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Everything posted by GemRock

  1. I suspected you had got at least some parts of the sql scripts run otherwise you'd not say it 'up&running like a treat'. I suppose while you are in phpMyAdmin, open the table called configuration to see what's there and what may somehow be missing with regard to CCGV(trad). If you run all the 'insert into' sql scripts a second time, it'd probably duplicate these records, which may confuse the system. Pleaes note, as suggested by Vger, do read & follow the instructions carefully. Ken
  2. I have found a fix to the above problem, which is similar to that suggested by Simon (http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t140211.html). I check the validity of the "DeliveryAddress", rather than the product type. Ideally, the problem should be fixed at Protx, but it is not easy to get guys at Protx to listen and to move around, I believe. Ken
  3. Hi there, CCGV (trad) is a much simpler and working version to implement. Wonder why people would make other CCGV versions so complicate and even not working any more in the past several months. I am testing on CCGV(trad) with a version of PWA and my initial testing shows they can work together without problem. The only issue at the moment I come across with my installation is that CCGV seems to have a problem with Protx Form (protx_form.php). Normally, or as design, CCGV would by pass the Delivery information page and goes straight to Billing Information page, resulting in there being no delivery address. In protx_form.php, both delivery & billing addresses are passed to Protx server, which, stupidly, would insist both addresses must have a post code even the delivery address is an empty string :angry: . Since it 'fails' the post code test, Protx server returns an error msg complaining 'post code is missing', and the process won't go any further. IMHO, the billing address is what is required to check against that registered with the credit/debit card used for the transecting. I contact protx support but they did not seem interested, and gave me a 'big stick style' answer, saying one only got that error msg when theres no post code in the address :angry: I am still working on a solution. Anyone got the same problem? Or is there a solution out there already, which I may be missing? I do not think it has anything to do with PWA. In my set up, PWA is not available when a gift voucher is purchased. Many thanks, Ken
  4. Sorry, I meant especially that part of sql script as shown below: INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES ('Welcome Gift Voucher Amount', 'NEW_SIGNUP_GIFT_VOUCHER_AMOUNT', '0', 'Welcome Gift Voucher Amount: If you do not wish to send a Gift Voucher in your create account email put 0 for no amount else if you do place the amount here i.e. 10.00 or 50.00 no currency signs', 1, 31, NULL, '2003-12-05 05:01:41', NULL, NULL); Ken
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