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Everything posted by Schadeboy

  1. I had similar issues when I tried this contribution on a MS2.2 version of osC. The latest versions of the B2BSuite contribution are apparently designed to run on RC1 at least. If you upgrade to the RC1, you shouldn't have trouble. I did a fresh install of RC2 and then installed this contribution. While it's working, I'm finding that there are a number of "features" that don't work properly. For example, the part about requiring users to log in in order to see the prices works. However, the contribution apparently allows ANYONE to create an account and then view the prices, despite the fact that I have "Member Approvation" selected in the B2B Suite configuration page. It seems to me that if you're going to approve a member, that member should not be able to browse the site until you actually approve them. That does not appear to be the case, and that is a serious problem for me.
  2. I am very curious how others are using this contribution. Namely, if you have a large number of orders, how do you print labels for all of them in a timely and efficient manner? My store receives anywhere in the neighborhood of 30 to 50 orders a day. As far as I can tell, there's no batch printing capability within this contribution. So aside from manually going through each order and printing individual labels, what other options are there? If you receive a high volume of orders, how do you handle such a load with this contribution? Is there anyone out there who has coded a batch capability into this contribution? Thanks!
  3. Hey Brian I have been slowly getting around to putting the new version online for our store, but have yet to get through everything. I was wondering if you could tell me if the new version works with CCGV(trad) installed? My problem dealt with $0 item totals while also having shipping charges, as mentioned above. Thanks!
  4. There was no trouble. This is something that I've had in place for a while, it just never occurred to me until yesterday that I could put it up as a contribution. But if you're going to include it in the new version then I won't worry about it. I really appreciate all of the work you put into this. Our business wouldn't be nearly as smooth as it is if it weren't for your work. I plan to show that appreciation in a little bit more of a monetary way, if you know what I mean.
  5. That is so weird. I copied and pasted directly from my code, yet somehow when it pasted here it put a space between "java" and "script". Well, just keep that in mind if you decide to implement it. You'll have to make javascript one word. If Dynamoeffects says it's okay, I'll put this in as an additional file to his contribution and make sure that correction is made. Thanks for pointing that out.
  6. Not sure if the AMEX image came through or not, so I'm posting it again. Sorry about that. Modifications to the cvv2.php code or the images may need to be made to accommodate for your particular needs (ie, I don't know if the UK version of PayPal accepts American Express).
  7. DynamoEffects - I have added a small bit of code to this contribution that I have found to be very helpful, and was wondering if you'd mind if I added it to your contribution? The functionality of this small bit of code adds a popup window that explains what the Credit Card Checknumber, or CVV2, is and where it is located. The code is as follows: In catalog/checkout_payment.php, look for: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css"> Immediately after this line, add the following javascript code: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function popup_window() { window.open('cvv2.php','jav','width=500,height=450,resizable=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,status=no,scrollbars =yes'); }</SCRIPT> In catalog/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypal_wpp.php locate: define('MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_DP_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_CHECKNUMBER_LOCATION', '(located at the back of the credit card)'); change this to: // Original Line // define('MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_DP_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_CHECKNUMBER_LOCATION', '(located at the back of the credit card)'); define('MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_DP_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_CHECKNUMBER_LOCATION', '<a href="java script:popup_window()"><u>Where do I find this?</u></a>'); Using your favorite text or HTML editor, create a file called cvv2.php and use this code: <!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html dir="LTR" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>Card Verification Value (CVV) Help</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css"> </head> <style type="text/css"><!-- BODY { margin-bottom: 5px; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 5px; } table.cvvhelp { border: 1px solid red;} //--></style> <body marginwidth="5" marginheight="5" topmargin="5" bottommargin="5" leftmargin="5" rightmargin="5"> <table class="cvvhelp" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><p><strong>What is a Card Verification Value?</strong> </p> <p>The Card Verification Value (CVV) is a 3- or 4-digit number on your credit card. It is an additional safeguard that helps us validate your purchase and protect against fraud. This information is not stored in the magnetic strip of your card and is therefore not printed on sales receipts.</p> <p><strong>Where is the CVV located?</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><p><strong>VISA, MASTERCARD & DISCOVER</strong><br> You can find your card verification code on the reverse side of your credit card, printed into the signature field. It is a 3-digit number for Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.<br> </p></td> <td><img src="images/cvv2_image_visamc.gif" width="200" height="139"></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><p><strong>AMERICAN EXPRESS</strong><br> The American Express Card verification code is a 4-digit number printed on the front of your card. It appears after and to the right (above) of your card number.<br> </p></td> <td><img src="images/cvv2amex.gif" width="200" height="139"></td> </tr> </table> <p class="smallText" align="right"><a href="java script:window.close()">Close Window</a></p> </body> </html> Upload your newly created cvv2.php to your catalog root directory. You will also need these two image files uploaded into your catalog/images folder. Once you have all of this in place, you should see a link that appears right behind the field for the credit card checknumber that says "What is this?". Clicking the link should popup a window that displays the cvv2.php file you created, along with the two credit card images. This works for me extremely well, even with your accordion contribution. If you like, I can put all of this together into a ZIP file and upload it to the contribution section for your contribution. I wanted to get your permission before I did that, though. Thanks!
  8. In an effort to help contribute to this wonderful community, I will take a stab at answering this. Open the paypal_wpp.php file in your catalog>includes>modules>payment folder. Search for the following code: $selection['fields'][] = array('title' => '<b>' . MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_DP_TEXT_EC_HEADER . '</b>', On my store, I have a line that follows this that begins with: 'field' => ' Immediately following the =>' I placed the following little bit of code: <hr><p align="center">or you may use</p><hr> So my final piece of code looks like this: $selection['fields'][] = array('title' => '<b>' . MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_DP_TEXT_EC_HEADER . '</b>', 'field' => '<hr><p align="center">or you may use</p><hr><a href="' . tep_href_link('ec_process.php', '', 'SSL') . '"><img src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_xpressCheckout.gif" border=0 style="padding-right:10px;padding-bottom:10px"></a><br><span style="font-size:11px; font-family: Arial, Verdana;">' . MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_DP_TEXT_BUTTON_TEXT . '</span></td>'); This did the trick for me and creates the following results on my site I hope this helps.
  9. One of the tests that I ran, where I used a voucher for the exact amount of the items purchased, created an item of $0.01. The purchase then went through without a hitch. I do not know why that 1 penny item was created when sending the PayPal, and I do not know why this didn't happen with my customer, but this isn't a very good thing no matter what. Thanks for all your help!
  10. I hope I got the right part here: [DoDirectPaymentReq xmlns="urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI"] [DoDirectPaymentRequest] [Version xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"]2.0[/Version] [DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"] [PaymentAction]Sale[/PaymentAction] [PaymentDetails] [OrderTotal currencyID="USD"]11.00[/OrderTotal] [OrderDescription]Order placed on February 2, 2008, 12:39 am by Emilio Sepulveda (ID: *****)[/OrderDescription] [ItemTotal currencyID="USD"]0[/ItemTotal] [ShippingTotal currencyID="USD"]11[/ShippingTotal] [HandlingTotal currencyID="USD"][/HandlingTotal] [TaxTotal currencyID="USD"]0[/TaxTotal] [Custom]Phone: +*********** -- Email: ******************[/Custom] [InvoiceID][/InvoiceID] [NotifyURL][/NotifyURL] [ButtonSource][/ButtonSource] [ShipToAddress] [Name]Emilio Sepulveda[/Name] [Street1]****************[/Street1] [Street2][/Street2] [CityName]Barcelona[/CityName] [StateOrProvince]Barcelona[/StateOrProvince] [PostalCode]08015[/PostalCode] [Country]ES[/Country] [/ShipToAddress] [PaymentDetailsItem][Name]Bella's Bracelet[/Name][Amount currencyID="USD"]65.00[/Amount][Number]48{2}38 (JBB001)[/Number][Quantity]1[/Quantity][/PaymentDetailsItem][PaymentDetailsItem][Name]Gift Voucher of $65[/Name][Amount currencyID="USD"]-65.00[/Amount][Number]Gift Voucher[/Number][Quantity]1[/Quantity][/PaymentDetailsItem] [/PaymentDetails] I have commented out his e-mail address, phone number, and his street name and number, but included his country and ZIP in case that can help. I see that it is listing the voucher balance as a Payment item with a negative balance. I don't know if this might be throwing off the system, or not. Again, I have completed transactions similar to his as tests without trouble. I do have several foreign addresses in the address book of my test account with my store. If I have to, I will create a Spanish address as well and I'll let you know the results of my testing.
  11. First, I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to the new version. Some of the features you list are going to be very nice to have. Second, in as far as CCGV(trad) is concerned, the problem I had may be due to the fact that the customer was an international customer and perhaps there was an issue with his address, or something...I don't know. He can pay normally with a credit card and has no problems when that is his sole method of payment. But when he tried to use his voucher balance in combination with his credit card, he had trouble. I tried a couple of test orders with a similar configuration of payment options and had no problems. So I really don't know what might be causing the issue. The only thing that's different between his order and my test orders (that I know of) is the fact that he lives in Spain and I'm in the US. I have no way of verifying this particular problem at the moment.
  12. Hi DynamoEffects (can I call y Brian? That's so much easier to type), I am wondering if you had any feedback for me on my recent issue I experienced with charging credit cards and the CCGV(trad) contribution? I asked VGER over at her boards (***.com) but she didn't have much to tell me. I don't know if this problem is with the PayPal deal or the CCGV(trad) contribution. Also, I have been receiving some PayPal Error Dumps periodically that contain nothing but the following in the message: In function: ec_step1() There is nothing else in the message at all. I'm wondering if you might have some idea as to what this means? Thanks!
  13. Yes, I am. CCGV(trad) to be precise. It appears that the voucher balance is being applied to the customer's order, and the balance is exactly enough to cover the cost of the item being ordered, but not the cost of shipping. Thus the customer is responsible for paying that and that is, from my understanding, what should be being passed to PayPal. However, instead of processing the card properly, he gets the invalid card message, and I get the dump message indicated above. I have tried myself to process an order in a similar fashion. My orders go through without a problem, including an order I tried that covered the cost of the item only, but not shipping. I was charged only for shipping. However, oddly enough, when I did my test order, the PayPal payment notification that I received indicated a Item Name of "Order Total Discrepancy" and was charged exactly 1 penny for this. So my actual charge was 1 penny more than what it should have been. make sense? Again, I do not know if this is an issue with the CCGV(trad) contribution I have or this PayPal contrib.
  14. I have a customer who is having some difficulty processing an order using a gift voucher and using a credit card to pay for the remaining balance. He has tried several different cards with the same problem. I do not know if the issue is with this PayPal or with CCGV. I am looking for answers in both. The problem is, as far as I can tell so far, as follows: The customer is using a gift voucher balance to pay for an item in his cart. The gift voucher balance covers the entire cost of the item, but not the cost of shipping. When he attempts to pay for the shipping with his credit card, he is getting an error. The error dump I receive from PayPal is as follows: [ShortMessage] => Invalid Data [LongMessage] => This transaction cannot be processed. Please review the totals of this transaction and resubmit. I presume that there is something wrong with the way the amount is being sent to PayPal, but I do not know for sure. I've asked the customer for a detailed report on what precisely he is doing during the checkout process. Is there anything else in the error dump report that might explain what's going on?
  15. Man, I didn't even see this option! I knew there was a reason why I pay you! ...wait... Just kidding. Seriously, I didn't even consider this. I will have to check it out. I may have to relabel it so that people understand it can be used as an Address 2 line. Thanks!
  16. DynamoEffects - I am in need of implementing an Address2 line in my address books on my store. I've got a contrib that will help me do this, but I am concerned that I might need to do something special with your PayPal contrib. Do you have any suggestions or guidance? Thanks!
  17. This looks like it did the trick! I've got to test the coupon part of things, but I think we're in good shape. Thank you so much!
  18. Okay, I placed the code where you asked. After trying to make a purchase - JUST a voucher and no other items in the cart - the system bypassed the shipping page as expected. When I entered my CC info and then confirmed the order, a page with the following was presented: order Object ( [info] => Array ( [order_status] => 14 [currency] => USD [currency_value] => 1.00000000 [payment_method] => Credit or Debit Card [cc_type] => [cc_owner] => [cc_number] => [cc_expires] => [shipping_method] => [shipping_cost] => [subtotal] => 50 [tax] => 0 [tax_groups] => Array ( [Unknown tax rate] => 0 ) [comments] => [total] => 25 ) [totals] => Array ( ) [products] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [qty] => 2 [name] => $25.00 Gift Voucher - Test Only DO NOT BUY! [model] => GIFT25 [tax] => 0 [tax_description] => Unknown tax rate [price] => 25.0000 [final_price] => 25 [weight] => 0.00 [id] => 49 ) ) [customer] => Array ( [firstname] => Brian [lastname] => Schade [company] => [street_address] => 4905 Vespucci Dr. [suburb] => [city] => Sierra Vista [postcode] => 85635 [state] => Arizona [zone_id] => 4 [country] => Array ( [id] => 223 [title] => United States [iso_code_2] => US [iso_code_3] => USA ) [format_id] => 2 [telephone] => XXX-XXX-XXXX [email_address] => [email protected] ) [delivery] => Array ( [firstname] => [lastname] => [company] => [street_address] => [suburb] => [city] => [postcode] => [state] => [zone_id] => [country] => Array ( [id] => [title] => [iso_code_2] => [iso_code_3] => ) [country_id] => [format_id] => ) [content_type] => virtual_weight [billing] => Array ( [firstname] => Brian [lastname] => Schade [company] => [street_address] => 4905 Vespucci Dr. [suburb] => [city] => Sierra Vista [postcode] => 85635 [state] => AZ [zone_id] => 4 [country] => Array ( [id] => 223 [title] => United States [iso_code_2] => US [iso_code_3] => USA ) [country_id] => 223 [format_id] => 2 ) ) 1 Keep in mind that the spots where you see the letter X is information that I chose not to have publicly displayed here. The phone number and e-mail address that were displayed in the raw code were correct, though. I have kept my address information in place so as to show you the information that I think you needed. Oh, and I hope you didn't take too much offense at my last post. I really didn't mean to sound rude or impatient. Even though I was. But if I offended, I do apologize. Let me know if there is any other information you need from me.
  19. I don't want to seem anxious here, but...okay, I'm anxious. This is the only thing that's stopping me from being able to make my CCGV(trad) a live thing on my shop, and we've had a lot of requests for it. But I also understand that many of us have lives (whether I have one is debatable), so I suppose I should just chill and be patient. Thanks again!
  20. Also, in an attempt to provide as much information as possible, I'm going to post the error dump from PayPal. I have annotated with "(my note -" any comments that I have added to the information. All security and personal information - aside from my address (for troubleshooting purposes) - have been removed. I hope. In function: before_process() - Direct Payment Did first contact attempt return error? Yes --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------DP_DUMP------------------------------- ------------This is the information that was sent to PayPal---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- [?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?] [soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"] [soap:Header] [RequesterCredentials xmlns="urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI"] [Credentials xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"] [Username]***[/Username] (my note - username info removed by me) [Password]****************[/Password] (my note - pw info info removed by me) [Subject][/Subject] [/Credentials] [/RequesterCredentials] [/soap:Header] [soap:Body] [DoDirectPaymentReq xmlns="urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI"] [DoDirectPaymentRequest] [Version xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"]2.0[/Version] [DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"] [PaymentAction]Sale[/PaymentAction] [PaymentDetails] [OrderTotal currencyID="USD"]25.00[/OrderTotal] [OrderDescription]Order placed on January 17, 2008, 10:16 am by Brian Schade (ID: 7)[/OrderDescription] - Hide quoted text - [ItemTotal currencyID="USD"]25[/ItemTotal] [ShippingTotal currencyID="USD"]0[/ShippingTotal] [HandlingTotal currencyID="USD"][/HandlingTotal] [TaxTotal currencyID="USD"]0[/TaxTotal] [Custom]Phone: ***-***-**** -- Email: ************[/Custom] (my note - phone and e-mail info removed by me) [InvoiceID][/InvoiceID] [NotifyURL][/NotifyURL] [ButtonSource][/ButtonSource] [ShipToAddress] [Name] [/Name] [Street1][/Street1] [Street2][/Street2] [CityName][/CityName] [StateOrProvince][/StateOrProvince] [PostalCode][/PostalCode] [Country][/Country] [/ShipToAddress] [PaymentDetailsItem][Name]$25.00 Gift Voucher - Test Only DO NOT BUY![/Name][Amount currencyID="USD"]25.00[/Amount][Number]49 (GIFT25)[/Number][Quantity]1[/Quantity][/PaymentDetailsItem] [/PaymentDetails] [CreditCard] [CardOwner] [Payer]****************[/Payer] (my note - e-mail info removed by me) [PayerName] [FirstName]Brian[/FirstName] [LastName]Schade[/LastName] [/PayerName] [Address] [Street1]4905 Vespucci Dr.[/Street1] [Street2][/Street2] [CityName]Sierra Vista[/CityName] [StateOrProvince]AZ[/StateOrProvince] [PostalCode]85635[/PostalCode] [Country]US[/Country] [/Address] [/CardOwner] [CreditCardType]Visa[/CreditCardType] [CreditCardNumber]****************[/CreditCardNumber] (my note - cc info removed by me) [StartMonth][/StartMonth] [StartYear][/StartYear] [IssueNumber][/IssueNumber] [ExpMonth]**[/ExpMonth] (my note - cc info removed by me) [ExpYear]****[/ExpYear] (my note - cc info removed by me) [CVV2]***[/CVV2] [/CreditCard] [IPAddress]***.***.***.***[/IPAddress] (my note - IP address removed for security reasons) [MerchantSessionId]7bc9f80fecb1b7ff383790bb498c765e[/MerchantSessionId] [/DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails] [/DoDirectPaymentRequest] [/DoDirectPaymentReq] [/soap:Body] [/soap:Envelope]--------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------FINAL_REQ----------------------------- -------------------This is the response from PayPal------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Array ( [Security] => [RequesterCredentials] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Credentials] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Username] => [Password] => [Subject] => ) ) ) ) [DoDirectPaymentResponse] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Timestamp] => 2008-01-17T17:16:59Z [Ack] => Failure [CorrelationID] => bc2faf83eecae - Hide quoted text - [Errors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [ShortMessage] => Invalid Data [LongMessage] => There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a complete shipping address. [ErrorCode] => 10726 [SeverityCode] => Error ) [1] => Array ( [ShortMessage] => Invalid Data [LongMessage] => There's an error with this transaction. Please enter an address1 in the shipping address. [ErrorCode] => 10727 [SeverityCode] => Error ) [2] => Array ( [ShortMessage] => Invalid Data [LongMessage] => There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a city in the shipping address. [ErrorCode] => 10728 [SeverityCode] => Error ) [3] => Array ( [ShortMessage] => Invalid Data [LongMessage] => There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a country in the shipping address. [ErrorCode] => 10731 [SeverityCode] => Error ) ) [Version] => 2.000000 [Build] => 1.0006 ) ) ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------TS_REQ------------------------------ --------Results of the transaction search if it was executed--------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. I'm not sure if I'm giving you the right information here or not, but here goes. First, I get the same error set as before even after placing the code snippet you requested above in place. I have included a screen shot of the page that displays this error. Keep in mind that this screen was displayed AFTER I put in the die command above and reattempted to place an order with my credit card. There is nothing in the shopping cart accept a gift voucher. Also, here is the code from the section of paypal_wpp.php that you asked for me to replace. Let me know if I put it in the right place. I commented out the old code just so I could quickly replace it in the event that things didn't work. $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_TOTAL'] = round($order_total['ot_shipping'] * $currency_value, 2); $order_info['PAYPAL_HANDLING_TOTAL'] = ''; $order_info['PAYPAL_TAX_TOTAL'] = round($order_total['ot_tax'] * $currency_value, 2); $order_total_check = $order_info['PAYPAL_ORDER_TOTAL'] - $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_TOTAL'] - $order_info['PAYPAL_HANDLING_TOTAL'] - $order_info['PAYPAL_TAX_TOTAL']; $pdi = $this->wpp_generate_PDI($order_total_check); $order_info['PAYPAL_ITEM_TOTAL'] = $pdi[0]; $order_info['PAYMENT_DETAILS_ITEM'] = $pdi[1]; if ($order->content_type != 'virtual') { $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_NAME'] = $order->delivery['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->delivery['lastname']; $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS1'] = $order->delivery['street_address']; $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS2'] = $order->delivery['suburb']; $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_CITY'] = $order->delivery['city']; $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_STATE'] = $order->delivery['state']; $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ZIP'] = $order->delivery['postcode']; $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_COUNTRY'] = $order->delivery['country']['iso_code_2']; } else { //$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_NAME'] = ''; //$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS1'] = ''; //$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS2'] = ''; //$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_CITY'] = ''; //$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_STATE'] = ''; //$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ZIP'] = ''; //$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_COUNTRY'] = ''; die(print_r($order)); $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_NAME'] = $order->billing['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->billing['lastname']; $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS1'] = $order->billing['street_address']; $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS2'] = $order->billing['suburb']; $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_CITY'] = $order->billing['city']; $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_STATE'] = $order->billing['state']; $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ZIP'] = $order->billing['postcode']; $order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_COUNTRY'] = $order->billing['country']['iso_code_2']; } I did not see anything that specifically looked like what you asked for, so I'm wondering if that whole ELSE section is even being processed? Thanks for your time on this! I do appreciate it.
  22. Dynamoeffects - I applied the change to the code, but it had no effect. I'm assuming the code is placed in paypal_wpp.php? I'm still getting the same string of error messages from PayPal saying I don't have a proper address. This works with no problems when I'm buying a real product. Any other ideas? I will look at that other contribution, as well.
  23. Dynamoeffects - I have two questions for you. One is troubleshooting related, the other is a question for a future feature: 1 - I just installed the CCGV(trad) contribution by Vger, and everything's working well except for two things. One is directly related to that contribution so I won't go into the problem here. The other is related to when I'm paying through PayPal direct pay. I enter my credit card information on my site when doing a test purchase of just a gift voucher. Because only a gift voucher is my shopping cart, I do not get the screen that asks for a shipping option. However, this apparently doesn't bode well for PayPal, because I am getting the following errors when I try to confirm the order in the end: Your credit card was declined. Please try another card or contact your bank for more info. Error #1: Invalid Data (10726) There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a complete shipping address. Error #2: Invalid Data (10727) There's an error with this transaction. Please enter an address1 in the shipping address. Error #3: Invalid Data (10728) There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a city in the shipping address. Error #4: Invalid Data (10731) There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a country in the shipping address. I know you are/were a big supported of the CCGV(trad) contribution and was hoping you might be able to shed a little light on the subject? I have already asked this over on Vger's web site and am awaiting a response. But I thought I'd post here, too, in hopes of getting a couple more heads involved. 2 - I am wondering if you have considered placing code in your contribution that will automatically select the Credit Card radio button when people start entering information? I've had several people in the past enter the credit card info, but somehow the Check/Money Order option is checked. Because that is checked, all of the CC info is discarded. I'd like to see it happen where the appropriate radio button is automatically ticked when someone enters their CC information. That would solve a lot of headaches for us. Thanks!
  24. Hello Kelly, I really don't have any words of wisdom to help you, but I will throw my two cents of support here and say that we have also noticed that PayPal has become very tedious to work with. Personally, I would die to have a php script that would do what their multi-order shipping can do, only much better. But the point here is, we have noticed that PayPal has become very slow in handling a lot of things, and the frustration level with dealing with some of their applications has hit a new height for us. The problem is, PayPal offers the best type of service for our company; the ability to handle all major credit cards with only one fee, capture addresses from our customers for shipping, and offering a batch shipping label creation/payment option. I just wish PayPal would get on the ball and update these things on a more regular basis.
  25. Okay, I went back through the installation instructions and found that I had not done a couple of steps. Not sure how I missed them, but I did. Now the arrays are saving the information properly. I'm getting the error above still, but I think it's because I'm awaiting verification from the USPS to have my newly generated login credentials changed for use with the production servers. I hope this will take place soon. Thanks!
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