLLOWING QUERY IS TEMPORARY - TAXES NEED TO BE HANDLED BETTER $taxes_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM countries c, zones_to_geo_zones z2gz, tax_rates tr WHERE c.countries_id = z2gz.zone_country_id AND ( z2gz.zone_id = 0 OR z2gz.zone_id IS NULL' . ( defined(STORE_ZONE) && STORE_ZONE != '' ? ' OR z2gz.zone_id = ' . STORE_ZONE : '' ) . ' ) AND z2gz.geo_zone_id = tr.tax_zone_id'); while( $taxes_row = tep_db_fetch_array($taxes_query) ) { $taxes[ $taxes_row['countries_iso_code_2'] ][ $taxes_row['tax_class_id'] ] = $taxes_row['tax_rate']; } tep_db_free_result($taxes_query); echo 'taxes array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // //Build Countries Array $countries = array(); $countries_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM countries'); while( $countries_row = tep_db_fetch_array($countries_query) ) { $countries[ $countries_row['countries_iso_code_2'] ] = $countries_row; } tep_db_free_result($countries_query); echo 'countries array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // //Build Categories $categories = array(); $categories_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM categories c, categories_description cd WHERE c.categories_id = cd.categories_id'); while( $categories_row = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_query) ) { $cat_path = array(); $categories[ $categories_row['categories_id'] ][ $categories_row['language_id'] ] = category_path($categories_row['categories_id'], $categories_row['language_id'], $cat_path); } tep_db_free_result($categories_query); echo 'categories array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // $count_run = true; $begin_output_run = true; $cycle_length = floor(1000/sizeof($languages_used))*sizeof($languages_used); $count = 0; $counter = 0; while( true ) { ++$counter; $master_query = tep_db_query('SELECT ' . ( $count_run ? 'COUNT(*) as count' : 's.*, cd.*, c.*, ptc.*, mi.*, m.*, pd.*, p.*, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price) as final_price' ) . ' FROM products p LEFT JOIN products_description pd ON p.products_id = pd.products_id LEFT JOIN manufacturers m ON p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id LEFT JOIN manufacturers_info mi ON m.manufacturers_id = mi.manufacturers_id AND pd.language_id = mi.languages_id LEFT JOIN products_to_categories ptc ON pd.products_id = ptc.products_id LEFT JOIN specials s ON ptc.products_id = s.products_id LEFT JOIN categories c ON ptc.categories_id = c.categories_id LEFT JOIN categories_description cd ON c.categories_id = cd.categories_id AND pd.language_id = cd.language_id WHERE pd.language_id IN(' . $languages_list . ') AND p.products_status = 1 ORDER BY p.products_id' . ( $count > 0 ? ' LIMIT ' . (($counter-1)*$cycle_length) . ', ' . $cycle_length : '' )); if( $count_run ) { $master_query_row = tep_db_fetch_array($master_query); $count = $master_query_row['count']; echo "\n" . 'number of products: ' . ($count/sizeof($languages_used)) . "\n" . 'number of cycles: ' . ceil($count/$cycle_length) . "\n"; ob_flush(); $count_run = false; --$counter; continue; } if( $begin_output_run ) { //Open Files and Check configurations $fps = array(); foreach( $feeds as $cur_feed_id => $cur_feed ) { $file = $save_path . $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['filename']; if( file_exists($file) ) { if( BACK_UP_OLD_FEEDS ) { $old_file_last_modified = date('Y-m-d-H.i.s', filemtime($file)); $file_info = array(); preg_match('#^(.*?)(\..*?)?$#', $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['filename'], $file_info); rename($file, $save_path . $file_info[1] . '-' . $old_file_last_modified . ( isset($file_info[2]) ? $file_info[2] : '' )); } else { unlink($file); } } $fps[$cur_feed_id]['fp'] = fopen($file, 'a'); chmod($file, 0777); $fps[$cur_feed_id]['file'] = $file; } $mysqli = defined('MYSQL_EXTENSION') && MYSQL_EXTENSION == 'mysqli'; $i=0; $fields = array(); while( $i < ( $mysqli ? mysqli_num_fields($master_query) : mysql_num_fields($master_query) ) ) { ++$i; $cur_field = ( $mysqli ? mysqli_fetch_field($master_query) : mysql_fetch_field($master_query) ); $fields[] = $cur_field->name; } foreach( $feeds as $cur_feed_id => $cur_feed ) { $output_line = ''; foreach( $cur_feed['fields'] as $output_field_name=>$db_field ) { if( $db_field['type'] == 'DB' && !in_array($db_field['name'], $fields) ) { echo 'The field ' . $db_field['name'] . ' specified in the ' . $cur_feed['filename'] . ' feed does not exist in any of the queried tables. Please ensure you have entered the correct field name and that it exists in one of the tables queried in $master_query (see code)'; exit; } elseif( $cur_feed['add_field_names'] ) { $output_line .= $cur_feed['seperator'] . $cur_feed['text_qualifier'] . $output_field_name . $cur_feed['text_qualifier']; } } $additional_header_lines = ''; if( !empty($cur_feed['additional_header_lines']) && is_array($cur_feed['additional_header_lines']) ) { $additional_header_lines = implode($cur_feed['newline'], $cur_feed['additional_header_lines']) . $cur_feed['newline']; } $output_line = substr($output_line, strlen($cur_feed['seperator'])) . ( $cur_feed['add_field_names'] ? $cur_feed['newline'] : '' ); $output = $additional_header_lines . $output_line; fwrite($fps[$cur_feed_id]['fp'], $output); } echo "\n" . 'feed configurations checked... output begun.' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // $begin_output_run = false; --$counter; continue; } echo "\n" . 'cycle: ' . $counter . "\n"; ob_flush(); //Build Products Array $products = array(); $products_id_low = 0; $products_id_high = 0; while( $master_query_row = tep_db_fetch_array($master_query) ) { if( $products_id_low == 0 ) $products_id_low = $master_query_row['products_id']; $products_id_high = $master_query_row['products_id']; $products[$master_query_row['language_id']][$master_query_row['products_id']] = $master_query_row; } // //make products defined by attributes // tep_db_free_result($master_query); echo "\n" . 'products array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // //Build Attributes Array $products_attributes = array(); $i_rows = array(); if( !defined('PERFORMANCE_SKIP_LOAD_ATTRIBUTES') || ( defined('PERFORMANCE_SKIP_LOAD_ATTRIBUTES') && !PERFORMANCE_SKIP_LOAD_ATTRIBUTES ) ) { $products_attributes_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM products_attributes pa LEFT JOIN products_options po ON pa.options_id = po.products_options_id LEFT JOIN products_options_values pov ON pa.options_values_id = pov.products_options_values_id AND po.language_id = pov.language_id WHERE pa.products_id BETWEEN ' . (int)$products_id_low . ' AND ' . (int)$products_id_high); if( tep_db_num_rows($products_attributes_query) > 0 ) { while( $products_attributes_row = tep_db_fetch_array($products_attributes_query) ) { if( isset($products[ $products_attributes_row['language_id'] ][ $products_attributes_row['products_id'] ]) ) { $products_attributes[ $products_attributes_row['language_id'] ][ $products_attributes_row['products_id'] ][ $products_attributes_row['options_id'] ][] = $products_attributes_row; } } //check if i_rows required $i_rows_required = false; foreach( $feeds as $feed ) { if( !empty($feed['attributes_handling']) && $feed['attributes_handling'] == 2 ) { $i_rows_required = true; break; } } // //"i_rows" - individual rows, for feeds where individual records are needed for each option variation if( $i_rows_required ) { foreach( $products_attributes as $language_id => $value ) { foreach( $value as $products_id => $options_values ) { $options = array(); $i = 0; ksort($options_values); foreach( $options_values as $products_options_id => $values ) { $options[$i]['comb_name'] = $values[0]['products_options_name']; ksort($values); foreach( $values as $products_options_values ) { $options[$i]['values'][ $products_options_id . $option_value_seperator . $products_options_values['products_options_values_id'] ] = $products_options_values['products_options_values_name']; $options[$i]['price_prefix'][ $products_options_id . $option_value_seperator . $products_options_values['products_options_values_id'] ] = $products_options_values['price_prefix']; $options[$i]['options_values_price'][ $products_options_id . $option_value_seperator . $products_options_values['products_options_values_id'] ] = $products_options_values['options_values_price']; } ++$i; } $combinations = combinations($options, $options_seperator); foreach( $combinations as $combination_id => $combination ) { $combination['combination_id'] = $combination_id; $i_rows[ $language_id ][ $products_id ][] = array_merge($combination, $products[ $language_id ][ $products_id ]); } } } } } echo 'products attributes array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); tep_db_free_result($products_attributes_query); } // echo 'feed generation in process...' . "\n"; ob_flush(); foreach( $feeds as $cur_feed_id => $cur_feed ) { foreach( $products[$cur_feed['language_id']] as $row ) { $rows = array(); if( isset($i_rows[ $cur_feed['language_id'] ][ $row['products_id'] ]) && $cur_feed['attributes_handling'] == 2 ) { $rows =& $i_rows[$cur_feed['language_id']][ $row['products_id'] ]; } else { $rows[] =& $row; } foreach( $rows as $product ) { if( !empty($cur_feed['include_record_function']) ) { $include_record = call_user_func_array($cur_feed['include_record_function'], array(&$product)); if( !$include_record ) continue; } //Calculate Prices in Feed Currency and Prices with Tax $tax_multiplier = isset($taxes[ $cur_feed['countries_iso_2'] ][ $product['products_tax_class_id'] ]) ? (1+$taxes[ $cur_feed['countries_iso_2'] ][ $product['products_tax_class_id'] ]/100) : 1; $current_product_prices = array(); $currency_conversion_field_list = array('products_price', 'final_price', 'specials_new_products_price', 'comb_price'); foreach( $currency_conversion_field_list as $field_name ) { $current_product_prices[$field_name] = isset($product[$field_name]) ? round(( $product[$field_name] * ( isset($cur_feed['currency_code']) ? $currencies[ $cur_feed['currency_code'] ]['value'] : 1 ) ), 4) : ''; $current_product_prices[($field_name . '_with_tax')] = isset($current_product_prices[$field_name]) ? number_format($tax_multiplier * $current_product_prices[$field_name], $currencies[ $cur_feed['currency_code'] ]['decimal_places'], $cur_feed['currency_decimal'], $cur_feed['currency_thousands']) : ''; } $output_line = ''; foreach( $cur_feed['fields'] as $output_field_name=>$db_field ) { $output_field_value = ''; switch( $db_field['type'] ) { case 'DB': $output_field_value = $product[$db_field['name']]; break; case 'KEYWORD': $output_field_value = field_generator($db_field['name']); break; case 'LOGIC': eval($db_field['name']); break; case 'FUNCTION': $params = explode('|', $db_field['name']); $function = $params[0]; unset($params[0]); $params[0] = &$product; ksort($params); $output_field_value = call_user_func_array($function, $params); break; case 'VALUE': default: $output_field_value = $db_field['name']; break; } if( isset($db_field['options']) ) $output_field_value = process_field_value($output_field_value, $db_field['options']); if( isset($db_field['filters']) && is_array($db_field['filters']) ) { $output_field_value = preg_replace($db_field['filters']['patterns'], $db_field['filters']['replacements'], $output_field_value); } $output_field_value = empty($cur_feed['text_qualifier']) ? preg_replace('#[' . $cur_feed['seperator'] . $cur_feed['newline'] . ']+#s', ' ', $output_field_value) : preg_replace('#' . $cur_feed['text_qualifier'] . '#s', $cur_feed['text_qualifier'] . $cur_feed['text_qualifier'], $output_field_value); $output_line .= $cur_feed['seperator'] . $cur_feed['text_qualifier'] . trim($output_field_value) . $cur_feed['text_qualifier']; } $output_line = substr($output_line, strlen($cur_feed['seperator'])) . $cur_feed['newline']; if( !empty($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['encoding']) && $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['encoding'] !== false ) { switch( $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['encoding'] ) { case 'utf8': $output_line = utf8_encode($output_line); break; } } fwrite($fps[$cur_feed_id]['fp'], $output_line); } } } //clean up unset($products); if( ($counter*$cycle_length) >= $count ) break; }//end while foreach( $fps as $cur_feed_id => $fp ) { fclose($fp['fp']); if( isset($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['copies']) && is_array($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['copies']) ) { foreach( $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['copies'] as $location ) { copy($fp['file'], $location); chmod($location, 0777); } } if( isset($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_compress']) && $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_compress'] ) { $compression_filename = $save_path . $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_filename']; if( empty($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_type']) ) $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_type'] = 'gzip'; switch( $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_type'] ) { case 'zip': $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip->open($compression_filename); $zip->addFile($fp['file'], $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['filename']); $zip->close(); break; default: $compression_level = isset($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_level']) && is_numeric($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_level']) && $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_level'] < 10 ? (int)$feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_level'] : 9; $compressed_data = gzencode(file_get_contents($fp['file']), $compression_level); $comp_fp = fopen($compression_filename, 'w'); fwrite($comp_fp, $compressed_data); fclose($comp_fp); chmod($compression_filename, 0777); unset($compressed_data); break; } if( isset($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_delete_original']) && $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_delete_original'] ) { unlink($fp['file']); } if( isset($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_copies']) && is_array($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_copies']) ) { foreach( $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_copies'] as $location ) { copy($compression_filename, $location); chmod($location, 0777); } } } } echo "\n" . 'done.' . "\n\n"; if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ) echo '</pre>'; if( !isset($feedmachine_auto) ) tep_exit(); ?> Please help. Regards, dunax
  3. Hello, i get this error message after the listing of the images and pressing the submit button to delete them: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /is/htdocs/wp1084807_ZPBCDQY2B0/pages/metrius/admin/image_delete.php on line 64 Please help. Regards, dunax
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