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Everything posted by PiLLaO

  1. Hi @raiwa I get this error in console categories.php?cPath=26&pID=418&action=new_product:42 Uncaught ReferenceError: SetFocus is not defined at goOnLoad (categories.php?cPath=26&pID=418&action=new_product:42) at onload (categories.php?cPath=26&pID=418&action=new_product:48) I search on files and I can't find this function, I search on this forum and this function was on admin/includes/general.js Thanks in advance
  2. $('.pi-gallery') must to work
  3. Select the container to jquery an put the image inside
  4. Forum support for addon Breadcrumb SEO for Phoenix Development on Phoenix v1.0.7.1 Download link: https://apps.oscommerce.com/Bz5Of&breadcrumb-seo-for-phoenix
  5. I found the problem, missing code while updating hooks system
  6. That is the problem 😂, I'm updagring without order and is possible that this is the problem. I checked using system/versioned/ and but I don't know when began my issue.
  7. Hi @raiwa I'm getting an issue on checkout_process.php with the hook, seems to not be loaded. To dismiss causes, is possible that after update hooks system cause this hook not load without a "fix"? Regards
  8. I make the test with a gzip backup and it was restored correctly. Can you choose the tables to restore? can you share a screenshot and put the url without without your data?
  9. Seems to never works this function, at least as I can see on code, was mixing $_GET and $_POST at same time. You must to find on catalog/admin/backup.php this line: // end if ($buInfo->table_list != TEXT_INFO_NO_INFORMATION) $contents[] = ['class' => 'text-center', 'text' => tep_draw_bootstrap_button(IMAGE_RESTORE, 'fas fa-file-upload', tep_href_link('backup.php', 'file=' . $buInfo->file . '&action=restorenow'), null, null, 'btn-warning mr-2') . tep_draw_bootstrap_button(IMAGE_CANCEL, 'fas fa-times', tep_href_link('backup.php', 'file=' . $buInfo->file), null, null, 'btn-light')]; and replace by this: // end if ($buInfo->table_list != TEXT_INFO_NO_INFORMATION) $contents[] = ['class' => 'text-center', 'text' => tep_draw_bootstrap_button(IMAGE_RESTORE, 'fas fa-file-upload', tep_href_link('backup.php', 'file=' . $buInfo->file . '&action=restorenow&restore_all=1'), null, null, 'btn-warning mr-2') . tep_draw_bootstrap_button(IMAGE_CANCEL, 'fas fa-times', tep_href_link('backup.php', 'file=' . $buInfo->file), null, null, 'btn-light')]; it's a dirty fix to make it works temporarily.
  10. Can you check the backup file have data? Uncompress the file and look at the sql file, please.
  11. Sorry but I'm still upgrading into Phoenix, you can make the backups with the original backup tools until someone can fix this
  12. For this error, replace line 41 $listing = $_GET['listing']; with this: $listing = $_GET['listing'] ?? '';
  13. Uploaded new update: WARNING: auto_backup_setup.php don't upgraded, I DON'T KNOW IF WORKS, DON'T USE IN LIVE STORE. - Bootstraped Page - Bootstraped Buttons - Replaced array() to [] - Replaced require('file-path') to require 'file-path' - Replaced require('file-path') to require 'file-path' - Replaced XHTML Tags to HTML Tags - Added Spanish translations (partially)
  14. I suggest to change in catalog/includes/languages/espanol/checkout_confirmation.php To one of this although 'Editar' would be the literally translate, I think that 'Modificar' will be the best option. What you think about this?
  15. Hi @BrockleyJohn It's save to remove catalog/admin/order_editor/http_client.php as Phoenix make some time ago? and the include: include('order_editor/http_client.php'); I take a look, and don't find this file usefull Best regards
  16. Hi Rainer, catalog/includes/languages/espanol/modules/content/index_products/cm_ip_category_manufacturer_description.php "Fabricante" and "en" Best regards 😉
  17. Hi!, I think this piece of code are useless: catalog/includes/modules/content/header/cm_header_store_times.php function install($parameter = null) { // check for installation settings of addon 8044 Store Closed and use if present if (file_exists(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/opencloz.php')){ if (!defined('DIR_WS_INCLUDES')) define('DIR_WS_INCLUDES','../includes/'); include_once( DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/opencloz.php'); initialize_open_cloze(); } $params = $this->getParams(); This line? if (!defined('DIR_WS_INCLUDES')) define('DIR_WS_INCLUDES','../includes/');
  18. Bug found on catalog/phone_orders.php Line 90 Replace "</forum>" by "</form>" (seems to autocompletition error) This wrong tag was giving me error with the form of ajax login
  19. Since 2015 with ECMAScript 6, pure javascript it's more easy to use, near to jQuery but you don't need to load and extra file. If you use de "order editor" addon, you can view that not use jQuery and have ajax. The tendency is to program in pure javascript. GitHub removes from his frontend jQuery: https://github.blog/2018-09-06-removing-jquery-from-github-frontend/
  20. Hi, For those who want to replace Jquery for vanilla JS, catalog/includes/hooks/admin/categories/ajaxAttribManager.php Find: $(function() { $('#productTabs #productTabsMain').append('<li><a href="{$tab_link}">{$tab_title}</a></li>'); }); Replace with: document.querySelector('#productTabs #productTabsMain').innerHTML = document.querySelector('#productTabs #productTabsMain').innerHTML + '<li><a href="{$tab_link}">{$tab_title}</a></li>'; catalog/includes/hooks/admin/siteWide/ajaxAttribManager.php Find: $( window ).load(function() { goOnLoad(); }); Replace with: document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { goOnLoad(); }); Now you have a Jquery less entire addon
  21. Hi @Rainer I think that I have something bad configured or I have a problem. The app creates a thumb of all pictures with configured size and another thumb with the original resolution but smaller size How can disable to create the thumb with original resolution? Thanks in advance.
  22. Hi Jack, Inside "After_2.3_BS_ONLY\catalog_Only_New_Files\admin\includes\languages\english" only exists: - sitemap.php - version_checker.php don't exists "modules/boxes" inside Best regards
  23. Seems to missing file, I have the same issue. catalog/includes/languages/english/modules/boxes/bm_sitemap_seo.php <--- Exists. catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/modules/ <--- Not exists. Best regards
  24. Hi Jack, I'm going to update from 2.0 to 2.2 and I look that in 'catalog/includes/functions/sitemap.php' still call to 'catalog/includes/filenames.php' to check if exists a define on the file using the function "GetFileName()". In 'catalog/includes/modules/sitemap.php' on line 61 are this code: if ($boxes['page_link_name'] === strtoupper($boxes['page_link_name'])) { //may not be a defined name $filename = GetFileName($boxes['page_link_name']); } else { $filename = $boxes['page_link_name'] ; } Are this ok? Thanks in advance
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