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About gottaloveit

  • Birthday 01/27/1976

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    San Diego, CA

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  1. If you mean the files from the osCommerce contributions section, then the files are usually in zip file format. I don't think the rules allow for posting of URL's, so I would search the Internet for a software that can unzip files.
  2. Recompiling PHP with this module can be tough on some OS's, but even on UNIX/LINUX it is not required to recompile. The fix noted in my previous post allows for PayflowPRO without recompiling PHP, thus working on all OS's. However, the credit card error is because the expiration date being sent to PayflowPRO is not the correct format. The contribution V1.2 fixes that and if you follow the contribution install instructions, it should work fine.
  3. Try this update (V1.2 fix) http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1019
  4. i've integrated payflowpro and oscommerce so you dont have to log into both admin areas. feel free to contact me if you want more info.
  5. see my post: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=21&t=104267
  6. I have payflowpro working. If you are on a shared host, it is going to be a little tough because you either have to have PHP recompiled with payflowpro support or use the fix in the mentioned contrib to run it as binary. But you still need the verisign SDK to get the lib and cert files and put them on your server. Feel free to contact me privately if you need more help.
  7. I would try playing with the stylesheets.
  8. try this: faster loading times
  9. i have used http://www.fpdf.org/ to create packing slips with barcodes on them for warehouse to scan packing slip number. i would rather not post openly as some of the info in the packing slip is proprietary to my customer, however, if anyone is interested, feel free to message me or email me.
  10. Hi there, I have a somewhat interesting situation, I am hoping the coupon gurus can help out with. I am in the process of finishing a store. The store has many products, and the coupons are only on certain products. So while the entire order shows a coupon discount, the coupon discount is still only based on the "eligible" products. The store authorizes the credit card upon checkout, and then ships items accordingly as stock permits. Well, the store only charges the card for the items shipped when they ship the item(s). The charge for each item needs to include the applicaple coupon discount applied, if any. So basically, has anyone come up with something like this, where, not only is the coupon applied to the order, but in the tables, its actually mapped to the products inside the order? At what point during checkout process would you try to do map this in the db, plus a myriad of other questions. Any and all insight, thoughts, suggesstions are most appreciated. thank you, Gottaloveit
  11. Hi there, I have a somewhat interesting situation, I am hoping the coupon gurus can help out with. I am in the process of finishing a store. The store has many products, and the coupons are only on certain products. So while the entire order shows a coupon discount, the coupon discount is still only based on the "eligible" products. The store authorizes the credit card upon checkout, and then ships items accordingly as stock permits. Well, the store only charges the card for the items shipped when they ship the item(s). The charge for each item needs to include the applicaple coupon discount applied, if any. So basically, has anyone come up with something like this, where, not only is the coupon applied to the order, but in the tables, its actually mapped to the products inside the order? At what point during checkout process would you try to do map this in the db, plus a myriad of other questions. Any and all insight, thoughts, suggesstions are most appreciated. thank you, Gottaloveit
  12. How about this: On my backup.php file i inserted this text on line 411 after the <tr> <td class="smallText" colspan="4"><?php echo TEXT_LAST_RESTORATION . ' ' . DB_LAST_RESTORE . ' <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_BACKUP, 'action=forget') . '">' . TEXT_FORGET . '</a>'; ?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> and before the </table></td> <?php $heading = array(); <?php // beginning of optimizing date add on ?> <tr> <td class="smallText" colspan="4"> <?php $optimize_date_query = tep_db_query("select date_format(start_date,\"%m-%d-%Y) as start_date from optimize_check where counter = '1'"); $optimize_date = tep_db_fetch_array($optimize_date_query); echo 'Database Last Auto-Optimized: <b>'.$optimize_date['start_date'].'</b>'; ?> </td> </tr> <?php // end of optimizing date add on ?> Hope that helps
  13. This is a great contribution. one idea though, possible change. i installed on a heavily modified installation, with lots of traffic. there are 144 tables so far on this site, with feature plans probably growing to about 160. because of this, and because we don't want any customer to lose performance, i decided to put the: require(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'optimize_table.php'); inside /admin/index.php as: require('optimize_table.php'); and put the optimize_table.php file in the same folder as the /admin/index.php file. this way, the script loads whenever an admin logs in. food for thought, but great contrib. thanks :)
  14. Hello, sounds like you got a great method to get your orders shipped out. By using this method with QuickBooks, is there a method created or thought of that would export the tracking number back into oscommerce and then send a customer email?
  15. The instructions in the mod had the following: In \admin\includes\database_tables.php add: define('TABLE_CANCELLED_ORDERS', 'cancelled_orders'); define('TABLE_CANCELLED_ORDERS_PRODUCTS', 'cancelled_orders_products'); define('TABLE_CANCELLED_ORDERS_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES', 'cancelled_orders_products_attributes'); define('TABLE_CANCELLED_ORDERS_PRODUCTS_DOWNLOAD', 'cancelled_orders_products_download'); define('TABLE_CANCELLED_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY', 'cancelled_orders_status_history'); define('TABLE_CANCELLED_ORDERS_TOTAL', 'cancelled_orders_total'); in \admin\includes\filenames.php add: define('FILENAME_CANCELLED_ORDERS', 'cancelled_orders.php'); Were those 2 files modified?
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