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About Drako

  • Birthday 10/21/1977

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  1. Does anyone know or is going to develop a module to sell products warranty extension? I'm thinking of something like this: http://www.frozencpu.com/products/11676/cpu-tri-77/Thermalright_Silver_Arrow_SB-E_Dual_Fan_Universal_CPU_Cooler_Sockets_775_1156_1366_2011_AM2_AM2_AM3_AM3_FM1.html?id=qMFB8yAn but with the only options of having a 2 year extedn or 3 year aextend based on a % of the products value (maybe 5% - 8% or something). Any suggestion? Do i have to do this myself?
  2. The solution is as it is, i paied for that and on my site it work. Check it here: www.drako.it
  3. So, i've payed a programmer, and he found the solution. Should be OK to just overwrite the old file, but i suggest a file compare just to be sure. The file is the ajax_sc.JS in the catalog\js folder: SHOW_ADDED = 1; // set 0 if you no need show Offset_X = -10; Offset_Y = -30; /** * Subsys_JsHttpRequest_Js: JavaScript DHTML data loader. * (C) 2005 Dmitry Koterov, http://forum.dklab.ru/users/DmitryKoterov/ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html * * Do not remove this comment if you want to use script! * * This library tries to use XMLHttpRequest (if available), and on * failure - use dynamically created <script> elements. Backend code * is the same for both cases. * * @author Dmitry Koterov * @version 3.29 */ function Subsys_JsHttpRequest_Js() { this._construct() } (function() { // to create local-scope variables var COUNT = 0; var PENDING = {}; var CACHE = {}; // Called by server script on data load. Subsys_JsHttpRequest_Js.dataReady = function(id, text, js) { var undef; var th = PENDING[id]; delete PENDING[id]; if (th) { delete th._xmlReq; if (th.caching) CACHE[th.hash] = [text, js]; th._dataReady(text, js); } else if (typeof(th) != typeof(undef)) { alert("ScriptLoader: unknown pending id: "+id); } } Subsys_JsHttpRequest_Js.prototype = { // Standard properties. onreadystatechange: null, readyState: 0, responseText: null, responseXML: null, status: 200, statusText: "OK", // Additional properties. session_name: "osCsid", // set to SID cookie or GET parameter name responseJS: null, // JavaScript response array/hash caching: false, // need to use caching? // Internals. _span: null, _id: null, _xmlReq: null, _openArg: null, _reqHeaders: null, dummy: function() {}, // empty function abort: function() { if (this._xmlReq) return this._xmlReq.abort(); if (this._span) { this.readyState = 0; if (this.onreadystatechange) this.onreadystatechange(); this._cleanupScript(); } }, open: function(method, url, asyncFlag, username, password) { this._openArg = { 'method': method, 'url': url, 'asyncFlag': asyncFlag, 'username': username, 'password': password }; this._id = null; this._xmlReq = null; this._reqHeaders = []; return true; }, send: function(content) { var id = (new Date().getTime()) + "" + COUNT++; // Build QUERY_STRING from query hash. var query = this._hash2query(content); // Append SID to original URL now. var url = this._openArg.url; var sid = this._getSid(); if (sid) url += (url.indexOf('?')>=0? '&' : '?') + this.session_name + "=" + this.escape(sid); // Solve hash BEFORE appending ID. var hash = this.hash = url + '?' + query; if (this.caching && CACHE[hash]) { var c = CACHE[hash]; this._dataReady(c[0], c[1]); return false; } // Try to use XMLHttpRequest. this._xmlReq = this._obtainXmlReq(id, url); // Pass data in URL (GET, HEAD etc.) or in request body (POST)? var hasSetHeader = this._xmlReq && (window.ActiveXObject || this._xmlReq.setRequestHeader); var href, body; if (this._xmlReq && hasSetHeader && (""+this._openArg.method).toUpperCase() == "POST") { // Use POST method. Pass query in request body. // Opera 8.01 does not support setRequestHeader, so no POST method. this._openArg.method = "POST"; href = url; body = query; } else { this._openArg.method = "GET"; href = url + (url.indexOf('?')>=0? '&' : '?') + query; body = null; } // Append ID: a=aaa&b=bbb&<id> href = href + (href.indexOf('?')>=0? '&' : '?') + id; // Save loading script. PENDING[id] = this; if (this._xmlReq) { // Open request now & send it. // In XMLHttpRequest mode request URL MUST be ended with "<id>-xml". var a = this._openArg; this._xmlReq.open(a.method, href+"-xml", a.asyncFlag, a.username, a.password); if (hasSetHeader) { // Pass pending headers. for (var i=0; i<this._reqHeaders.length; i++) this._xmlReq.setRequestHeader(this._reqHeaders[i][0], this._reqHeaders[i][1]); // Set non-default Content-type. We cannot use // "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" here, because // in PHP variable HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is accessible only when // enctype is not default (e.g., "application/octet-stream" // is a good start). We parse POST data manually in backend // library code. this._xmlReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'); } // Send the request. return this._xmlReq.send(body); } else { // Create <script> element and run it. this._obtainScript(id, href); return true; } }, getAllResponseHeaders: function() { if (this._xmlReq) return this._xmlReq.getAllResponseHeaders(); return ''; }, getResponseHeader: function(label) { if (this._xmlReq) return this._xmlReq.getResponseHeader(label); return ''; }, setRequestHeader: function(label, value) { // Collect headers. this._reqHeaders[this._reqHeaders.length] = [label, value]; }, // // Internal functions. // // Constructor. _construct: function() {}, // Do all work when data is ready. _dataReady: function(text, js) { with (this) { if (text !== null || js !== null) { readyState = 4; responseText = responseXML = text; responseJS = js; } else { readyState = 0; responseText = responseXML = responseJS = null; } if (onreadystatechange) onreadystatechange(); _cleanupScript(); }}, // Create new XMLHttpRequest object. _obtainXmlReq: function(id, url) { // If url.domain specified, cannot use XMLHttpRequest! // XMLHttpRequest (and MS ActiveX'es) cannot work with different domains. if (url.match(new RegExp('^[a-z]+://', 'i'))) return null; // Try to use built-in loaders. var req = null; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { try { req = new XMLHttpRequest() } catch(e) {} } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } catch(e) {} if (!req) try { req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") } catch (e) {} } if (req) { var th = this; req.onreadystatechange = function() { var s = req.readyState; if (s == 4) { // Avoid memory leak by removing closure. req.onreadystatechange = th.dummy; // Remove possible junk from response. var responseText = req.responseText; try { // Call associated dataReady(). eval(responseText); } catch (e) { Subsys_JsHttpRequest_Js.dataReady(id, "JavaScript code generated by backend is invalid!\n"+responseText, null); } } else { th.readyState = s; if (th.onreadystatechange) th.onreadystatechange() } }; this._id = id; } return req; }, // Create new script element and start loading. _obtainScript: function(id, href) { with (document) { var span = null; // Oh shit! Damned stupid fucked Opera 7.23 does not allow to create SCRIPT // element over createElement (in HEAD or BODY section or in nested SPAN - // no matter): it is created deadly, and does not respons on href assignment. // So - always create SPAN. span = body.appendChild(createElement("SPAN")); span.style.display = 'none'; span.innerHTML = 'Text for stupid IE.<s'+'cript></' + 'script>'; setTimeout(function() { var s = span.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.language = "JavaScript"; s.type = "text/javascript"; //if (s.setAttribute) s.setAttribute('src', href); else s.src = href; $.get( href, function(data) { s.innerHTML = data; } ); }, 10); this._id = id; this._span = span; }}, // Remove last used script element (clean memory). _cleanupScript: function() { var span = this._span; if (span) { this._span = null; setTimeout(function() { // without setTimeout - crash in IE 5.0! span.parentNode.removeChild(span); }, 50); } return false; }, // Convert hash to QUERY_STRING. _hash2query: function(content, prefix) { if (prefix == null) prefix = ""; var query = []; if (content instanceof Object) { for (var k in content) { var v = content[k]; if (v == null || ((v.constructor||{}).prototype||{})[k]) continue; var curPrefix = prefix? prefix+'['+this.escape(k)+']' : this.escape(k); if (v instanceof Object) query[query.length] = this._hash2query(v, curPrefix); else query[query.length] = curPrefix + "=" + this.escape(v); } } else { query = [content]; } return query.join('&'); }, // Return value of SID based on QUERY_STRING or cookie // (PHP compatible sessions). _getSid: function() { var m = document.location.search.match(new RegExp('[&?]'+this.session_name+'=([^&?]*)')); var sid = null; if (m) { sid = m[1]; } else { var m = document.cookie.match(new RegExp(s='(;|^)\\s*'+this.session_name+'=([^;]*)')); if (m) sid = m[2]; } return sid; }, // Stupid JS escape() does not quote '+'. escape: function(s) { return escape(s).replace(new RegExp('\\+','g'), '%2B'); } } })(); function addHandler(object, event, handler) { // Thanks xpoint.ru! if (typeof object.addEventListener != 'undefined') object.addEventListener(event, handler, false); else if (typeof object.attachEvent != 'undefined') object.attachEvent('on' + event, handler); else { var handlersProp = '_handlerStack_' + event; var eventProp = 'on' + event; if (typeof object[handlersProp] == 'undefined') { object[handlersProp] = []; if (typeof object[eventProp] != 'undefined') object[handlersProp].push(object[eventProp]); object[eventProp] = function(e) { var ret = true; for (var i = 0; ret != false && i < object[handlersProp].length; i++) ret = object[handlersProp][i](e); return ret; } } object[handlersProp].push(handler); } } function removeHandler(object, event, handler) { // Thanks xpoint.ru! if (typeof object.removeEventListener != 'undefined') object.removeEventListener(event, handler, false); else if (typeof object.detachEvent != 'undefined') object.detachEvent('on' + event, handler); else { var handlersProp = '_handlerStack_' + event; if (typeof object[handlersProp] != 'undefined') { for (var i = 0; i < object[handlersProp].length; i++) { if (object[handlersProp][i] == handler) { object[handlersProp].splice(i, 1); return; } } } } } /** AJAXBuyNow v2.0 author Weretennikoff Andrew aka Medreces [email protected] Released under the GNU General Public License */ var x, y; var loadingImage = new Image(); var okImage = new Image(); loadingImage.src = "images/loading.gif"; okImage.src = "images/ok.gif"; if (window.opera || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > -1)) { //IE + Opera getM_x = function () { return event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft; } getM_y = function () { return event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop; } } else { // Mozilla addHandler(document, 'mousemove', function(e) { x = e.pageX; y = e.pageY; }); getM_x = function () { return x; } getM_y = function () { return y; } } function showOk() { var imgLoading = document.getElementById("_loading_"); with (imgLoading) { src = okImage.src; style.visibility = "visible"; } } function hideOk() { if(document.getElementById("_loading_")) document.getElementById('_loading_').style.visibility = "hidden"; removeHandler(document, 'mousemove', hideOk); } function showLoading() { var imgLoading = document.getElementById("_loading_"); if(!imgLoading) { imgLoading = document.createElement("img"); with(imgLoading) { id = "_loading_"; style.position = "absolute"; style.visibility = "hidden"; } document.body.appendChild(imgLoading); } with(imgLoading) { src = loadingImage.src; style.left = (getM_x() + Offset_X) + "px"; style.top = (getM_y() + Offset_Y) + "px"; style.visibility = "visible"; } } function hideLoading() { if(document.getElementById("_loading_")) document.getElementById("_loading_").style.visibility = "hidden"; } function doBuyNowGet( link ) { showLoading(); var reqAddCart = new Subsys_JsHttpRequest_Js(); reqAddCart.onreadystatechange = function() { if (reqAddCart.readyState == 4) { if (reqAddCart.responseJS) { document.location.href = reqAddCart.responseJS.ajax_redirect; return; } else { document.getElementById('divShoppingCard').innerHTML = (reqAddCart.responseText||''); hideLoading(); if ( SHOW_ADDED ) { showOk(); timerID = setTimeout( "addHandler(document, \'mousemove\', hideOk)", 500); } } } } //reqAddCart.caching = false; reqAddCart.open('GET', link, true); reqAddCart.send(); } function doAddProduct(form) { showLoading(); var reqAddCart = new Subsys_JsHttpRequest_Js(); reqAddCart.onreadystatechange = function() { if (reqAddCart.readyState == 4) { if (reqAddCart.responseJS) { document.location.href = reqAddCart.responseJS.ajax_redirect; return; } else { document.getElementById('divShoppingCard').innerHTML = (reqAddCart.responseText||'') if ( SHOW_ADDED ) { showOk(); timerID = setTimeout( "addHandler(document, \'mousemove\', hideOk)", 500); } } } } // ñîáèðàåì âñå ýëåìåíòû ôîðìû: var senddata = new Object(); var fe = form.elements; for(var i=0 ; i<fe.length ; i++) { if ( fe[i].type=="radio" || fe[i].type=="checkbox" ) { if ( fe[i].checked ) senddata[fe[i].name] = fe[i].value; } else { senddata[fe[i].name] = fe[i].value; } } var url = 'ajax_shopping_cart.php?' + ( senddata.products_id ? 'products_id='+senddata.products_id+'&' : "" ) + 'action=add_product'; reqAddCart.caching = false; reqAddCart.open( form.method, url, true); reqAddCart.send( senddata ); return false; }
  4. Nobody else got this problem?
  5. If i were you i won't complain about this nice app and i wuold try to fix it. From my poitn of view it's a great piece of software that need some fix here and there. It work great on my site with a few tune i did to fit my project. Cheers everyone
  6. http://www.drako.it/drako_catalog/product_...roducts_id=4832 i've the same effect, but it's a mere javascript runnig there... if u like i can post the little code...but it is heavily modded
  7. I've seens this site, wich use a very nice barcode renderer. http://www.aquatuning.de/product_info.php/...Micro-Trap.html Anyone know which one this is? I think it's none of the ones listened in the contrib section, and i was unable to find it on the net... Anyone? :blink:
  8. Just wanna share my tought about this contrib, wich i use since 3 years now... 1)The new Add Product Module is worst than the last one, the one in ver 3, and very similar to original one, so very slow and incomplete. 2)The Shipping module is buggy, meaning that if u have special char in the shipping name or description (i used to have some html in it) the code get corrupted and if u made any modify to the tax box, everything will lost the description and/or everything will be set to zero... 3)The comment part (AJAX) is not working, and sometimes the ajax gif just stay there forvere, not updating the comment status and anything else everything else seems fine, but just as it where with ver 2.9 with i will stick with till all these bugs will be fixed, or till i've got enought time to fix them myself. Just my 2 cent. Enjoy this great contrib, wich save us lot of time during the working process.
  9. Submitted same post on you forum too.
  10. The contribution seems quite cool, i'm testing it on my develop server ight now, and got no problem at all since now. But i feel that something is missing, and would be very cool to have some more features like this: 1) Is IMPERATIVE to know how much Discount and/or Gift are around: a list of customers with their Voucher Balance is necessary, and possibly a list of the gift not already redeemed 2) If i just need to generate a Gift Voucher without sending a mail, that's not possibile, and i've to send it to my account and tell the customers the code by voice, or print the email, after having reedemed the coupon and so on... that's too long, and a new menu for just generate coupon would be a nice shortcut. beside this two little lacks (wich i'll gonna do myself if the Boss of this contrib would allow me) the contrib is a piece of cake!
  11. Anyone got this to work with subfolder?
  12. This is working just for STS or could work for a normal OSC too? I'm getting crazy let this od work with GZip enabled...
  13. WHat to say? Supercooooooool! I'll definitively git it a try now!
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