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    Mr. Net

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  1. Hey Gang, first all I would like to say what an awesome contribution this is!! excellent effort and works flawlessly on the site. Secondly I've been beating my head against a wall for a couple of hours now trying to add a custom button that will pass information off to another contribution so that it sends information to calling page. To be specific I want to add a custom button that you can add a the pricematch contribution to a product description on only certain products. I can display the text just fine but the information needed for the pricematch ( model #, Price, and product name) doesn't pass through to the price match contribution. The code looks like this editor_basic.js // Custom3 else if (cmdID == 'custom3') { // insert some text editor_insertHTML(objname, "<a href=java script:popupPricematch(\\\'' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRICEMATCH, 'code1=' . $this_Code . &product1= . $this_Product . &price1= . $this_Price) . '\\\')><?php tep_image_button('button_price_match.gif'); ?></a>"); } This is the script in it's working form if placed in product_info.php: <? require(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/pricematch.php'); ?> <?php $this_Code = $product_info['products_model']; $this_Product = $product_info['products_name']; $this_Price = $product_info['products_price']; ?> <script language="javascript"><!-- document.write('<?php echo '<a href="java script:popupPricematch(\\\'' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRICEMATCH, 'code1=' . $this_Code . "&product1=" . $this_Product . "&price1=" . $this_Price) . '\\\')">' . tep_image_button('button_price_match.gif') . '</a>'; ?>'); //--></script> But I only want to call it using a custom button in the product editor when it's necessary PLEASE HELP
  2. I've noticed when customers choose this option in the checkout_payment.php page and click next the order is logged in the admin panel not in the checkout_confirmation.php page which causes issues. If they edited the payment method from this option to another then it will create two orders for the same customer...are you aware of this? and if so will there be a fix that it will only log the order in the admin panel after you confirm the order in the checkout process not during the process...
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