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Everything posted by michaelwl

  1. I've been running this contrib for a while in my store, and it's worked very well! How could we change it so that it copies the additional images when duplicating a product. The main image is field is copied in the db but the additional images aren't copied over. I have a lot of products which have additional attributes like extra hard drive or what ever. With 7+ additional images to redo for every variation is quite cumbersome. Anyone got any ideas? I went through the changes made in the latest version but that isn't one of the added functionalities. Michael
  2. Hi all, how can I get my alternative method of payment to show for my Downloadable products? My Payment Methods are blank during checkout. If I enable the Credit Card payment method Credit Card is visible as an option. We don't use credit card transactions in our business. Thanks, any help will be well appreciated. P.S. I've spent quite some time going through the forum and googling solutions and came up with nothing - not sure if this perhaps a rarity.
  3. Just out of curiosity when using the Flat rate shipping option, what does "Best Way" refer to?
  4. Having trouble figuring out why my code is executing incorrectly... This is from the coolMenu contribution. Basically, the error is that the code isn't leaving an open box for me to overlay the dynamic menu over. Any help will really be appreciated. My code result: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.write(" <TR> <TD> "); document.write(""); document.write(" <\/TD> <\/TR> "); //--> </script> Another sites: <script type="text/javascript"> document.write('<img src="images/trans.gif" width="200" height="426.4">'); </script> My PHP: <?php /* ------------------------------------------------ coolMenu for osCommerce modified: 2003-07-28 Marc Zacher extended to work for javascript enanbled and disabled with javascript disabled, the conventional categories box is shown this extension is provided by Marc Zacher Released under the GNU General Public License ------------------------------------------------ */ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.write(" <TR> <TD> "); <?php $info_box_contents = array(); $info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'left', 'text' => BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES ); $coolmenuinfoboxheading = new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, true, false, false, false); $output_string = $coolmenuinfoboxheading->table_string; $info_box_contents = array(); if (MAX_MANUFACTURERS_LIST < 2) { $cat_choose = array(array('id' => '', 'text' => BOX_CATEGORIES_CHOOSE)); } else { $cat_choose = ''; } $info_box_contents[] = array('text' => ' <img src="images/trans.gif" width="150" height="' . $height . '">'); $coolmenuinfobox = new infoBox($info_box_contents, false); $output_string .= $coolmenuinfobox->table_string; //remove all html commments $output_string = preg_replace("/<!--.*?-->/", "", $output_string); //escape all occurences of " $output_string = preg_replace('/"/', '\"', $output_string); //escape all occurences of / $output_string = preg_replace('/\//', '\/', $output_string); //remove trailing \n $output_string = preg_replace('/\\n+$/', '', $output_string); //replace all \n with ");\ndocument.write(" $output_string = preg_replace('/\\n/', "\");\ndocument.write(\"", $output_string); //prepend document.write at the beginning and append ");\n $output_string = "document.write(\"" . $output_string . "\");\n"; echo $output_string; ?> document.write(" <\/TD> <\/TR> "); //--> </script> <noscript> <?php include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'categories.php'); ?> </noscript>
  5. I've tried to get some for the issue below in it's own forum, bumping it up to try get a response. I've checked the issue and the menu is a layer that can be positioned anywhere according to settings in its PHP file, I would I make it occupy an infobox?
  6. I need help, I installed coolMenu. The menu operates correctly but is positioned over my what's new section. To have a look goto http://www.mygoodies.co.za Username: guest Password: 0834528139 Please, any help will really be appreciated. P.S. I'm also using infobox skins manager 2.0 Thanks
  7. I need help, I installed coolMenu. The menu operates correctly but is positioned over my what's new section. To have a look goto http://www.mygoodies.co.za Username: guest Password: 0834528139 Please, any help will really be appreciated. P.S. I'm also using infobox skins manager 2.0 Thanks
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