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Everything posted by jovino

  1. checkout_shipping.php replace: <?php if ( ($n > 1) || ($n2 > 1) ) { ?> <td align="right"><p><strong><?php echo $currencies->format(tep_add_tax($quotes[$i]['methods'][$j]['cost'], (isset($quotes[$i]['tax']) ? $quotes[$i]['tax'] : 0))); ?></p></strong></td> <?php } else { ?> <td align="right" colspan="2"><p><?php echo $currencies->format(tep_add_tax($quotes[$i]['methods'][$j]['cost'], $quotes[$i]['tax'])) . tep_draw_hidden_field('shipping', $quotes[$i]['id'] . '_' . $quotes[$i]['methods'][$j]['id']); ?></p></td> <?php } ?> with: <?php if ( ($n > 1) || ($n2 > 1) ) { ?> <td align="right"><p><strong><?php echo $currencies->format(tep_add_tax($quotes[$i]['methods'][$j]['cost'], (isset($quotes[$i]['tax']) ? $quotes[$i]['tax'] : 0))); ?></strong></p></td> <?php } else { ?> <td align="right" colspan="2"><p><?php echo $currencies->format(tep_add_tax($quotes[$i]['methods'][$j]['cost'], $quotes[$i]['tax'])) . tep_draw_hidden_field('shipping', $quotes[$i]['id'] . '_' . $quotes[$i]['methods'][$j]['id']); ?></p></td> <?php } ?>
  2. Ahhh, yes! I see the error of my ways! tep_round_up() is all good, but the database is still fuxxored. I just went back in and did a manual update through PHP MySQL to fix all of that. Heh. At least I can pull that off. :) I found an HTML nesting error on your output code. I'll post a block of code here after I grab a bite to eat.
  3. Here's a follow-up to my update dilemma: I modified /catalog/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php to use function tep_round() instead of the new function tep_round_up(). This got my site is working again, but I have no idea why tep_round_up() wasn't being found when it was there. As for the USPS admin interface, I had to make database modifications directly through a PHP MySQL interface to get the values to stick. It was a serious pain, but at least my site works again. I don't know if I missed some sort of database update or if the whole thing got confused while trying to update the site. I did several uninstalls and reinstalls to try and rectify the issue, but I think its something else happening that I don't understand. Thanks to everyone for their hard work on this contribution. I really appreciate it. I wish my code skills weren't so atrophied because I'm sure it would have been much easier to manage my store. I'd love it if all this stuff worked as simply as it should, but I guess I get what I pay for, huh?
  4. I just did a reinstall of the latest code and... After entering in my USPS User ID, the field reads "Array" And I still get: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_round_up() in /nfs/c01/h06/mnt/35451/domains/bunnywarez.com/html/catalog/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php on line 343 EDIT: actually, most everything in the USPS module interface is reading as "Array." Did I miss a database update somewhere in the instructions?
  5. Damn. I just tried the previous version that you uploaded and I thought I had it when all of a sudden.... Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_round_up() in /nfs/c01/h06/mnt/35451/domains/bunnywarez.com/html/catalog/includes/modules/shipping/usps.php on line 343 I've updated all of the files as outlined in your instructions and double-checked my work. I confirmed that the round_up function is residing in the general.php file, too. I guess I'll undo all of my work and try again, unless you have a suggestion. :'(
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