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    Kerry Mapes
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  1. Check your personal message. I sent you one today concerning these problems.
  2. Hi! This is my busy time of the year as I have been packing and shipping products for the Christmas Season. I've taken a quick look at your problems and this is what I see. The program at this point will test only the sale price against products price, not against the product price plus tax. I will have to look at this more in depth for the changes to be made to take into account the taxes. Not everyone includes their discount with taxes, the taxes are usually added on to the cost. At least that is how it is usually done in the US. The changes I made were for a quick fix in certain situations. Again I will have to look at this more in depth to handle more possibilities for the date format. You can try this and see if changing some code will work for you. In the function gfc_date_format look for $compare_format = array('mm', 'dd', 'yyyy'); function gfc_date_format($date) { $new_array = false; $format_string = explode("/", DOB_FORMAT_STRING); $compare_format = array('mm','dd','yyyy'); $date_array = explode("/", $date); foreach($format_string as $kf=>$vf) { foreach($compare_format as $kc=>$vc) { if($vf == $vc) { $new_array[$k] = $date_array[$kf]; break; } } } return $date = ($new_array) ? implode("/", $new_array) : $date; } Change the 'yyyy' to the value that you need 'jjjj' See if this works. As I look at these things and come up with a solution I will let you know. You can let me know if the above works for you. Thanks
  3. When the limit_quantity field is 0 (which is the default value) then the program does no comparison. Only when there is a value greater than 0 in the limit_quantity field is it used to turn specials off. The end date is the main field that the mod uses to control when a sale ends Try reading the README text file under: What this contribution should accomplish: 1 b Perhaps that will help you to better understand what limit_quantity does. As stated in one of my earlier posts I plan to look at this mod after the first of the year and I appreciate anyone's input or problems as it will help me to improve it for everyone.
  4. This is just something I missed. In admin/specials_maintenance.php around line 27 Replace this line: $products_price = (isset($_GET['price']) && !empty($_GET['price'])) ? intval($_GET['price']):0; With this: $products_price = (isset($_GET['price']) && !empty($_GET['price'])) ? floatval($_GET['price']):0; My date format is set up as "mm/dd/yyyy" so I had not tested this against other date formats. For a temporary fix that should work look in: admin/includes/functions/gfc_general.php Around line 31 replace the function completely. This: function gfc_format_date($date, $time=false) { if($time === false) { if(preg_match('/^([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{4,4})$/',$date)) { list($month, $day, $year) = explode('/', $date); $date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", mktime(00, 00, 00, $month, $day, $year)); } } else { if(preg_match('/^([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{4,4})$/',substr($date, 0, strrpos($date, '/')+5))) { list($month, $day, $year) = explode('/', substr($date, 0, strrpos($date, '/')+5)); list($hours, $minute, $seconds) = explode(':', substr($date, strrpos($date, '/')+5)); $date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", mktime($hours, $minute, $seconds, $month, $day, $year)); } } return $date; } Replace with these two functions: function gfc_date_format($date) { $new_array = false; $format_string = explode("/", DOB_FORMAT_STRING); $compare_format = array('mm','dd','yyyy'); $date_array = explode("/", $date); foreach($format_string as $kf=>$vf) { foreach($compare_format as $kc=>$vc) { if($vf == $vc) { $new_array[$k] = $date_array[$kf]; break; } } } return $date = ($new_array) ? implode("/", $new_array) : $date; } function gfc_format_date($date, $time=false) { $date = gfc_date_format($date); if($time === false) { if(preg_match('/^([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{4,4})$/',$date)) { list($month, $day, $year) = explode('/', $date); $date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", mktime(00, 00, 00, $month, $day, $year)); } } else { if(preg_match('/^([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{4,4})$/',substr($date, 0, strrpos($date, '/')+5))) { list($month, $day, $year) = explode('/', substr($date, 0, strrpos($date, '/')+5)); list($hours, $minute, $seconds) = explode(':', substr($date, strrpos($date, '/')+5)); $date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", mktime($hours, $minute, $seconds, $month, $day, $year)); } } return $date; } You're the second one with this problem and can be solved by replacing this function: In admin/specials_maintenance.php around line 499 find; function specials_check_quantity($qty, $specials_qty) { if($specials_qty < $qty) return true; return false; } Replace with this code: function specials_check_quantity($qty, $specials_qty) { /* remove logic for check of quantity if($specials_qty < $qty) return true; return false; */ return true; } I use this on my website and so far it has worked smoothly for me. Of course other users can have a different set up then me and may run into some problems. Just let me know as I do want this to work for most cases. I will be revisiting this program some time after the first of the year. In the meantime let me know if you have problems.
  5. Hi Jasper, Sorry it took so long to reply. I've had personal business to take care of lately. The problem with turning off the product quantity check is there will be no way to track the number of products sold at the special price. I suggest you add a quantity into your products_quantity field for those products you want to put on special. Oscommerce will subtract the quantity from the product if have set the system to subtract the quantity. Go to: Configuration-Stock-Subtract stock and set it to true. This will allow the Specials Maintenance system to track the sales of products sold at the special price quantity goal. This should not affect your regular sales as it is the "Allow Checkout" configuration that affect sales being allowed. Keep in mind that my system is not set to stop at the exact special quantity during the checkout process. Read the "READ ME" file number 1-b under "What this contribution should accomplish:" to understand how the specials quantity works. I will revisit this situation when I start work on my next update to Specials Maintenance.
  6. Simple question. You did set the handling fee in admin? If you did then this is where the handling fee is processed in usps.php if (($method == '' && in_array($type, $this->types)) || $method == $type) { if (strpos($type, "Flat Rate")) $type_flat = $type . ', subject to verification'; else $type_flat = $type; $methods[] = array('id' => $type, 'title' => $type_flat, 'cost' => ($cost + MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_HANDLING) * $shipping_num_boxes); } } If your fee is set and the line with "MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_HANDLING" has not been modified then it should work. NOTE: Above is set to not adding a handling fee to a flat rate shipping fee. If you want to charge a handling fee for that service than some additional coding would need to be done.
  7. The logic looks good in program. You haven't changed anything in the program? You do have the table mode set to "weight"? You weights are set in products file "products_weight"? I know those are simple and small things but sometimes it's the small things we overlook.
  8. There are no zones for Australia in the original Oscommerce database so they need to be added. REMEMBER TO BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES In phpmyadmin run this query to add zones to the zone file INSERT INTO `zones` (`zone_country_id`, `zone_code`, `zone_name`) VALUES (13, 'ACT', 'Australian Capital Territory'), (13, 'NSW', 'New South Wales'), (13, 'NT', 'Northern Territory'), (13, 'QLD', 'Queensland'), (13, 'SA', 'South Australia'), (13, 'TAS', 'Tasmania'), (13, 'VIC', 'Victoria'), (13, 'WA', 'Western Australia'); If these are not correct in spelling make whatever changes are needed keeping the same format. You can also add others before running your query if needed. Your countries_id is '13' so keep that consistent as it will not show in your zone drop down if it is anything different. Good luck
  9. KDM

    USPS ?

    It's always important to make note of a version of an add-on because people are always updating the add-ons. At some point it can becomes really hard to know which version you installed. You can check inside the 'readme' text file or 'changes' text file to see what they have listed as the last version change. Plus since nothing has been changed in your website it is possible that changes have been made by USPS on their end that affects your program. Look at the different USPS forums concerning that possibility. Wish I could be more help. This is main reason I stay away from contributions that a third party (UPS, USPS, etc.) can make changes that creates a rush to changes while losing business. Good luck.
  10. You talk about this being a great add-on but which add-on is that? I checked your store and you have an error message that reveals your path. That is never good. The error mentions ultimate_seo_urls5. If that is the add-on you are talking about you should take this to that contribution forum. The link below will take you there. FWR is great at responding to questions about his contributions. ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 - by FWR Media Seo Urls new development - PHP 5 only
  11. KDM

    USPS ?

    Unless someone has had this particular error no one will know much about it. Give us more information. What version Osc? What add-on if any and if an add-on what version is the add-on? Base information like that will help us to help you.
  12. In both 2.2a and 2.3.1 Osc the primary is countries_id as it should be because most of the time the file is accessed by the id. And the countries_name is a secondary key. So unless you have made a change to your countries file it should look like this: drop table if exists countries; create table countries ( countries_id int(11) not null auto_increment, countries_name varchar(255) not null , countries_iso_code_2 char(2) not null , countries_iso_code_3 char(3) not null , address_format_id int(11) not null , PRIMARY KEY (countries_id), KEY IDX_COUNTRIES_NAME (countries_name) ); Above is 2.3.1 database. The only difference between this and 2.2a is countries_name is varchar(64). I'm don't think you need countries_id as your key field as it is already set as primary. Above when you say "key name" are you talking about countries_name or "name"? This is a bit confusing. I would still go with what I said above with the exception that I would not do a truncate but just run the "drop table if exists countries; create table countries ( etc" before restoring the countries file, this will in effect set your countries file keys and such to the original. Again if you have some contribution that depends on some change to the countries file you will have trouble with that contribution. This is pretty much my best suggestion as the information given is very limited. REMEMBER TO ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE YOU MAKE ANY CHANGES TO IT.
  13. How do you receive your tracking information from UPS now?
  14. Have you looked in admin - customers - orders? There you can click on the edit button for each customer. On that page is a drop down list to select a status to update the order. If you want you can implement that logic into your process you have created.
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