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Everything posted by etzeppy

  1. Based on what I've seen, I think I would just have to fix index.php and leave CD turned off in admin. I'm just glad to know what is happening and why. I've been troubled by this issue for some time but never got around to researching the problem. I'm still trying to remember why I even installed CD. Thanks again for the help.
  2. I'm not sure why I even installed the Category Descriptions contribution since I could have gotten the same functionality from HTC. Young and stupid at the time I guess. Thanks for explaining the situation. If I want to use the full admin features for HTC, it sounds like I will have to remove the Category Descriptions contribution. Otherwise, I'll keep using myPHPAdmin to edit the category meta tags. Thanks again for the help Jack
  3. Hey there Jack. Right again….I do have the Category Descriptions contribution installed. I turned it off and now I see the HTC category fields. So what is the difference between “Header Tags Category Description” (database field categories_htc_title_tag and “Header Tags Categories Description” (database field categories_htc_description)? I’m having trouble figuring out what categories_htc_description does. It doesn’t appear to do anything in my shop.
  4. I assume that if properly implemented, there should be the ability to edit the meta tag category database fields in admin, similar to editing ability for the product meta tag fields. Is there a specific section of logic in /admin/categories.php that could cause the categories_htc* fields to not be displayed in the New Category and Edit Category admin screens? In my installation these database fields all seem to function correctly and populate the correct meta tags for the category pages, but I don’t have the ability to edit or even display the fields in admin/categories.php. I have been using phpMyAdmin to edit these fields but would like to figure out what is wrong. I’m using HTC259 which was integrated with the STS4.2 contribution package. I performed a complete new shop install back in October 2006 and have no reason to think anything went wrong with that install. Everything except for admin editing of the category meta tags fields works as expected, including meta tag editing in the product description pages. I’ve run through the required changes for /admin/categories.php and did not find that anything was missing. I was wondering if there is some database field or localization setting that might be capable of completely “turning off” the HTC category fields in admin/categories.php? Any input is appreciated.
  5. I thought it was running slow every time but it's not. I just noticed that each time it is running slowly, there is a spider called "twiceler" on the site, which has been visiting a lot the past 2 days. Since twiceler is near the bottom of the spiders.txt file, does it take whos_online.php a long time to find it in the list and display the results?
  6. Anyone ever had a problem with the whos_online.php admin page loading very very slowly? This happened briefly when I first installed the contribution several months ago but whet away after the first few runs. That same issue showed back up last night and now every time I attempt to load the page, it takes 30-60 secs for the page to display in my browser. Once loaded, everything looks correct, no errors or anything. I have already optimize the database but that didn't seem to help. Any input is appreciated.
  7. Building A Placeholder for the Continue button and table. I would like to build a STS placeholder for the standard Continue button and white table around it. I have found the code for the table and Continue button in a couple of the default OSC pages but I can't figure out how to turn the code into a STS placeholder. If anyone could give me some pointers on this issue, I would appreciate it. I apologize if this has been covered before. This topic is so long it is challenging find information. Thanks
  8. Oh.... Like I said, total novice here. I just filled the array with my text. I just changed it as you suggested and it works now! Thank you so much for the kick. I clearly needed it.
  9. Let me state right up front that I’m a php novice. I’m attempting what I thought was a simple mod for the default “contact_us.php” page to provide a pull down menu for a selectable subject for the email. I have it mostly working but I’m having an issue with the actual pull down menu that I can’t seem to figure out. The pull down menu I created with tep_draw_pull_down_menu() only displays the first character of the menu choice. I filled an array called $subject_array with text for the pull down menu options. I have confirmed that all of the text is indeed present in the array by echo’ing out several of the individual elements. However, the resulting menu only displays the first character of each array element. I added my code in the existing table in catalog/contact_us.php. It looks like this: </tr> <td class="main"><?php echo ENTRY_SUBJECT; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo tep_draw_pull_down_menu('subject_menu', $subject_array); ?></td> </tr> I have played around with width statements & classes but nothing seems to help. Can anyone point me in the right direction on this? Thanks
  10. Just had the same issue and fought with it for days. It turned out to be something with the language support. In the Admin links area I had English set "true" and everything else "false". For whatever reason it didn't work for me. When I set all languages "false" it started working.
  11. I set Display ___ Links to "False" for all languages and it works now. When I had English set "True" and my links specified for either All or English, no results were displayed. Go figure. Anyway, it works.....
  12. Bill, I got it! When I attempted to manually fill the category descriptions in phpMyAdmin, I used the wrong field. I intially populated categories_htc_description when I should have been working with categories_htc_desc_tag. I have no idea what categories_htc_description is even supposed to do and at this point I don't care. I will just populate the correct data field until I get a chance to do proper to upgrade. Keith
  13. Oh, I have that. STS and HTC work great with the exception of the category descriptions. Here is my final question for while (I mean it). Since I already have the database feilds for category descriptions and HTC is generally working with STS, where is the code that tells OSC to fill the meta description with category description when a category page is requested? I think that is where I was oringally going with this thread. It looks like in a non STS implemention of HTC that takes place in index.php. I assume this is not the case with STS installed. If I could get that piece working, it would buy me some time until I can get to a real upgrade. I'm okay with using phpMyAdmin to fill my category descriptions for now. My real problem is that the category descriptions are not filling the meta description on the category pages. Sorry be so think headed about this. It's just that I'm so close to having this contribution do exactly what I need. I hate to perform major surgury when a simple out patient procedure might dramatically improve my quality of life :)
  14. I'm going to have to tackle one of those approaches. In the mean time, was hoping to get some sort of basic funtionality. I filed in the category descriptions and ran the pages through a meta tags checker and the descriptions were not picked up. In a previous post you mentioned checking my template for the headcontent tag. Can you point me in the right direction for looking at that piece? As I stated, I am hoping to fake my way through some basic functionality until I get time to perform a real upgrad. And yes, you have been very helpful as always. Thanks for that.
  15. I did a little research and found the following: I do have all of the database fields required to support the HTC updates for catagories. Those were indeed included in the New Store install of STS4.2HTC259. However, those fields do not appear in admin. I'm not sure why they don't because all of the other HTC fields do appear in admin and I did a New Store install. This was the very first contribution I installed. I'm not entirely sure how to get these fields to appear in admin after the fact because I've performed so my mods. I looked at the HTC instructions for adding the category descriptions in admin/catagories.php and it didn't make any sense. It was telling me to add lines of code after other lines that are not even there. I checked in phpMyAdmin and the categories_htc_description fields were all blank. I don't know if I'm just missing the code to edit these fields in admin or if there is other HTC code missing that allows these fields to actually function. I think I'll fill them from phpMyAdmin and see what I get before I go any further. What should I expect to see from the HTC category fields to validate that it's working? Will the category descriptions completely replace the Index description or will one be appended to the other?
  16. I did a new store install so I think I got everything that was there but I'll double check. I'll also look at the STS upgrade path you suggest. Thanks
  17. I don't have any header descritpion fields under Catageories. Descriptions were present for products but default. Looking at the full HTC install files, I do see that this was an option with 259 so I can always run the SQL and get the fields in there. I just assumed that I would be missing code to make it work. Right now my categories are getting the same header descriptions as my index. I don't see how that will change by just adding the fields but maybe it will.
  18. I have STS4.2 with the integrated HTC2.59 working great but I really need to get category descriptions in the header tags. There is a mod for HTC that does this. The mod mostly involves changes to the index.php code. I'm trying to figure out how to implement this mod for the STS version of HTC since you don't insert the HTC code on the individual pages. Any input is appreciated.
  19. I did a little research that indicates that Google, Yahoo, and MSN should all be using the XML schema defined by sitemaps.org. Looking at the output of the On The Fly version of this contribution, it appears that the Google schema is indeed the same as sitemaps.org. Is there any reason why the output of this contribution could not be changed to show <urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"> instead of <urlset xmlns="http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap/0.84"> so that the same sitemap can be used with any search engine specifying the sitemaps.org format? As a follow-up, what controls the priority number provided in the output for the categories and products?
  20. I ran your links_db_update.php and that extra database entry cleaned up. I don't think I was supposed to do that since V1.15 claims to be a complete install with no updates required. Has anyone else reported problems V1.15? I suspect there is something wrong with that bundle. It's a pretty easy install. It would be tough to screw it up (although possible). Not sure where to go from here. I probably should have started with V1.14. I might have to undo it and go back. Since the database portion seems to be working, I might just replace the V1.15 php files with the V1.14 files and see what happens.
  21. Set everything to true except for the other languages and still nothing. The main link page shows a number next to catagory but I get "There are no links to list in this category." when I select the category. I did notice in admin that I have two entries that say "Display in standard format". Should there be two of those?
  22. never mind on that theory. That's what I get for poking in around in the database. I found how the relation is made. I have some other problem.
  23. I could be way off here, but I'm thinking my Links table is missing a field. Here is what it has: links_id links_url links_reciprocal_url links_image_url links_contact_name links_contact_email links_date_added links_last_modified links_status links_clicked links_category_suggest links_rating I don't see link_categories_id in that table, which I assume needs to be there to relate back to a category. Is it possible that the V1.15 install is missing something in the SQL setup file? If I'm right, can someone give me some pointers on how to fix it? Thanks
  24. Just installed V1.15 and everything seemed to go perfect. I have all the correct pages and controls in the catalog and in the admin area. I setup my first catagory and added a test link. After the link was set active, the catagory view showed "(1)" next to the catagory title showing that a link was present. However, when I click on the catagory, it tells me there are no links in the catagory. Any ideas? On a second note, is there a way to deal with optional reciprocal links? I definitely want reciprical links for exchange purposes but I'm toying with the idea of seting up link catagories for other links that I want to display for my customers that are not part of an exchange and might not include a reciprocal link. It appears that setting Require Reciprocal Links to false completely takes them away.
  25. This is probably a really dumb question, but can this same sitemap feed be used with Yahoo? I see that they also support an XML sitefeed system but I can't tell if this solution works for that purpose too.
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