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Everything posted by Simpel

  1. I like easy populate and want now 2 languages on my site. There for I use also "Manufacturers Multilanguage, with Description" ( contribution). Stand alone these 2 contributions works fine. But I like to have an integration. Something has going wrong with gaving the manufactures an other language. Easy populate puts the default language in the manufactures table, but the de different languages are defined in the manufacturers_info table. Does someone in this forum got these 2 working?
  2. In the normal way I think the contribution works well for me. but because of 6000 items . I use Easy populate. And that's the problem! This will not works very well for me. Because of the 2 tables manufacturers and manufacturers_info. Does someone got this contribution with easy populate?
  3. got the same problem. I cleanup all the database tables and did some new input. I there already a solution for this problem?
  4. Is there somebody who used this with easy populate?
  5. I got the same error. You'd better do this by hand.
  6. I got two languages. Dutch and English. After the installing. I can choose manufacturers in front of the default language. But when I choose the other language. The manufacturers box has disappeared. Can someone upload the manufacturers menu of different languages in the backoffice? I like to see how this menu looks like.
  7. step 4: 4) Replace your (catalog)/admin/manufacturers.php with the one provided with this contribution. Only do so if you haven't made any other changes to it yet. If you already made changes to this file then you will have to compare the two and make the changes by hand. What are these changes??
  8. Well the default works not for me! I post only the solution what I make and it works fine for me now.
  9. If you got some error with the orderlink in the customermail, after updating your order or change the status in the background. Change this in your order.php into
  10. Ok here my solution In the languagefile there was an error: changed into this
  11. Here a change in the checkout.php. I got a wrong internetlink to page in the order mail. change this to: $Varlogo = ''.VARLOGO.'' ; $Vartable1 = ''.VARTABLE1.'' ; $Vartable2 = ''.VARTABLE2.'' ; $Vartext1 = ' <b>' . EMAIL_TEXT_DEAR . ' ' . $order->customer['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->customer['lastname'] .' </b><br>'. EMAIL_MESSAGE_GREETING ; $Vartext2 = ' ' . EMAIL_TEXT_ORDER_NUMBER . ' <STRONG> ' . $insert_id . '</STRONG><br>' . EMAIL_TEXT_DATE_ORDERED . '<strong>' . strftime[u](DATE_FORMAT_LONG) . '</strong><br><br><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT_HISTORY_INFO, 'order_id=' . $insert_id, 'SSL', false) .'">' . EMAIL_TEXT_INVOICE_URL . '</a>' ; [/u] $Varmailfooter = ''.VARMAILFOOTER.'' ; $VarArticles= ''.EMAIL_TEXT_PRODUCTS_ARTICLES.'' ;
  12. unfortunately not for me. I changed it directly into the html file and works ok for now
  13. Well this not working for me. The %s dissapears but also the status change was gone. And the comments I make, never showed up. is there some other solution?
  14. In the adres information, delivery address and billing adress I got between every sentence spaces. I don't linke that, where can I fix this? I installed the latest version.
  15. How do you get these colors? My layout is all white. Only dark grey at the logo, and very light grey till the product layout (Image/Model/qty/total. The rest white!
  16. This is a very nice contribution. Does anyone know or there is a html contribution for wishlist? with picture?
  17. Is it possible to put a little picture in the wishlist of the product? Thanks in advance.
  18. Hello, I installed the latest version. before I got 2.7.3. When I enter a value below the Sub-total, the sum will be automatic right in the total. But with 5.06 I have to push the update button first. Is there a solution for this? Because I like the automatic sum. When I change the quantity the rule will automatically change
  19. This is a very nice contribution! I got only one problem. I like to have a pulldown menu in the new category boxes. I tried and it works. But now I get an pull down menu of all the categories and not the one I had choosen to put in my new category boxes. Does anyone got an solution? I thought it will be a mix of those: $info_box_contents = array(); ------------------------- $info_box_contents[] = array('text' => new_tep_show_category $boxId,$cPath_array,$tree,$first_element)); and $info_box_contents[] = array('form' => '<form action="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '" method="get">' . tep_hide_session_id(), 'align' => 'left', 'text' => tep_draw_pull_down_menu('cPath', tep_get_paths(array(array('id' => '', 'text' => PULL_DOWN_DEFAULT))), $cPath, 'onchange="this.form.submit();"') ); --------------------- Thanks in advance
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