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About balloons

  • Birthday 05/06/1969

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  1. After a bit of struggling I have managed to make a template for the index page by calling it 'index.php_0.html' so that page displays and when you go to other pages the default template is displayed. So, what I would now like to know is what do I need to name the templates for other pages that I want to have specific templates for? I have added a few new pages to my information box and would like to have specific pages for them etc but not sure as to what I name them etc. Can anyone again point me in the right direction?
  2. After reading the previous post about having a template for a specific page I thought I would again try to get it working on my site. I have one template that acts for every category including the index page easy enough, now I made a quick test template by simply leaving out the '$content' and naming it 'index.php.html' to see if it worked. Now when I have that file on my site then it works which is great but whenever I go to another page then it is the same, no content which means it is reading from the test index file and not from my main template. Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong?
  3. Can anyone tell me what name I need to save the cartbox as to make the infobox template for the cartbox appear? I have tried saving it as 'infobox_cartbox.php' and 'infobox_cart.php' but whichever I save it as the box does not appear? Thanks.
  4. Well after a long trying to figure out the infobox problem I have to say that I am still stuck deep in the mud! I found that if I remove all the infobox templates and switch infobox templates on then it registers a problem in that it cant find them, but the text is the size it should. Now, if I ten place the basic infobox template in then the text goes to a larger size for some reason and its this problem that I am still trying to figure out. I have tried to make the text smaller on dreamweaver and while this works when it is previewed as soon as I switch on sts infoboxes then the text goes large again. I am really stuck and its driving me mad and really not sure how to correct this, any ideas as I am all out even after trying all the suggestions so far.
  5. I was having probs getting the infoboxes to work but eventually got them to work by inserting the header and main content for each box, but the header part is pretty much blank as this was the only way I could get them to work. Here is the code for the category box: <table width="130" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <th scope="col"><img src="../../images/cat-box-top2.jpg" width="130" height="27"></th> </tr> <tr> <td background="../../images/cat-box-middle2.jpg"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <th width="8%" scope="col"> </th> <th width="88%" scope="col"><font size="-2"> $content</th> <th width="4%" scope="col"> </th> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="../../images/cat-box-bottom2.jpg" width="130" height="11"></td> </tr> </table> And here is the code for category header box: <table width="0" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> </table> As you can see the header box is pretty much empty, but thats the only way I could get them to work. When I just have the main content up then the only image that displays is the lower half of the box, not the middle or top for some reason which is why I have a near empty header which then works. I deleted the header files from each box and tested to see what would happen, and when I did that each box displayed the lower half image and the text all through the site went bigger. I am not sure but it seems that some other file is for some reason over riding the css file and I am not sure where that could be!
  6. I have downloaded and installed the web developer tools for firefox and had a look at the files when the infoboxes are off and on but cant see where it is making the change. It does have the link to the style sheet when the infoboxes are turned on but I cannot see what could be making the change through the whole of the site when the infoboxes are turned on. I am really not sure as to what is causing this even after looking at the code!!
  7. Does anybody have an answer to my above question? I have been trying to solve it all day but to no avail and am really stumped. It would seem that when the sts infobox templates are switched on for some reason the site no longer follows the css file specified for it and some other file takes over. I cant seem to find that file anywhere and cannot understand why all the text all through my site is affected. Hopefully someone can help me find an answer as its driving me mad!!!!
  8. Well I have had a look at each of the files but cannot see where it is getting the adjustments. On my main css file I have the font set at 70% which displays a nice neat font all through the template from each of the infoboxes to the main content area. However, as soon as I soon as I switch on the infobox templates then all the text from the infoboxes to the main content become bigger and its as if something somewhere is over riding the main css file to make the content text bigger. Does anybody know how I can specify the text size when the infobox templates are turned on?
  9. Thank you for the reply Tracy, but I cant seem to adjust the font in the infoboxes. In the template I made I specified the font using the spanclass but it did not change it at all on the site. I also tried linking it to my main css template that I know makes the text smaller when the infobox templates are off and that did not change it either. Any ideas where I am going wrong?
  10. Cheers for the links to the contributions bill they are great! However, I still have a slight problem with the infoboxes in regards to the font size. On my style sheet I have specified a certain font size and all works well, but when I turn on the infobox templates the font goes to a larger size than I want and I am not really sure how to adjust the size of the font. I have tried adjusting the size via the infobox but that doesnt seem to make any difference as the font in all the infoboxes are larger than I want. Where can I change to font size on the infoboxes?
  11. Please disregard the above post as I have now found the answer. I added the 'width' tag on the style sheet and things are looking and working great and the infobox templates work great too. The only problem is when I use a fixed width 3 column css template then after I specify the width the image items are ok but when I go to log in the same problem as before occurs, but at least I now know where the problem lies. What I would like to ask is how am I able to insert a small image before each category in the category infobox. I have seen other oscommerce sites that have that as well as a dotted line between each category but I have no idea how to do that, can someone enlighten me at all? Thanks for the help.
  12. I have tried looking at the float to see whats causing the problem but the main content does not have a float. It seems no matter what design I do as soon as I turn on infobox templates the whole of the main content appears lower than the footer when displayed in internet explorer only, when viewed in firefox it appears normal and level with the categories menu as it should. Every design I have used css and have used a fixed width with one left side bar, a fixed width with a left and right side bar and even if I use a liquid layout so that it expands to fill the screen the main content always appears lower than the main content when infobox templates are turned on! I am at a loss as to what to do to make things appear correct in internet explorer and have even thought about designing the whole site using tables, but I keep reading that tables are now outdated and to stick to css?! Has anyone got any ideas as to whats going wrong? I have pasted the css code below for a fixed width with one left had side bar: @charset "utf-8"; body { font: 90% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background: #666666; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-align: center; color: #000000; } .thrColFixHdr #container { width: 780px; background: #FFFFFF; margin: 0 auto; text-align: left; } .thrColFixHdr #header { background:url(images/header3.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; height:130px; padding: 0 10px 0 20px; } .thrColFixHdr #header h1 { margin: 0; padding: 10px 0; } .thrColFixHdr #sidebar1 { float: left; width: 130px; background: #ffffff; padding: 15px 10px 15px 20px; } .thrColFixHdr #sidebar2 { float: right; width: 130px; background: #ffffff; padding: 15px 10px 15px 20px; } .thrColFixHdr #mainContent { margin: 0 180px; padding: 0 10px; } .thrColFixHdr #footer { padding: 0 10px 0 20px; background:#DDDDDD; } .thrColFixHdr #footer p { margin: 0; padding: 10px 0; }
  13. Thanks again for the reply bill. I will try to work on the main content as I did believe that it worked the same as a infobox, but never mid we all learn! But in the mean time surprise surprise I have another problem! I am working on a template using css and a set width at 780px. Now I have set my images to display in rows or two so that there is more room for the infoboxes. Now, when I test a 2 or 3 column css template and view it in firefox and internet explorer then things view fine and as I want them to display. However, when I enable the templates for infoboxes if I view them in firefox things look ok, but viewed in internet explorer it seems that the main content is too big and displays lower than the lowest end of my template and when I switch off infobox templates things go back to as they should. Does anybody kow what I am doing wrong and how to fix things?
  14. I have now found out how to insert a login and logoff button and put them onto my site. But, I am still stuck as to what I need to name the infobox that contains the main content ($content)? I have made templates for the other infoboxes and they look fine but I am still not sure what I need to name toe infobox for that template to work? Again, I have tried all the names I can think but to no avil so really do need some help to finish it off? Does anybody know?
  15. Thanks for the reply bill but I am looking to make a infobox that will surround the main content. I have made infoboxes for categories, information, whats new and for the search but cannot see what I should name the file for the infobox for the main content? I have tried all the names I can think of but none of them seem to work like 'infobox_product_listing_.php.html' and 'infobox_content.php.html' but I cant seem to find the name that applies to the infobox I want to change? Also, another question is I have inserted the tag '$loginofflogo' and it displays 'log in' in text and 'log off' in text and I would like to know if there is a way that I can change that log in text from text to an image?
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