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Everything posted by ema

  1. Hello, congratulions, this contribuition is fantastic ! I have two problems to put its work fine and i tink if you help me ..... 1- When the pop-up windows is show the produt's, when i click to select the produt it don't past to the configurator page.I click in the produts and nothing hapeness. 2- I use a template and the dimension of the site is 1000 px.I remove the colunn right and the colunn left to the file compbuid.php because it show in the tempate but the dimenson of the configurator page don´t folow the rest of the site, it's minor. Can't you help me to fix this problems. Tanks. Ema
  2. Hello everyone ! I have a template of oscommerce that i what to modify the way of subcategories it apper's. in example, i have : - cat1 - subcat 1 - subcat 2 - subcat 3 and i what the like that : - cat1 - subcat 1 - subcat 2 - subcat 3 Because i think there is more easy to understand, in have tried to change the script (includes/boxes/categories) but my knowledge of php is small. I insert the script to take a look. function tep_show_category($counter) { global $tree, $categories_string, $cPath_array; for ($i=0; $i<$tree[$counter]['level']; $i++) { $categories_string .= ""; } $categories_string .= '<tr><TD valign="middle" height="20" align="left" style="padding-left:10px;"><img src="images/marker_cat.gif" width="3" height="5" alt="" style="margin-right:5px;" /><a class="categories" href="'; if ($tree[$counter]['parent'] == 0) { $cPath_new = 'cPath=' . $counter; } else { $cPath_new = 'cPath=' . $tree[$counter]['path']; } $categories_string .= tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $cPath_new) . '">'; if (isset($cPath_array) && in_array($counter, $cPath_array)) { $categories_string .= '<b>'; } // display category name $categories_string .= $tree[$counter]['name']; if (isset($cPath_array) && in_array($counter, $cPath_array)) { $categories_string .= '</b>'; } if (tep_has_category_subcategories($counter)) { $categories_string .= '->'; } $categories_string .= ' </a>'; if (SHOW_COUNTS == 'false') { $products_in_category = tep_count_products_in_category($counter); if ($products_in_category > 0) { $categories_string .= '<span class="categories"> (' . $products_in_category . ')'; } } $categories_string .= '</td></tr><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/points_cat.gif" width="163" height="1"></td></tr>'; if ($tree[$counter]['next_id'] != false) { tep_show_category($tree[$counter]['next_id']); } } ?> <!-- categories //--> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFE3A6" valign="top"> <?php $info_box_contents = array(); $info_box_contents[] = array('text' => BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES); new infoBoxCategoriesHeading($info_box_contents, true, true); ?> <?php $categories_string = ''; $tree = array(); $categories_query = tep_db_query("select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.parent_id from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c, " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " cd where c.parent_id = '0' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id='" . (int)$languages_id ."' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name"); while ($categories = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_query)) { $tree[$categories['categories_id']] = array('name' => $categories['categories_name'], 'parent' => $categories['parent_id'], 'level' => 0, 'path' => $categories['categories_id'], 'next_id' => false); if (isset($parent_id)) { $tree[$parent_id]['next_id'] = $categories['categories_id']; } $parent_id = $categories['categories_id']; if (!isset($first_element)) { $first_element = $categories['categories_id']; } } //------------------------ if (tep_not_null($cPath)) { $new_path = ''; reset($cPath_array); while (list($key, $value) = each($cPath_array)) { unset($parent_id); unset($first_id); $categories_query = tep_db_query("select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.parent_id from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c, " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " cd where c.parent_id = '" . (int)$value . "' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id='" . (int)$languages_id ."' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name"); if (tep_db_num_rows($categories_query)) { $new_path .= $value; while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_query)) { $tree[$row['categories_id']] = array('name' => $row['categories_name'], 'parent' => $row['parent_id'], 'level' => $key+1, 'path' => $new_path . '_' . $row['categories_id'], 'next_id' => false); if (isset($parent_id)) { $tree[$parent_id]['next_id'] = $row['categories_id']; } $parent_id = $row['categories_id']; if (!isset($first_id)) { $first_id = $row['categories_id']; } $last_id = $row['categories_id']; } $tree[$last_id]['next_id'] = $tree[$value]['next_id']; $tree[$value]['next_id'] = $first_id; $new_path .= '_'; } else { break; } } } tep_show_category($first_element); $info_box_contents = array(); $info_box_contents[] = array('text' => '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="100%" width="100%" style="border:1px solid #EBAB10; border-width:0px 1px;">'.$categories_string.'</table>'); new infoBox($info_box_contents); new infoBoxCategoriesFooter(''); ?> </td> </tr> <!-- categories_eof //--> tanks
  3. Hello, I have installed the pc pro creator but he give a error .... Fatal error: Call to undefined function: file_get_contents() in c:\phpdev\www\loja\osc\compbuild.php on line 97 i have read the contribution support but i don´t find replay. Can´t you help me ? Best regard's Ema
  4. Hello, I have installed the bundled products and it works fine but there is a little problem.... I have a product that cust 996.71 € and a bundled it one that cust 26.56 €. The price of the bundle is 999 € Cost of separate parts: € 26.56 And in the end, he say : You save € -972.44 The total You save is € -24.27 who can i fix this ? Best regards Ema Ferreira
  5. Hello, I have installed the bundled products and it works fine but there is a little problem.... I have a product that cust 996.71 € and a bundled it one that cust 26.56 €. The price of the bundle is 999 € Cost of separate parts: € 26.56 And in the end, he say : You save € -972.44 The total You save is € -24.27 who can i fix this ? Best regards Ema Ferreira
  6. Hi everyone ! I have installed (Custom Computer) ccc 9.3 in the store but when i tried to view a product description he give a error !! He said article not found !!! I have tried to view the code but i don't anderstone very well !!! Please can't you give a track to solve the problem ??? There is a alternative to the contribution CCC 9.3 the work's ??? Tank's to all. Best regard's Ema
  7. Hello everyone ! I have installed the contribuition ccc9.3 1 and i have made all the alteration required, but he give an error : Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_show_category() in c:\phpdev\www\lojas\loja-4\osc\includes\boxes\categories.php on line 13 And when a tried to view the product details i say the product is not found ! You now how to fix this ? Best regards Ema Ferreira
  8. And when a tried to view the product details i say the product not found !
  9. Hello everyone ! I have installed the contribuition ccc9.3 1 and i have made all the alteration required, but he give an error : Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_show_category() in c:\phpdev\www\lojas\loja-4\osc\includes\boxes\categories.php on line 13 You now how to fix this ? Best regards Ema Ferreira
  10. Hello everyone ! I have installed the contribuition ccc9.3 1 and i have made all the alteration required, but he give an error : Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_show_category() in c:\phpdev\www\lojas\loja-4\osc\includes\boxes\categories.php on line 13 You now how to fix this ? Best regards Ema Ferreira
  11. Hello, I have installed the collmenu contribution and is working fine, but my shop is center and the coolmenu is configure to appear on the left side in the shop.So i nedd to configure the coolmenu. Tanks
  12. Hello, I have installed the collmenu contribution and is working fine, but my shop is center and the coolmenu is configure to appear on the left side in the shop.So i nedd to configure the coolmenu. Tanks
  13. Hello, I was tried the script in a local server and it worked well... So i tried to install in ther IPS but it give a error : FPDF error: Unsupported image file type: bmp File : /home/inforcim/public_html/images/bundlehp.bmp I delete all bmp images but i get the error in the same. Please, can you help me ? Best regards Ema Ferreira
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