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Posts posted by GemRock

  1. ...Even if I change the "Display Products per page" to a higher number it still displays the initial 4 products. So because of this I am only restricted to edit the 4 products I see there. What could be the possible solution for this problem...

    it is controlled by "maximum display search results" in configuration - max. value. you can also change it in the file header_tags_edit.php. search for "MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS" and change it to, say, 300.



  2. ...but the one on the googlecode site is a bit out of date...


    The above is referring to a bit of code in the edit_header_tags.php that may affect some servers. some whether you are affected or not, you can do the following:


    find lines 135/136

    																		 <form name="update" method="POST" action="<?php echo "$PHP_SELF?action=update&page=$page&sort_by=$sort_by&cPath=$current_category_id&row_by_page=$row_by_page&manufacturer=$manufacturer"; ?>">
    								<td align="right" valign="middle"><?php echo tep_image_submit('button_update.gif', IMAGE_UPDATE, "action=update&cPath=$current_category_id&page=$page&sort_by=$sort_by&row_by_page=$row_by_page");?>  </td>

    replace it with

    									<?php echo tep_draw_form('update', FILENAME_HEADER_TAGS_EDIT, "action=update&page=$page&cPath=$current_category_id&row_by_page=$row_by_page&manufacturer=$manufacturer", 'post'); ?>
    								<td align="right" valign="middle"><?php echo tep_image_submit('button_update.gif', IMAGE_UPDATE, "action=update&cPath=$current_category_id&page=$page&row_by_page=$row_by_page");?>  </td>

    this issue was dealt with a while ago on this support thread.



  3. You used the wrong header tag code for thr product info.php which i have corrected but it seems you may have another header tag (title in particular) installed.


    I tested the trodutional bear family and it shows the customised desc & keywrods.



  4. you are NOT using the newest header_tags_edit.php as far as i can see. so get it from my signature (click on Contribution).

    depending on you FTP application, you can use Auto or binary, but NOT ASCII.



    edit: sorry, you are but the one on the googlecode site is a bit out of date.

  5. I have had a quick look at it. it appears the categories part is working OK ( i tested it by enetring title. desc & keywords) and the rows per page. so my suggestion is first to reupload the products header tags file.


    btw, are you using a template shop?



  6. ...I have gone over everything twice but cannot see any steps I have missed.

    did you download the installation (v2) from the googlecode site or from my website (which is the latest version)?

    this contribution generates the least support issue as it does not require lots of modifications to your site if you follow the instructions.


  7. I still have the "E-Commerce" issue though on all the titles of my pages.

    the Title is defined in eg, english.php, not the store name. for any other issues, you need to say what version you use and where you get it from. always remember to download the instructions posted at google code site or my site.


    the forum failed to send out emails to me...dont know why...i saw your question by accident.



  8. ... the problem is that at the website, the tags are the automatically generated, not the tags i've entered in this product. Any suggestion??

    Thank you very much

    could you post what you entered in product info.php, is it sometihng like below?

    <title><?php echo $header_tags[title_tag]; ?></title>
    <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $header_tags[desc_tag]; ?>">
    <meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $header_tags[keywords_tag]; ?>">


  9. the reasons for a blank page could too many to list - you may list 100 but miss one which happens to the very reason! so without actually working/looking at the site in question, i can only suggest you double check your installation at the admin side, eg, make sure you dont upload a language file as a script file (with same name as the language file but much bigger file size) by mistake.


  10. then you got 3 YESes.

    1. transform product url into, eg, product-name.html, good for SEs or not it at least is better for human to read;

    2. since you got product/category name, which could be keywords, in urls, it helps SEs to present your site to surfers;

    3. as in 2. it certainly helps to list your site in a better format, if your site gets indexed by SEs.

    it'd be used in conjuction with google sitemaps. and dont forget to fix the urls googlebase feeder generates if you use it.

    some people now say SEs can read urls in its original format,eg, product-info.php?product-id=id, but IMO, 'can' does not necessarily means good or better.


  11. the most stupid move i have ever seen. when the brand name protx after all these years is about to be known increasingly by many both consumers & traders it now all a sudden decides to abandon it and change it to who knows "sagepay". even in next week's internet world held in London, they still use the brand name protx and "sagepy" is no where to be seen.


  12. Hi Scott


    If your problem is understanding that 'funky if-then' bit, then here is what it would look like if written in a normal way (or a non-php way):


    if (strlen($breadcrumb_tags->trail_tags('')) > 0) {
    $sts->template['headertags'] .= TITLE . ' - ' . $breadcrumb_tags->trail_tags(' - ') . ' - ' . $header_tags[title_tag];
    } else {
    $sts->template['headertags'] .= TITLE . ' - ' . HEADING_TITLE;


    I dont have such a template setup so I can't offer more specific advice. The way I do it is probably kill the part of the template that interferes with <head> </head> section of the index and product info pages, so that you can add the tags just like a non-template osc system.




  13. well, unless you only have one manufacturer, i cant think of an example of you can have both at the same time. you click on a category, and that category could have products from different makers/suppliers, on the other hand, you select a manufacturer, and that manufact. could have products in different categories, which means you can only show either category name or manufact. name, but not both, in the title.

    one way to by pass this would be entering the title tag the way you want from admin for each product as you would know what category it is in and which manufact. it is from. such as this:


    product name --------- title tage

    productX --------- categoryA - manufact.Y - store name


    for the above to work you will need to reverse back to the previous or the new title tag format in the index.php.





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