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About photofxplus

  • Birthday 12/20/1954

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  1. This seems to be a common question. Most contributions use an sql file to update the database. Versions up to 3.0 did not perform any changes to the database. The necessary variable were hard coded and changed by the user. These variables were set on pages, catalog/admin/customer_verify.php and catalog/create_account.php. I receievd a request to move these variables to the Admin panel - Customers/Customer Verification. This would enable the store owner to change these variables from the Admin panel rather than needing to change the files and re-load. So along came version 4.0, the newer version allows the store owner to administer changes to the contribution from the Admin panel rather than accessing the file code - and thus needs to place these varibles somewhere else for safekeeping. So I did instigate some database changes - and still did it without an sql file for previous version updates version 3 to 4 as well. This means that you never need an sql file for early versions, and still do not need one for the latest version. The database updates are performed when you click the 'Update' button in the Admin panel under customers/customer verification. Even if you have previously installed version 3.0 or prior - then updated to 4.0, the code will check first time for database updates from previous versions which did not require it. If the database updates have not been added then the new rows will be inserted. There after the new rows are only updated. You can see this on page: admin/customer_verify.php Line:131 if ($check['total'] > '0') { while (list($key, $value) = each($post_array)) { $update_array = array('configuration_value' => $value); tep_db_perform(TABLE_CONFIGURATION, $update_array, 'update', "configuration_key = '" . $key . "'"); } // Check if RETURN_URL exists in db - if not - needs to be inserted first time for previous version update $check_query = tep_db_query("select configuration_key from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key = 'RETURN_URL' limit 1"); if (tep_db_num_rows($check_query) < 1) { tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, date_added) values ('FX_Verification_Email', 'RETURN_URL', '" . $post_array['RETURN_URL'] . "', now())"); } } else { while (list($key, $value) = each($post_array)) { tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, date_added) values ('FX_Verification_Email', '" . $key . "', '" . $value . "', now())"); } } As always I appreciate the feedback. Speaking of which, I received a PM from Patrick van Zuijlen concerning the following, I am working on this - but I have two other websites that I have to finish first, (I get paid for them) and they are some major projects. It will be a few weeks yet - but I intend to upload a new version of FX_Email_Verfication in the future. Any other suggestions or comments concerning a new version would be appreciated. Please post to this forum.
  2. I have just posted the new version FX_Email_Verification 4.0a The newer version address's the requested option of the email link in the password email sent to the customer. Store owner now has the option of choosing to redirect customer to the password change page or the default page. This option is added to the Settings box in the Admin Panel. Numerous other editing has been performed - Register Globals enhancements - and a number of changes to the create_account page. Thanks to all the above for the suggestions.
  3. OK guys - Ill put it in the contrib and upload a complete pckg. Thanks for the input.. Better yet - I will add the option to the Settings box in the Admin Panel..
  4. Dont forget the update_a.. Install this as well. Its just one page for the language file.
  5. You should download the latest version 4.0 plus the update 4.0-Update_a instead.. You can install directly over 3.0. I could do that - have the link go to change password instead - however the customer would still have to log on using the generated password first in order to access the page. If you want you can change the link in the email yourself. Page: catalog\create_account.php Around Line 279 $fx_link = HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG . FILENAME_LOGIN; Change to: $fx_link = HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG . FILENAME_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD;
  6. OK, I uploaded an update - but if you want to do it maually then change the file: At the top find this: // Sets the session expire time to be displayed in minutes for the email if (isset($SESS_LIFE)) { $sess_minutes = $SESS_LIFE/60; } else { $sess_minutes = '-contact store owner for details-'; } Put this under it: if (defined('ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_EXPIRY')) { $days = ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_EXPIRY; } else { $days = '30'; } Then change Line 36 to this: define('EMAIL_NOTE', SEPERATER . "\n" . 'The password above is temporary and will expire in ' . $days . ' days.' . "\n" . 'Using the return link above within ' . $sess_minutes . ' minutes will restore any items you may have had in your shopping cart.' . "\n\n");
  7. Yeah I tried it after posting and could not get it to work either.. sorry Try the update.
  8. I have just posted an update to address the above issue. Thank you for your comments scorp.. FX_Email_Verification_4.0-Update_a http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5678
  9. The expiration of the link details how long the session id should last. If the customer had any products in the cart before creating the account then - when they return the cart should still be there. That was on previous versions which included the session id in the link. v4.0 just has a link back to the log-in page because I found out that including the session id was not neccessary to restore cart contents. But you are right - that part of the email should be changed - worded better - and your suggestion to include a password expiration date would be nice. I will add that in the next update. You could do it yourself: Page 'catalog/includes/languages/english/create_account_redirect.php' Line 36 define('EMAIL_NOTE', SEPERATER . "\n" . 'The return link above is temporary and will expire in ' . defined('ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_EXPIRY') ? ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_EXPIRY : 30; . ' days.' . "\n\n"); Thank you.
  10. FX_Email_Verification v4.0 just posted. This version offers complete user editing of Settings from the Admin Panel. Previous versions required manual editing in the code pages for the following settings: 1. Account verification date - this setting allows the store owner to set the date that all customers whom have created an account before or after to be displayed or not on the customer verification page. 2. Password length - allows the store owner to set the length of the emailed password in characters. 3. Password expiry time in days - displays status of account if account has not been logged into from account creation date to now. 4. Display password text boxes on Create Account page - by request, store owner has the option of displaying password text boxes on the Create Account page. This version now writes to the databse table 'configuration' with the four constants named above.
  11. As per request this topic is in regards to my contribution FX_Email_Verification. This contribution attempts to prevent bogus email address's upon creation of new accounts. Once an account is created the customer is emailed a password which will allow them to log in. The password fields on the Create Account page are dimmed and prepopulated with a randomly created password. These fields cannot be edited and/or selected by the customer. The store owner has the option to display these password fields or not to display them on the Create Account page. The contribution includes and Admin panel addition under customers. This selection titled 'Verify Customers' allows the store owner to view which accounts have been created and not logged into. After creating a new account, even using a bogus email address, the information is still written to the database. 'Verify Customers' will display all customers that have not logged into their account - within a set time period. This set time period can be edited - default value is 30 days which means that anyone that has created the account and has not logged in after 30 days after will be displayed with a status indicater of red in the 'Password Expired' column. One other useful date that can be edited is the 'account verification start date', all customers before this date will not display on the 'Verify Customers' page. Reason - that account has already been created, bogus email or not. Customer accounts can be deleted from the 'Customer Verify' page. Installation is simple, just copy the catalog folder over your existing. No database changes.. The contribution includes a read_me.txt which explains more specifics concerning editing variables such as where they are and values. Please post any suggestions, comments, and/or issues in this topic.
  12. Free Downloads FX v3.4 The newest version of Free Downloads FX has been posted. This version has been extensively tested in PayPals sandbox. The contribution allows store owners to offer free downloads of trial version software. Upon download the customer will receive an email with an activation link. Clicking this link will bring the customer back to the product_info page where the product will be displayed. The customer can then complete the payment process. The only payment options for this contribution is thru PayPal. After succesfull payment as determined by PayPals IPN module, the customer will then receive an activation email with the registration code included. Also, after payment the customer will be able to request that this registration code be resent from their account history page where a link will be provided. If the product has not been paid for there will be a registration request link in its stead. The contribution is mainly designed to allow for creation of the Product Name, download file, and associated registration number of the created product prior to upload of the product itself. The admin section has an add-on that will allow this. After creating the information in the database, the created download file name and registration number should be applied to the product. This allows for multiple product insertion of the same Product Name, a unique download file name and registration number for each product. You can also edit products one at a time and apply registration numbers manually. The emails can be edited and include the customer name when sent. This contribution can be download here: Free Downloads FX v3.4 Any questions I will be around for about 3 weeks as of the date of this post.
  13. PayPal should be returning the customer id and order id to your store with the IPN. Do you have the correct settings at your PayPal account? Enable IPN.. You can also designate the page the customer is returned to.
  14. You did create an account in osC first right? You need to be logged in as a customer with an account before you can check out.. Sounds more like a session or cookie problem than a problem with PayPal
  15. Hurrah! Good job.. Sometimes I feel that this programming stuf requires more determination than anything else. Thanks for posting the answer.. Lloyd
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