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Everything posted by geoffreywalton

  1. It look like the price held in the specials table was not updated. Have you checked the support thread for that add-on to see if there is a solution there? Otherwise there are several posts of the sql to change the price on the product table you could amend to apply to the specials table. Google site:www.oscommerce.com/forums update products set HTH G @@tmckee
  2. If you look in the shipping class you will see how this can be achieved. if ($shipping_weight > SHIPPING_MAX_WEIGHT) { // Split into many boxes $shipping_num_boxes = ceil($shipping_weight/SHIPPING_MAX_WEIGHT); $shipping_weight = $shipping_weight/$shipping_num_boxes; } Set your shipping max wt in the shop admin HTH G @@dwbeuki @@getflocked
  3. Must have been, MFP only changes index.php, which is why I said "Turns out not to have been the changes in index.php but /includes/classes/osc_template.php" I only got it back working, someone else made the "changes". Cheers G
  4. Probably because the operator is not logged in there is no shipping destination to use to calculate the rate. So nothing is shown HTH G
  5. Turns out not to have been the changes in index.php but /includes/classes/osc_template.php Cheers G
  6. Benny You don't mention which page you want this to appear on but for more info on css and / html to move stufff round the page try http://w3schools.com/ Cheers G
  7. If the "label" is effectivly just a standard template you could design it in any word processing package and upload it to your site . Then just put a link for the customer to download it. They then attach to the package An alternative is to attach the document to the order confirmation email. No biggie. HTH G @@newmember
  8. Looks like the add-on is reporting and attack that has been thwarte. You could ban the ip address using you htaccess file, pop this in google Block a specific IP address from accessing your website HTH G
  9. Think we are back on-line now

  10. And have since found that if you disable a category it goes from the cat menu but not the list in the centre of the shop, also if add a category it is always set to disabled and if you edit a category it gets changed to disabled so you then need to "enable" it. This should get you going in index.php // BOF Enable & Disable Categories $categories_query = tep_db_query("select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.categories_image, c.parent_id from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c, " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " cd where c.categories_status = '1' and c.parent_id = '" . (int)$category_links[$i] . "' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name"); // EOF Enable & Disable Categories break; // we've found the deepest category the customer is in } } } else { $categories_query = tep_db_query("select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.categories_image, c.parent_id from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c, " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " cd where c.categories_status = '1' and c.parent_id = '" . (int)$current_category_id . "' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name"); } In categories.php somewhere in the case 'new_category': code block, at approx line 1600 in my edited version, change $contents[] = array('text' => '<br>' . TEXT_EDIT_STATUS . '<br>' . tep_draw_input_field('categories_status', $cInfo->categories_status, 'size="2"') . '1=Enabled 0=Disabled'); to $contents[] = array('text' => '<br>' . TEXT_EDIT_STATUS . '<br>' . tep_draw_input_field('categories_status', '1', 'size="2"') . '1=Enabled 0=Disabled'); somewhere in the case 'edit_category': block add $contents[] = array('text' => '<br>' . TEXT_EDIT_STATUS . '<br>' . tep_draw_input_field('categories_status', $cInfo->categories_status, 'size="2"') . '1=Enabled 0=Disabled'); HTH G
  11. try this http://addons.oscommerce.com/category?search=Easypopulate&v=23 Yes
  12. Paul If you edit easypopulate.php there are embedded instructions on how to amend it to work with additional files. HTH G @@pbuckley32
  13. I think you should get out and make some more friends. :-|) Cheers G
  14. Simon With osc each add-on comes installation instructions detailing the changes to each file. It is not a one click does it all. Download the add-on un zip and follow the instructions. If it is a load of rubbish click on the histort tab and read the write up of each download available and decide which one/ones you need to download. HTH G
  15. Ray Each shipping option set up normally applies to every product on one order so if you have a combination of products it just adds up all the weights and works out the charge for that wt. I would have thought USPS would just work on total wt with the same charge irrespective of the type of product or am I getting this wrong? (Just to confuse the issue some shipping methods use the total price to work out the charge.) Cheers G
  16. Try looking in the db and see what the ids shoiuld be, they are normally numeric. Not sure they are used, I think the matching is done on the description. Cheers G
  17. If you get an error on the maufacturer screen after making the latest corrction in the add-on history try this in /includes/classes/split_page_results.php FIND: $count_query = tep_db_query("select count(" . $count_string . ") as total " . substr($this->sql_query, $pos_from, ($pos_to - $pos_from))); comment it out. And under it add: $count_query = tep_db_query("select count(*) as total from (" . $this->sql_query . ") AS derivedtable1"); Found it hidden up in an archived thread with nothing to do with this. HTH G
  18. Having 3 shipping options where any one can be used to ship all of the products in the basket can be done by just setting them up. If you want to only allow each product to be shipped by a specified carrier then I suspect you will need to search through all the shipping add-ons, I don't think there is one that will do this. HTH G
  19. What size is shown in the right hand panel in the EP screen for Model Num Size: Have you looked at the actual contents of the file? Post the actual error message as it should show the size of the field for that record. echo "<font color='red'>" . strlen($v_products_model) . $v_products_model . "... ERROR! - Too many characters in the model number.<br /> 12 is the maximum on a standard OSC install.<br /> Cheers G
  20. When editing the zones in the shipping modules you can only select zones already set up under localisation. If you need shipping for more more than 2 zones you have to edit the number in the code in /includes/modules/shipping/zones.php HTH G @@DaveS
  21. You could "duplicate" the 2 modules but you would need to edit the code to mke the class names unique in the copy modules. I'll PM you a link to a commecially available solution. HTH G @@DaveS
  22. Dave No but it can be done fairly easily. You need to set up 2 zones. 1 for the US and another for the rest of the world. Then you can set up a flat rate shipping method on valid for the us and a zones shipping method only valid for the ROW. HTH G
  23. The maual says to change the size using phpmyadmin and edit the value in easypopulate.php. Looks like you have not done the latter. HTH G
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