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Everything posted by francois21

  1. Thank's for your response. If I put the old file "website_backup.php" in the directory admin , all work fine, if I put the new file, I have no errors but it does not work. I made the update from the old version to the new v1.1 with all the new files as shown in "Sam's Website Backup V1.1. ." with the current the estimate is 0 ====> Yes but the backup is fine====> No I have no backup With old version all is fine estimate and backup define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', 'C:/wamp/www/01-boutic_rc231_en_dev/'); I am in local test with wampserver, my os is windows7 Francois
  2. Hello I installed the new version and it no longer works. I have not a value for size of your site and compressed size. Website size: 0 Bytes Estimated compressed file size: 0 Bytes Containing 0 folders with 0 Files. And when I backup, the file is empty. With the old version it was OK Website size: 64.27 MB Estimated compressed file size: 43.7 MB Containing 1799 folders with 5798 Files. And when I backup, the file is ok with the backup of all my files. Have you an idea? Thank's for this very great addon. Francois
  3. Hello I think you use IE in compatibility mode. Try with firefox, if it is good, desable compatibility mode in IE. Francois
  4. Hi Now watermarked is OK All is OK in admin and on customer side with IE9 Opera11.5 Safari5.1 Firefox6.01 Chrome7.0.517.41 Congratulations and big thanks for this very good addon. Francois
  5. Hi thank's for your response. In YOUR last package In catalog/includes/database_tables.php // Start Products Specifications define('TABLE_PRODUCTS_SPECIFICATIONS', 'products_specifications'); define('TABLE_SPECIFICATION', 'specifications'); define('TABLE_SPECIFICATION_DESCRIPTION', 'specification_description'); define('TABLE_SPECIFICATION_GROUPS', 'specification_groups'); define('TABLE_SPECIFICATIONS_FILTERS', 'specification_filters'); define('TABLE_SPECIFICATIONS_FILTERS_DESCRIPTION', 'specification_filters_description'); define('TABLE_SPECIFICATIONS_TO_CATEGORIES', 'specification_groups_to_categories'); define('TABLE_SPECIFICATIONS_VALUES', 'specification_values'); define('TABLE_SPECIFICATIONS_VALUES_DESCRIPTION', 'specification_values_description'); // End Products Specifications Where is TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_DOCUMENTS ? And in products_specifications.sql, there is no about this table. Is your last package Products Specifications 1.1.8 a full package or not ?? Francois
  6. Hi after installing I have this error on produt_info table_products_to_documents' doesn't exist select count(*) as total from TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_DOCUMENTS where products_id = '21' I try with a new vanila osco 2.31 and your last package and I have the same result. What I Have forgoten Excuse my bad english Francois
  7. Hello Excuse my bad English, I'm in France. When I create a category with a product in, on my product_info page, everything is ok, eg DVD Movies -> my film. The page title is film-Dvd-Movies-Warner beginning of description. And in the source of the page I have the title, description, and keywords. But if I made ​​changes in admin: category name or movie, or description, I have nothing more in the page source and title of the page becomes http://localhost/01-boutic_rc231_en_dev/ product_info.php/myfilm-p-5. I try to delete the files in includes \ modules \ kiss_meta_tags \ cache, but I still have the problem and not on all products. Some products are good.If I change something (title, category, description, nothing change in title of my page I have the old tag.I try to refresh the page, clear the browser cache, clear the cache in includes \ modules \ kiss_meta_tags \ cache, but nothing changes. Do you have an idea. I use 2.3 Osco thank you francois
  8. Hi sorry for my last post. I try with an other pc, where I have backup of my last work with Opi and all work great with Ie. Opi is very good and no bugs with IE just I have not watermarks Francois
  9. Hi about my precedent post. Some snapshot with Ie and with Firefox. All is Ok with all browsers, without Ie I try with YOUR categories_opi.php that I rename categories.php and I have the same result. With IE http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/204/opiie.jpg/ With firefox http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/709/opifirefox.jpg/ Thank's francois
  10. Hi thank's for your fast response. I have not watermark with your solution. I have an other problem : Opi don't work in categories with IE. It work great with other like Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari but not with Internet Explorer. An idea?? Francois
  11. Hello I have not watermark on my images. My opi_thumbnails.php require_once('includes/configure.php'); error_reporting(0); //NO APACHE REWRITE, remove/commented below line if (basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) == basename(__FILE__)) imageScale404(); //preventing direct access to this file //disable custom mode: crop,auto,clip,width and height request define('OPI_ENABLE_CUSTOME_MODE', true); //if you disabled it, also edit .htaccess and remove rewriteRule that command customMode //enable advance apache mod-rewrite (see readme.html) define('OPI_ENABLE_ADVANCED_REWRITE', true); define('DIR_FS_OPIFILE_HERE', dirname(__FILE__)); // absolute path to this file define('OPI_FS_IMAGES_OPI_PATH', DIR_FS_OPIFILE_HERE . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/images/') ); // OSC_PRODUCT_IMAGE_ABSOLUTE_PATH define('OPI_FS_IMAGES_OPI_THUMB', OPI_FS_IMAGES_OPI_PATH . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '_thumbnail_/')); // OSC_PRODUCT_IMAGE_ABSOLUTE_PATH + OSC_PRODUCT_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_DIRECTORY define('OPI_FS_IMAGES_WATERMARK', str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIR_WS_IMAGES . '_hidden_/watermarked.png') ); // watermark file define('OPI_IMAGES_MAXWIDTH', 1000); //set to 0 to disable define('OPI_IMAGES_MAXHEIGHT', 1000);//set to 0 to disable define('OPI_IMAGES_MINWIDTH', 50); //set to 0 to disable define('OPI_IMAGES_MINHEIGHT', 50); //set to 0 to disable define('OPI_IMAGES_WM_WMIN', 30); //set to 0 to disable watermark define('OPI_IMAGES_WM_HMIN', 30); //set to 0 to disable watermark /*definedMode*/ $definedMode = array(); //do not edit adminthumb and adminpreview -> for administration page $definedMode['adminthumb'] = array('mode'=>'clip', 'width'=>80, 'height'=>80); $definedMode['adminpreview'] = array('mode'=>'width', 'width'=>150, 'height'=>0); //you can edit/add/remove definedMode's below $definedMode['display'] = array('mode'=>'width', 'width'=>200, 'height'=>0); $definedMode['small'] = array('mode'=>'clip', 'width'=>100, 'height'=>100); $definedMode['large'] = array('mode'=>'auto', 'width'=>600, 'height'=>800); $definedMode['square'] = array('mode'=>'clip', 'width'=>220, 'height'=>220); $definedMode['customwidth'] = array('mode'=>'width', 'width'=>150, 'height'=>0); //width & height must be defined $definedMode['customheight'] = array('mode'=>'height','width'=>0, 'height'=>150); //width & height must be defined What is not good please Thank's Francois
  12. Hello thank's All work great for me now. This addon is very very better than old system for manage images Francois
  13. Hello thank's for your fast response. Did you mean "delete" the image from server? or "remove" the image from a product? I create a product ex-->Microsoft IntelliMouse Pro for image whith Opi button donwnload-->new directory-->mouse-->create after directory = Mouse (images/products/mouse) download ex mynewimage. all is ok, new image is download en my product image is here --> products/mouse/microsoft-intellimouse-pro-2.jpg in configuration--images OPI: Relative Directory is products All work great. But if I want no image for this product, if I try to delete image whith X button --> it si not possible I have the waiting image and nothing, when I Save, image is here and not delete. If I browse server and try to delete this image from server it is not possible alert message Can not delete image: image still in use by other products :: microsoft-intellimouse-explorer-1.jpg If i want some product without image, how can I do? Thank's Francois
  14. Hello excuse my bad english (I am in France) Thank's for this work. All is ok. How can I activate watermak on images? It's don't work for me . I have not watermark on old image and new image. In admin, when a product have just one image, I can't delete this image. In old system of image, we can add html: Ex for samsung image with youtube extract. in Opi is this possible? Thank's for this great addon for manage images Francois
  15. Hello I installed this add on : Hide products from customer groups for SPPC and I have a problem with box news. With this query if ($random_product = tep_random_select("select p.products_id, p.products_image, p.products_tax_class_id, p.products_price, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd left join " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " using(products_id) left join " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " using(categories_id) where p.products_status = '1' and pd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and find_in_set('".$customer_group_id."', products_hide_from_groups) = 0 and find_in_set('" . $customer_group_id . "', categories_hide_from_groups) = 0 order by products_date_added desc limit " . MAX_RANDOM_SELECT_NEW)) { box does not appear in the column. What is wrong in this query. Thank you Francois
  16. I put ckeditor in code mode and it Don't work whith backslash before quote I try to remove ckeditor and use generic_box whith no modification. Same problem whith quote. Same problem whith backslash before quote. I can save and in front end all is OK but when I go back in admin, I can't edit the content of the box. Francois
  17. Hello Edit that text to add a backslash in front of any single quotes/apostrophes (or just delete them.) You should now be able to edit the field in your Admin Sorry ! It don't work whith backslash, I have the same result (with ckeditor). In reply#106 ther is this code ','olcwhatispaypal',' it si bad because quotes/apostrophes . Francois
  18. Hello excuse my bad englih. The path is good and I am in local test In admin when I load image for category, the path is in catalog==>"images". On Client side the path is not good, not in "images" so in catalog==>links.php ligne 201 there is echo tep_link_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $categories['link_categories_image'], $categories['link_categories_name'], SUBCATEGORY_IMAGE_WIDTH, SUBCATEGORY_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '<br>'; if I change to echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $categories['link_categories_image'], $categories['link_categories_name'], SUBCATEGORY_IMAGE_WIDTH, SUBCATEGORY_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '<br>'; All is good and on client side the path of category image is in catalog==>"images". Francois
  19. Hello Thank you for this great job. I install the latest version for 2.31 ​​and everything is ok. But in admin, when I add a category and I load an image for this category, the image is loaded into catalog ==> images / myImage.jpg. But on client side, when I am in the links, the category is there but no image, just the replacement text. When I search property of the image, the path is catalog / images / links_manager_uploads / images / myImage.jpg. So no image. Why? I've forgotten something? Thank you Francois
  20. Hello Did you find a solution to the problem of apostrophe. I don't know how to make it This problem is for the French but in English if you write it's or I can't in the text it is the same problem .Without this problem your contribution is perfect. Thank you for this great job Francois
  21. In admin==>categories tep_draw_textarea_ckeditor('products_description[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', 'soft', '70', (isset($products_description[$languages[$i]['id']]) ? stripslashes($products_description[$languages[$i]['id']]) : tep_get_products_description($pInfo->products_id, $languages[$i]['id']))); Francois
  22. You don't read the post In admin==>includes==>template_top it's before </head> and not <head> Francois
  23. You upload last ckeditor and last filemanager. You put dezip filemanager in ckeditor. You put in admin. and you do all is explain in adobe file. For exemple admin==>includes==>template_top before </head> just <script type="text/javascript" src="./ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script> Francois
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