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Everything posted by scendent

  1. Justin, I ran your snipped through the parser and there is no parse error there. I am thinking that the error is in the lines prior to what you posted, and the parser just prints the line numbers as you reported. It can't always be exact, by the nature of parsing... Anyway, Take a look at the instructions in the mod again, especially the following lines: (in admin/customers.php...) Around line 186 After: $sql_data_array = array('customers_firstname' => $customers_firstname, 'customers_lastname' => $customers_lastname, 'customers_email_address' => $customers_email_address, 'customers_telephone' => $customers_telephone, 'customers_fax' => $customers_fax, 'customers_newsletter' => $customers_newsletter Add: 'customers_group_id' => $customers_group_id, 'customers_group_name' => $customers_group_name); BE SURE TO MOVE THE SEMICOLON AND PARENTHESIS FROM AFTER $customers_newsletter AND REPLACE IT WITH A COMMA TO MAKE THE ASSIGNMENT CORRECT!!!! Around line 240 After: } else { tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_REVIEWS . " set customers_id = null where customers_id = '" . (int)$customers_id . "'"); } Add: $multiple_groups_query = tep_db_query("select distinct customers_group_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_GROUPS . " "); while ($group_ids = tep_db_fetch_array($multiple_groups_query)) { $multiple_customers_query = tep_db_query("select distinct customers_group_id from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_group_id = " . $group_ids['customers_group_id'] . " "); if (!($multiple_groups = tep_db_fetch_array($multiple_customers_query))) { tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_GROUPS . " where customers_group_id = '" . $group_ids['customers_group_id'] . "'"); } } If you are unable to track this down, email me a copy of your admin/customers.php file to my personal address (scott AT everson DOT ws) and I will take a look for you. -Scott
  2. Kai, It sounds as if the two mods are using the same variable names. If you are still having this problem, send your categories.php file over to me and I will take a look when I have a moment. My personal email is 'scott AT everson DOT ws' -Scott
  3. Spice, The info you are looking for can be found in the EasyPopulate_Manual.txt file that comes with the mod. I have clipped the info for you below: For use with the Separate Price per Customer contrib: Edit easypopulate.php. Find function ep_create_file_layout around line 655. Uncomment all rows in that function that look like this: #'v_customer_price_1' => $iii++, #'v_customer_group_id_1' => $iii++, Only uncomment the pairs of lines for as many prices as you are using. I.E. If you are using Retail and Wholesale, then only umcomment the lines that end in _1 and _2. If you have 3 levels of prices, uncomment the _1, _2, and _3 lines. The comments in the code should help you locate these rows.
  4. Hi Angie, I would double check the admin/categories.php file for this' mod's additions. This is the file that displays the product information/details form in the admin. -Scott
  5. Hello, It is possible to change this contribution easily to accomplish what you are needing. You would have to go to each file that is displaying/checking the customer's group price, and if a new price is found, use it as a multiplyer on the original price, instead of just replacing the price. Here is a quick example based on the snippet from catalog/product_info.php. I added some comments and changes in bold. (I didn't put this in CODE format because the BOLD won't show up that way) global $customer_id; $customer_group_query = tep_db_query("select customers_group_id from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_id = '" . $customer_id . "'"); $customer_group = tep_db_fetch_array($customer_group_query); $customer_group_price_query = tep_db_query("select customers_group_price from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_GROUPS . " where products_id = '" . $HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] . "' and customers_group_id = '" . $customer_group['customers_group_id'] . "'"); if ( $customer_group['customers_group_id'] != 0) { //only change needs to go here, multiply the base price times the group price if ($customer_group_price = tep_db_fetch_array($customer_group_price_query)) { $products_price = $currencies->display_price($product_info['products_price'] * $customer_group_price['customers_group_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($product_info['products_tax_class_id'])); } else { $products_price = $currencies->display_price($product_info['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($product_info['products_tax_class_id'])); } } else { $products_price = $currencies->display_price($product_info['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($product_info['products_tax_class_id'])); } So, in this example, if the customer is logged into a group, and the group price is say .8, the effect would be 80% of the base price (or 20% off). This change would have to go into all of the files that display or load up the price. Hope that helps, -Scott
  6. Michael, Looking at the install.txt, line 822 (the lines you quoted) are for the admin/includes/funcitons/general.php . Make sure you are looking at version 3.5 of the install. :) -Scott
  7. Heather, The error is from MySQL and it is saying that the column is NOT THERE. I would double check your tables to be sure all of the SQL/database changes you made took OK. specifically on the specals table. Also make sure that your configuration is pointing to the correct database (the one you are testing, not the old one). -Scott
  8. Fiscus, and others, I appreciate your patience and understand your eagerness for the new version. I have been swamped with other tasks and have not been able to devote the time needed to get the new mod working. Please know that I have a paying customer waiting for some of these updates too! LOL that will help it move along. :D
  9. If you do not have a new field, called 'customer group' on your admin/customers screen, then please verify you have made all of the changes to admin/customers.php. Once you have that ability, make sure you have at least one customer in each of the groups you would like to have. i.e. a customer in Wholesale and one in Retail. Then you can edit a product and you should have a field for each group where you can add in the price. -Scott
  10. Miguel, You are doing fine. The changes that you quoted ARE FOR the ADMIN/includes/functions/general.php. The section ABOVE that in the mod file is for CATALOG/includes/functions/general.php Look carefully at the mod again; it is a big one and easy to get lost into. -Scott
  11. Hello Miguel, There are a lot of sites running this module without any problems. It is a BIG module to install, so a lot of people run into problems, missing small bits of code, etc. I would suggest double checking that you made the correct changes to the following files: catalog/includes/modules/product_listing.php catalog/product_info.php catalog/includes/functions/general.php -Scott
  12. Quin, Thanks for writing. That is a very interesting problem, indeed. The error message is saying that PHP can not send any HTTP headers back to the browser because content has already been sent by one of your files -- /home/owdg/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/database_tables.php:62 The HTTP headers need to be sent BEFORE any text or HTML is sent to the browser.. that is how the protocol works. SO, to fix the problem, you need to look in that file for any text, which could be as simple as a space or even a blank line, outside of the <?php and ?> tags. If you are editing on your PC and uploading, try sending the file up in ASCII mode instead of BINARY and even the other way around. Just be sure there is no extra text in that file. Let me know, -Scott
  13. Hello, It looks like you forgot to add in the database changes for the specials portion of the mod. The error is saying that the 'customers_group_id' column does not exist in your 'specials' table.
  14. The 3.5 version of this mod is for OS 2.2 MileStone 2. You can see if you are using this most recent version by looking at the top of your file, catalog/products_new.php. My file has this tag: $Id: products_new.php,v 1.27 2003/06/09 22:35:33 hpdl Exp $ -Scott
  15. Hello, I would be happy to look into this for you, however it is best to email the file, instead of posting it. Can you e-mail a copy of your admin/categories.php to scott AT everson DOT ws please? Thanks, -Scott
  16. Steve, I was under the impression that when you specify the price for an attribute, you need to specify the + / - to the price that is being pulled from the database. Follow this example: Clock a = $10 retail, $5 wholesale Small = +0 Large = +10 When a wholesale user buys this clock, with Large as an option, it will get added into their cart as $15. A retail user with Large gets the item added to the cart for $20. This logic is done when the item is added into the cart, so it will use the proper price. What DOES NOT exist at this time, is a way to use different attributes for the different groups, ie: Small = +0, Large = +10 for RETAIL Small = +0, Large = +5 for WHOLESALE A possible solution, kinda messy, would be to wait for the 4.0 version of this mod. Then you can create two products, one for each group and give them different attributes. Each product could be made available to only one group. Perhaps I can write up a Attributes per Group add-on to this mod. I will look into it and see. -Scott
  17. Would it work to use the idea that Fiscus has mentioned? That if a product is not available to the group, then it won't be displayed at all, ever, to that group. So if your non-special customers don't have access to those products, they just won't see them. That will be coming in the next version of this Mod.. let me know if that is what you need. -Scott
  18. Fiscus, Thanks for writing, and I have previously noted your request. I have been swamped with work as of late.. but these are my plans: I want to tie up all of these changes into a 4.0 version and release it that way. This version will consolidate a lot bug fixes, improvements (such as yours!) and a lot of functional changes (the current mod repeates a lot of queries and doesnt need to). I expect to have it out in two weeks time.
  19. All, my sincerest apologies for not being able to reply to your messages sooner. I have not been available to do so the past few weeks. I am taking steps to set time aside for the osCommerce community, however... so stay tuned. I also just figured out how to get the forum here to notify me when someone posts to this topic or my inbox! thats a big step! :) Here is a question for you: There are a lot of changes and suggestions for the current version of this mod. I am wanting to implement then and release it as version 3.6. However, there are some more fundamental code changes and improvements to the mod that I would like to do, and call it 4.0. How do you guys handle doing your upgrades? Are you willing to recreate your code from a fresh MS2 install or do you need to modify it as it is now? Thanks, -Scott
  20. Darkangel, please send me your file so I can have a look at it. Something must be funny. :) Check your email here on the boards, I sent you some replies. -Scott
  21. There are updates that need to be made to the Easy Populate mod to get it to work with separate pricing. Look at the README file there. -Scott
  22. Would you mind sharing the changes that you made? I am compiling all of this for the next update. Thanks, -Scott
  23. Haegar, Are you saying that once a special has been set for those groups, the price is displaying wrong? First thing, please verify that you made all the changes needed to 'catalog/includes/functions/general.php' That is where the function is that would be giving back the special price per group. -Scott
  24. Please verify that you made all of the suggested changes to 'catalog/includes/modules/product_listing.php' That is the file that handles the listing you mentioned. Thanks, -Scott
  25. Monkey, The error seems to be saying that PHP is confused as to why you are giving it a CASE statement. Must be a missing { or } somewhere. Can you email your file to me? It is easier to debug that way. scott AT everson DOT ws is my email. -Scott
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