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  1. I had to hack again to get past the DB error, I had to change a line in cc.php to define('MODULE_PAYMENT_CC_TEXT_TITLE', 'Credit Card (Test only)'); now at least a minimum credit card test is working. I start to gather a sense that they meant what they said "use at your own risk". I was expecting a bit more organized solution. I may still use osc, but I may need hack every step of the way. Make myself part of the chaos. I would rather someone prove that I am wrong!
  2. Well, I'm back again. This is what I did: 1. I upgraded MySQL to 5.0 just to be sure it's not my old sql (4.1) was causing problem 2. I installed 2.2RC1, and tested it was working correctly. 3. I downloaded PWA 1.2.5a (slightly newer than the one I tested before) Boo, here is what I got: "FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!" I went back and enabled register_globals, the site shows up correctly again! I tested PWA, it worked fine if I use check payment. If I chose credit, this is what I got: ======================== 1406 - Data too long for column 'last_page_url' at row 1 update whos_online set customer_id = '0', full_name = ' ', ip_address = '', time_last_click = '1188416585', last_page_url = '/osc22rc1/catalog/checkout_payment.php?payment_error=cc&error=The+first+four+digits+of+the+number+entered+are%3A+%3Cbr%3EIf+that+number+is+correct%2C+we+do+not+accept+that+type+of+credit+card.%3Cbr%3EIf+it+is+wrong%2C+please+try+again.&cc_owner=&cc_expires_month=&cc_expires_year=&osCsid=tctc2sas7fut5lria0uqek91h5' where session_id = 'tctc2sas7fut5lria0uqek91h5' [TEP STOP] ============== In my previous test (PWA 1.2.4), DB was not blowing up, it just complained that credit card number was <br> (empty). As you can see in the above error msg, all input fields are empty. I had to modify checkout_confirmation.php. Then the input fields were posted up at least, but with this newer install. I even start to get database error! (at least the PWA 1.2.4 worked after the modification), this is getting worse. If someone actually tested it and it worked, please let me know. The following source before the modification clearly shows that <input> fields are outside the <form> block, that's why the server got all the empty values. I don't know how that's going to work? ====================== <td class="main"><b>Payment Information</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="images/pixel_trans.gif" border="0" alt="" width="100%" height="10"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="infoBox"> <tr class="infoBoxContents"> <td><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td class="main" colspan="4"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="10"><img src="images/pixel_trans.gif" border="0" alt="" width="10" height="1"></td> <td class="main">Credit Card Owner:</td> <td width="10"><img src="images/pixel_trans.gif" border="0" alt="" width="10" height="1"></td> <td class="main"><input type="text" name="cc_owner" value="foo bar"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="10"><img src="images/pixel_trans.gif" border="0" alt="" width="10" height="1"></td> <td class="main">Credit Card Number:</td> <td width="10"><img src="images/pixel_trans.gif" border="0" alt="" width="10" height="1"></td> <td class="main"><input type="text" name="cc_number_nh-dns"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="10"><img src="images/pixel_trans.gif" border="0" alt="" width="10" height="1"></td> <td class="main">Credit Card Expiry Date:</td> <td width="10"><img src="images/pixel_trans.gif" border="0" alt="" width="10" height="1"></td> <td class="main"><select name="cc_expires_month"> .... <tr> <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td align="right" class="main"> <form name="checkout_confirmation" action="http://localhost/osc22rc1/catalog/checkout_process.php?osCsid=tctc2sas7fut5lria0uqek91h5" method="post"><input type="image" src="includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_confirm_order.gif" border="0" alt="Confirm Order" title=" Confirm Order "></form> ===============
  3. Thank you for the reply. I do not have any other installed contributions. It's a straight download of 2.2RC1, then I only applied PWA. Just to make sure we are on the same page, I used PWA version of July 3, 2006. I have apache 2.2.4, PHP 5.2.3. Don't know if that makes any difference. Based on the PWA source code, the <input> fileds for credit cards are outside the <form></form> block. I only found it out by debugging the source. I am getting even more curious now. Where is the catch? Just for sanity check, I'm going to do a new install of 2.2R1, then re-apply PWA. (These are the only OSC files I have ever downloaded on my computer). I'll report back my findings. I really need to get to the bottom of this. I don't want to hack my own fix, then cause more problems in the future.
  4. I tested PWA July 3, 2006 and ran into two problems so far. 1. register_globals 2. credit card data on page checkout_confirmation.php was not posted up, because the input fields were not inside the <form></form> block. I made issue 2 work so far(see http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?s=&...&p=1128284). However, I would like to hear some expert opinion on this one. I assume issue 1 can be fixed by replacing HTTP_GET_VARS with _GET, or something like that. Someone must have used PWA July 3, 2006, please share your story, I wonder if the credit card info was posted up correctly? Any comments? Can I trust PWA with 2.2RC1? Thx.
  5. I have only 2 days experience with osc so far. Please forgive me if I miss something badly. I really would like to hear opinions from some veterans I installed 2.2rc, it was runnning all right. Then I downloaded July 3, 2006 version of PWA. I hesitated before I applied the module, because 2.2rc is newer than your PWA contribution. I took the risk. First problem I had was register_globals. I had to turn it on for PWA to work. I wonder if there is solution so I don't need to turn the global on? The second problem really baffles me. I wonder how it could it have ever worked before? I had to move the following part (around line 300 in the orignal checkout_confirmation.php to about line 239). // begin move form header here if (isset($$payment->form_action_url)) { $form_action_url = $$payment->form_action_url; } else { $form_action_url = tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PROCESS, '', 'SSL'); } // end move form header here echo tep_draw_form('checkout_confirmation', $form_action_url, 'post'); otherwise, all the credit card <input> text fields would appear outside the <form> block, therefore, when I submit my data, I always got this error 'TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CARD', 'The first four digits of the number entered are:<br>If that number is correct, we do not accept that type of credit card.<br>If it is wrong, please try again.' because none of the values was submitted. I wonder if I should not use PWA with 2.2rc release?
  6. Hello, I am new to oscommerce. I installed 2.2RC version. It was working all right. Then I installed "PWA MS2 by Petsk dated 3 Jul 2006". Now it stopped working (complaining about register_globals, when I enabled that, it still didn't help). I am not totally surprised PWA broke 2.2RC, because when I first saw PWA contributions, I was puzzled how could I tell which version of PWA I should download. In fact, I compared the dates on the files that appear both in 2.2RC and PWA release, some files in 2.2RC are newer than the same files in PWA. I don't believe I can use PWA with 2.2RC. Is there a version of PWA that can work with 2.2RC? or is there a recommendation for something else if I want to let visitors to purchase without an account? thanks in advance.
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