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rupruprup last won the day on August 4 2020

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    Ralph P.
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  1. the happens when the product has no defined related products only
  2. I really meant language 'defines' , and I know what breaks in 1075, otherwise I could not run the older version on 1075 MODULE_CONTENT_PI_RELATED_PRODUCTS_TITLE MODULE_CONTENT_PI_RELATED_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION were not found, although the file was in place
  3. it was in place and I can't find anything wrong too, but the module did not find the 'defines' I moved back to the old version, this works well with 1075 . The next tests have to wait a few days now ...
  4. cm_pi_related_products.php cannot find the language file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if Use Random Display Order is set 'false" I get this 1054 - Unknown column 'pop_order_id' in 'order clause' SELECT .................... 3'order by pop_order_id, pop_id limit 8
  6. Language file german for cm_i_recently_viewed.php needs corrections ------------------------------------ in cm_pi_recently_viewed.php MODULE_CONTENT_SC_RECENTLY_VIEWED_CONTENT_LIMIT must be MODULE_CONTENT_PI_RECENTLY_VIEWED_CONTENT_LIMIT ------------------------------------- I hope I did not forget anything ...
  7. eigentlich gar keine, das sollte so klappen
  8. I wanted to use it with a Phoenix 1.0.7 ++ shop the sitemaps are generated and are OK except the sitemapindex file it contains just: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"> </sitemapindex> all the other maps are complete ....
  9. the map feature is not recommended, it would be a privacy leak to have a file with customer geo data in your root directory
  10. does the google map feature still work for you?
  11. yes, I used your solution now. Testing around with your file helped me a lot to learn understanding how this hook works
  12. thank you @john I changed the script to <script> $('.align-self-center').prepend('$button'); $script </script> I cleaned both files edit_orders.php and edit_orders_ajax.php a few weeks ago and it works fine
  13. @BrockleyJohn did you have a look at what is to change in the orders_edit_orders.php hook ?
  14. did you test it with a newer Phoenix version ?
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