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Everything posted by tokyoracer

  1. Ok, I may be drunk with sugar but i think I may really have it this time - I ended up with this modification in the OTC tep_image function: // Scale the image if not the original size if ($image_size[0] != $width || $image_size[1] != $height) { $rx = $image_size[0] / $width; $ry = $image_size[1] / $height; if ($rx < $ry) { $width = intval($height / $ratio); } else { $height = intval($width * $ratio); } $image = '<img src="product_thumb.php?img=' . $src . '&w=' . tep_output_string($width) . '&h=' . tep_output_string($height) . '"'; if (substr($src, -4) == '.swf') $image = '<embed src="' . tep_output_string($src) . '"'; } } elseif (IMAGE_REQUIRED == 'false') { return ''; } } It seems to be working for now - I'll let ya know! :blink:
  2. Aw, gee, I spoke too soon - once I cleared my cache the thumbnails ARE NOT displaying properly - ARGHHH!! I think I'm on the right track though - maybe switching the order.... Sam, your original idea worked just fine except for that "iimage reloading thing" OK, I'm gonna go drown my sorrows in a pint of ice cream and come back to this later..... As always, thanks for your time -
  3. Methinks me has it! :lol: In the OTF tep_image function I removed the tidbit you originally suggested: if (substr($src, -4) == '.swf') return tep_image_original ($src, $alt, $width, $height, $params); moved it further down - to change this: // Scale the image if not the original size if ($image_size[0] != $width || $image_size[1] != $height) { $rx = $image_size[0] / $width; $ry = $image_size[1] / $height; if ($rx < $ry) { $width = intval($height / $ratio); } else { $height = intval($width * $ratio); } $image = '<img src="product_thumb.php?img=' . $src . '&w=' . tep_output_string($width) . '&h=' . tep_output_string($height) . '"'; } } elseif (IMAGE_REQUIRED == 'false') { return ''; } } to this: // Scale the image if not the original size if ($image_size[0] != $width || $image_size[1] != $height) { $rx = $image_size[0] / $width; $ry = $image_size[1] / $height; if ($rx < $ry) { $width = intval($height / $ratio); } else { $height = intval($width * $ratio); } if (substr($src, -4) == '.swf') $image = '<embed src="' . $src . '"'; } else { $image = '<img src="product_thumb.php?img=' . $src . '&w=' . tep_output_string($width) . '&h=' . tep_output_string($height) . '"'; } } elseif (IMAGE_REQUIRED == 'false') { return ''; } } Initial testing seems to show that it covers all the bases and I don't even need to use the tep_image_original! swf files seem to be resizing/displaying properly, regular images seem to be thumnailing properly, and there doesn't seem to be the white flash of blank page while the images reload. ~ Fingers crossed ~ Sam, I could have never done it without you giving me that snippet! Thanks a million! Now, I'm still having an issue with IE - it reloads the images on EVERY page and I don't think it has anything to do with the OTF Thumbnailer. I uploaded a stock html_output file and it behaves the same way. I guess that's for another thread. Thank you Sam again - I'll let you know if it blows up!
  4. Hmmmm, this is going to need a little tweak - The swf file "thumbs" are showing up just fine now, but on any pages that display them, i get a momentary flash of white and then the page loads. It seems as though ALL the images are getting parsed again. In Firefox, it only seems to occur on pages with swf - and in IE it happens on every page. So close and yet...yet.... Any thoughts? Thanks so much!
  5. Oh got it!! That works a treat!! :) It never even occurred to me to use the whole original function in it's entirety. I had actually tried my hand at writing a new function tep_swf by stripping down the original function and escaping the new function - but I was really making a mess of it and more complicated than it needed to be. HA HA! There are those days when i think i do, but then there are days like today...... :blush: Hey spooks, thanks for taking the time to help me - I had already spent a day on this and was quite bleary-eyed, and if not for you I would be at it again today. My best to you -
  6. Hi! Great contribution! :) I just installed it and it seems to be working very well. One problem: because I replaced the tep_image function, I lost some previous modifications I made in that function that allowed swf to be handled as an embedded image. Some of my products are small flash movies/games, and it was nice having them display on product info pages and in the specials, etc. (even though they were downsized in the stock OsCommerce method of "squish it down"). Is there a way to add back in some kind of code that says "if a file is swf, bypass thumbnail function and pass it through as an embed"? I really hope someone can help me with this. I've been fooling around with it, but each time I think i have it, I am rudely awakened! Thanks so much!
  7. Hi All! I looked through the thread but didn't see - Does this work in 2.2ms2? Does it require some special changes? Thanks so much! It looks GREAT! :D
  8. Well, thank you Alex! That seems to do it. I'm going to test it further in several different scenarios, but it is working fine so far. When the voucher covers the entire order total and brings it to 0.00, my downloads are happily waiting at checkout_success for me. I don't know if it makes any difference, but my checkout_process is slightly reordered from the stock (a fix to pass ccgv(trad) variables correctly to my payment module). So this: $payment_modules->before_process(); is located AFTER this code: require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order_total.php'); $order_total_modules = new order_total; $order_totals = $order_total_modules->process(); instead of BEFORE that code. Do you foresee any issues? I'll keep testing over the next couple of days and let you know if all is working well. What a great mind you have. Thanks again, Patty
  9. Hi, I just installed this contribution and it works great! I had been using the original Downloads Controller up until now and it was terrific, but I do appreciate the added features of this one. I am using ccgv(trad) with this contribution and they both work together very well as long as there is a positive final order total that gets passed to a payment module. Downloads are available immediately at checkout if they have been appropriately paid for. There is only a problem when a voucher or coupon brings the order total down to 0.00. In that case, all payment modules are bypassed (normal behavior) and although my order is processed properly in most respects, it appears as if there is no call anywhere to update the status of the order. Obviously, downloads availability depends on the order status being updated, so I'm wondering if you have any ideas? Is this a common problem or did I just have something wrong? So if someone applies a voucher and their subsequent order total is even as little as $0.01, and they pay with credit card, etc., then their download is waiting. But, if someone applies a voucher that completely covers their purchase, and order total is 0.00, the order is processed but the download remains pending. It's skipping the payment modules, so therefore missing out on the payment module's updating! I see earlier that someone asked a similar question and you were going to take a look at the ccgv(trad) code. I did query Vger about this issue, but so far have not found a solution. Do you think somewhere in checkout_ process I could insert an "update status if order total =0" kind of statement? Any pointing in the right direction is appreciated. Thanks much, Patty
  10. 1) Has anyone found a way to sort by product name and 2) Has anyone fixed the missing info when sorting by client name? I would LOVE to get this working!! Thanks, Patty
  11. In addition to trying to create a SEARCH BY PRODUCT filter, I think I have come across one last bug. When I filter by STATUS all the information parameters are displayed properly. When I filter using SELECT CLIENT, there is mostly missing information in Client Details. Looks like: Account ID: Company: Customer Name: IS displayed Default Address: Suburb: Location: , , ZIP / Post Code: Telephone: Billing Name: Billing Address: Suburb: Location: , , ZIP / Post Code: Delivery Name: Delivery Address: Suburb: Location: , , ZIP / Post Code: FAX: Does anyone know the fix for this? Thanks! :thumbsup:
  12. Hi Again! Has anyone had any progress in creating a filter that will sort by product name? It would be extremely helpful feature for me. We have started selling "virtual" event tickets and I need to be able to print out a specific attendance list for each event date. I've been playing around with it, but I am more of a "copy and paster" and seem to just be making a mess of it. Could someone help point me in the right direction? Thanks so much!
  13. Also, what worked for me is I changed Line 242 to read: <td class="main" align="right" width="25%"><?php echo date('l, F dS, Y h:i:s A'); ?></td> Now it outputs the day of week, month, day, year and the time. I'm running PHP5 so maybe that's the deal. Anyway, hope it is useful! Thanks guys!
  14. Thanks for getting back so quick! The keyword changes worked great, and the search function seems to be working well. The change for the time caused the page not to load. Regarding the filter for sorting by product: Might I be able to include product name and/or product ID into the keywords for the search function? My ultimate goal is to be able to sort first by STATUS and then by PRODUCT NAME, but that may be too industrious for now! Thanks again!
  15. Hi All! I just installed the New_Improved_Orderlist_v5.1b posted today by insomniac2. It's NICE!! Thanks so much, it's just what I needed. Three things: 1) Today's Date (at top) is showing up Sunday, December 07, 2008. The start and end dates are defaulting just fine. 2) When i use the search function (like to search for customer name davis) I get this: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'o.payment_method like '%davis%' or o.cc_number like '%davis%' order by o.orders' at line 1 select distinct * from orders o where o.orders_id like '%davis%' or o.orders_id like '%davis%' or o.customers_name like '%davis%' or o.customers_id like '%davis%' or o.customers_id like '%davis%' or o.customers_company like '%davis%' or o.customers_street_address like '%davis%' or o.customers_suburb like '%davis%' or o.customers_city like '%davis%' or o.customers_postcode like '%davis%' or o.customers_state like '%davis%' or o.customers_country like '%davis%' or o.customers_telephone like '%davis%' or o.customers_email_address like '%davis%' or o.delivery_name like '%davis%' or o.delivery_company like '%davis%' or o.delivery_street_address like '%davis%' or o.delivery_suburb like '%davis%' or o.delivery_city like '%davis%' or o.delivery_postcode like '%davis%' or o.delivery_state like '%davis%' or o.delivery_country like '%davis%' or o.billing_name like '%davis%' or o.billing_company like '%davis%' or o.billing_street_address like '%davis%' or o.billing_suburb like '%davis%' or o.billing_city like '%davis%' or o.billing_postcode like '%davis%' or o.billing_state like '%davis%' or o.billing_country like '%davis%' o.payment_method like '%davis%' or o.cc_number like '%davis%' order by o.orders_id DESC 3) I would REALLY like to know how I can make a drop down function to sort by the product ID so I can have a list of the customers who bought just one particular product. Any ideas? :huh: Regardless of any little bugs, I love it! Thanks again to everyone who has worked so hard! Patty
  16. PROBLEM SOLVED! I ran this section of the SQL file again: INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES ('Welcome Gift Voucher Amount', 'NEW_SIGNUP_GIFT_VOUCHER_AMOUNT', '0', 'Welcome Gift Voucher Amount: If you do not wish to send a Gift Voucher in your create account email put 0 for no amount else if you do place the amount here i.e. 10.00 or 50.00 no currency signs', 1, 31, NULL, '2003-12-05 05:01:41', NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES ('Welcome Discount Coupon Code', 'NEW_SIGNUP_DISCOUNT_COUPON', '', 'Welcome Discount Coupon Code: if you do not want to send a coupon in your create account email leave blank else place the coupon code you wish to use', 1, 32, NULL, '2003-12-05 05:01:41', NULL, NULL); and THERE IT IS! In admin, under MY Store I see: Welcome Gift Voucher Amount 0 Welcome Discount Coupon Code So clearly, for whatever reason, these values were deleted when I restored my database to the "pre-CCGV" state, even thought the tables created remained.... I wonder what other values may need to be re-run in this situation? I'll be sure and let you know if I find any others. Thanks, again Vger! :thumbsup:
  17. Ok, now I'm thinking I'm just looney! Gift Vouchers and Discount Coupons are installed and a coupon is available. I can send it via email manually and it works great. But I don't see anything ANYWHERE about a "Welcome Voucher"- to enable it or set an amount, etc.! This is what I see in my admin panel under configuration. Am I crazy or is there supposed to be a heading for the "Welcome Voucher" at the bottom ? I'm almost positive I saw it the first time... Configuration My Store Minimum Values Maximum Values Images Customer Details Shipping/Packaging Product Listing Stock Logging Cache E-Mail Options Download GZip Compression Sessions Here's what I see under Certificates/ Coupons Certificates/Coupons Coupon Admin Gift Certificate Queue Mail Gift Certificate Gift Certificates Sent I know I must have missed something... I'll go through it all again and check it out. Thanks! :thumbsup:
  18. Thanks for the reply, Vger! I realize I should have done a better job explaining myself in my earlier post. I apologize... My brain was overextended! My built-in store email functions are all configured and do work properly. My problem is with the coupon/voucher automatic emails... When I tried my first go round with the install, I noticed in admin, under configuration, an option to set up a welcome gift voucher amount (you also reference this in your install instructions). But now that isn't there. I must have forgotten SOMETHING but what? Everything else seems to be in order... As for databases, are you saying that even though I restored my database to a "pre-gift voucher installation" time, I do not need to re-run the SQL file? All of that information remains in the database even after a restore to an earlier time? The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know.... I thank you again for your time and patience! :thumbsup:
  19. Hi! REALLY GREAT CONTRIBUTION! I installed this a few weeks ago on my heavily modified site so I did everything by hand. I uploaded all the changed pages, and ran the SQL file. Unfortunately, my first attempt was BUST!! So, I restored my old database from the OsCommerce admin, and CAREFULLY went through and made the changes again, and lo and behold, It WORKS! But I didn't re-run the SQL file.... Yet when I looked at my database, it seems as though the tables that were created from the first SQL run are still there... I'm not really very experienced with databases yet, so I guess those tables remain unless I manually delete them.. :huh: Here's my question... Although I haven't done extensive testing, everything seems to be working except for the option in admin to set the automatic emails that get sent when a customer creates an account, etc. Can I run the entire SQL file again with no ill effects or will it double the tables that are already there? Do I need to just run the section of the SQL file that deals with that email function and what part of the file would that be? I thank you so much for your time to answer my question! :thumbsup:
  20. Did any one ever find the solution to this issue? I can't seem to find anything ANYWHWERE!! Any suggestion is welcomed! Thanks! :thumbsup:
  21. Hi Guys! My first post EVER so please be kind! I installed this mod a few weeks ago and after a little researching and tweaking, it seems to be working SPLENDIDLY! I have one real problem that I saw mentioned earlier in this thread, but I don't see that it was ever resolved. I've looked everywhere so now I have to ask for help. :-" Everything is fine when checkout includes a physical product as well as a downloadable item. The issue happens only when checkout is for a download ONLY. I have Paypal Pro as my cc gateway, and since osc checkout for downloads skips the shipping page all together, and Paypal seems to want that information, it keeps returning this error (10530) The city in the shipping address is missing. Does anyone know the fix for this? Could I somehow set a hidden parameter for the "shipping address" to equal the billing address and automatically pass that info along? I'm grateful for any direction! Thanks! :thumbsup:
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