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Everything posted by CivicRacingGirl7

  1. You will probably want to have both options available, as there are people who don't like PayPal, and there may be just as many who would rather use it over GC.
  2. Problem with v1.4beta1: I've installed as per the instructions, and have no problems UNTIL: 1. Since I have "RFQ" (Request for Quote) installed as a shipping module, I see the following error below the GC button: What is Google Checkout? Error: Shipping Methods not configured rfq (ignored) This obviously is an eyesore for customers. If the shipping option is ignored, that is fine as the customer will need to receive the shipping quote prior to shipping regardless. 2. When clicking on the GC button, I go to a page that simply displays the following information and nothing more: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. My seller ID is copy and pasted from my GC account, so there is no problems with it. I have verified my GC account as well (thought that was the problem at first, but it's still there after verification.) − <error serial-number="REMOVED"> <error-message>No seller found with id REMOVED</error-message> </error> This is my current configuration settings: GoogleCheckout Google Checkout Module Version v1.4beta1 Enable GoogleCheckout Module True .htaccess Basic Authentication Mode with PHP over CGI? False Merchant ID REMOVED Merchant Key _REMOVED-REMOVED Select Mode of Operation https://sandbox.google.com/checkout/ Select Merchant Calculation Mode of Operation https Disable Google Checkout for Virtual Goods? False Allow US PO BOX shipping? False Default Values for Real Time Shipping Rates Rounding Policy Mode UP Rounding Policy Rule PER_LINE Also send notifications with OSC True Google Analytics Id NONE 3rd Party Tracking NONE Continue shopping URL. checkout_success.php
  3. Your customers could simply not be proceeding to PayPal to make the actual payment. It isn't uncommon for a customer to think that the screen where you confirm your order is actually the "end". Have you contacted any of the customers whose orders did not pass through to PayPal? If not, simply send out a message to them individually letting them know that you noticed that they had started the checkout process on item(s) xxxxxx, but that they did not continue to the payment screen. Add in a question of why they chose not to complete the checkout and purchase the item(s). If they respond and let you know that they did in fact go through and send payment via PayPal, then you may want to politely ask for more information (ie, transaction ID #) as you seem to be having trouble with your system. This way you will find out for certain if these customers actually had paid for the item(s), and if they chose not to submit payment the you'll find out the reason (ie, believed the order was confirmed and checkout was finished; decided not to go through with purchase for other reasons), which will help greatly with customizing your shop to better suit your customers' needs.
  4. Which version do you have installed? I installed 1.5.5, and then installed admin/featured.php from 1.5.6 and it solved that problem.
  5. I have Featured Products 1.5.5 installed (using admin/featured.php from 1.5.6), and all is working... except that only 1 featured product is showing. In configuration, it is set to show 6 products, and there are two products set in the catalog/featured area in the admin panel. Neither date is expired, and this is the only time I've ever experienced this problem. My only thought is that the featured products are to display in an area that is set to a width of 500. Is this causing the problem? Either way, any help would be appreciated!
  6. Thanks Terra! I figured problem A. was something along those lines. I'm waiting to find which delivery module my client has installed, and it sounds like it should be alright after I get that information. Thanks again!
  7. I installed IPN v.1.1 (according to the folder name) on a client's site to solve the problem with osC not entering an order when using PayPal. After testing, he informed me that: A. The cart contents are not being cleared. - I searched this in this thread, and found that people were changing $parameters['return'] from checkout_success.php to checkout_process.php . However, the version that I am using shows the code as: $parameters['return'] = tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PROCESS, '', 'SSL'); B. My client has a delivery shipping module enabled that provides each order with a Delivery Day and Time. This information is left blank on the order that was tested with PayPal IPN. Any help is appreciated!
  8. Is there any way to sort featured products into different boxes per category/manufacturer? I do not want the sbox, or the gbox really, but something like this: ------------------------------------------ CATEGORY NAME (FEATURED) Prod 1 - Prod 2 - Prod 3, etc. ------------------------------------------ CATEGORY 2 NAME Prod 1 - Prod 2 - Prod 3, etc. ------------------------------------------ A better example: http://bestvaluegolf.com/index.html They have different Specials boxes, with each box only including products from a certain category or manufacturer.
  9. I'm sorry, but I simply installed the contribution, and had to get it to work. After that, I just needed to let my client know which files to edit to change the HTML/Text in the email. He hasn't brought up any problems with it.
  10. Two questions left, I think: Where do I set the store logo? Where do I change the email that is sent after an order is placed? Thanks!
  11. Thanks, lol, much faster and easier than what I had thought of.
  12. Thanks again for the response! I believe HTML emails are turned on, this is what it says: Default E-Mailed HTML Invoice Template html_invoice.php Send HTML or Text Invoices to Customers true E-Mail Transport Method sendmail E-Mail Linefeeds LF Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails false Verify E-Mail Addresses Through DNS false Send E-Mails true After looking around some, I would be inclined to think that a file named html_invoice.php would need to be created in admin/includes/languages/english/ similar to invoice.php (in the same directory), but with html tags added into the text definitions?
  13. Thank you! I installed it by simply finding the new bits of code in the files, and filling them in in the existing files. I am, however, unsure of how this contribution actually works, though. The install was done for a client, and I ran through a test order to be sure there were no errors on the pages. I received no errors, but the email that was sent about the order was the standard osC email...
  14. Hello! I am trying to install the latest version of the send_order_html_email_v1 contribution for a client, but I cannot read or translate French. Can someone please translate, or post up English instructions? Instructions: This contribution enables you to send a mail in HTML (subscription, orders ...). On each status of the order, you have a different message which you can change. You have now in admin : professional template integrated in admin for the orders follow Now, you can change the text when the orders status is pending or processing or delivered The security is increased : now there are no links with the admin directory You can change the template in the mail_html_admin.css in the catalog diectory or the image (but becarefull the size) In catalog just a little modification. The french version allow to connect direclty on the french post to follow your order (see note). Cette contribution vous permet d'envoyer des mails au format HTML lors de la souscription, commande, suivi. Su chaque statut de la commande, you pouvez param?trer des messages diff?rents. Vous avez maintenant : Un template professionnel int?gr? pour le suivi de commande Vous pouvez changer les textes du suivi de commande en fonction du statut attente, en cours, envoy? La s?curit? a ?t? augment?e, aucun liens n'est en relation avec le r?pertoire admin Vous pouvez changer certains ?l?ments du template via le css. Pour le catalog, il y a juste de petites modifications. La version francaise permet en plus d'avoir la possibilit? de pouvoir se connecter directement au site de la poste (code encore ? d?velopper de votre part, j'ai mis un lien direct avec une variable $coliposte). Cela fera l'objet d'une prochaine ?volution du pack (voir note) ################################################ Loic Richard alias Gyakutsuki on oscommerce-fr.info Make a donation on paypal.com or paypal.fr [email protected] ################################################ GNU GPL. Addon for oscommerce MS2.2 after 29/05/2003 Compare the files before installation. Use beyond compare or examdiff pro software ALL THE MODIFICATION ARE INDICATED IN THE FILES in comment ######### Added send HTML MAIL ####### and ######### End Added send html mail ####### ------------------------------------------------------ V5.4 Little ug discover and updated in order.php. ------------------------------------------------------ Version 5.1 just a little bug fix in add_create_account.php ----------------------------------------------------- Version 5.0 This is a new version : Html orders in admin directory professional template integrated in admin for the orders follow Now, you can change the text when the orders status is pending or processing or delivered The security is increased : now there are no links with the admin directory You can change the template in the mail_html_admin.css in the catalog diectory or the image (but becarefull the size) Also included store logo management INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (145, 'Logo de la Boutique', 'STORE_LOGO', 'mylogo.gif', 'Logo de la Boutique', 1, 2, '2003-06-15 23:20:31', '2003-06-12 22:46:31', '', ''); ################ note ################## add_orders.php near line 90, you this code : define('EMAIL_TEXT_POST2','<b>Pour suivre l\'?tat de votre colis en temps r?el, cliquez ici :</B><A href="http://www.coliposte.net/particulier/suivi_particulier.jsp?colispart='.$colispost.'">'); This code is for the french post, but you can change : http://www.coliposte.net/particulier/suivi_particulier.jsp?colispart='.$colispost.' delete this line define('EMAIL_IMAGE_POSTE2', '<IMG src="'. HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . '/mail/ar_laposte2.gif" border=0>'); define('EMAIL_TEXT_POST2','<b>Pour suivre l\'?tat de votre colis en temps r?el, cliquez ici :</B><A href="http://www.coliposte.net/particulier/suivi_particulier.jsp?colispart='.$colispost.'">'); And insert this line define('EMAIL_IMAGE_POSTE2', '<A href="'. HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG .'account.php"><IMG src="'. HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . '/mail/ar_laposte1.jpg" border=0>'); define('EMAIL_TEXT_POST2','<b>Pour suivre l\'?volution de l\'?tat de votre commande, cliquez ici :</B>'); ------------- add_orders.php proche de la ligne 90, vous trouverez ce code define('EMAIL_TEXT_POST2','<b>Pour suivre l\'?tat de votre colis en temps r?el, cliquez ici :</B><A href="http://www.coliposte.net/particulier/suivi_particulier.jsp?colispart='.$colispost.'">'); Ce code a ?t? mis pour le suivi coliposte http://www.coliposte.net/particulier/suivi_particulier.jsp?colispart='.$colispost.' Si vous souhaitez utiliser ce code, vous devez d?velopper une nouveau champs dans la base de donn?es pour y introduire le num?ro de colipost. Sinon vous pouvez mettre ce code : supprimer ces lignes define('EMAIL_IMAGE_POSTE2', '<IMG src="'. HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . '/mail/ar_laposte2.gif" border=0>'); define('EMAIL_TEXT_POST2','<b>Pour suivre l\'?tat de votre colis en temps r?el, cliquez ici :</B><A href="http://www.coliposte.net/particulier/suivi_particulier.jsp?colispart='.$colispost.'">'); et les remplacer par define('EMAIL_IMAGE_POSTE2', '<A href="'. HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG .'account.php"><IMG src="'. HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . '/mail/ar_laposte1.jpg" border=0>'); define('EMAIL_TEXT_POST2','<b>Pour suivre l\'?volution de l\'?tat de votre commande, cliquez ici :</B>'); ============================= The files in admin are : admin/orders.php admin/includes/modules/email/html_orders.php admin/includes/languages/french/add_orders.php admin/includes/languages/french/orders.php/ admin/includes/languages/english/add_orders.php ===> No translated admin/includes/languages/english/orders.php The files in catalog are : catalog/checkout_process.php catalog/create_account.php catalog/mail_html_admin.css catalog/mail_html_catalog.css catalog/images/mail/barre_B_statutmail.gif catalog/images/mail/barre_B_statutmail.gif catalog/images/mail/barre_B_statutmail.gif catalog/images/mail/ar_go.gif catalog/images/mail/ar_go1.gif catalog/images/mail/ar_go2.gif catalog/images/mail/ar_laposte.jpg catalog/images/mail/ar_laposte1.jpg catalog/images/mail/ar_laposte2.jpg catalog/images/mail/detail_cde.gif catalog/images/mail/fourmi_ar.jpg catalog/images/mail/mail_st.gif catalog/images/mail/svc_1.gif catalog/images/mail/titre_envoi.gif catalog/includes/modules/email/html_checkout_process.php catalog/includes/modules/email/html_create_account_process.php catalog/includes/languages/english/add_checkout_process.php catalog/includes/languages/english/add_create_account_process.php catalog/includes/languages/english/create_account.php catalog/includes/languages/english/checkout_process.php catalog/includes/languages/french/add_checkout_process.php catalog/includes/languages/french/add_create_account_process.php catalog/includes/languages/french/create_account.php catalog/includes/languages/french/checkout_process.php --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- version 4.2.4 just a little correction html_checkout_process.php Thank you fissiaux ---------------------------------------------- Version 4.2.3 Just little bug in create_account.php --------------------------------------------- Version 4.2.1 just a little bug in check_out process.php ------------------------------------------ Version 4.2 This contribution allow to send a mail in html format, you can customize your html in the css. A little modification in the code to solve the bug in checkout_process I installed this add on on the last snapshopt mS2 before MS3 and he work fine. But if you have others contributions installed, i not guaranted nothing. Regards Gyakutsuki ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4.1 Apr?s le snapshopt du 29/05/2003 Modification du fichier checkout_process suite ? un petit bug d'affichage des produits selon les options. Je tiens ? remercier speedline pour son aide et les solutions qu'il a apport?. nb : comparer biens vos fichiers car j'ai des modules suppl?mentaires que j'ai install?. Ip collector Conditions d'acceptation print order. Gyakutsuki ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gyakutsuki version 4 ____________________ Attention, Elle marche uniquement avec les snapshopt du 29/05/2003 et suivantes. Suppression du create_account_process.php (bizarre mais c'est comme ca): Le code a ?t? mis dans create_account.php Sinon, il ne vous reste plus qu'? comparer les fichiers. Thank you!
  15. I have responded to your PM. It appears that I am not getting "immediate notification" on this topic.
  16. I just installed this, and it does not display the guest name after submitting the review. I have developed my own "Better Review System" that I am using, which displays the customer's name (first name only), then their given location. (So it shows "Review by NAME from LOCATION"). When I tried out a test of the guest reviews contrib, it displays in product_reviews.php: "Review by from LOCATION". The problem is that the customer's name is not being inserted into the database. I have inserted the code per the directions (omitting the last name parts, however). This is not a conflict of the BRS contrib either. Can anyone help? Or does anyone know if I can simply have it display "Guest" or "Anonymous" when a reviewer is not logged in?
  17. I'm trying to use the "Display OSC products in Mambo" contrib (or the "Infoboxes outside OSC" contrib), but the thumbs don't display in the box outside of the OSC install. I have a thumbnail-sized "No Image" image, which displays, but any product image that there is actually an image for, will not display. After checking the image source, it was trying to pull http://mysite.com/otherdirectory/product_t...mg=images/ETC... , rather than pulling the image from the shop directory. I have modified the code so that it would call from the shop directory, but apparently what I did didn't work all that great, as the images show now, but it is pulling the full-size image and then resizing it. Any ideas?
  18. Description: This contribution will allow you to: - Move the rating stars to display before the review text. - Add additional rating options, changing the original rating to "Overall Rating". - Add new radio input buttons to the Write Review page, where the data will be displayed on the Product Reviews page. (Makes it possible to display more information on the reviewer, including his/her experience with the product.) - Add a "Read More" link to product_reviews.php when there is more text to be shown. - Add a location input field to Write Review. This then changes the Product Review to display "Review by NAME from LOCATION". - Adds a title input field to Write Review. This takes the place of "Review by...", and is linked to the full review. Issue: I could not get the changes to work in product_reviews_info.php. Therefore, edits for this file are NOT included, and none of the changes will display when displaying the full review. To "solve" this, I have added the ability to display the full review in product_reviews.php, therefore eliminating product_reviews_info.php. To Do List / In Development: Add a "Was this review helpful: Yes / No" option. Contribution can be found at: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,4173
  19. Just played around with this again, and I got it to work. If anyone is interested in it, or something similar: My new field (using the New Fields contribution) is for displaying a flat rate shipping price to the customer within the product info page. For larger items, or those that require a shipping quote, I wanted 999999 to automatically return "Request Quote" just like 999999 returns "Call for Pricing" in the Call for Pricing contribution. I am also using STS. In includes/languages/english.php: ADD: define('TEXT_CALL_FOR_SHIPPING', 'Request Quote'); In includes/sts_templates/mysite/product_info.php.html: ADD (Where you want it to display): <?php echo TEXT_PRODUCTS_SHIPPING; ?>: <?php if ($product_info['products_shipping'] == 999999){ echo '<a href=contact_us.php>' . TEXT_CALL_FOR_SHIPPING . '</a>'; }else{ echo $product_info['products_shipping'];} ?> *TEXT_PRODUCTS_SHIPPING refers to part of the New Fields contribution, as well as all instances of products_shipping . This also links the "Request Quote" text to the contact form. I have the Request for Quote shipping module installed, but I believe some customers will merely use the contact form to request the quote before going through the checkout procedure.
  20. One of the new fields I have added to my products is for shipping, so that the customer knows the shipping cost of the item before hitting the checkout page. Our products carry a flat rate shipping, but for larger items, the customer needs to have a shipping quote. Since my shipping costs were originally showing up as 45 rather than $45.00 (for example), I changed the database field type to decimal (rather than varchar). Because of this, if I enter "Request Quote", it displays as $0.00. I don't want the customer to be misled into believing the shipping is therefore free, so I'd like to know if anyone knows of a way that I can use the Call for Pricing contrib (which changes prices from 999999 to "Call for Pricing") to control my new field for shipping? I only need this to display in the product information page (and use STS). I tried using just part of the code from the CFP instructions for sts_product_info.php, then adding the language text in the appropriate place, but it didn't work. This is what I tried: Call for Pricing code replacement for sts_product_info.php (Original): if ($product_info['products_price'] == 999999) { $template['regularprice'] ='<a href=contact_us.php>' . TEXT_CALL_FOR_PRICE . '</a>'; }else{ $template['regularprice'] = $currencies->display_price($product_info['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($product_info['products_tax_class_id'])); } What I tried: if ($product_info['products_shipping'] == 999999) { $template['regularprice'] ='<a href=contact_us.php>' . TEXT_CALL_FOR_SHIPPING . '</a>'; After testing, the shipping displayed as $999999.00...
  21. Another post... 1. I changed "Total" to "Sub-Total" in checkout_shipping.php (edit includes/fec/product_box.php) 2. Found in checkout_confirmation.php that if you click "Edit" next to payment method, you are directed to checkout_payment.php. For consistency, I changed this to direct the customer back to checkout_shipping.php How-to: In checkout_confirmation.php: Change: <td class="main"><?php echo '<b>' . HEADING_PAYMENT_METHOD . '</b> <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, '', 'SSL') . '"><span class="orderEdit">(' . TEXT_EDIT . ')</span></a>'; ?></td> To: <td class="main"><?php echo '<b>' . HEADING_PAYMENT_METHOD . '</b> <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, '', 'SSL') . '"><span class="orderEdit">(' . TEXT_EDIT . ')</span></a>'; ?></td> 3. Another problem (SOLVED): When I attempted to edit a billing or shipping address, the page pulled up an error. The line of the error fell into the FEC code, so I simply commented out the FEC code, uncommented the original code in checkout_payment_address.php and checkout_shipping_address.php (I do not remove code anymore when I am installing contribs, but just comment it out). After this, I still pulled errors on the lines following, so I also needed to comment out: (From checkout_payment_address.php, will be similar in shipping address): // if no billing destination address was selected, use their own address as default if (!tep_session_is_registered('billto')) { $billto = $customer_default_address_id; } $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE_1, tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, '', 'SSL')); $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE_2, tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_ADDRESS, '', 'SSL')); $addresses_count = tep_count_customer_address_book_entries(); 4. Also, when selecting the continue button while editing the payment address, I was being sent to checkout_payment.php once again. So, I changed: if ($check_address['total'] == '1') { if ($reset_payment == true) tep_session_unregister('payment'); tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, '', 'SSL')); } else { tep_session_unregister('billto'); } // no addresses to select from - customer decided to keep the current assigned address } else { if (!tep_session_is_registered('billto')) tep_session_register('billto'); $billto = $customer_default_address_id; tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, '', 'SSL')); (I changed FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT to FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING) 5. I added the billing and shipping address (and options to change them) in checkout_shipping.php . 6. I changed the language codes for checkout payment and checkout shipping so that the text near the continue button explained that the customer was going to return to the page where they select their shipment and payment methods, and that they have not been charged at this time. (For customers who are confused when they click to edit an address on checkout_confirmation.php, but are reverted back to checkout_shipping.php) Since I have the option to change the address on checkout_shipping as well, I can't direct the customers back to checkout_confirmation if that is where they started from (that I know of at least). Seems everything is working great now, and I have everything pretty much customized to my liking. Thanks for the help, nana. Knowing that it would work with just the step 1 changes made me get it working :)
  22. Alright, I got rid of the errors in checkout_confirmation.php . I think they were because I don't use the CC modules or Authorize.net. I've commented out the code, and it works now. I tested with PWA, now I'll test with a registered user.
  23. Okay, reinstalled. I changed the checkout from sending to create_account, and instead have it set to send to login.php, since this was another concern I originally had. Anyway, 2 things: 1. In checkout_shipping.php, for the total box, can Total be changed to Sub-Total, or will this affect checkout_confirmation and put Sub-Total in there as well (where tax and shipping will be included as well). Also, can tax be added in to this box for when applicable? Or shown on this page at any point? 2. When I continue from checkout_shipping, the address bar pulls: checkout_confirmation.php/paynow/ , and displays this error: Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxx/store/checkout_confirmation.php on line 18 Line 18 refers to: ????????????????? $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key] = $val; Which refers to this portion of the FEC code: //fast easy checkout start foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $val) { ???????????? //??? print $key.' => '.$val.' - ';print_r($val);echo "<br>"; ????????????????? $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key] = $val; ????????????????? } // first two lines are for ccgv //tep_session_unregister('gv_redeem_code'); //tep_session_unregister('credit_covers'); tep_session_unregister('cc_number'); tep_session_unregister('cc_expires_month'); tep_session_unregister('cc_expires_year'); tep_session_unregister('cc_owner'); tep_session_unregister('authorizenet_cc_number'); tep_session_unregister('authorizenet_cc_expires_month'); tep_session_unregister('authorizenet_cc_expires_year'); tep_session_unregister('authorizenet_cc_owner'); //fast easy checkout end
  24. Thanks, but I did get an error when I did just the checkout parts. I'll re-install (I removed all of the code), and see what happens.
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