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    Trevor North

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  1. Hi The latest xls added to this contribution doesnt have the correct concatenate strings on the tabs for ParcelForce, Airmail, Airsure and Surface Mail. They are showing as N/A and as the sheet is password protected, i'm not able to edit it Can the owner correct his and upload the corrected file. Many Thanks Trevor
  2. No worries, found the answer myself, in firefox, you need to go to File->Page Setup and check the box that says print background (colour and images). Same setting is on IE8 under the printer icon->page setup there is also a checkbox for print background(colour and images) Thanks.
  3. I've installed the Batch Orders without Frames and PDF for OSC 2.3 (http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7936) but in both firefox 3.6 and IE8, it doesnt print the borders around the sold to, ship to and order details. It just prints the corners and the vertical bar half way. It appears fine on the screen but not when actually printed out - have i missed something ? Thanks in advance Trevor
  4. I followed the manual instructions to add this (although to OSC2.3) and it seemed to be working fine but i am noticing on the site that occasionally, it gets an error in the line where it calls $stuff = file("http://www.ecb.int/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml"); and this results in five or six errors at the top of the homepage. I'm guessing this is something to do with the website where the rates are either timing out or just not responding to the request. I made one slight change which is to check the file modification time and only refresh if it is more than a day old (which i think was suggested on the contributions page) Any suggestions on how to make it more resilient. The code i used in application top is as follows and as i mentioned, most of the time it is working fine but at random, it gives a result like the screenshot. I've disabled it at the moment as i dont want users to get this error. # Read currency exchanges rates and update once per day $exchange_rate_file="eurofxref-daily.xml"; if (!file_exists($exchange_rate_file) || time()-filemtime($exchange_rate_file) > 36000) { $stuff = file("http://www.ecb.int/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml"); $fh = fopen("eurofxref-daily.xml","w"); foreach ($stuff as $line) { fputs($fh,$line); } fclose ($fh); $xld = "loaded afresh (and not cached)"; # $xld may be used in your output to inform you user or admin # Extract exchange rates $exchrate[EUR] = 1.00; foreach ($stuff as $line) { preg_match('#currency=\'([[:alpha:]]+)\'#',$line,$gota); if (preg_match('#rate=\'([[:graph:]]+)\'#',$line,$gotb)) { $exchrate[$gota[1]] = $gotb[1]; } } $GBP_EUR = round(1 / $exchrate[GBP], 8); $GBP_USD = round($GBP_EUR * $exchrate[uSD], 8); tep_db_query("update currencies set value = ". $GBP_EUR ."*(1+(commission/100)) where code = 'EUR'"); tep_db_query("update currencies set value = ". $GBP_USD ."*(1+(commission/100)) where code = 'USD'"); } I've attached a screenshot of the issue here.
  5. Merhaba fmucar, Nasil siniz ? I went to your website and navigated through to the blade runner DVD but if you right click on the "Click to enlarge" text, choose "Copy Shortcut" and then paste this into a text editor such as notepad, it gives the URL java script:popupWindow('http://www.hediyesehri.com/catalog/popup_image.php?pID=5') which indicates that you have switched off the thumbnails in the control panel. I noted Godaddy.com also seems to be putting a banner across the top of your popup window which shows above the thumbnail image which might not be what you want. As to your problem, if i go to your homepage (www.hediyesehri.com), your host indicates that you have not uploaded your site correctly so it might be something to do with an absolute path that assumes website_home/thumbs_directory so see if you are able to change the starting directory for the domain name to be //your_webspace/catalog or if you arent using the webspace for anything else, see if you can move the whole website up a level so that everything in /catalog is at the top level of your webspace. (You only want to do this if you dont want to run more than one website on your webspace). Did you upload the oscthumbs mod into the catalog directory or into the top level of your webspace ? Hope that helps Iyi Gunler Trevor
  6. It's a really nice addon to oscommerce. Didnt have too many problems installing it locally but did notice the following issues On the Osc 2.2 MS2 version, if you switch on Search Engine Safe URLs in the configuration section of the admin screens, it changes the name of the url so the 'Click To Enlarge' URL becomes i.e. popup_image.php is no longer the basename localhost/dashuk/catalog/popup_image.php/pID/28?osCsid=bc4484c83ed81c3c880b8a5c25dc59f7 The code can no longer use this to determine the image being displayed is a popup and so displays the original image without any watermarking - i presume other SEO URL rewrite addons will have the same issue. If i switch off this option in configuration, then the 'Click to Enlarge' URL becomes localhost/dashuk/catalog/popup_image.php?pID=29&osCsid=bc4484c83ed81c3c880b8a5c25dc59f7 and it does add the watermark text. Ideally i think it would need a difference watermark text size for the SMALL images compared to the POPUP ones because a font size of 10 is fine for a thumbnail of about 100 pixels wide but when you show the same font size on a full size image, it's way too small. The same issue with URL rewrite stops the difference size for the product_info.php page working if you are using search engine safe/friendly URLs so it doesnt create a thumbnail in the new size Hope this information is helpful
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