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  1. For those running 2.2, I had some problems with a "fatal error" and was not getting USPS rates. I discovered that I had previously set my host to use PHP 4.X a couple of years ago. I changed that so it is now using the latest version of PHP (5.X). After that I had to make a small edit to admin/includes/classes/update.php (comment out the line "$this = null;" at or around line 31) and then everything worked. I'm not sure if that's a solution for anyone else, but I thought I'd let y'all know. And thanks to Jetta for pointing me to the PHP version as my problem.
  2. The U.S. Postal Service is changing their APIs for rate caculation. They say that web sites have to be updated prior to March 31 to continue working. I've been looking for an updated module here on the osCommerce forums but can't find one. All I want to do is update my site so that it will continue to work with USPS info after March 31. But all I've seen here are modules that add shipping methods features that I don't need. Are there simple instruction somewhere so that this update can be implemented? I appreciate any help.
  3. Hi Jetta et al, I've been reading this thread and still have some confusion about upgrading to the new Rate Calculator V4: Will this module (USPS Rate V4 Intl Rate V2) work in OSCommerce 2.2? Which is the the most recent version with the full set of files? If I just want to make the changes USPS requires to use the new V4 Rate Calculator, are there instructions for just that? Thanks for any help.
  4. I'm still having the problem below and would appreciate any suggestions. Mibble suggested using double slashes (//) which partially helped. Now I get the single slashes to load correctly, but it is still dropping the first semi-colon. Any ideas? --> Thanks.
  5. Thanks Mibble... ... for suggesting that I use double backslashes (\\). That partially helped. Now I get the single slashes to load correctly, but it is still dropping the first semi-colon. Thanks again...
  6. I have this line in my product description: \"; include(\DIR_WS_MODULES . \"group_text.php\"); \" This loads my group_text.php file. In that file I have code that will display different product description data for different customer groups. The problem I'm having is that Easy Populate loads this as: " include(DIR_WS_MODULES . "group_text.php"); " It strips out the backslashes and, for some reason, the first semi-colon. Can this be fixed? I tried deleting the product description column from the the upload file, but it placed nothing in the product description field, erasing what was there. As an alternative, is there a way I can change the contents of a single field (i.e. price) without uploading all the data that Easy Populate does? Then I could update just the relevant field and leave the product description field alone. Thanks, Mark
  7. Hi JanZ, I got SPPC and Master Products working together after much frustation and with the help of this forum and you. I want to help others who are trying to do this but I'm not much of a programmer. I saved a folder with the files I modified to merge SPPC and MP and I thought I could make those files available to others, maybe as a contribution. But these files were already fairly heavily modified for my site when I added MP. What I'm getting at is, can you or someone take my files, remove my customizations, and convert them to a more plain vanilla example of how to merge these two contribs? That way others can benefit from it. I don't think I can backtrack it like that.
  8. Thanks again for your help in the Master Products forum. Here is a product page on my site. I am referring to to the option column in the slave table. Isn't that where attributes/options created in admin would show up? If so, can I display that column only for Retail customers? I hope I'm being clear.
  9. That worked. Thanks so much for your help.
  10. I did think the problem might be in the database (as I said in the post below). I checked the 'configuration' db and found what appear to be duplicate records. There are 11 of them. I guess I can just delete them? I'm a little scared.
  11. I tried to find the problem myself but could not. I think it is in admin/configuration.php, but I'm not enough of a programmer to figure it out. Here's the code I suspect: <?php $configuration_query = tep_db_query("select configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_value, use_function from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_group_id = '" . (int)$gID . "' order by sort_order"); while ($configuration = tep_db_fetch_array($configuration_query)) { if (tep_not_null($configuration['use_function'])) { $use_function = $configuration['use_function']; if (ereg('->', $use_function)) { $class_method = explode('->', $use_function); if (!is_object(${$class_method[0]})) { include(DIR_WS_CLASSES . $class_method[0] . '.php'); ${$class_method[0]} = new $class_method[0](); } $cfgValue = tep_call_function($class_method[1], $configuration['configuration_value'], ${$class_method[0]}); } else { $cfgValue = tep_call_function($use_function, $configuration['configuration_value']); } } else { $cfgValue = $configuration['configuration_value']; } if ((!isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['cID']) || (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['cID']) && ($HTTP_GET_VARS['cID'] == $configuration['configuration_id']))) && !isset($cInfo) && (substr($action, 0, 3) != 'new')) { $cfg_extra_query = tep_db_query("select configuration_key, configuration_description, date_added, last_modified, use_function, set_function from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_id = '" . (int)$configuration['configuration_id'] . "'"); $cfg_extra = tep_db_fetch_array($cfg_extra_query); $cInfo_array = array_merge($configuration, $cfg_extra); $cInfo = new objectInfo($cInfo_array); } if ( (isset($cInfo) && is_object($cInfo)) && ($configuration['configuration_id'] == $cInfo->configuration_id) ) { echo ' <tr id="defaultSelected" class="dataTableRowSelected" onmouseover="rowOverEffect(this)" onmouseout="rowOutEffect(this)" onclick="document.location.href=\'' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['gID'] . '&cID=' . $cInfo->configuration_id . '&action=edit') . '\'">' . "\n"; } else { echo ' <tr class="dataTableRow" onmouseover="rowOverEffect(this)" onmouseout="rowOutEffect(this)" onclick="document.location.href=\'' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['gID'] . '&cID=' . $configuration['configuration_id']) . '\'">' . "\n"; } ?> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- <td class="dataTableContent"><?php echo $configuration['configuration_title']; ?></td> <td class="dataTableContent"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($cfgValue); ?></td> <td class="dataTableContent" align="right"><?php if ( (isset($cInfo) && is_object($cInfo)) && ($configuration['configuration_id'] == $cInfo->configuration_id) ) { echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icon_arrow_right.gif', ''); } else { echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['gID'] . '&cID=' . $configuration['configuration_id']) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icon_info.gif', IMAGE_ICON_INFO) . '</a>'; } ?> </td> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- </tr> <?php } ?> The code between the dashed lines appears to write the lines in question. So why does it write them twice? I thought it might have something to do with the 'while' statement at the top, but I don't really know how to interpret it. I also thought it could by in my database, but I'm not sure what to look for there, either. It might help if I knew what I was doing :-) If you think it is in product_info.php, can you tell me where? Thanks again.
  12. Can anyone tell me why each item in the Slave Products area of Admin is listed twice? Like this: Display Slave Product Name 5 Display Slave Product Name 5 Display Slave Product Model 1 Display Slave Product Model 1 etc...... All assistance is appreciated. Mark
  13. I think so. Attributes/options. I'm an artist. My master product is the artwork. My slaves are note cards, magnets, t-shirts, etc. I want to create, for example, an attribute (bundle) with options (6-pack, 12-pack), but only for retail customers. Wholesale customers will already be purchasing in quantity. Isn't that why there is an 'option' column in the slave table? Thanks.
  14. OK, I've got a good one for y'all... I'm using SPPC with Master Products. I would like create attributes for a six-pack and twelve-pack option for my Retail customers only. Can I create attributes that are only available to the Retail group? Thanks, Mark
  15. Oh man, do I feel dumb. I've been so busy editing code, I forgot completely about Admin. However, now that I've been to the Slave Products section of Admin, I noticed that each item is listed twice, i.e.: Display Slave Product Name 5 Display Slave Product Name 5 Display Slave Product Model 1 Display Slave Product Model 1 etc...... It seems to work OK, but I'd still like to fix it, if someone knows how.
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