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Everything posted by Benjjj6

  1. Hi I am trying to upload and split the file via curl, although a very similar code is working to upload the file this code is not working to split it. Do you have any idea why? Am I missing something? <?php function post_to_url($url, $data) { $fields = ''; foreach($data as $key => $value) { $fields .= $key . '=' . $value . '&'; } rtrim($fields, '&'); $post = curl_init(); curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POST, count($data)); curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields); curl_setopt($post, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $result = curl_exec($post); curl_close($post); } $data = array( "MAX_FILE_SIZE" => "1000000000", "usrfl" => "products.csv", "buttonsplit" => "Split file" ); post_to_url("http://website.com/admin/easypopulate.php?split=1", $data); ?>
  2. Could someone please explain the difference between: Normal Add New Only Update Only Delete Only Surprisingly I can not find out the difference between these in the documentation. Many thanks Ben
  3. Thank you for your help Geoffrey, I really appreciate it.
  4. When uploading a .csv do all columns need to be in the file? ie. Are all the columns necessary? And, Does EasyPopulate support the updating of attributes? I am not sure how to get that to work?
  5. Does anyone have a solution for running this script on a store with lots of products? Currently I can not even download the .csv as the server times out after 60 seconds. I know we can split the file for uploading, but what about downloading?
  6. My host has now told me that the script does not have the correct log in details: Apache-Error: [file "mod_auth_basic.c"] [line 264] [level 3] user admin not found: /test/admin/easypopulate.php, referer: http://www.mysite.co.uk/test/admin/categories.php?selected_box=catalog Apache-Error: [file "core.c"] [line 3714] [level 3] File does not exist: /home/account/public_html/401.shtml, referer: http://www.mysite.co.uk/test/admin/categories.php?selected_box=catalog
  7. Hi I have just installed EP_v2_77a_22RC2a by Roaddoctor (4 March 2012 package) on a MS2.2 store with about 3500 products. I can download something simple such as a Model/Category file but When I click Create & Download I eventually (after about a minute) get an 500 Internal Server Error. What is the problem? Thanks, Ben
  8. Yes, the checkbox is already ticked
  9. Yes it does and it displays this on the manufacturers page. What I want to display is the name of the manufacturer in the breadcrumb on the product_info page. Is this possible? it would provide a really good and easy way to link back to the manufacturers page from a specific product
  10. Hi I would like to show the manufacturers name in the breadcrumb trail and it looks like Header Tags is able to do this if I take a quick look at the code in application_top.php However my breadcrumb trail is only showing the category header tags title and the product title. How can I get it to show the manufacturers header tags title? Thanks, Ben
  11. Hi Is it possible for the admin to create a custom manufacturers SEO url just like you currently can with individual products? thanks, Ben
  12. Thanks Jack, where can I find this value? What table is it in?
  13. Hi Jack I am using the fill tags option and there seems to be a character limit on the fill title tag to 80 characters as it is cutting my titles short. How can I change this, say to 120? Ben
  14. Hi, you asked me about the Unique product identifier - I assume you're talking about the froogle/google base data feed. I havent found a way to get it to work with the contribution.

    Instead I use retailtower.com Its' free and they helped me to set it up, they provide a way to edit your product feed so you can enter the unique identifiers manually. Plus you can submit to a few other...

  15. For the manufacturer field in oscommerce to populate the 'Brand' field in the google feed?
  16. Jack, is it possible to have a title tag for the homepage that is not appended to the category and product pages? For example my problem is that whatever I change the title on index.php to it also affects my product and category pages. Is there a way to stop this?
  17. Jack, As I sell many items with different brands is it possible for the feed to use the manufacturer field to populate this?
  18. ok, but would you recommend a contribution that would work with this one that creates new fields?
  19. Since google now requires Unique Product identifies such as ISBN, EAN, or UPC how does this contribution accommodate that? Where on OsCommerce should I be entering my UPC number? in the product model field perhaps, will Google and this feeder pick up on that?
  20. Is there a code for .htaccess that will redirect www.mysite.com/ to www.mysite.com/index.php (the opposite of the setting in admin?)
  21. Nevermind. The files I was editing were not uploading to my server. Thanks for the contribution, it's one of the best.
  22. Just upgraded from USU5 to USU5 Pro and have this error when visiting the catalog: Warning: include_once(includes/modules/ultimate_seo_urls5/classes/usu.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/*****/public_html/includes/functions/html_output.php on line 19 Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening 'includes/modules/ultimate_seo_urls5/classes/usu.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/*****/public_html/includes/functions/html_output.php on line 19 Fatal error: Class 'usu' not found in /home/*****/public_html/includes/functions/html_output.php on line 20
  23. Great contribution. But if you have selected to only show 3 xselled products but have 6 associated it will only ever show the same 3, it seems to list them in a specific order. Is there a way we can randomise what products it displays, or maybe be able to give priority to some and randomise the others?
  24. Hi, using the latest version I get this error: XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity Location: https://www.mysite.com/rss.php?language=en Line Number 2, Column 1:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ^ I have been through every file in catalog/ and every file in includes/ and includes/classes and includes/functions there is no whitespace after the ?> Did anyone have this problem and find a solution? or find a problematic file outside of those directories I checked?
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