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Everything posted by jonquil

  1. jonquil

    Linkpoint API Module

    I know this is an old post but since I just resolved this error, maybe it will be helpful to others. includes/modules/payment/linkpoint_api.php, find require(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_MODULES . 'payment/linkpoint_api/lphp.php'); Replace with: require_once(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_MODULES . 'payment/linkpoint_api/lphp.php'); jon
  2. No. you wrote: it would be helpful to be able to keep track of the progress of all our orders in one place. travellikesound, you can create an account for that customer as if you were that customer. Just use their tel number for the password and proper email addy. Enter all applicable info. Next time that customer wants to order, they can go to log in, click Forgotten Password, and they're good to go. Or you can keep ordering on their account, for them, if they're too lazy to do it themselves. jon
  3. Order Editor - http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1435 and PayPal IPN, as Coopco mentioned :) travellikesound, you can create an account for that type of customer. Just use their tel number for the password and proper email addy. Enter all applicable info. Next time that customer wants to order, they can go to log in, click Forgotten Password, and they're good to go. If you have no addy, enter [email protected]. With this consistency, you can always log into customer accounts (you created) to place their orders. Drawback with a "faked" email addy is your customer will not see the order email. jon
  4. Not sure which osC version you're using but an error message like you describe can be found here: includes\languages\english\modules\shipping\zones.php (Line 17): define('MODULE_SHIPPING_ZONES_INVALID_ZONE', 'No shipping available to the selected country') jon
  5. http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?s=&...t&p=1226423
  6. http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?s=&...t&p=1226423
  7. Also add this: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?s=&...t&p=1204887 keywords: MUST SELECT v2.1, Force Attribute Selection, Enforce Option Selection, Prevent Add to Cart until Attribute Option is Chosen http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2628
  8. Specifically which stock php file do you need? I'll post it here.
  9. http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?s=&...t&p=1220664
  10. I'm not sure the contribution you loaded has been updated to work with the latest Release. Can you post your admin/login.php code? Put it between code tags, okay?
  11. includes/classes/shipping.php makes it so the "cheapest" shipping method available is selected. So if USPS is less $$ than the other, this is why :) Line 114-ish function cheapest() { if (is_array($this->modules)) { $rates = array(); reset($this->modules); while (list(, $value) = each($this->modules)) { $class = substr($value, 0, strrpos($value, '.')); if ($GLOBALS[$class]->enabled) { $quotes = $GLOBALS[$class]->quotes; for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($quotes['methods']); $i<$n; $i++) { if (isset($quotes['methods'][$i]['cost']) && tep_not_null($quotes['methods'][$i]['cost'])) { $rates[] = array('id' => $quotes['id'] . '_' . $quotes['methods'][$i]['id'], 'title' => $quotes['module'] . ' (' . $quotes['methods'][$i]['title'] . ')', 'cost' => $quotes['methods'][$i]['cost']); } } } } $cheapest = false; for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($rates); $i<$n; $i++) { if (is_array($cheapest)) { if ($rates[$i]['cost'] < $cheapest['cost']) { $cheapest = $rates[$i]; } } else { $cheapest = $rates[$i]; } } return $cheapest; Edit for file reference & Store pickup vs USPS
  12. From the knowledge base: Sort Order (Display Order) The sort order field associated with each module describes in what order the modules will be presented to the customer during checkout. The modules will always be displayed in alphabetical order in the Administrative tool, regardless of the Sort Order field. Changing the Sort Order can be done by editing the settings for that particular module, but cannot be done at the main shipping modules screen. The sorting is done with the lowest number representing the top of the displayed list, except for modules with a value of 0, which are put at the bottom. Ties are sorted alphabetically. I hope this helps. Try setting the USPS module sort to 1; Store Pickup to 2. jon
  13. From the osCommerce Knowledge Base: http://www.oscommerce.info/kb/osCommerce/A...on_Tool/Catalog <<--- Bookmark this Product-specific choices/options are known as Attributes. jon
  14. What version of osC are you using? What errors are popping up on the screen? jon
  15. Using your text editor on your files (on your hard drive), search for "MODULE_PAYMENT_CC_TEXT_PUBLIC_TITLE". The results will show in which file this "define" lives. Hint: Language file :) jon
  16. Google searched quick edit+oscommerce. http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5680
  17. I watched your video. Is there an error message that shows an explanation of why there is no Buy now button? Or does the visitor have to figure out that s/he is stuck on the page because no option is selected? jon
  18. If anyone has loaded this Contribution by bruyndoncx, I have installed it on a very modified version of osC. Thank you, bruyndoncx & hominid4 :) It is working well with Single & Multiple dropdowns and the cart does not empty when redirected back to the product to Enforce Option Select. If you are having problems with the install, post here and I'll try to help. jon keywords: MUST SELECT v2.1, Force Attribute Selection, Enforce Option Selection, Prevent Add to Cart until Attribute Option is Chosen http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2628
  19. Greetings :) I have a problem with an InfoBox image correctly appearing in IE. FF is fine. I've run my stylesheet through CSS validation and that fixed one silly thing I missed but my problem persists: The image repeats to the right when the $right_arrow is called (What's New Infobox, etc.) The InfoBox header has 2 TD cells (the first handles the $headertext; the second handles the $right_arrow). I'm using a TR style: TR.infoBoxHeading { background : url('images/header_infobox.jpg') no-repeat 0% 0%; } infobox.php.html template: <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr class="infoBoxHeading"> <td height="38" class="infoBoxHeading">$headertext</td> <td>$right_arrow</td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="boxBorder"> <tr> <td class="boxText">$content</td> </tr> </table> Is there another way to get this to appear cross-browser without slicing the image and dumping that slice in the second TD? On the way to certain baldness, I remain jon
  20. For everyone seeing double, have you checked your data base to see if, perhaps in error, the queries were run twice? jon
  21. What exactly did you do with the SQL file? You say you deleted it. Did you not go into phpMy Admin and execute the query within the SQL file? jon
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