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    Matevz Likar

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  1. ops there was a mistake in my previous post - the first line should be removed from the script (or commented out): replace (around line 416) reqAddCart.caching = false; reqAddCart.open('GET', link, true); reqAddCart.send(null); with //reqAddCart.caching = false; reqAddCart.open('GET', link, true); reqAddCart.send();
  2. After the script stopped working on the product list page (index.php), while still working on the product page (product_info.php), I tried the fix on the Ajax buy now contribution site - uploaded new ajax_sc.js file, but it broke majority of my jquery scripts. So I compared the old and new ajax_sc.js file, ignored the bulk of the new code at the start and performed only smaller changes: replace (around line 249) if (s.setAttribute) s.setAttribute('src', href); else s.src = href; with s.type = "text/javascript"; //if (s.setAttribute) s.setAttribute('src', href); else s.src = href; $.get( href, function(data) { s.innerHTML = data; } ); replace (around line 416) reqAddCart.caching = false; reqAddCart.open('GET', link, true); reqAddCart.send(null); with reqAddCart.caching = false; reqAddCart.open('GET', link, true); reqAddCart.send(); Now it works for me, together with my jquery scripts. Tested in Safari (Mac), IE (Win), Chrome (Win&Mac) and Firefox (Win&Mac).
  3. Hello, thank you for great script and the update. But when I upload the new ajax_sc.js file all my jquery scripts stop working (they disappear). Can someone suggest how I could fix this? thank you in advance
  4. Hi, I integrated the contribution in my shop and it works, but it changes the currency symbol (€) to an unknown symbol (�). It looks like a mismatch of the encoding tables. I am running my shop on utf-8, but if I change the character encoding in browser to 8859-1 I get the € sign back. I tried with the encoding of the ajax_onchange_price.php but had no success. Is there a place in the code itself that I could change to get it working? Any help will be great!
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