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Everything posted by decapper

  1. Thanks Jack. great plugin/addon Would it be possible, if you find the time, to add and option so the person submitting has the option to add a picture or for our site to take a snapshot of there website as a image instead. Either way great and I love it thanks again. (oh also noticed that I got errors until I changed a setting in admin.. like the length of characters accepted - something like zero not accepted check mysql php version5 error.) all fine now
  2. No update docs from v1.7.14 to v1.7.15 Thanks
  3. Hello, I'm trying for our site a way people can get sample packs with cheap shipping. What I'm going to do is use the simple weight addon and have upto 1kg my cheap shipping cost. As my knowledge is limited I would like to know if someone here can modify this code so if more than a 1kg is ordered this option is not available as a shipping option Something like : if weight > 1kg then don't show else show <?php /* $Id: simpleweight.php,v 1.27 2003/02/05 22:41:52 hpdl Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License */ class simpleweight { var $code, $title, $description, $icon, $enabled; // class constructor function simpleweight() { global $order; $this->code = 'simpleweight'; $this->title = MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_TEXT_TITLE; $this->description = MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_TEXT_DESCRIPTION; $this->sort_order = MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_SORT_ORDER; $this->icon = ''; $this->tax_class = MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_TAX_CLASS; $this->enabled = ((MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_STATUS == 'True') ? true : false); if ( ($this->enabled == true) && ((int)MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_ZONE > 0) ) { $check_flag = false; $check_query = tep_db_query("select zone_id from " . TABLE_ZONES_TO_GEO_ZONES . " where geo_zone_id = '" . MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_ZONE . "' and zone_country_id = '" . $order->delivery['country']['id'] . "' order by zone_id"); while ($check = tep_db_fetch_array($check_query)) { if ($check['zone_id'] < 1) { $check_flag = true; break; } elseif ($check['zone_id'] == $order->delivery['zone_id']) { $check_flag = true; break; } } if ($check_flag == false) { $this->enabled = false; } } } // class methods function quote($method = '') { global $order, $cart, $shipping_weight, $shipping_num_boxes; $order_total = $shipping_weight; echo $order_total; $table_cost = split("[:,]" , MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_COST); $size = sizeof($table_cost); $shipping = 0; if($size > 2) { for ($i=0, $n=$size; $i<$n; $i+=2) { if ($order_total <= $table_cost[$i]) { $shipping = $table_cost[$i+1]; break; } } } else { if ($table_cost[0] > 0) { $shipping = $order_total * $table_cost[1] / $table_cost[0]; } } $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code, 'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_TEXT_TITLE, 'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_TEXT_WAY, 'cost' => $shipping + MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_HANDLING))); if ($this->tax_class > 0) { $this->quotes['tax'] = tep_get_tax_rate($this->tax_class, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']); } if (tep_not_null($this->icon)) $this->quotes['icon'] = tep_image($this->icon, $this->title); return $this->quotes; } function check() { if (!isset($this->_check)) { $check_query = tep_db_query("select configuration_value from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key = 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_STATUS'"); $this->_check = tep_db_num_rows($check_query); } return $this->_check; } function install() { tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Enable Table Method', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_STATUS', 'True', 'Do you want to offer table rate shipping?', '6', '0', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now())"); tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('Shipping Table', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_COST', '1:2.00', 'The shipping cost is based on the total weight of items. Example: 1:2.00 $2 per kilogram', '6', '0', now())"); tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('Handling Fee', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_HANDLING', '0', 'Handling fee for this shipping method.', '6', '0', now())"); tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, use_function, set_function, date_added) values ('Tax Class', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_TAX_CLASS', '0', 'Use the following tax class on the shipping fee.', '6', '0', 'tep_get_tax_class_title', 'tep_cfg_pull_down_tax_classes(', now())"); tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, use_function, set_function, date_added) values ('Shipping Zone', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_ZONE', '0', 'If a zone is selected, only enable this shipping method for that zone.', '6', '0', 'tep_get_zone_class_title', 'tep_cfg_pull_down_zone_classes(', now())"); tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('Sort Order', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_SORT_ORDER', '0', 'Sort order of display.', '6', '0', now())"); } function remove() { tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key in ('" . implode("', '", $this->keys()) . "')"); } function keys() { return array('MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_STATUS', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_COST', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_HANDLING', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_TAX_CLASS', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_ZONE', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SIMPLEWEIGHT_SORT_ORDER'); } } ?> Thank you for any help
  4. Hello, I'm getting this error under IE8 - (what I'm using) Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; GTB6; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Timestamp: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 10:00:31 UTC Message: Expected identifier, string or number Line: 622 Char: 5 Code: 0 URI: https://www.pricelessweddings.com.au/create_account.php Does anyone know what is going wrong... Thanks
  5. Well as quick as it came it has gone again.. Working fine now!?!? go figure
  6. Hello Jack, In reference to post http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?sho...t&p=1361858 I have now moved hosts.. Justhost.com But I still get the same problem. Just thought I would let you know for your own reference
  7. Seems I have also been added to the many that are effected by this bug "XML error: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 126"
  8. I have free postage module with this module. My issuse is that when free postage australian postage (default) all the postage options disappear. The problem is when you select another country it does not refresh the postage options. Is some able to add that when a different country is selected the page refreshes. I have not got a clue how to do this. Thanks.
  9. I'm trying to mod this contribution so it exports more fields. And so it works with premier v12 MYOB The author commented out the last half of the fields that get exported. I get problems before I even start. All I do is un-comment these fields (which I'm going to change) so extra fields are export but then I get this error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LNUMBER, expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /home/pricelessweddings/includes/myob_cust.php on line 117 Here is the un-commented code <?php /* $Id: myob_cust.php,v 1.0BETA 9:37 PM 2/08/2003 FrankL Exp $ Originally qb_iif_customer.php Created by Steve K. of Cantexgroup http://www.cantexgroup.ca/ email: [email protected] Modified for Quickbooks 2001 and OSC 2.2 by Tom St.Croix of Better Than Nature http://www.betterthannature.com/catalog/ email: [email protected] Modified again for OSC 2.2MS1 by Glen Piwowarczyk Modified for MYOB 12 (Australian Version) and pre-MS1 by Frank L http://www.printzone.com.au Copyright (C) 2002 Steve K. Released under GPL and may be modified. I use PHPEdit to edit php files, www.phpedit.com */ $myfile = "/myob/myob_cust" . date(m) .date(d) . date(y) . ".txt"; // Where will our transaction import file be located? $DOCUMENT_ROOT = "/home/pricelessweddings/"; //path to your catalog $custfile = $DOCUMENT_ROOT . $myfile; // Check if the customer import file exists; $oldfile = file_exists ($custfile); // Open customer import file for appending, create it if necessary; $fp = fopen($custfile,"a"); // Create header line & write it to file if the customer import file did NOT exist previously // This means that everytime you 'import' the file into MYOB, you must delete it immediately. // This will prevent re-importation AND it will keep the TXT file small. // The header line values can be changed to whatever you need - read the MYOB docs // for more info. Last line must end in \n"; if (!$oldfile) { $line ="LASTNAME\tFIRSTNAME\tCARDID\tCARDSTAT\tCurrCode\t"; $line.="CADDR1\tCADDR2\tCADDR3\tCADDR4\tCCITY\tCSTATE\tCPCODE\tCCOUNTRY\t"; $line.="CPHONE1\tCPHONE2\tCPHONE3\tCFAX\tCEMAIL\tCWWW\tCCONTACT\tCSALUT\t"; $line.="SADDR1\tSADDR2\tSADDR3\tSADDR4\tSCITY\tSSTATE\tSPCODE\tSCOUNTRY\t"; $line.="SPHONE1\tSPHONE2\tSPHONE3\tSFAX\tSEMAIL\tSWWW\tSCONTACT\tSSALUT\t"; $line.="BADDR1\tBADDR2\tBADDR3\tBADDR4\tBCITY\tBSTATE\tBPCODE\tBCOUNTRY\t"; $line.="BPHONE1\tBPHONE2\tBPHONE3\tBFAX\tBEMAIL\tBWWW\tBCONTACT\tBSALUT\t\n"; /*$line.="4ADDR1\t4ADDR2\t4ADDR3\t4ADDR4\t4CITY\t4STATE\t4PCODE\t4COUNTRY\t"; $line.="4PHONE1\t4PHONE2\t4PHONE3\t4FAX\t4EMAIL\t4WWW\t4CONTACT\t4SALUT\t"; $line.="5ADDR1\t5ADDR2\t5ADDR3\t5ADDR4\t5CITY\t5STATE\t5PCODE\t5COUNTRY\t"; $line.="5PHONE1\t5PHONE2\t5PHONE3\t5FAX\t5EMAIL\t5WWW\t5CONTACT\t5SALUT\t"; $line.="PICTURE\tNOTES\tIDENTIFIERS\tCUSTOML1\tCUSTOML2\tCUSTOML3\tCUSTOMF1\t"; $line.="CUSTOMF2\tCUSTOMF3\tBILLRATE\tTERMS\tDISCDAYS\tBDUEDAYS\tPCENTDISC\t"; $line.="PCENTMCHG\tTAXCODE\tCREDLMT\tTAXID\tVOLDISC\tLAYOUT\tPAYMETHOD\t"; $line.="PAYNOTES\tCCNAME\tCCNUM\tCCEXP\tBSB\tACCTNO\tACCTNAME\tABN\tABNBRNCH\tACCOUNT\t"; $line.="SLSPRSN\tCOMMENT\tSHIPMTHD\tPRNTFRM\tFRTTAX\tCUSTTAX\t\n";*/ fputs($fp,$line); } // Setup our variables for creating customer record. Comment out the ones you don't need $sale_name = $order->customer['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->customer['lastname']; //$lastname = $HTTP_POST_VARS['lastname']; //$firstname = $HTTP_POST_VARS['firstname']; $cardid = $customer_id; $cardstat = ""; //Leave blank for active card status $CurrCode = ""; $caddr1 = $order->customer['street_address']; $caddr2 = ""; $caddr3 = ""; $caddr4 = $order->customer['suburb']; $ccity = $order->customer['city']; $cstate = $order->customer['state']; $cpcode = $order->customer['postcode']; $ccountry = $order->customer['country']['title']; $cphone1 = $order->customer['telephone']; $cphone2 = ""; $cphone3 = ""; $cfax = $order->customer['fax']; $cemail = $order->customer['email_address']; $cwww = ""; $ccontact = $sale_name; $csalut = ""; $saddr1 = $order->delivery['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->delivery['lastname']; $saddr2 = $order->delivery['street_address']; $saddr3 = $order->delivery['suburb']; $saddr4 = ""; $scity = $order->delivery['city']; $sstate = $order->delivery['state']; $spcode = $order->delivery['postcode']; $scountry = ""; $sphone1 = ""; $sphone2 = ""; $sphone3 = ""; $sfax = ""; $semail = ""; $swww = ""; $scontact = ""; $ssalut = ""; $baddr1 = $order->billing['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->billing['lastname']; $baddr2 = $order->billing['street_address']; $baddr3 = $order->billing['suburb']; $baddr4 = ""; $bcity = $order->billing['city']; $bstate = $order->billing['state']; $bpcode = $order->billing['postcode']; $bcountry = ""; $bphone1 = ""; $bphone2 = ""; $bphone3 = ""; $bfax = ""; $bemail = ""; $bwww = ""; $bcontact = ""; $bsalut = ""; /*$4addr1 = ""; $4addr2 = ""; $4addr3 = ""; $4addr4 = ""; $4city = ""; $4state = ""; $4pcode = ""; $4country = ""; $4phone1 = ""; $4phone2 = ""; $4phone3 = ""; $4fax = ""; $4email = ""; $4www = ""; $4contact = ""; $4salut = ""; /*$5addr1 = ""; $5addr2 = ""; $5addr3 = ""; $5addr4 = ""; $5city = ""; $5state = ""; $5pcode = ""; $5country = ""; $5phone1 = ""; $5phone2 = ""; $5phone3 = ""; $5fax = ""; $5email = ""; $5www = ""; $5contact = ""; $5salut = ""; $picture = ""; $notes = ""; $identifiers = ""; $customl1 = ""; $customl2 = ""; $customl3 = ""; $customf1 = ""; $customf2 = ""; $customf3 = ""; $billrate = ""; $terms = "0"; $discdays = "0"; $bduedays = "0"; $pcentdisc = "0"; $pcentmchg = "0"; $taxcode = "GST"; //set up your tax code here $credlmt = ""; $taxid = ""; $volumedisc = "0"; $layout = "I"; //choose I for item or S for service $paymethod = ""; $paynotes = ""; $ccname = ""; $ccnum = ""; $ccexp = ""; $bsb = ""; $acctno = ""; $acctname = ""; $abn = ""; $abnbranch = ""; $account = ""; $salesperson = ""; $comment = ""; $shipmthd = ""; $prntfrm = ""; $frttax = "GST"; $usecusttax = "";*/ // Create the TXT line & write it to the file. If you changed the header line, you // will also need to change these lines to match. $line ="$sale_name\t\t$cardid\t$cardstat\t$CurrCode\t"; $line.="$caddr1\t$caddr2\t$caddr3\t$caddr4\t$ccity\t$cstate\t$cpcode\t$ccountry\t"; $line.="$cphone1\t$cphone2\t$cphone3\t$cfax\t$cemail\t$cwww\t$ccontact\t$csalut\t"; $line.="$saddr1\t$saddr2\t$saddr3\t$saddr4\t$scity\t$sstate\t$spcode\t$scountry\t"; $line.="$sphone1\t$sphone2\t$sphone3\t$sfax\t$semail\t$swww\t$scontact\t$ssalut\t"; $line.="$baddr1\t$baddr2\t$baddr3\t$baddr4\t$bcity\t$bstate\t$bpcode\t$bcountry\t"; $line.="$bphone1\t$bphone2\t$bphone3\t$bfax\t$bemail\t$bwww\t$bcontact\t$bsalut\t\n"; /*$line.="$4addr1\t$4addr2\t$4addr3\t$4addr4\t$4city\t$4state\t$4pcode\t$4country\t"; $line.="$4phone1\t$4phone2\t$4phone3\t$4fax\t$4email\t$4www\t$4contact\t$4salut\t"; $line.="$5addr1\t$5addr2\t$5addr3\t$5addr4\t$5city\t$5state\t$5pcode\t$5country\t"; $line.="$5phone1\t$5phone2\t$5phone3\t$5fax\t$5email\t$5www\t$5contact\t$5salut\t"; $line.="$picture\t$notes\t$identifiers\t$customl1\t$customl2\t$customl3\t$customf1\t"; $line.="$customf2\t$customf3\t$billrate\t$terms\t$discdays\t$bduedays\t$pcentdisc\t"; $line.="$pcentmchg\t$taxcode\t$credlmt\t$taxid\t$volumedisc\t$layout\t$paymethod\t"; $line.="$paynotes\t$ccname\t$ccnum\t$ccexp\t$bsb\t$acctno\t$acctname\t$abn\t$abnbranch\t$account\t"; $line.="$salesperson\t$comment\t$shipmthd\t$prntfrm\t$frttax\t$usecusttax\t\n";*/ fputs($fp,$line); // Close the customer import file fclose($fp); ?> And here is the code with the commented out fields un-commented <?php /* $Id: myob_cust.php,v 1.0BETA 9:37 PM 2/08/2003 FrankL Exp $ Originally qb_iif_customer.php Created by Steve K. of Cantexgroup http://www.cantexgroup.ca/ email: [email protected] Modified for Quickbooks 2001 and OSC 2.2 by Tom St.Croix of Better Than Nature http://www.betterthannature.com/catalog/ email: [email protected] Modified again for OSC 2.2MS1 by Glen Piwowarczyk Modified for MYOB 12 (Australian Version) and pre-MS1 by Frank L http://www.printzone.com.au Copyright (C) 2002 Steve K. Released under GPL and may be modified. I use PHPEdit to edit php files, www.phpedit.com */ $myfile = "/myob/myob_cust" . date(m) .date(d) . date(y) . ".txt"; // Where will our transaction import file be located? $DOCUMENT_ROOT = "/home/pricelessweddings/"; //path to your catalog $custfile = $DOCUMENT_ROOT . $myfile; // Check if the customer import file exists; $oldfile = file_exists ($custfile); // Open customer import file for appending, create it if necessary; $fp = fopen($custfile,"a"); // Create header line & write it to file if the customer import file did NOT exist previously // This means that everytime you 'import' the file into MYOB, you must delete it immediately. // This will prevent re-importation AND it will keep the TXT file small. // The header line values can be changed to whatever you need - read the MYOB docs // for more info. Last line must end in \n"; if (!$oldfile) { $line ="LASTNAME\tFIRSTNAME\tCARDID\tCARDSTAT\tCurrCode\t"; $line.="CADDR1\tCADDR2\tCADDR3\tCADDR4\tCCITY\tCSTATE\tCPCODE\tCCOUNTRY\t"; $line.="CPHONE1\tCPHONE2\tCPHONE3\tCFAX\tCEMAIL\tCWWW\tCCONTACT\tCSALUT\t"; $line.="SADDR1\tSADDR2\tSADDR3\tSADDR4\tSCITY\tSSTATE\tSPCODE\tSCOUNTRY\t"; $line.="SPHONE1\tSPHONE2\tSPHONE3\tSFAX\tSEMAIL\tSWWW\tSCONTACT\tSSALUT\t"; $line.="BADDR1\tBADDR2\tBADDR3\tBADDR4\tBCITY\tBSTATE\tBPCODE\tBCOUNTRY\t"; $line.="BPHONE1\tBPHONE2\tBPHONE3\tBFAX\tBEMAIL\tBWWW\tBCONTACT\tBSALUT\t"; $line.="4ADDR1\t4ADDR2\t4ADDR3\t4ADDR4\t4CITY\t4STATE\t4PCODE\t4COUNTRY\t"; $line.="4PHONE1\t4PHONE2\t4PHONE3\t4FAX\t4EMAIL\t4WWW\t4CONTACT\t4SALUT\t"; $line.="5ADDR1\t5ADDR2\t5ADDR3\t5ADDR4\t5CITY\t5STATE\t5PCODE\t5COUNTRY\t"; $line.="5PHONE1\t5PHONE2\t5PHONE3\t5FAX\t5EMAIL\t5WWW\t5CONTACT\t5SALUT\t"; $line.="PICTURE\tNOTES\tIDENTIFIERS\tCUSTOML1\tCUSTOML2\tCUSTOML3\tCUSTOMF1\t"; $line.="CUSTOMF2\tCUSTOMF3\tBILLRATE\tTERMS\tDISCDAYS\tBDUEDAYS\tPCENTDISC\t"; $line.="PCENTMCHG\tTAXCODE\tCREDLMT\tTAXID\tVOLDISC\tLAYOUT\tPAYMETHOD\t"; $line.="PAYNOTES\tCCNAME\tCCNUM\tCCEXP\tBSB\tACCTNO\tACCTNAME\tABN\tABNBRNCH\tACCOUNT\t"; $line.="SLSPRSN\tCOMMENT\tSHIPMTHD\tPRNTFRM\tFRTTAX\tCUSTTAX\t\n"; fputs($fp,$line); } // Setup our variables for creating customer record. Comment out the ones you don't need $sale_name = $order->customer['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->customer['lastname']; //$lastname = $HTTP_POST_VARS['lastname']; //$firstname = $HTTP_POST_VARS['firstname']; $cardid = $customer_id; $cardstat = ""; //Leave blank for active card status $CurrCode = ""; $caddr1 = $order->customer['street_address']; $caddr2 = ""; $caddr3 = ""; $caddr4 = $order->customer['suburb']; $ccity = $order->customer['city']; $cstate = $order->customer['state']; $cpcode = $order->customer['postcode']; $ccountry = $order->customer['country']['title']; $cphone1 = $order->customer['telephone']; $cphone2 = ""; $cphone3 = ""; $cfax = $order->customer['fax']; $cemail = $order->customer['email_address']; $cwww = ""; $ccontact = $sale_name; $csalut = ""; $saddr1 = $order->delivery['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->delivery['lastname']; $saddr2 = $order->delivery['street_address']; $saddr3 = $order->delivery['suburb']; $saddr4 = ""; $scity = $order->delivery['city']; $sstate = $order->delivery['state']; $spcode = $order->delivery['postcode']; $scountry = ""; $sphone1 = ""; $sphone2 = ""; $sphone3 = ""; $sfax = ""; $semail = ""; $swww = ""; $scontact = ""; $ssalut = ""; $baddr1 = $order->billing['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->billing['lastname']; $baddr2 = $order->billing['street_address']; $baddr3 = $order->billing['suburb']; $baddr4 = ""; $bcity = $order->billing['city']; $bstate = $order->billing['state']; $bpcode = $order->billing['postcode']; $bcountry = ""; $bphone1 = ""; $bphone2 = ""; $bphone3 = ""; $bfax = ""; $bemail = ""; $bwww = ""; $bcontact = ""; $bsalut = ""; $4addr1 = ""; $4addr2 = ""; $4addr3 = ""; $4addr4 = ""; $4city = ""; $4state = ""; $4pcode = ""; $4country = ""; $4phone1 = ""; $4phone2 = ""; $4phone3 = ""; $4fax = ""; $4email = ""; $4www = ""; $4contact = ""; $4salut = ""; $5addr1 = ""; $5addr2 = ""; $5addr3 = ""; $5addr4 = ""; $5city = ""; $5state = ""; $5pcode = ""; $5country = ""; $5phone1 = ""; $5phone2 = ""; $5phone3 = ""; $5fax = ""; $5email = ""; $5www = ""; $5contact = ""; $5salut = ""; $picture = ""; $notes = ""; $identifiers = ""; $customl1 = ""; $customl2 = ""; $customl3 = ""; $customf1 = ""; $customf2 = ""; $customf3 = ""; $billrate = ""; $terms = "0"; $discdays = "0"; $bduedays = "0"; $pcentdisc = "0"; $pcentmchg = "0"; $taxcode = "GST"; //set up your tax code here $credlmt = ""; $taxid = ""; $volumedisc = "0"; $layout = "I"; //choose I for item or S for service $paymethod = ""; $paynotes = ""; $ccname = ""; $ccnum = ""; $ccexp = ""; $bsb = ""; $acctno = ""; $acctname = ""; $abn = ""; $abnbranch = ""; $account = ""; $salesperson = ""; $comment = ""; $shipmthd = ""; $prntfrm = ""; $frttax = "GST"; $usecusttax = ""; // Create the TXT line & write it to the file. If you changed the header line, you // will also need to change these lines to match. $line ="$sale_name\t$cardid\t$cardstat\t$CurrCode\t"; $line.="$caddr1\t$caddr2\t$caddr3\t$caddr4\t$ccity\t$cstate\t$cpcode\t$ccountry\t"; $line.="$cphone1\t$cphone2\t$cphone3\t$cfax\t$cemail\t$cwww\t$ccontact\t$csalut\t"; $line.="$saddr1\t$saddr2\t$saddr3\t$saddr4\t$scity\t$sstate\t$spcode\t$scountry\t"; $line.="$sphone1\t$sphone2\t$sphone3\t$sfax\t$semail\t$swww\t$scontact\t$ssalut\t"; $line.="$baddr1\t$baddr2\t$baddr3\t$baddr4\t$bcity\t$bstate\t$bpcode\t$bcountry\t"; $line.="$bphone1\t$bphone2\t$bphone3\t$bfax\t$bemail\t$bwww\t$bcontact\t$bsalut\t"; $line.="$4addr1\t$4addr2\t$4addr3\t$4addr4\t$4city\t$4state\t$4pcode\t$4country\t"; $line.="$4phone1\t$4phone2\t$4phone3\t$4fax\t$4email\t$4www\t$4contact\t$4salut\t"; $line.="$5addr1\t$5addr2\t$5addr3\t$5addr4\t$5city\t$5state\t$5pcode\t$5country\t"; $line.="$5phone1\t$5phone2\t$5phone3\t$5fax\t$5email\t$5www\t$5contact\t$5salut\t"; $line.="$picture\t$notes\t$identifiers\t$customl1\t$customl2\t$customl3\t$customf1\t"; $line.="$customf2\t$customf3\t$billrate\t$terms\t$discdays\t$bduedays\t$pcentdisc\t"; $line.="$pcentmchg\t$taxcode\t$credlmt\t$taxid\t$volumedisc\t$layout\t$paymethod\t"; $line.="$paynotes\t$ccname\t$ccnum\t$ccexp\t$bsb\t$acctno\t$acctname\t$abn\t$abnbranch\t$account\t"; $line.="$salesperson\t$comment\t$shipmthd\t$prntfrm\t$frttax\t$usecusttax\t\n"; fputs($fp,$line); // Close the customer import file fclose($fp); ?> As you can see I have just taken out the /* */ and removed the \n I hope someone can help me get this initial problem sorted so then I can continue to mod to added extra information into the un-commented fields. Thank you in advanced for any help
  10. Here is my version numbers: Database: MySQL 5.0.22 PHP Version: 5.2.6 (Zend: 2.2.0)
  11. Ok I will go into more depth and hope this helps both me and the contribution. When I click on the links under links manager in admin I get Warning: Division by zero in /home/pricelessweddings/admin/includes/classes/split_page_results.php on line 33 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-0, MAX_LINKS_DISPLAY' at line 1 select l.links_id, l.links_url, l.links_image_url, l.links_date_added, l.links_last_modified, l.links_status, l.links_clicked, ld.links_title, ld.links_description, l.links_contact_name, l.links_contact_email, l.links_reciprocal_url, l.links_reciprocal_disable, l.links_status from links l left join links_description ld on l.links_id = ld.links_id where ld.links_title like '%%' or l.links_url like '%%' order by ld.links_title limit -0, MAX_LINKS_DISPLAY Under links exchange in admin I hit the update button and I get error (I went into the database and changed it manually but I was getting the errors before I done this) 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Wholesale Priced Online Wedding Store. Buy Bonbonnieres, Favors At Wholesale' at line 1 update links_exchange set links_exchange_name = 'Priceless Weddings', links_exchange_description = 'Australia's Wholesale Priced Online Wedding Store. Buy Bonbonnieres, Favors At Wholesale Prices', links_exchange_url = 'http://www.pricelessweddings.com.au' where language_id = '1' [TEP STOP] when I click on links status in admin I get error Warning: Division by zero in /home/pricelessweddings/login/includes/classes/split_page_results.php on line 33 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-0, MAX_LINKS_DISPLAY' at line 1 SELECT l.links_id, l.links_reciprocal_url, l.links_status, ld.links_title, lc.date_last_checked, lc.link_found, ls.links_status_name from links l LEFT JOIN links_description ld on l.links_id = ld.links_id left join links_check lc on l.links_id = lc.links_id left join links_status ls on l.links_status = ls.links_status_id and ls.language_id = '1' order by l.links_id DESC limit -0, MAX_LINKS_DISPLAY [TEP STOP] Everything else seems to work ok.
  12. Thanks for the reply Jack. I'm running osCommerce Online Merchant v2.2 RC2a Are you talking about http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/3844 Or this http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1427 Or the patch at the end of your instructions - $sql_query .= " limit " . $offset . ", " . $max_rows_per_page; because mine is already - $sql_query .= " limit " . max($offset,0) . ", " . $max_rows_per_page; I even tried http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?sho...it_page_results with no luck.. Thanks for your valuable time Jack
  13. Hi Jack, I have noticed a few ppl before getting this error but did not see a fix. Warning: Division by zero in /home/pricelessweddings/admin/includes/classes/split_page_results.php on line 33 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-0, MAX_LINKS_DISPLAY' at line 1 select l.links_id, l.links_url, l.links_image_url, l.links_date_added, l.links_last_modified, l.links_status, l.links_clicked, ld.links_title, ld.links_description, l.links_contact_name, l.links_contact_email, l.links_reciprocal_url, l.links_reciprocal_disable, l.links_status from links l left join links_description ld on l.links_id = ld.links_id where ld.links_title like '%%' or l.links_url like '%%' order by ld.links_title limit -0, MAX_LINKS_DISPLAY when i click on links. PHP Version 5.2.6 Thanks for all you support
  14. Once I put your new code in it asked me for other positions so in the end I ended up with this that fixed it $target = mktime($hour,(int)$minute,(int)$second,(int)$month,(int)$day,(int)$year); Not sure what it does but it seems to have fixed the problem.. Thanks
  15. I have installed this contribution http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1443 which was pretty straight forward. I have a problem on the current auctions page being displayed saying Warning: mktime() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/pricelessweddings/includes/modules/current_auctions_module.php on line 116 Warning: mktime() expects parameter 4 to be long, string given in /home/pricelessweddings/includes/modules/current_auctions_module.php on line 116 The coding is as follows // mktime is the marked time, and time() is the current time. $target = mktime($hour,$minute,$second,$month,$day,$year); $diff = $target - time(); $days = ($diff - ($diff % 86400)) / 86400; $diff = $diff - ($days * 86400); $hours = ($diff - ($diff % 3600)) / 3600; $diff = $diff - ($hours * 3600); $minutes = ($diff - ($diff % 60)) / 60; $diff = $diff - ($minutes * 60); $seconds = ($diff - ($diff % 1)) / 1; Would someone be able to help.. I have very limited knowledge of PHP Thanks
  16. Gee... thanks mate I'm sure that was it (not tested yet) as the file size where different. Thanks and did not mean to waste your time.
  17. Thank for this great plugin, I am having a problem with ip addresses not display. Also sometimes it displays admin twice when only logged on once, but the second seems to trail the first with a delayed time showing. Any ideas?
  18. Great template. Helped me heaps in designing my site. There is one problem I have come across that i can't figurer out. How to change the colour of the box headings. I went through and replaced all #940045 with my colour I wished. But when the page loads I see the colour that I want but then the original colour loads over the top.
  19. http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1546 I have updated this forum to the best of my ability. It now works with OC but still needs a little work. If you would like to get on the band wagon and help out I'm sure a lot of people would be greatful me included of course. This is an add-on forum that works with OC. it is intergrate somewhat in that users need to be logged on to add a post. If you want a quick easy way for customers to chat and suggest new things for you website this is a good start. I have it working at http://www.hardwaresale.com.au if you want to have a look first. Its in the infobox on the left. Bugs I have found when you post you get sent not to your post but a blank post. Its still works. I think this has something to do with the username not being assigned to the post. Which is the other bug I found. No username is added to the post. Besides those two minor things it works fine, I'm sure someone with PHP exp would pick up the problem quite easy. Suggestions for forum. A search function would be nice. Also to have the breadcum inside the forum area as some people like me have deleted the breadcrums from the header. Hope you find some use for it
  20. here is my test site... www.hardwaresale.com.au/temp/catalog/index.php You can see how I have blank lines in the lists.. Not sure why it does it?!?
  21. Also may I suggest the prices in the drop down list also.. when your selecting.. Thx for the great mod
  22. Would it be possible to make it so you can enter multible numbers in the categories. Also I get a large gap of blank lines when you select the item(s) you want. When you select an item a drop list comes up with my products located about 10 blank lines down?
  23. I have this same mod installed on my website and it works fine.. check this out www.hardwaresale.com.au . Besides at little thing that does not put the store postcode in when you first start. but besides that it works fine.
  24. Ok I played round with it a little bit... And this is what I done and I got it working... Put in your code to take away that error msg. Then as said above do not put inside the <form>...</form>.. So I deleted the </table> just before the </form> and then under this : (remember I removed </table>) I added this And it now works! lovely stuff!
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