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Olof Larsson

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Everything posted by Olof Larsson

  1. Hi Danta, Thank you for liking my contribution :lol: Would you please describe your error more in detail. Please include as much information as possible so I can help you. Or have you solved this problem of yours allready? Regards, Olof
  2. If you take a look at your module DIR_WS_MODULES . 'UHtmlEmails/checkout_process_'. ULTIMATE_HTML_EMAIL_LAYOUT .'.php you will find that the variable supposed to contain the order number is called: $insert_id This variable is normaly set in checkout_process.php but if you are running this module from another file you should make sure to set this variable in that document. This goes for all variables in the module. You should check that they all exist in the file in which you include the module. Regards, Olof
  3. Well actually the reason I created this contribution were that I wanted html mails for my own site and I didn't find any contribution I felt were good enough. If it is any good is up to you to decide, but I think it is very good ;) No I do not think it is incompatible with anything. The layouts must be programmed carfully due to the speciall rules for css and scripts in html emails that different mail clients have. The provided layouts are working all ok I think.
  4. If you do not use programms for pc i can recommend SourceGear Diff Merge. That is a similar program i just found. It is free and can do almost the same things as beyond compare. Ok you say that the dropdown is blank... Take a look at the function: function tep_cfg_pull_down_uhtml_email_layout_list($default_id) in "catalog/admin/includes/functions/general.php" Is searches for the "create_account_XXXX.php" files in the folder DIR_FS_CATALOG_MODULES.'UHtmlEmails/' The layouts displayed in the dropdown are the different XXXX found. If it is blank; no files were found. Make sure the files are in the directory DIR_FS_CATALOG_MODULES.'UHtmlEmails/
  5. Sorry but i can't help you with this. Please tell me when you find the solution ;)
  6. Hi mark27uk3, Nice to see you are understanding how to use the pluggin :thumbsup: I mean sending UHTMLMails from an new file (customers.php) and you create a new module for this useing the pattern supposed to be used. Well can't honestly see no problems with your tep_mail function. The tep_mail code will clearly be parsed as you say that the code for outputting the dubug prewiev is reached... and you get no error message... Perhaps: You have set "Configuration" --> "E-Mail Options" --> "Send E-Mails" = false This should be set to true. Is that the solution?
  7. Greetings usvi4me, That error message means that the function tep_cfg_pull_down_uhtml_email_layout_list() does not exist in the file /home/mywebsite/public_html/admin/includes/functions/general.php I can tell because that function is one that comes with my contribution. You must have forgotten to add that function to the file. ;) I have a good adivce for you: Download and get to know the program "Beyond Compare". Please do this. It will make camparing files very easy. This program is not free but you can use it as normal during 30 days. If you do not like to pay you can then use the program WinDiff, which is free, but not as good. Regards, Olof Larsson
  8. I have a question for you all. Isn't it a bit strange that if I have QTPro installed and I then go to the admin panel I can alter the quantity for the product through the standard oscommerce page? For example: http://localhost/pretest/admin/categories.php?cPath=1_8&pID=25&action=new_product Lets say that it is a product with no tracked attributes; Then this is allright. But if that product has tracked attributes; this is all wrong. Only the endstock would be modified and the "real" stock, the one with attributes, would not be modified... Do you see what I mean? Would it not be a good idea to replace the quantity input field with a link to the stock.php IF the product has any attributes with tracked stock? If this is a good idea I will fix this. :rolleyes:
  9. Dear Open source friends, I have now put a great deal of effort into making a new version of this contribution. Please download it and tell me what you think of it ;) This contribution is for MS2.2 [rc2]/[rc2a] It includes bugfixes... * Fullfilled Andyy's work to make the contribution rc2 compatible. * The low stock report will now display products with a quantity < 0 ... usabillity and cleaning... * The config.sql now first deletes the database entries before adding them. * Better descriptions in the configuration menu. * A new manual in HTML + CSS format with new screenshots. * You can now decide from the admin panel if the attribute prices should be displayed as usually (with perifex and the difference in price) or as the calculated final price for the product (this will only work if you use one attribute option per product in your store). * In stock.php there are now links back to all the different categories in which the product exists. * Added Swedish language files. ... and a new feature ... * A table with information on whats on stock will be displayed to the customer in the products information page. This feature can be turned on and off from the admin panel. Tip: Make yourself familliar with the program Beyond Compare!!! Please, do this! It will make your life easier ;) Good luck with installing and enjoy an new version of QTPro! Best Whishes, Olof Larsson Download at: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/888
  10. Hello Friends, People has asked what to do if they have other contributions added to their store that sends information via emails to the customer. Here are my thought on this topic: To begin with it is important to know that U HTML Emails overrides the usual contents of the emails. Even the corresponding languagefiles are new. What I've done is wrapping the code that generates the email content in an "ifelse"-statement. That statement looks like this. //--- Beginning of addition: Ultimate HTML Emails ---// if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') { require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'UHtmlEmails/checkout_process_'. ULTIMATE_HTML_EMAIL_LAYOUT .'.php'); $email_order = $html_email; }else{//Send text email //--- End of addition: Ultimate HTML Emails ---// This is done in three files (as of version 1.1): "catalog/create_account.php" "catalog/checkout_process.php" "catalog/admin/orders.php" if EMAIL_USE_HTML is set to 'true' the email content will be generated entirely from the module of selected layout. OK that was some background information. Let's get to the point: Let's say you are using the layout "Basic" and you would like to have some additional text in the email sent from create_account.php. This additional text comes from a contribution that putts for example the customers password in the email. You should then create a new layout that is a copy of the "Basic" layout. And for example call it "Basic for my password contribution". This is done by copying the the modulefiles and renaming the suffix in the filename (the suffix is the contribution name). For example the copy of catalog/includes/modules/UHtmlEmails/create_account_Basic.php Should be called catalog/includes/modules/UHtmlEmails/create_account_Basic for my password contribution.php You should then alter this new file so it inserts the text you want when generating the email. A good thing to know: All variables that can be reached from "catalog/create_account.php" can be reached from withing the create_account_Basic for my password contribution.php file. So perhaps there is no need to modify the languagefiles for U HTML Email. In case you would like to add definittions to the languagefiles this is what should be done: How to change the languagefiles for a layout As I said before it is important to know that U HTML Emails overrides the usual contents of the emails. Even the corresponding languagefiles are new. The languagefiles are included in the email content generation module. Lets take a look att the file "catalog/includes/modules/UHtmlEmails/create_account_Basic.php" This is the very first (non-comment) line: require(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/modules/UHtmlEmails/' . 'standard_create_account.php'); As we can see the languagefile "standard_create_account.php" is used and this is a new file added by the contribution. My opinion is that we should try to keep the standard_create_account.php-file clean. Lets make a copy of it called "create_account_Basic for my password contribution.php" and add the new lines in that copy instead. After that we change the require(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/modules/UHtmlEmails/' . 'standard_create_account.php'); To: require(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/modules/UHtmlEmails/' . 'create_account_Basic for my password contribution.php'); Question Why Should I just not add the lines to standard_create_account.php? Answer:Well that is a simple and good solution acctually. :thumbsup: But let's say that you have sepparated the code to completely new files, and you have done a great job fixing a layout that works with some other contribution that modifies the content of emails. You could then uppload this layout and it could eaily be installed without interfering with other code. Well well... :rolleyes: Any questions or ideas on these thoughts?
  11. Hi Mark! U HTML emails takes over the whole creation of the email contents. You see this if statement: //--- Beginning of addition: Ultimate HTML Emails ---// if (EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') { require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'UHtmlEmails/create_account_'. ULTIMATE_HTML_EMAIL_LAYOUT .'.php'); $email_text = $html_email; }else{ //--- End of addition: Ultimate HTML Emails ---// ... right? The loaded module creates the email into the string $html_email. And $email_text = $html_email;. So your code: $email_text = sprintf(EMAIL_GREET_NONE, $firstname . ' ' . $lastname) . EMAIL_TEXT0 . sprintf(EMAIL_LOGIN, $email_address) . sprintf(EMAIL_PASSWORD, $new_password) . EMAIL_TEXT1 . EMAIL_WARNING; will never be reached. You should do this if you can: Create a new email layout for U HTML EMAIL which contains Your: EMAIL_TEXT0 . sprintf(EMAIL_LOGIN, $email_address) . sprintf(EMAIL_PASSWORD, $new_password) . EMAIL_TEXT1 . If that is to complicated modify an existing layout. Hope that will make it work for you. Regards Olof
  12. Thatnk you very much! It's an honor participate in the Open Source community ;)
  13. Hello and thank you Kbking :rolleyes: The U HTML contribution is adaped for OSC MS2.2 [rc2] and will work without problem with [Rc2a] as [Rc2a] "only" is a compatibility update. I think it is quiet unlikeley that other contributions will interfere. This is what the installation file say: Step1: BACKUP Step2: The database is changed (a minor addition to add configuration keys) Step3: Some nonreplaceing files are added Step4: 2 code blocks are added in "catalog/create_account.php" Step5: 2 code blocks are added in "catalog/checkout_process.php" Step6: 2 code blocks are added in "catalog/admin/orders.php" Step7: 1 code blocks are added in "catalog/admin/includes/functions/general.php" Step 1, 2 and 3 can not interfere. Step 7 is just an addition of a function and this cant intrefere either. What is done in "catalog/create_account.php", "catalog/checkout_process.php","catalog/admin/orders.php" is adding a pice of code around the places where the email content is beeing generated så html content is generated through the contribution instead. What possibly could go wrong is if you have altered the tep_mail function or something. Good luck :thumbsup:
  14. Hi Jan, Yes the order updates sent out from the admin panel, when you for example updates the order status, are in new layout. However: The current 1.1 version does not alter the layour for password recoveries or tell a friend emails.
  15. This is an html email contribution for osCommerce Online Merchant [2.2rc2]. It will replace the standard emails with emails that have more advanced layout and design. The contribution allows you to have different "html email layouts" installed at the same time. New layouts can easily be created and installed. You can easily change between the different "html email layouts" from a dropdown menu, "E-Mail Options"->"Html Email Layout", in the admin panel.
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