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Everything posted by billythekid

  1. Make sure that everything is set correctly under "configuration/Shipping & Packaging/" make sure the following are set correctly: Enter the Maximum Package Weight you will ship..... Package Tare weight..... Larger packages - percentage increase..... It sounds like you have values entered here or at least the wrong values. Also, i will no longer provide forum support for this or any of my contributions under this user name "billythekid", I will close this accout and strickly use my "nezah.net" account. I will still provide support and answer questions as best and often as i can, but only under username "nezah.net" Jorge Suarez
  2. If you are familiar with the zone defining in the zone base, i don't see why it should not work. However, eveyhing must be done right. As far as the "The Shipping Rate can not be calculated at this time" message. I really seems that you have another module enabled, but not configured. That error is not an output of the module, so either you have a misconfigured module or you have some corrution with your oscommerce installation.
  3. This is seems like you have another module misconfigured. This error is not being displayed but my Regions Based Rates shipping module. Maybe you have a UPS module installed and misconfigured. I also see that your are entering city names in the zone fields. Because cities are not defined in the zones base, cities cannot be supported. You have to entere States and/or Countries.
  4. hmmm, I would love to help you, but you are giving too little to go by. Are you getting any error or strange screens? Maybe you can post a screenshop here. Thanks!!!
  5. Read the readme file. The answered is there.
  6. Read the readme.txt file. The asnwer is there and has been answered lots of times here.
  7. Its sounds like you have a value for the "Package Tare weight" option. Go to Administration -> Configuration -> Shipping/Packcaging -> and set "Package Tare weight" to 0. For some reason its defaulted to 3. Let me know if this helps. Jorge Suarez
  8. I have gone through this message thread, the official thread for the regions based rates shipping module, and have takeb into considration the suggestions and feature requests people have for this already great shipping module. ..... ...........3 hours of programming later........... I have done it!!! This module now includes the freatures requested and suggested throught out this thread. ***You can download the new version (4.0) of the contribuion here, http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,818 **I strongly suggest you read the readme file included in the zip, and which i have posted here below. State Based Rates Shipping Module ------------------------------------------ Target: osCommerce 2.2-CVS (with new checkout procedure) Version: 4.0 Release Date: 22 December 2004 License: GPL Author: Jorge Suarez [email protected] TOC: Changes Installation Usage Features Limitations Contact Changes: ------------- 1. changed "per item" feature to "# of items." (x:y.yy), where "x" is the number of items and "y.yy" is the shipping fee to charge. 2. added "percentage" support. Lets you calculate shipping fee based on a percentage of the total price. (x.xx:y), where "x.xx" is the order price and "y" is the percentage (of the total price) to charge as the shipping fee to charge. The value of "y" needs to be entered as a number oly, DO NOT INCLUDE THE "%" SIGN 3. added "Tax Class" support. Lets you specify which tax class to use on the shipping fee. 4. added "sort_order" support. Lets you specify a sort order display during checkout. Installation: ------------- THIS MODULE CAN BE MODIFIED FURTHER, NEW MODULES CAN BE CREATED, AND/OR OTHER OSCOMMERCE MODIFICATIONS CAN BE MADE FOR A SMALL FEE. MY CONTACT INFO IN AT THE BUTTON OF PAGE This module does not overwrite any existing file. It is therefore safe to just copy the complete directory structure over your existing one. If your osCommerce installation does not have the default directory layout you will have to copy all the files to the appropriate places. Once the files are in place you should be able to switch the module on through Administration -> Modules -> Shipping -> Region Based Rates (green button) If you want to assign different States to the groups you can do so through the Admin. Be warned: Once the module is switched off again it will default to the original setup upon activation again. You will have to assign your groups / prices again. If you want to increase the number of regions after the module has been installed and enabled, your must: 1. Disabled the module 2. Edit the file 3. Re-enable the module. Usage: ------ This shipping module allows you to create groups of country states(regions) and assign a shipping price to such a region. A region can be composed of a single state/country or of any number of states/countries. A region can also contain states from multiple countries, and can contain a combination of countries and states. You have the choice to calculate the shipping cost based on the total price of the order or the total weight or on 3 of items of the order. Features: --------- 1..Regions can be composed of States and/or Countries. 2..Regions include any number states/countries (one or more). 3..Regions can include state of different countries. For example, you can have a region that included Texas and the northern States or Mexico. 4..Order weight, price, # of items, or percentage (of the total price) can be used to calculate shipping cost. 5..Any number of regions. 6..Handling fee can be added. Limitations: ------------ Address must include a state or country Contact ------- 1. If you have any questions/comments regarding this module please contact the author: 2. For Support, http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29585&hl= 3. For donations please use [email protected] [email protected] © 2002 by Jorge Suarez
  9. In the admin panel>modules>shipping
  10. Did you ever figured this out? ______________________________________________________________ I am trying to change the product name to either product model or product id or (preferably) to add either model or id to the dropdown that is drawn for adding new featured products, as it is very difficult to identify the desired product simply from the product name. The current dropdown shows -> Product Name (Price) Can anyone give me a hint on why changing the following references for "products_name" to either "products_id" or "products_model" don't cause the dropdown that is diplayed to show one of those fields when they are all being selected in the query? CODE <form name="new_feature" <?php echo 'action="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_FEATURED, tep_get_all_get_params(array('action', 'info', 'sID')) . 'action=' . $form_action, 'NONSSL') . '"'; ?> method="post"><?php if ($form_action == 'update') echo tep_draw_hidden_field('featured_id', $HTTP_GET_VARS['sID']); ?> <td><br><table border="1" bordercolor="green" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_FEATURED_PRODUCT; ?> </td> <td class="main"><?php echo ($sInfo->products_name) ? $sInfo->products_name : tep_draw_products_pull_down('products_name', 'style="font-size:10px"', $featured_array); echo tep_draw_hidden_field('products_price', $sInfo->products_price); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_FEATURED_EXPIRES_DATE; ?> </td> <td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_input_field('day', substr($sInfo->expires_date, 8, 2), 'size="2" maxlength="2" class="cal-TextBox"') . tep_draw_input_field('month', substr($sInfo->expires_date, 5, 2), 'size="2" maxlength="2" class="cal-TextBox"') . tep_draw_input_field('year', substr($sInfo->expires_date, 0, 4), 'size="4" maxlength="4" class="cal-TextBox"'); ?><a class="so-BtnLink" href="java script:calClick();return false;" onmouseover="calSwapImg('BTN_date', 'img_Date_OVER',true);" onmouseout="calSwapImg('BTN_date', 'img_Date_UP',true);" onclick="calSwapImg('BTN_date', 'img_Date_DOWN');showCalendar('new_feature','dteWhen','BTN_date');return false;"><?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'cal_date_up.gif', 'Calendar', '22', '17', 'align="absmiddle" name="BTN_date"'); ?></a></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td class="main" align="right" valign="top"><br><?php echo (($form_action == 'insert') ? tep_image_submit('button_insert.gif', IMAGE_INSERT) : tep_image_submit('button_update.gif', IMAGE_UPDATE)). ' <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_FEATURED, 'page=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['page'] . '&sID=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['sID']) . '">' . tep_image_button('button_cancel.gif', IMAGE_CANCEL) . '</a>'; ?></td> </tr> </table></td> </form>
  11. notsleepy, there is two places where shipping handling can be charnged. check the configuration setting of my module, and also chech: admin panel>configuration>shipping/packaging
  12. notsleepy, I think you are charging handling fee. check that!
  13. pisces69, I can seem to recreate your problem......are you entering the products weight in the products info form?
  14. What appears? Does either of the tow appear fully...please give me a little more detail. What about in the checkout process, which appears there?
  15. It should fine there too....the last version even supports country based regions. UK state are supported though.
  16. It sure is mattice, but yours is based on the zones rates I beleive, but i will make sure to mention it. However, i did modify the readme a lot on the latest version.... BTW, did you like the contribution? Do you or anyone find it useful?
  17. The comtribution i am speaking of above is the Region Based Rates aka State Based Rates (a shipping contribution): Please mention your suggestions here: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=29585
  18. Ok, I am working on a new version of this shipping module. Please post here what you would like to see added as a feature in this contribustion. So far i am adding: 1. cost based on percentage of order total 2. cost based on number of items (different from per item) 3. what else???? 4. what else???? 5. what else???? 6. what else???? . . . And while you are at it, please suggest/request this modue to be implemeted in the future releases of OSC
  19. Ok, I am working on a new version of this shipping module. Please post here what you would like to see added as a feature in this contribustion. So far i am adding: 1. cost based on percentage of order total 2. cost based on number of items (different from per item) 3. what else???? 4. what else???? 5. what else???? 6. what else???? . . . And while you are at it, please suggest/request this modue to be implemeted in the future releases of OSC
  20. I dont know if you can (are allowed to tax shipping), but as far as making my shipping module do that, sure it can be done. I just need to customize it a bit. A few lines of code. Email me if you are interested.
  21. Unless OMM and WMM are actual states, then it will not work. You have to enter the name of the states in the table. Look and the examples posted earlier in this thread
  22. The shipping cost is calculated based on the values you enter. If the rates are something like: 200:7.00,500:10.00,1000:16.00, since your first value is 200:7.00, that means that anything UP TO 200(lbs or currency) will be charged 7.00, the anything above 200 and UPTO 500, will be charges 10.00, and so on. So to answer you question anything from 0 to the first values, will be charged the first price, that includes 0.07. I hope that answers you question.
  23. Per Item, only takes the price of the first argument and based the price on that for example, i you have x:1.99, then 1.99 will be charge for every item that is ordered
  24. It looks like you are using the origina categories.php file that came with the installtion and not replacing with the one included in the contribution.
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