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Everything posted by scheinarts

  1. Yes you're not kidding Bill. I thought something like that would be the only logical explanation. :blush:
  2. WOW! This is even CRAZIER!!! Now it works! I tried all day replacing via ftp the file, and it wouldnt work. I tried with the template files that came with the contribution also, and IT DIDNT WORK. I finally gave up everything and decided to upgrade to 4.5.2, i started comparing and merging the files in includes (right and left column, application top and bottom, header and footer), then I stopped to go do something else. Later I came back and refreshed my site and MAGICALLY IT WORKED!!! I never fully upgraded, just those files, which had never been touched since months ago that I started building this site and installed STS. I guess it had to be the issue with the FTP timing out on upload, but I didnt really do anythiing to fix? Any comments on this Bill? Has this happened to anybody before? Thanks for all the help, Bill and others, I appreciate it. Allen
  3. and when I mean about uploading it with dream weaver, is that I had propably done the same thing many many times yesterday thorugh out the day, testing it. And one more try, and it went BLANK, all from editing the html template file
  4. Bill, thanks for your reply. I had gzip compression set to false and 5, so i lowered it to 0, and nothing, still getting a BLANK PAGE. And debug comes a BLANK page too! What I don't get is that all I did these last few days was work on the html template file, and last night I was uploading it, while I upload, my dream weaver timed out. So that file wasnt uploaded properly. Then i went through FileZilla and manually removed that file and replaced it with a new one. And nothing!!! :'( It's been BLANK ever since.
  5. i tried that too, and its also BLANK, totally BLANK :'( I have no idea what to do
  6. so you guys know, if i do a view source on my new blank page, this is what I get <!-- right_navigation_eof //--> </table></td> </tr> </table> <!-- body_eof //--> <!-- footer //--> <!-- footer_eof //--> <br> </body> </html> YEP, thats all you see in the source now
  7. THIS IS CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!! I've been using STS version 42 for a LOOOONG time now, and used it with different sites. I was just working on one, editing the sts_template.html file, saved it, and refresh my browser, and NOW I GET A BLANK PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have not touched anything else, none of the sts files, I was just editing my html template file. I know it worked fine, since I have been editing it for a few days now everyday. I have no idea what to do to fix it, although I would consider myself pretty experienced using sts, and I've never had a problem. The funny thing is THAT I DID NOT TOUCH any other files, other than the same html file I have been working on. Has this happened to anybody? How would I fix this? Any help with this would be appreciated! Thanks! Allen
  8. How do i have imagemagic process images from a remote location. Current i set up the dir images in config file to http://myimagesdomain.com/images/ and uploaded a ton of products via Easy Populate and all the images are fine, they are read from the remote location. I installed imagemagic and somehow the images are not being processed. Any idea how to make this work?
  9. One way would be to create a php file that reads all the contents from the shopping cart and puts its image and description in its own individuals boxes. The html output would look something like: <table> <tr> <td><img src="coupon_image1.jpg"> <br> <p>Description of the this product1</p></td> <td><img src="coupon_image2.jpg"> <br> <p>Description of the this product2</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="coupon_image3.jpg"> <br> <p>Description of the this product3</p></td> <td><img src="coupon_image4.jpg"> <br> <p>Description of the this product4</p></td> </tr> </table> This is the piece of code i extracted from shopping_cart.php file that contains the php coding for the current items on the shopping cart... <?php if ($cart->count_contents() > 0) { ?> <tr> <td> <?php $info_box_contents = array(); $info_box_contents[0][] = array('align' => 'center', 'params' => 'class="productListing-heading"', 'text' => TABLE_HEADING_REMOVE); $info_box_contents[0][] = array('params' => 'class="productListing-heading"', 'text' => TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS); $info_box_contents[0][] = array('align' => 'center', 'params' => 'class="productListing-heading"', 'text' => TABLE_HEADING_QUANTITY); $info_box_contents[0][] = array('align' => 'right', 'params' => 'class="productListing-heading"', 'text' => TABLE_HEADING_TOTAL); $any_out_of_stock = 0; $products = $cart->get_products(); for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($products); $i<$n; $i++) { // Push all attributes information in an array if (isset($products[$i]['attributes']) && is_array($products[$i]['attributes'])) { while (list($option, $value) = each($products[$i]['attributes'])) { echo tep_draw_hidden_field('id[' . $products[$i]['id'] . '][' . $option . ']', $value); $attributes = tep_db_query("select popt.products_options_name, poval.products_options_values_name, pa.options_values_price, pa.price_prefix from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS . " popt, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES . " poval, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " pa where pa.products_id = '" . $products[$i]['id'] . "' and pa.options_id = '" . $option . "' and pa.options_id = popt.products_options_id and pa.options_values_id = '" . $value . "' and pa.options_values_id = poval.products_options_values_id and popt.language_id = '" . $languages_id . "' and poval.language_id = '" . $languages_id . "'"); $attributes_values = tep_db_fetch_array($attributes); $products[$i][$option]['products_options_name'] = $attributes_values['products_options_name']; $products[$i][$option]['options_values_id'] = $value; $products[$i][$option]['products_options_values_name'] = $attributes_values['products_options_values_name']; $products[$i][$option]['options_values_price'] = $attributes_values['options_values_price']; $products[$i][$option]['price_prefix'] = $attributes_values['price_prefix']; } } } for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($products); $i<$n; $i++) { if (($i/2) == floor($i/2)) { $info_box_contents[] = array('params' => 'class="productListing-even"'); } else { $info_box_contents[] = array('params' => 'class="productListing-odd"'); } $cur_row = sizeof($info_box_contents) - 1; $info_box_contents[$cur_row][] = array('align' => 'center', 'params' => 'class="productListing-data" valign="top"', 'text' => tep_draw_checkbox_field('cart_delete[]', $products[$i]['id'])); $products_name = '<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">' . ' <tr>' . ' <td class="productListing-data" align="center"><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $products[$i]['id']) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $products[$i]['image'], $products[$i]['name'], SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '</a></td>' . ' <td class="productListing-data" valign="top"><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $products[$i]['id']) . '"><b>' . $products[$i]['name'] . '</b></a>'; if (STOCK_CHECK == 'true') { $stock_check = tep_check_stock($products[$i]['id'], $products[$i]['quantity']); if (tep_not_null($stock_check)) { $any_out_of_stock = 1; $products_name .= $stock_check; } } if (isset($products[$i]['attributes']) && is_array($products[$i]['attributes'])) { reset($products[$i]['attributes']); while (list($option, $value) = each($products[$i]['attributes'])) { $products_name .= '<br><small><i> - ' . $products[$i][$option]['products_options_name'] . ' ' . $products[$i][$option]['products_options_values_name'] . '</i></small>'; } } $products_name .= ' </td>' . ' </tr>' . '</table>'; $info_box_contents[$cur_row][] = array('params' => 'class="productListing-data"', 'text' => $products_name); $info_box_contents[$cur_row][] = array('align' => 'center', 'params' => 'class="productListing-data" valign="top"', 'text' => tep_draw_input_field('cart_quantity[]', $products[$i]['quantity'], 'size="4"') . tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id[]', $products[$i]['id'])); $info_box_contents[$cur_row][] = array('align' => 'right', 'params' => 'class="productListing-data" valign="top"', 'text' => '<b>' . $currencies->display_price($products[$i]['final_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($products[$i]['tax_class_id']), $products[$i]['quantity']) . '</b>'); } new productListingBox($info_box_contents); ?> The info here could be tweaked and made into a new php file and have it display the html code i placed above. And then at the bottom a link to trigger the Ctrl+P (print) action. How would the info in the shopping_cart.php file be used to make this happen?
  10. Does anybody know a way to literally print the contents of the shopping cart? I am trying to create a coupon printing system. The coupons would be the products and users can add them to the "coupon cart". When you are done "shopping" for coupons, you could "checkout" by printing them. I saw this working on a site http://promoticket.com (its in spanish) in which you can add x amount of coupons and then it nicely creates a html page with the all the coupons in your "shopping cart" nicely aligned and with the dotted lines to be cut. It is literally the same system as osCommerce, the only difference is you print out instead of checkout. PDF data_sheet maker 1.1 - http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...,all/search,pdf - which lets you put a print to pdf link in product_info.php is the closest contribution available to what I am looking for, but I need some help in tweaking it to print the shopping cart. Has anybody done some thing like this with oscommerce, or do you how to print the shopping items (just the pictures). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  11. I would like to use this contribution to print all the contents in the shopping cart in pdf format. So instead of checking out, users would print out their cart contents. I tried adding <?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PDF_DATASHEET, 'products_id=' . $product_info['products_id']) .'" target="_blank">' . TEXT_PDF_DOWNLOAD . tep_image('images/pdf.png',TEXT_PDF_DOWNLOAD) .'</a>'; ?> to shopping_cart.php and I got the following errors: Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Read error! in /hermes/web09/b1168/pow.printersonne/htdocs/osc/pdf/pdf_datasheet_functions.php on line 273 Warning: Division by zero in /hermes/web09/b1168/pow.printersonne/htdocs/osc/pdf/pdf_datasheet_functions.php on line 274 Warning: Division by zero in /hermes/web09/b1168/pow.printersonne/htdocs/osc/pdf/pdf_datasheet_functions.php on line 278 FPDF error: Some data has already been output, can't send PDF file Obviously I did not try to fix it as I am not that experienced with php. Any feedback would be appreciated.
  12. Wow thanks a LOT, that was the fix i was missing. I really appreciated it.
  13. Hi Monikart, I saw www.mysampleshop.com and the dynamenu on top came out really nice. I have read for the past 3 days about installing dynamenu with sts and i just cant get it to work. I cant get the flyouts to work. I followed what you and other members have done to make it work but I am not getting the same results as you. There is no step by step post on how to make these two great contribs work, just bits and pieces from the members. I am wondering you could kindly post the steps that you followed to make it work on your site so nicely. By the way, I am using the Custom boxes Add-on to sts and I dont know if that has anything to do with mine not working., even though i have followed the instrusctions you and other me you can see my site work in progress http://panacine.com/index.php Your help will be very well appreaciated by me and other osc members. Thanks, Allen
  14. this contribution claims it will do it Show Price list for SPPC 4.1 v1.0 http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...eparate+pricing
  15. Any body know anything about this?
  16. How do you display a dropdown menu to ONLY SHOW slave products for a particular category? echo tep_draw_pull_down_menu('cat_tree', XXXXsomething hereXXXX, $current_category_id); I think it would be there to put some function... if I am right, which function is it?
  17. I just pm you my order.php, hope thats the problem
  18. Master Products, Admin Access with Levels, easypopulate, user tracking, header tags... none of these interfere with the checkout process.. I did have ccgv but i uninstalled it to install your contribution, since it looked a lot simpler.. and I DONT have fast easy checkout
  19. check the file admin/includes/languages/english/coupons.php for any typos
  20. Hi, I am getting the same error that other people have got with the discount not showing in the checkout confirmation page... I already triple check that the Discount module has its own unique sort order and that doesnt work.. I installed v1.4 how can i fix this
  21. i have not seen that problem.. I installed it and it works great for me, the only problem is it seems not to work with ccgv.. has any body had any issue with with ccgv?
  22. i forgot to mention I already did.... I might have not looked in right place.. so could you please tell me where to look
  23. I am getting this error message: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_products_master_status() in /hermes/web09/b1168/pow.printersonne/htdocs/admin/categories.php on line 1705 when i click on a master or slave product, and the right column doesnt open... How can I fix this, or will installing the new version Master Products-MS2 v2.00 fix it?
  24. I found a contrib called: Login Page a la Amazon Check it out... http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...ll/search,login I havent installed it but I will, and i'll tell ya how it went
  25. Quick Question: On the paymt information page, If I first enter the credir card info, and the discount/gift coupon, when I click on redeem it applies the discount but erases the credit card info. If I first put in the discount and click redeem, it applies the discount but an error message comes up asking for a credit card number. Then you put in the credit card info and proceed. Is there a way around this? A fix for this bug?
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