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    John Wetzel

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  1. Thanks Jack. Rather than start over, I made the file changes to see if that would rectify things. The html_output change caused an error, but making the two changes to application_topl.php allows those visitors to appear in the report. So we may be missing a few features, but it seems to be working okay. Thank you!
  2. Hi Jack, Thank you for this wonderful add-on. Installation is done (phoenix, but for some reason we are only seeing visitors to admin. Not visitors within catalog. Tried to be fastidious! What did we mess up? You are awesome!
  3. Thank you! I'm not out of the woods, unfortunately. Still can't get this thing to work. The module just will not load into check-out. When I check connection in Manage Module, I get: "A connection to Braintree could not be made using TLS v1.2. Please consult with your hosting provider to upgrade the cURL version that is installed with your PHP web server to support TLS v1.2 connections." It's hard to imagine the server is behind on cURL version for a 4 year old APP. Also, for some reason the 'Remove Module' choice just sends one to 'Manage Module' in admin. Wanted to remove and reinstall Braintree, but can't seem do that.
  4. I have just installed the Braintree module, and am having trouble getting it to work. I need these credentials in admin: Merchant Accounts Merchant accounts and defined currencies. EUR: USD: The contribution guide indicates the merchant accounts can be found in Braintree -> Dashboard -> Processing, but from this end, the information is nowhere to be found. The module looks like it was produced in 2017. The payment module I am using was included with Phoenix. If anyone has an idea where I might find the "Merchant Accounts" information, or if you know some other way to get past this issue, I would appreciate it.
  5. Things are moving along. Added this to create_account.php (after the new customer is inserted into DB but before the declaration of the session variables) // create paywhirl customer $state_name = convertState($state); if ($state_name == 'false') {$state_name = $state;} $paywhirlCustomer = array('first_name' => $firstname, 'last_name' => $lastname, 'email' => $email_address, 'phone' => $telephone, 'address' => $street_address, 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state_name, 'zip' => $postcode, 'country' => $country, 'currency' => 'USD'); // the created customer is returned as an array $myobj = $paywhirl->createCustomer($paywhirlCustomer); $myobj2 = $paywhirl->getCustomer($email_address); $objectToArray = (array)$myobj2; $paywhirl_id = $objectToArray['id']; tep_db_query("UPDATE customers SET paywhirl_id = '" . $paywhirl_id . "' where customers_id = '".(int)$customer_id ."'"); //ALSO further down in the session variable declarations: tep_session_register('paywhirl_id'); This procedure creates a duplicate Paywhirl customer record on their database whenever an oscommerce customer is created. It then queries their database for 'id', which is the unique ID paywhirl assigns a customer when it is created. The paywhirl ID is then put into the oscommerce 'customers' table (a new field) which then will join the two sets of records, If the customer never chooses a subscription service, the information will just reside on the Paywhirl system. But if they choose to purchase a subscription at any point, the other parts of the API will let them go directly to check-out without having to log in or register on the paywhirl system. We'll also need to declare $paywhirl_id after regular log-in. PS. convertState() is just a simple function that converts the state abbreviations into full state name, which is how paywhirl does it. If it's not a USA state, it should just leave it as is. PSS. I should mention also that json_decode() does not work with the paywhirl json object, for some reason, but $objectToArray does the job.
  6. Composer appears to present no issues. It's probably already on your server, though getting the path might involve a chat with your ISP. Paywhirl has a set of instructions you use on cpanel - terminal to install the paywhirl function libraries for your project. Composer is actually pretty nifty. ```sh $ composer require paywhirl/paywhirl ``` Have placed the following in application_top.php, which is the last step to being able to call paywhirl functions. It's a call to Composer then a specific call to the Paywhirl functions. //paywhirl require_once('/home/#######/vendor/autoload.php'); use PayWhirl\PayWhirl; $api_key = "######################"; $api_secret = "######################"; $paywhirl = new \PayWhirl\PayWhirl($api_key, $api_secret); I can now use paywhirl PHP methods from within the PHP in my oscommerce scripts. These methos allow you to interact with customer records, plans, and subscriptions in their database. Anyway, this is a diary of the paywhirl pseudo-integration I am carrying out at my site to enable restricted content pages available only through subscription. If someone trying to solve a similar problem in the future, I hope this gives you some assistance. If you read this and spot a pitfall for Phoenix, please .make a comment. So far everything seems to be progressing well.
  7. On our site, some pages are planned which will be accessible to visitors who make regular subscription payments. After quite a bit of research, it seems that the Paywhirl resources will be the best for us for managing subscriptions. I don't know if these changes could ever formalized into a full Add On, but I will keep a diary of the process and trouble shooting for the benefit of anyone in the future. We are integrating their solution as much as possible. Although full cart integration is not possible, our site will be storing a customer's Paywhirl credentials in our own oscommerce tables and interacting with Paywhirl through their PHP kit using webhooks and jSON objects, so that, for example, regular oscommerce log-in will be able to determine a customer's subscriber status. I've written mountains of bad PHP in my life, but some of this stuff will be new to me. I'll try to record our progress in this thread. Also, issues may arise for which I am hoping for the assistance of others. For example, Paywhirl utilizes Composer ("a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you."). This is already installed on our server. I don't think that the oscommerce libraries rely on Composer, though I could be wrong. I am just new starting the process of learning about Composer, and I am interested to hear if anyone has encountered compatibility issues with Phoenix. Thanks!
  8. The trouble is PayPal just redesigned their interface (again) so the fine folks on Google will only tell me where I could have found the credentials last year. I'll try again when the full spectrum CBD oil gets here tomorrow.
  9. Using Phoenix. Thanks. Will try again, though so far I have found the interface at PayPal where I am supposed to be able to navigate their developer tools and locate the credentials, basically, inscrutable.
  10. Hello. I am having difficult getting PayPal up and going. When I choose 'Retrieve Live Credentials' in Admin it logs me in just fine at PayPal. However, instead of returning to Admin with updated credentials, I am landing on a blank page at https://www.oscommerce.com/index.php simply displaying : {"rpcStatus":-110} There is a long query string on this oscommerce.com URL with merchantId, merchantIdInPayPal, secret etc. and a few other variables. A query string seems like an insecure way to pass these variables! What do I know? I would just like to get PayPal up and going and I can't seem to figure out how to get the live credentials.
  11. Great contribution! I have gotten it working well on my site. I am going to take it live soon for selling access codes for some premium content. It's not high stakes, so I feel pretty comfortable with the contribution. (It is academic content, so it won't be like criminals will be breaking down the door!) One thing I noticed. When I went through with some test customers, it seems that I am receiving two identical emails to the store as part of checkout process now, where before I was receiving one. I've combed through checkout_process.php and can't seem to locate where this might be coming from. Any ideas? (My site is pretty heavily modded) Thanks again for a great contribution. It is exactly what I need! Cheers!
  12. Hi, Thank you for a great contribution. I spent about a week trying unsuccessfully to get either of the Paypal Payments Pro contributions going on my heavily modded site. I gave up and have been successful with Paypal IPN. I have gone live and have successfully put through two small transactions using my private Paypal account. Everything looks like its working. Except that every day, I get this email. As far as I know, it doesn't correspond to an order, because I haven't begun promoting the site at all and don't have any record of orders or customer contacts. (I haven't started promoting the site at all and only recently removed my password protection, so I'm pretty positive no real order is associated). When I do my test orders, a similar email arrives full of proper information. I have searched and found others who have gotten this message, but not, apparently, auto-generated. I think the module is working, so if anyone know, please let me know what's going on and if this is a problem: ------------------------------------------------------ Unknown Post ------------------------------------------------------ An unknown POST from was received. Are you running any tests? ------------------------------------------------------ PayPal Response ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ Connection Type ------------------------------------------------------ curl: 1 transport: domain: www.paypal.com port: ------------------------------------------------------ Attention! ------------------------------------------------------ This is email has NOT been sent by PayPal. You have received this email via the osCommerce PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN Contribution To discontinue receiving this notice disable 'Debug Email Notifications' in your osCommerce PayPal configuration panel.
  13. Although I have only been working with OS Commerce a few months, I think that Article Manager is one of the best contributions. Really excellent. I am going to be trying to stretch its capabilities over the next few weeks to serve some individual needs, and I want to do it in a way that adheres to OS Commerce principles so that others may benefit. I am going to aim to allow different sets of articles to appear in different boxes in the left or right column. Object oriented programming wouldn't be necessary. Using a function based approach initiated by the scripts from either the left or right columns, a query of a new 'article_group' table in the database etc. could gather the particular 'info_box_contents' for the particular set of articles. In that case, each set wouldn't be separately 'configured'. It would just be a more flexible presentation layer. To make such a system run completely from Admin would require placing a half-dozen or so dormant articles boxes in left_column.php and right_column.php which would be activated by the configuration of a new article group. Ultimately, I think it would be a great thing to rebuild Article Manager from the ground up using object oriented techniques, so that Admin could be used to instantiate separate Article Manager objects. That would be a heck of an application. My brain hurts thinking about it. I know I can bull-doze through over the next week to get this to work for me in a patchwork way, but I would like to create something useful to this group, which has saved me enormous time and effort already. Judging from some of the latest messages, though, Article Manager is on the edge of being hard to troubleshoot already. It looks like some of the veterans of the thread have decided not to support the newcomers because of how hard it is to problem solve. What I don't want to do is overcomplicate it. Please let me know wht you guys think.
  14. Thanks! Being able to search only in titles really helped weed out extraneous results. (For those interested in my question: although there isn't a direct way to sort articles by other fields, RobAnderson, the originator of Article Manager, answered a similar question in the main Article Manager thread by proposing a few easy adjustments to the query sort orders in a few files. Here's the link
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