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  1. Yes, it would. ¿Is there any kind of documentation of oscommerce? (not the install one)
  2. Finaly I wrote a quite simple function, with works fine for me. I only call that function if cPath does not contain "_" string. function get_full_cat_from_cPath ($zipote) { $query_trabajo_1=tep_db_query("SELECT `parent_id` FROM `categories` WHERE `categories_id` = '" . $zipote . "'"); $land = tep_db_fetch_array($query_trabajo_1); $cat_completa = $zipote; while (! $land[parent_id] == 0) { $query_ciclica=tep_db_query("SELECT `parent_id` FROM `categories` WHERE `categories_id` = '" . $land[parent_id] . "'"); $land=tep_db_fetch_array($query_ciclica); if (! $land[parent_id] == 0) { $cat_completa = $land[parent_id] . '_' . $cat_completa; } } return $cat_completa; }
  3. Hi: I am skining my oscommerce 2.3 file by file, and I am making a module for am improved cat listing on index (only certain cats). I want to know, if there is a fast way, from a categories ID, to get the full cat for making the URL to it. From a given categories number, IE: Category id 4817 Full path to 4817 21_29_4751_4746_4817 Is there any other way to make the URL link o a given cat? or to generate the full cPath from a cat id? I hope I explained myself correctly.
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