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  1. First question: before installing, did you have any topics-with-only-one-article? If you don't, please create this situation from your articles admin section, and see how that topic appears in the infobox. I've tried breaking the contribution code in various ways. One thing that results in something like you describe is at either line starting with $topics_string .= tep_href_link(.....etc If the fullstop/period/dot is missing, the effect is to get a URL in the Articles box. But I can't imagine how that would happen by accident. Together with your previous mysteries, I'm beginning to wonder if you have a more general problem. I don't really know where this might be; perhaps you could start by checking the definitions for some general functions used in the latest mod. Compare your current versions of these against freshly downloaded versions of these files: In catalog/includes/functions/database.php function tep_db_query() function tep_db_fetch_array() In catalog/includes/functions/html_output.php function tep_href_link() But that's really a bit of a stab in the dark for me...
  2. If your example was working correctly, it would look like this (By the way I'm assuming that the spacing shown is just the effect of pasting it here, and that it's aligned normally when it displays in your browser.) So it isn't "displaying both the define text and the actual text", it's just that the define label appears, rather than its value. Don't worry too much about the rather strange conditional, you're in the $topic_depth == 'articles' branch. But I still can't tell you why it's happening, since your language file looks just like mine. Ummm, and if it couldn't access that language file I'm pretty sure it would give you that annoying T VALUE error message instead. In your article_listing.php, can you check the code that displays these lines? E.g. for TEXT_ARTICLES at about lines 35-42, it should look like this: ?> <tr> <td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_ARTICLES; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td> </tr> <?php If you reply, it would be helpful to know what you were doing immediately before this problem started. Did you just install Article Manager? Did you make any changes to the code, if so, where? Directly in the database? Editing existing article/topic text? Inserting a new article in a previously working topic?
  3. Those CAPS refer to text strings that are usually found in this file: catalog\includes\languages\english . Can you check that file and see if the entries for those strings are somehow blank? Maybe you've switched to a non-English language that isn't fully translated? Also you might find it useful to know that the latter two are switched on/off in the Admin configuration page: Display Topic in Article Listing Display Date Added in Article Listing The code that makes all three display is found in catalog\includes\modules\article_listing.php , just search for the CAPS text. You could even put /*comment marks*/ around each line of the code to make them disappear, but I'm not suggesting that's a proper solution.
  4. MOD TO ALLOW DIRECT LINKS TO ARTICLES FROM TOP LEVEL Many people have asked how they can link to articles directly from the top level, rather than put them into topics and sub-topics which require the customer to click twice to get to the actual article text. I've seen various solutions suggested and used, some of which involve substantial modifications to the original code. This mod addresses that need, and has the advantage of only making one small modificiation to the info-box file, so you can easily take advantage of future updates. One interesting use for Article Manager with this mod, is as a replacement for the standard "Information" info-box (Shipping & Returns, Privacy, Contact Us, etc). This lets you more easily add to the original 4 categories, in a way that may be more natural to your customers who don't need to visually hunt through two arbitrary categories to look for a subject that interests them. To use: Create a topic with the name you want to appear in the info-box. Create an article (probably with the same name) inside that topic. The info-box link will now point to that article. If you later decide to create a 2nd article within the topic, the link reverts to the article list as normal. The mod is available at http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1709 (You would not believe how long it took me to to solve this with a couple of lines of code!) Thanks to everyone who has contributed to Article Manager and to this thread :thumbsup:
  5. I'm not quite sure what's going on, but it sounds like you should modify the configuration option "Maximum New Articles Per Page", instead of/as well as "Maximum Articles Per Page". Also (this may sound silly) did you make that modification directly in your database, e.g. through PHPMyAdmin? You know you have an easy-to-use configuration page at http://www.YOURSITE.com/catalog/admin/arti...ed_box=articles ? (2nd link down, in the Admin area)
  6. 'Wd khrap to both of you, seems there's a little community here! You may be interested in thaiepay.com, a Thailand-based credit card payment service. They take a percentage of course, 4%, but other than that a good deal. They say they use official BoT monthly averages in currency conversion, which is fair. They can pay directly into around 10 Thai banks including all the obvious ones. They also wrote a payment module for OSC, which is on this site and available from their own. I've applied but since so my site isn't up and running I can't comment on their service. So far the sales have provided competant English answers to my questions. I'm in BKK
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