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beerbee last won the day on January 18 2018

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About beerbee

  • Birthday 11/16/1964

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    Kulmbach Germany

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  1. Hi, I've had the same problems when I tried to install on a shared hosting into a subfolder like /shop. The problem is with not writing the rewrite base entries in both .htaccess files, only after entering the correct rewrite base values I could access the splash and the admin. No luck with watches and furniture though. Another question maybe a dumb one: What are the symlinks for? And a litlte note: I hope the name of the admin folder will be changeable on install in the future for security reasons. Kind regards Christoph
  2. Yes I know, this fix is already implemented on my install. This shows up : Notice: Undefined index: enthaltene MwSt. 7% in /xxx/phoenix/includes/modules/content/shopping_cart/cm_sc_order_total.php on line 74 under the following circumstances: I'm not logged in, have free shipping because order amount is above level, and have products with 19 and 7 tax in the cart, If I log in all good. I noticed if mixed it always the last products thats added tax, can be 19 too. I have tried to add the fix from core there please check PM the third one seems to fix both ways but I know my limitations... Best regards Christoph
  3. In the hopes of not to be too much of a bore 😉, I get an undefined error regarding tax on shipping (19%) in cm_sc_order_:total.php - I tried something, will pm for the safety of the community. BR C
  4. Hi Rainer, there seems to have something from two page _TWOPAGE_ checkout found its way into cm_sc_shipping.php, line 106 (116 too) $order->delivery = ['postcode' => ($_POST['zip_code'] ?? MODULE_CONTENT_SC_TWOPAGE_SHIPPING_DEFAULT_ZIP), Best regards Christoph
  5. Hi Rainer, as i was struggling with reviews write I noticed that on the write page the module is not active and can not get activated. Which I think is a result of the scan for pages function which does not include ext/modules files like the write.php there. Best regards Christoph
  6. Hi, don't know if it is only me, but if i only have products without attributes in my cart I got two define errors on checkout. changed both lines in 127 and 213 this way: $products_attributes = $order->products[$i]['attributes'] ?? ''; in templates/override/includes/hooks/shop/siteWide/qtPro.php Best regards Christoph
  7. Schau mal ob Du in den Einstellungen etwas von character conversion findest, damit sollten umlaute in urls entsprechend umgewandelt werden.
  8. No, I'm far from live (sadly), so I'll keep it on - it was just to let you know, thanks! BR C
  9. Hi @raiwa, thanks for the update. We have 19% tax on shipping and some of our products are sold with 7%. As long as there are only 7% products in the shopping cart I get: Undefined index: enthaltene MwSt. 19% in /phoenix/includes/modules/order_total/ot_shipping.php on line 56. Best regards Christoph
  10. Hi Rainer, regarding the sort order of options and values. I was stumbling over this as I was looking into pad_base.php In phoenix (v1.0.7.10) /admin/attributes.php expects the field sort_order in table products_options and products_options_values, so this seems to be the core ordering option. In cm_pi_qtpro_options.php the install process seems to look for another field: // Check if option/attributes sort order is used and add configuration entry if (tep_db_num_rows(tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='". DB_DATABASE . "' AND TABLE_NAME='products_options' AND COLUMN_NAME LIKE 'products_options_sort_order'")) == 1 ) { So this option won'be available on vanilla phoenix if I understand correctly. There seems to be no option for sorting the values by the column sort_order in products_options_values. Or do I miss something? Best regards Christoph
  11. Hi Rainer, I'm on OSCOM CE Phoenix v1.0.7.10 and getting the the follwing error if editing a product that has no attributes, if I try to save. Notice: Undefined index: stockquantity in /includes/hooks/admin/categories/catQtPro.php on line 32 I disabled all other category hooks and don't know what I may be missing. Best regards Christoph
  12. Hi, got it working so far, I'm using https://apps.oscommerce.com/4L2fE&base-price-2-0 partially, which means I use the function that is put in functions general (changed a bit) , and DB entires . To avoid core code changes as far as possible I had to make up a new theme, to change tpl_ files there, and also the includes/components/product:_listing.php. Example: from /includes/modules/content/index/templates/tpl_cm_i_card_products 2.php echo sprintf(IS_PRODUCT_SHOW_PRICE, $currencies->display_price($card_products['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($card_products['products_tax_class_id']))); to /templates/mytemplate/includes/modules/content/indextpl_cm_i_card_products 2.php echo sprintf(IS_PRODUCT_SHOW_PRICE, $currencies->display_price($card_products['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($card_products['products_tax_class_id'])) . tep_get_products_display_price($card_products['products_id'], true)); Best regards Christoph
  13. Yes thanks, I'll do it via template for now. Best regards Christoph
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