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Everything posted by TracyS

  1. Ok - I created a test file with one product and uploaded it. I get this message at the top of easypopulate: Easy Populate 2.74-MS2 - Default Language : English(1) File uploaded. Temporary filename: /tmp/php1KSsQL User filename: test.csv Size: 672 But I have no product created. Could it also have to do with running Master Products? I don't see a way to designate if the product is a master or a slave, but I would think it would just upload as a slave by default - hmmm <_< Anyway - I checked both client side and via admin and it did not create the new product. With all of the customizations on our site I might just have to learn to write SQL and create a query file to run via phpMyAdmin for bulk updates - LOL
  2. Sorry for the delay, I had forgotten to click the "enable notification of replies" button when I posted :blush: My OS is XP, I use Office 2007 Excel to modify the file, save it as a csv file. I tried again today, keeping all of the additional customer group columns in the spreadsheet (just blank) and the file splitter worked perfectly (so I know it's reading the file correctly) and I then uploaded the split files using the "Import from Temp Dir" section - but no changes occurred. Which thing is an older version? I downloaded EP_v2_76i_MS2_1 and easypopulate_sppc_hide_products_for_cg_v1. What should I have installed? I can download and WinMerge to find the differences in the files if need be. I'm thinking it may have to do with how the database stores the pricing for the separate customer groups vs how the easypopulate file is trying to save them - but then again, since it is pulling the pricing information correctly for each group - you would think it would also be writing it correctly? :huh: I will have to try and upload a basic product just to test and see if that works correctly (without looking at separate group pricing) and then maybe we can better troubleshoot. :thumbsup: Thanks in advance for your help.
  3. The error is happening because stock osc is not setup to handle $0.00 orders. There is a contribution you can install to allow $0.00 orders and not request credit card information for those orders. Then your store should have no problem allowing the order to continue after the coupon drops it to $0.00 :-)
  4. another question: do you have to have all of the fields in the excel file, even if they aren't used, in order to upload the changes? For example, I have a few hundred products that I just need to add a price for customer group 2. I downloaded the Model/Price/Qty csv and modified it to only contain the products I need to edit. I also removed the columns for additional price groups that I do not have (they would just be empty as I only have groups 0, 1 & 2 and it is group 2 I am setting). I have trimmed this initial file down to only 3 rows, the header row and two product rows. I then upload my file via "Upload EP File" and click "Insert into DB" button and I get the following message at the top: File uploaded. Temporary filename: /tmp/phpElK1ss User filename: test1.csv Size: 226 I go check on the item via admin/catalog and look to see if the new price has been added to the product - and it has not. Nothing has changed with the product :huh: Am I doing something wrong? My csv file looks like this (not sure if it will come out right on here, but I'll try): v_products_model v_products_price v_products_quantity v_customer_price_1 v_customer_group_id_1 v_customer_price_2 v_customer_group_id_2 EOREOR AE4002 14.27 1000 9.97 1 7.14 2 EOREOR AE4004 24.97 1000 17.05 1 12.49 2 EOREOR
  5. PS- I've found the various prices in the Model/Price/Qty download, but not in the "complete" file? Is there a way I can incorporate it into the complete file?
  6. Strangely enough - after installing these same files (nothing changed other than the froogle paths) on the live server, it worked just fine :thumbsup: I have no idea why it is having issues on the test server, but hey - at least it's working on the live server- YAY Now that I have downloaded my first excel file of the database, I have a new question. I did download the easypopulate.php for SPPC, but I don't see the product prices for different groups on the spreadsheet. Am I missing something in the configuration of easypopulate.php to pull the various group prices?
  7. If this has been asked already I apologize - I've not been having any luck finding my situation via Google so figured I'd finally break down and ask. I have installed Easy Populate with the easypopulate.php file for SPPC. All seems to be ok, until I click to download my file. No matter if I choose "Download Complete tab-delimited .txt file to edit" or "Create Complete tab-delimited .txt file in temp dir" - It doesn't do anything. I don't get any errors, it just refreshes the page and does nothing. I am not sure what I need to change in the settings of the easypopulate.php file to correct this. I am currently attempting this on a test server, and I don't use the "Catalog" folder. So my domain is root/MMHTest/index.php (this would be the home page that the customer sees, root/MMHTest/admin/ is where the admin files are). So, what should I put here: $tempdir = "temp/"; $tempdir2 = "temp/"; I've tried "temp/" , "/temp/" , "/MMHTest/temp/" and "MMHTest/temp/" and it doesn't seem to make any difference. I'm not sure if I'm looking in the right place or not, but figured for the "save the file in temp dir" this would most likely be where to look. Not sure on the download file to edit option though. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  8. Did you receive my PM? Just thought I'd check as I wasn't sure :blush:
  9. Screen shots will vary depending on how a person is using the contribution. You can see how we've used it at www dot MountainMeadowHerbs dot com. We use the master product as the description and the slave products for the various different sizes available (each size has it's own model number so we couldn't just use the attributes for the different sizes). Other people use it differently and some have master products that are available for purchase as well as the slaves.
  10. Super Easy to Install!! :D Is anyone else using this contribution for Google Merchant and using Master Products contribution? I am getting errors about not having a product price listed - but my master products don't have a price as the master is not actually for sale - the slave products have the prices, the master product has the description. Also, it has the slave products and the master products both listed. I'm wondering if it's better to somehow pull the majority of the info from the "slave" and then just pull the description from the "master" ? I also get an error that I have invalid characters and all of the examples make it appear that the invalid character is ' - is there a way to correct it so that it doesn't have an issue with an apostrophe? For example, "Lady's Mantle" would generate an error due to the 's. Any thoughts? If it helps, the website is www.MountainMeadowHerbs.com
  11. I'd start by running a file comparison tool on your files vs the install files. There might be a misplaced bit of code or a missing character somewhere?
  12. Have you setup your shipping zones in Admin->Locations/Taxes->Tax Zones This is where the shipping zones are setup - for example, you can create a zone named "US" and then put all of the countries in the United States into that zone - or you could create one big zone of "World" and put all countries into it. But you need to have a zone in order to check and see if that zone is allowed to use a coupon.
  13. I haven't had any issues with the percentage discounts (we mostly use percentage based discounts but they are 5-10% typically). Double check the contribution files though to see if someone has had a fix for this issue - or do a google search. If you enter: site:www.oscommerce.com/forums "Discount Coupon" +percentage You should get search results only in the forums and only results that have both the phrase "discount coupon" and the word "percentage" in the result. This might help with pinpointing any other possible posts from people with a similar problem and maybe their fixes will be posted as well.
  14. You would most likely need to edit the template files for the tree menu found here: catalog/includes/functions/dynamenu/templates/ I'm guessing it's the plain menu template that's used? It looks like the <a href> tag wraps around the {text} though, so it might be elswhere. Try viewing your source code from your browser window and see if reading the code around your menu helps you any in pinpointing where to change the link tag so it wraps around your text too.
  15. Did you try following this instruction: If so - did it do any good? I believe Dynamenu pulls from the categories scripting, but I think it's in the application_top file that it pulls from. You might have to add that bit of code to catalog/includes/boxes/dm_categories.php - find this block of code: // Initialize HTML and info_box class if displaying inside a box if ($show_dmcats_as_box) { echo '<tr><td>'; $info_box_contents = array(); $info_box_contents[] = array('text' => BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES); new CategoriesBoxHeading($info_box_contents, true, false); } And put the added code between echo'<tr><td>'; and $info_box_contents = array(); - like this: // Initialize HTML and info_box class if displaying inside a box if ($show_dmcats_as_box) { echo '<tr><td>'; //BOF Code added all products SEO contribs $info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<a class="allproductsBox" href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ALLPRODS_SEO, '', 'NONSSL') . '" title="' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_CATEGORIES . '">' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_CATEGORIES . '</a>'); //EOF code added all products SEO contribs $info_box_contents = array(); $info_box_contents[] = array('text' => BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES); new CategoriesBoxHeading($info_box_contents, true, false); } [/code] I'm not positive if that will work or not - but it's worth a try - just backup your files first :-)
  16. I was responding to this portion of your comment:
  17. Is this what you have in your stylesheet: .vertsubmenu { /* Behaviour of sub-menu - leave as is for proper operation of submenus */ position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; visibility: hidden; }
  18. You can change the appearance in the stylesheet settings.
  19. Can't you just make the existing categories subcategories of the new ones? I'm not positive, but I think there may be a contribution to hide a category - I'd search the contributions and see what you find.
  20. DCC 3.3 by kgt is the last stable version I have used. I don't know if the later one's are stable or not. kgt is the original author of the contribution. That is not to say that other versions are not stable - it is just the most recent I have installed and used. There are fixes to the 3.3 version as well - as with any php/sql scripting, there are always updates/upgrades/changes/fixes etc.... If you are having problems getting one version to work - revert back to your saved files prior to the install and try a different version. What works on one persons server may not work on another as they may have different server settings that affect the scripting.
  21. Master Products have a products_master of 0, slave products have a products_master that is the same as the products_id of their master products. So if you are only wanting to pull info on the "Masters" then you want where p.products_master = '0' - if you want to pull info on both masters and slaves in the query, then you can leave it off.
  22. You really need to get a file comparison program to check your files against those in the contribution and see if you missed anything. Are you sure that your database was updated? Did you update the filenames and database php files? WinMerge is a free file comparison tool that works well for ensuring that you haven't placed code in the wrong spot (what order things are called can make a difference) or that you haven't missed or mistyped some code.
  23. Is there a reason you don't want the normal functionality of showing all of your categories in the menu? A better understanding of why you need to accomplish this may help generate a better response on how best to go about it :-)
  24. You can find information on using STS & Dynamenu here: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,4456
  25. You'll notice this bit in the code of that file: <?php /* kgt - discount coupons */ if( MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_DISCOUNT_COUPON_STATUS == 'true' ) { ?> <tr> <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td class="main"><b><?php echo TABLE_HEADING_COUPON; ?></b></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="infoBox"> <tr class="infoBoxContents"> <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td class="main"><?php echo ENTRY_DISCOUNT_COUPON.' '.tep_draw_input_field('coupon', '', 'size="32"'); ?></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td> </tr> <?php } /* end kgt - discount coupons */ This is the bit of code that displays the box to enter the coupon code. Notice it starts with an "if" statement: if( MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_DISCOUNT_COUPON_STATUS == 'true' ) { This statement is checking to make sure that Discount Coupons have been enabled - which is done on the Admin side under Modules > Order Total > Discount Coupons. Have you enabled this module there?
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